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Friday, December 21, 2012

Thank you, Mayan 21st December, 2012

Somebody from the distant past (Mayan), seemed to give me a great gift on this day!
A whole lot of people around are all at once.....
not at all tensed up (seldom do we worry about something so bizzare , unknown, and most importantly ...'said to affect a lot many of us at a time'..... we are worried only about being singled out!)...
not at all... 'expecting'.... (we really don't know what to expect!)...
and, a lot many such “elusive” conditions that these spiritual gurus lay down for that 'evolvement'!
Many of them, so easily fulfilled!
“They” say (the 'wise' ones...).... “go about your routine, everyday, with that God, Him, at the back of the mind all the time.....”... Here, it is almost that... we are doing our routine, with that Mayan-21stDec2012, at the back of the mind.... that too, a lot many of us at the same time.... Where as, usually, we 'appear to do the same thing together, simultaneously,' but.... at the back of the mind , it is totally dissimilar.... that is why perhaps even the 'exciting' things of yester years have turned sour even the 'first-time'!
True, there is a similar occasion, like midnight of 31st December... each year...
we are all focused on one thing .... the stroke of bell announcing midnight, the dawn of new year...
but at the back of our mind, there are a lot of dissimilar things.... of the past.... about the future... which makes us so different from this unique “21st December, 2012”!!!
(Maybe, nature too has chosen to celebrate this kind of energy, charge, ambiance created by so many of us so well focused..... that.... it decided to extend the 'lease of our life, our planet..'!!!

Hopefully yours,
psn( 21st December, 2012)

Monday, December 17, 2012


Bad... Very bad it is.... we feel bad... things go bad... when.....
When that 'timing' does not rhyme with the need of the situation and our actions....!
Some people even struggle about 'sense of time'... and only then,..... to think of that 'timing'..... and get caught asking an “English-man” ... thus, : Sir, what is time? (instead of what is “the” time...)... 'Time keepers' are a humble lot .... please... spare them of the 'response-ability' to vouch for anything here....
There are a few... my geography teacher at school, for instance... who is at once into timelessness, when that teacher starts 'delivering' geography in our class... We all share the 'pain' and time stands still for 40 minutes! I even used to wonder if that teacher would render all the 'lullaby-singers' to be jobless... babies of any kind, on an as-is-where-is condition can be guaranteed to be put to sleep with one 10-minute lecture of this teacher!... There was no 'recording' device within our reach, in those days.... or else, this tone, this inimitable style, etc... would have been a much sought-after-software by many people... like our politicians who want no disruptions in parliament...!
Some movies have unexpected success (run-away hit/success!)... just because of the 'timing'... A great movie would have failed to meet the expectations of a large audience, who suddenly find this small, low-budget mediocre movie to be a great relief/solace to come back to their normalcy after that depression due to disappointment!

I had early taste of it, when as a kid, under the 'supervision' of my dad, we set about to hunt the rat that used to tear apart almost anything around the house.... clothes, books, bedding .... anything!.. we were armed with sticks, and that broom stick's handle end to be used to smother it... I could never land a hit on that swift tiny creature with whatever weapon I was weilding! So effortlessly it was able to dodge my blows!... The elders managed to hit it, while we were only able to support in diverting its runway backwards... Much later, I learnt that it is better to 'sweep' sideways, so that the sync is better than my ability of 'timing' the hit at 90-degree-angle while it is on a run!... A sweep in an opposite direction renders it senseless for a fraction of a moment, when it is swept along with the handle end of that broom towards a wall or so..... and then very soon, and very swiftly, make a brief hit not losing too much time in lifting the weapon too high... the third hit can be severe, if we have the patience to later on swipe spills of its bleeding nose etc!... Feeling very much 'humiliated' by this tiny creature, I made it a point to 'master' the skills to match the take-off speed of that house-fly!... I managed to catch the house-fly with bare hands (now, the agility is worn off, of course!)... The point is, sense of timing is indispensible with almost anything and everything that we do in our lives..... except... except.... the walk on the pathless path... spirituality! Here it is not the 'timing' that matters... it is not even matter that matters... nothing matters!.... nothingness, literally!

With ills of ill-timings,
yours untimely,
Psn(17th December, 2012)

Friday, November 30, 2012


When I was attempting to practice at being silent, and attempting to explain silence,

and yet attempting to maintain silence while explaining about silence, the following

types of silence occurred to me....

Please see if some of these seem 'amusing' to you too !

1. Deafening Silence
2. confusing Silence
3. awesome Silence
4. Frightening Silence
5. eeric Silence
6. mysterious Silence
7. deceptive Silence
8. peaceful Silence
9. serene Silence
10. blissful Silence
11. deep Silence

(From an old email, that I sent to a few friends...  (10th october, 2006)...   Even now, it has amusement value...  so I thought why not 'blog' it!)
Silently yours,
psn(30th November, 2012)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Surrender or Acceptance!

We talk of complete surrender....  (in that spiritual sense!)...

We talk of dynamic-acceptance....   (in that spiritual sense!)...


How to distinguish from the "hands-up" threatened and helpless type of surrender?

To whom...  do we surrender?
The "why" is ....  let us presume that we know...  for that 'freedom".... of course...    
And then, that becoming non-choosy.....    moving towards that 'choice-less-ness'...!!!



The question has to be alive!

(image source: )

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

How do you self motivate

The catch is... the 'how' is about automation, not about knowing the mechanics! A person who is really keen to know how to find it 'within' simply looks within.... and finds it.... (how do you know what is within me?..)....
Several problems(of life) find answer in this one query of 'motivation'....
That is the problem.... that is the problem why motivation haunts some people!.... (as a kid, I found it very difficult to find the relevance of that 'moral-science-class' in our 3rd/4th standard... it was a 'problem' that I could not solve .... not the understanding of it... the 'why at all'.... whatever was 'prescribed' in those 'morals' was already well covered under the 'law governing kids'!!! Those days, almost any elder around seemed to have had an 'equal-unquestionable-right' to admonish any kid around! That was when I found this 'motivation' to be also a 'need'!!! I needed the motivation to get the 'wheels-of-learning' to move towards understanding 'moral-science'.... there was a test on it... another problem!)...
Other wise, this motivation really never bothered me.... Nor did others try to remind me... It was already an abstract concept... vague too... Somebody trying to prescribe it to me was almost like inviting trouble for oneself (!!)... And, not even that spiritual teacher!.... it was the other way... when it got too much into me, this teacher was 'prevailed upon' by the balancing half to 'de-motivate' me, at least enough to pay some attention to the family! Now, I got the clue... what that automation is all about!
These abstract concepts.... each has one's own opinion... It is like those traffic laws... we comply with a generally-acceptable-rule only for the sake of uniformity....
it does affect us ... our perception of it.... etc...
Something like this must have happened... otherwise, even I was a bit sceptical about my own answer !!!
psn(27th November, 2012)

How do you self motivate yourself?

If a tiger is chasing us, we do not look for any 'motivation' factor to decide whether to run for our life! The response is faster perhaps than the reaction.... Even on a hungry stomach, the body is 'ready' to run (no laziness problems, no lethargy.... even that minor headache takes a back-bench!)...
The problem is the absence of fear/threat/security-need/etc... When the nature pampers the people, the whole society lacks that motivating factor... Secure government-job, assured pension... no motivation to work sincerely!
The only way is to deepen the perception.... A person with wider and deeper perception has an expanded vision, and finds the priorities getting realigned by themselves deep within... The evolvement happens by itself... That is why the ancient people tried to prescribe a structured pattern of life-style... The present day generation simply threw those values to winds, in the name of 'modernity'!.. Now we keep searching for tools to reinvent the wheel!

Sunday, November 25, 2012


The meaning is not so difficult as the problem of identifying it right within us, especially at its subtle levels....
A sophisticated name given is 'Karma'... (Example, somebody cannot arise before 6 am... it is a karma of that person.... some day, that person wakes a bit earlier, and yet remains cheerful, amenable .... not irritable due to waking 10 minutes earlier.... has really broken a karma... or has broken that 'adamancy' within...)...
The bulk of the people were adamant that earth is flat.... Also about Sun going around earth... About God 'existing' (even the proposal to ask, whether God “Exists” is perhaps irrelavent... Exist is relevant only for perishables/vanishables... ).... The athiests are lesser adamant perhaps, when we look at the 'blind-belief' of security-seeking devotees who foreclose the possibility to experience something and 'knowing' it instead of just 'believing' it! Not all athiests... only those who insist that “let me see, and then agree,... I am open ..... ever open.... infinitely open... to keep looking if it is true..... when so many since so long... have been saying He is ....”....
The teacher was adamant.... kids MUST do some good deed, as a part of class-project.... she had to fill up the report to be submitted to the 'princi'.... The kids 'got-it' right about the teacher.... they reported... “Miss, we did it... Both the three of us together helped the old lady to cross the road!!!”.... “Good,” said the 'Miss'... she 'missed' to see it instantly, but having noted the 'report', she asked again the three kids... “But... why did it take all-the-3 of you to help that old lady cross the street?”... That was too easy for those innocent kids to explain, “Miss (again, a miss!)... that is because she never wanted to go to the other side, but.... we HAD to do some good deed!”... (Like... the transfer of 'insurable-interest' into others, ..... transfer of teacher's adamancy into kids...!!!)... Kids “just” pick up the traits from adults around... The mother doesn't know how to cook that lady's finger without making it sticky/messy/drooling..... so conveniently says “My kids don't like lady's finger.... what to do!... I am unable to do anything about it...”... The kids 'assume'... “if our mom says so.... it must be true... I don't like it...”.... and till somebody does it superbly at some star-hotel, and they are forced to eat it, and then discover “Oh! Have I been missing THIS... all along?”... and now it is the mom's turn to miss the affection,.... to the extent..... of a small fraction of a percentage... (I am omitting father-examples.... too many would get badly hurt!)...
Spirituality insists adamantly that seekers should drop their adamency about perception ONLY through sensory levels..... Take a look at those 'intense' practices, processes prescribed... and good teachers consciously 'plug' any incidental benefits, especially those super-powers, to ensure that it is not going to shift the problem from one leg to another.... (leg/problem?.... yessss! There was a mad-saint... the 'madman of Narayanath'... he slept under a 'possesed' tree... the giant of that tree tried in vain to scare our saint... frustrated, now the giant insisted on giving/granting some boon... the saint brushed it aside, the proposal... the giant saw that there is no point in being 'adamant' with this saint, so pleaded/implored/begged.... 'please sir... if I do not do 'something' about/to/for/concerning you, it affects my image and my 'presence' at this huge tree...'... “Okay...” said our generous saint.. “If you insist.. then please shift the ailment of my right leg to my left leg...” (he was afflicted by that elephant-leg-disease.... one leg was very thick, heavy and had to be dragged... not walked with...!!!)... that was the shifting of problem from one leg to another... Those Asthmatics who also happen to be a little open-minded may happen to agree, when the wheezing is better, there is some other ailment in the 'offing'... (traditionally, it is believed that this astma is nothing but stubbornness manifested/translated into a dis-ease... and that strictly speaking, it is not an ailment at all!.... just psycho...)... Then what about those 'stress', 'tensions'... etc.. the very name hints at some kind of adamancy/stubbornness.... the result may add a few pressure-benefits like bp etc!...
Not a new concept at all.... Just that very few 'Masters' really tampered with the nomenclature... for obvious reasons.... Perhaps, an ancient exception is, that “maiyaa mori..... mai NAHI... maakhan khayo...”... when the adamant mom yielded under emotional stress of being reminded that she was after all a step-mother, and therefore adamant.... she melted... and now the song is... “Mayaa mori... mai NE HI maakhan khayo...” mom has conceded.... what is the point in hanging on to falsehood?
If only we are not adamant about not peeping into our selves, to look, and see, if we have some subtle adamancy dorment within us.... while there is still some time left.... ! (Anyways, if we 'remain' ...... to be too old... this adamancy is going to catch up with us, leaving behind our cohesive thinking, ..... the hither-to-cleverness of clandestinely suppressing our adamant tendencies cleverly... and would reveal it all to all around... till we get disposed to some nearby old-age-home!)...
(and now,... a teaser perhaps... ) Those who are adamant about their 'flexibility'... needlessly if needed, at any time... can try out to distinguish the subtle difference between 'Hatred and Resistance' on one hand, and “Jealousy and intolerance” on the other... it is now upto them to try and fit-in this adamancy into these two pairs, or else, treat it as a 'brain-child' of these two pairs of couples!
I do not insist about any response of any 'kind'.... it can be unkind too! Not necessarily in-kind!
adamantly yours,
psn(25th November, 2012)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Through betrayal, deceit, disappointment etc...

What?...... Through these.....what???
The other side of the coin..... (this phrase would 'warrant' a scrutiny too... 'others-side, same coin? Not another coin?'... so please do take a note).....   
Corporate level HR people too, are grappled with the problem of making their employees aware of the distinction between abstract terms like trust, belief, expectation and the likes... It is not possible to codify the rules to demarcate the distinction, even less possible to 'expect' adherence by enforcement! 'Team spirit' abounds in these, and also ensures minor rivalries to remain contained at tolerable levels!
Spiritual pursuit throws up abrupt hurdles at most 'unlikely' places, demanding greater precision while sifting through the known yardsticks to be used for measuring the ever-new-looking situations (these situations are deep within... not that tangible, material, manage-to-face-it ones that we see on the outside world of ours!)...
As the clarity between Trust, Expectation, belief etc dawns.... the relevance of the 'opposites' being looked at ... also as 'other-side-of-the-coin' would become obvious (those terse texts from ancient scriptures substantiate it, but referringto those is 'frying-pan-to-fire' leap!)...
Back to perception!
Back to intuitive aspect of mind....
Back to basics of 'life'!
Or... keep compounding the mis-understandings, keep struggling to even sustain inter-personal-skills, and enjoy the incidental by-products which affect only the 'ease' of life in an acute and chronic manner!

'Sincerely-sinned'.... and yet, yours,
psn(14thNovember, 2012)

(The brief attention span constitutes the best of deterrents to my erstwhile tendency to elongate a blog!.... Lack of response is an incidental benefit, of course!)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Language Languish!

I know of a 'wonder-full', amazing person.... who never fails to amaze me, never fails to make me wonder....!
All he does, is ridiculously simple.... He just quotes somebody else!
'Sounds' so simple!....
But please see,
quoting from.... our-own-within.... (your own inner voice, or still worse, the non-verbal thought...!!!),
is itself .... “a job”... (we realise only when we struggle to erase it at times, having said something “in an utterly stupid way!”...)
Picking the words of so many varieties of minds....
matching it with the concepts within us, to enhance the ideas within, already struggling for apt words, .... matching it with better words, to enhance the very same ideas, embellishing it unto perfection... something that words do not seem to adequately 'appreciate'!

I dedicate this blog to that quote-wizard... 'ETBA'

That which impressed me, I quote below, and leave it to readers to decide ....
whether I “quoted” a wrong price for something too precious!...
For,.... this time it is merely about.... the...... 'quotable-quotes'.....!!!
psn(27th October., 2012)

(One of the responses, by 'ETBA'.... that mystic-well-wisher!)

Instead of saying 

I don’t have time” 

try saying “ it’s not a priority,” 

and see how that feels. 

Often, that’s a perfectly adequate explanation.

I have time to iron my sheets, I just don’t want to. 

But other things are harder. 

Try it: “I’m not going to edit your résumé, sweetie, because it’s not a priority.”

I don’t go to the doctor because my health is not a priority.” 

If these phrases don’t sit well, that’s the point. 

Changing our language reminds us that time is a choice. 

If we don’t like how we’re spending an hour, 

we can choose differently.” 

Wall Street Journal

Monday, October 22, 2012

Joke: Not always a laughing matter!

When a joke happens, how well or how badly to laugh?
That was the query!

Psn(22nd October, 2012)

For a nice joke,do you smile,grin,laugh or burst into laughter?

My 'lost' laugh at it:
Oh! It has to depend upon the situation around!
some jokes happen..... they are not narrated.... and if it is a serene condolence meeting, we have to even suppress our laugh biting the tongue quietly within!
the other way, when the boss is telling a joke, listen to it as if we are hearing it for the first time, and plead to him intensely not to be so cruel, leaving us to laugh so uncontrollably! (it pays!)..
When a spiritual master narrates a joke,
merge into it.... or miss a golden chance of enlightenment... (zen stories!)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Presidential debate at USA

I liked to look at the spiritual aspect of it....
Tough decisions going to be taken, for the growth of the economy, needs an emotionally strong nation, an emotionally stable society, which can sustain cheerfully austere measures, with a deep trust in the administration! They are 'obliged' to trust the administration, simply because they have elected it!

From this view point, I was listening to the debate between the two candidates for presidentship of the most powerful democracy of the world, USA!
I was impressed by the ability of the speakers as well as the audience to stay riveted on the finer details of the economy! Something that cannot happen for years in India, given the level of awareness we have about economic figures, and the 'head' for it!

And yet, I found that......
Emotional stability is not a subject, or a priority as important as economy! (They have every fourth doctor making money.... and a sizeable amount of it..... as a psychiatrist!)

If the most powerful nation does not find 'space' for discussing how the human qualities is going to evolve/grow during the electoral term of the competing candidates, how are they going to 'enjoy' the benefits of the material growth that they might reap out of prudent policies (giving the benefit of doubt that things do work!)...

Something that we have got for free..... here.... by sheer reason of being born on this soil! But yes, grossly under-utilized as yet, more so, over the recent decades(an entirely different matter!)!

We have a spiritual forum here, which actively discusses the potential of human-spirit, on an on-going basis, and here we have representatives from almost all walks of life!

Good going!

psn(17th October, 2012)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Trapping Intuition!

There are two ways of answering questions that seek to know an abstract concept...
To point at instances, examples, and sayings of great ones,.... and from where, one can try to arrive at a surmised meaning.... a derived explanation.... and then try to grasp the concept....
There is another way also.... to just try to put it as best as possible into words, from which a person can work one's way out, trying to use the idea as a workable experience on oneself!
The efficacy of these is highly subjective..... and if so the choice too has to be individualistic too!
I did like to take a look at a very general question from a 'practical' point of view!
The question seemed about 'trapping intuition' rather than 'tapping' intuition!

(Somebody else had also given an answer which was 'technically' wonderful, and full of valuable quotes and details from great men.... I was tempted to even copy it down here... but was not quite sure of the 'permission' of its author..... I tried an answer that an 'aam aadmi' can perhaps 'attempt' to ..... “do-it-yourself” ...!!! And, understandably, I try to turn every query as a reference to some kind of spiritual persuasion !)

psn(16th October, 2012)

People say trust your instinct & listen to intuition - but how do I know what my instinct & intuition say?
People says do what your heart says
People says trust your instinct and follow your instinct
People also says that listen to your intuition

But how do I know what my heart want, what my instinct says and what is my intuition

How to get over that confusion

My answer:
If we know what logic is... very clearly.... then, half the problem is solved!
Intuitiveness transcends logic often....
It requires reasoning (not logic alone) to even 'consider' looking at intuitive 'feelings'!
There is no logic when we like a painting... when we like to keep looking at a rainbow for a while...
There is no logic when we get tears, looking at somebody 'else' in great pain or grief...
But, what we feel here is the manifest form of intuition... called emotion... That intuition is something that we have to allow to surface in its 'original' form (may be even as a non-verbal-thought)... not quite easy.... that is why we have fewer of intuitive people... most of those who do have such gut-feelings, are not able to have it 'at will' or consciously.... it just happens!
(Now, please try to find out if it is a sheer coincidence that spiritual people are 'befriended' by this intuitive instinct too often, or rather in an unfailing manner?)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Relationship of Mysticism with Woman

Woman has been a 'mystery' to men and even man-kind since times immemorial!
So a query/question/inquisitiveness/curiosity/etc... about the relation between mysticism and woman is logically obvious!

There is also a spiritual angle to it. That is our interest here...

A gift from mother nature.... that often lies dormant due to lack of awareness about the value of maintaining self-awareness, this gift of intuitive aspect of mind often goes untapped. Yet, more than often, it gets tapped by situation, in a contextual fashion, leaving it to 'chance' as to how it gets evolved. It is here that the rituals and traditions had sought to enrich the life of a woman as also gently initiating her into spirituality. Now such 'value-additions' to life has withered away with stormy invasion by modernity!

Is it the upsurge of this aspect, when unawares, makes a woman look like a mystery? Is it not different to counsel a person, the very approach, technique and tools differing from that of psychiatric 'treatment'?

A very generalised answer is unlikely to appeal to the 'urgent' mind of present day!

So, I contend with just a passing reference, and quietly reproducing the answer I attempted to give for this wonderful question!
psn(14th October, 2012)
What is the relationship between women and mysticism?
Can anyone explain? Any special relationship?

My answer:
Women are 'naturally' gifted with more of intuitive aspect, most of which gets converted/utilized/manifested into emotional form.... Now, whether they are conscious of it is a subjective question.... Mysticism is to do a lot with intuitive aspect of the mind...
Emotions have never obeyed logic... so the manifest form... that is emotion.... which defies logic, looks mystic too... and therefore the seeming relationship!
If a woman gains awareness over this emotional aspect, it deepens the 'reach' into the intuitive aspect, and then, the reasonable-ness enables her to demystify herself from herself, not necessarily from others :)

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Happy Food?

Hey! Not just that 'healthy-food'.... way beyond... happy food!
No wonder! The nickname of the asker is 'prankster' ( )
It would have been too simple, ordinary, and 'routine' if the query was about healthy food, and the answers might have been just 'bla-bla-bla....' (nothing to do with health, but a lot to do with 'avoidance of dis-ease'!.... that is what our 'modern-medical-science' with all its 'funding' churned out of our hard earnings gets us as its 'high-yield'!!!)
Here is somebody who touched the very core of 'life-science', .... when that question was about happy-food!

psn(27th September., 2012)



What foods are good for happiness?

My (happy) answer:
Energy food! (Not those chemical energy... but life-energy..) Ayurveda looks at food from life-energy point of view, not from calorie/vitamin/protein point of view.. Food recommended by Ayurveda can give happiness (other medical sciences are developed looking at dis-eases, not healthy, happy people!)

Sunday, September 23, 2012


The flexibility that gets enhanced due to intense patriotism is what enables a soldier-spy to offer enormous resistance, in not yielding to torture, when captured by an enemy country!


A candidate who offers resistance to 'additional' work is not preferred for recruitment by employers. That is what they try to find out during a personal interview... knowledge, skill, etc is already evidenced by paper-credentials.... But if an interviewer himself/herself lacks that flexibility, how can they find out whether the candidate is going to be flexible or is going to offer resistance?


Spiritual seekers are 'obliged' to shed all sorts of resistance, if they hope to make 'any' progress at all on the spiritual path..... The master, teacher, guide can only create a situation, where the seeker can find it easier to drop resistance.... or where a person is almost ready, and when nature obliges to create the 'natural' situation, they evolve, and pave way for a debate about the need of a Guru! (Some huge trees have crevices, where dust settles into it over a period of time... some bird drops a seed having eaten the fruit thereof, and the rain provides the moisture, and that seed germinates!)...

Resistance... is a capability, when we have only positive emotions within us...
Resistance .... is a barrier, a block, when we have mostly negative emotions within us...

Aam aadmi oscillates between right orientation, and wrong orientation, and thus finds that flexibility to be a weakness at times, and that resistance to be a 'defense' at times!

psn(23rd September, 2012)

Friday, September 14, 2012

Mental health, as important as physical health?

The moment I read the name board 'Psychiatrist'.... I asked that elder, with whom I was 'allowed' to take a walk in the evening ... “Uncle, psychiatrist ... for both?”... “What both?” he asked...
“Humans and animals..” I tried... not quite sure, if I was suppose to broaden the base further...
That uncle burst into laughter! In those days, it was the privilege of those 'uncles' to simply ignore us, and deprive us the taste of that wit, the humour for which, may be we kids even deserved part-payment of royalties/copyrights etc!
Okay, it got 'almost' settled that ..... may be .... the animals never needed it... I could 'see' in fact, that the animals are either in their natural habitat, or under captivity, and so the responsibility is only with the veterinarian when it comes to any health problem for an animal under captivity (physical or mental)... But a new query arose... when we have a psychiatrist, does it make us humans to be superior or inferior in terms of vulnerability to such health care?... Mental health, to be precise?... (Maybe, some where around there, it occured to me, that there was scope to take care of my own mental health too! But, sadly, there was no 'known structure' in place, to nurture and nourish my mental health! Some consolation was that not all the Uncles and Aunts around had similar health condition.... those remarks about each other, percolated into my tiny brain, to reassure me that it was okay to be normally-abnormal, as an adult! Yes... when it comes to parents, till we are dependent, 'boss is always right'... is the first rule... and the second one, 'when in doubt, refer to rule number one'!)...
Compatibility issues made that mental-health a bit complex... that was when we became a bit choosy about our friends... at that kid age, anybody is almost okay...
This compatibility issue chases us only till we decide upon the spouse, and after that, it is about who decides thereafter!

Somebody asked, about importance of mental health, in comparision to physical health...
(I could hardly hold back the flood of memory relating to that 'issue', while answering!)
I quote the brief question-answer, herein, below.
psn(14th September, 2012)

The question:
Why is mental health as important as physical health?
My answer:
Because we have the ability to choose!
Mental health is not a prescription for animals, etc! They are choiceless.... they have to live, they have to survive, they have to 'self-preserve' ... We can go on hunger strike also!..
So, the mind has to be healthy, to be able to make life-positive choices each time... (beyond the ethical right and wrong too!..... For example, it is 'right' to throw the precious cargo overboard a ship to save it from sinking too fast with all the human life on it!)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Wrong/Right Label

A few classmates of mine, during our school days, used to boast about their ability to fool their parents/elders at home, when they managed to read 'objectionable' material right under their noses...!

These kids, pick a large size text book, and place the prohibhited one inside it, inconspicously, and enjoy watching the contents of the 'interesting' one inside the dull one acting as their 'cover-agent'!
Some idiots get caught, when the parents are a little alert for a moment (usually, at that parent-age, they are drowned inside their worries, and require a sledge-hammer-hit on their head, to get their attention focused into the 'now')... when they are alert 'by chance' they notice that this kid is unusually focused into this school-text book, and they peep in... that kid gets caught... But smart ones, know this, and take extra care to insert commercial breaks, asking the dullness-evoking-queries to the elders who stray around them!

I was reminded of this incident, when I read about the recent arrest of a cartoonist who was charged with 'sedition'!.... My doubt is... whether the charges are really valid? Or is it that he simply removed the wrong label? A sizable number of politicians are under cloud! A few of the legislators were enjoying those 'pictures and images', while the assembly was in session... Currency notes, bundles of it were displayed in the parliament, as proof of payment for votes!
We have a nameboard of a temple, with some Great Famous deity, and when somebody enters inside this shrine, its occupants are demons, witches, etc (consecration was due long since... that traditional 'kumbhabhishekam' or any ritual similar to that appropriate to that deity, of that temple, that religion, was long over due... and nothing to stop those negative kinds of energies to dominate the place.... is the nameboard valid? Or, is it misleading?.... Maybe the demons inside might use their clout to retain that misleading nameboard to avoid exposure of truth, or to be able to sustain with that wrong label!

Who has the authority to judge ?(irrespective of the competence!)

psn(11th September, 2012)

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Don't know How To Unblock

I blocked a few people who loved to follow me...!

They still follow me perhaps.. but the love(in its various 'forms') that they extend does not reach me...

My anger has blocked the intelligent advices from 'my people' reaching me...
My jealousy has blocked the love that my people emanate towards me....
My hatred has blocked the vibes of the positive actions of my people, from reaching me...
And worst... still...
My fear has blocked that 'sense-of-trust' extended by several people, known and even unknown, seen and even unseen,....  that they send out to me.... keep sending out to me!

I discovered ..... when I uncovered myself.... that it is my own four dear friends, (anger, jealousy, hate and fear...) who effectively blocked the universal networking sites of my deep togetheness with everything and everyone around!

I have to find a way to 'block' these 4 friends...... unless I learn to keep unblocking the 'reach' of those positives from all others , from all over!

(All this, only till I have the 'id' and the 'password' with myself...
That 'focus and sense of discretion' is all that I can use, and hope to 'do something about it'... while it lasts!.....
Hey, now-a-days, they do not 'handle the handed-over-passwords' so well, like they used to during the 'bullock-cart-days'! The traditional rituals of propitiation on behalf of departed ones doesn't happen at that enhanced levels... )
Good that the 'how-to-unblock' at this spiritual networking site reminded me of my own (created) blockades!

The bloke in me,
psn(4th September, 2012)

Sunday, September 02, 2012

My Comments

My comments

I just saw this!
Something very significant....
Even if people are not interested in making use of this new feature!
Just to have an access to 'my comments' in....... our this life....... and our past lives, ....
So many Giant Spiritual Masters have contributed to perfect a few techniques....   
the most prominent of them is known by a name which means (in English )...   "Karma-Synthesis"... (closest to the original sanskrit term.....)
Once we have an access to this, we get to the root of "Main Aisaa Kyon Hoon?" (why am I like this???)
(all the things that went to making of what we are right now....  !  Unless we know the main 'knot' in that confusing bundle of thread, how are we going to untie the whole bundled ball of thread, straighten it up, and make "some" meaningful use of it?)
This feature (My comments...  enabled).... comes too close ....  to  the best of spiritual techniques....
Indeed a great tribute to the very SPIRIT of SPIRITUAL Networking Concept  itself!
My humble pranaams to the 'team at  ..'  who designed this feature !
(right now...  I can even "Block MY OWN SELF..."...    I do not dare to try it....   almost touching what could be a 'live-wire'...  hopefully, they would disable this redundant feature appearing against the name of the user oneself.....   'Blocking myself' is almost like a suicidal act....   anti-spiritual-spirit...)
psn (2nd Sept., 2012)

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Unsought Wisdom

When does wisdom comes unsought ...?”

Somebody asked thus!
Very fortunately sometimes, my memory overtakes my 'normal' sense....
This time, it reminded me of that old saying.... adage ... or whatever.....
(The original is in Malayalam language... the only benefit is the appeal it has due to rhyming words, when pronounced.... 'Kandu' and 'Kondu'.... )
“Kandu padichillengil....
Kondu padikkum....”
(One who does not learn by observation, watching, seeing.... is bound to learn it when oneself is hit hard by the very same experience!)
The memory of it saved me from the need to look at:
whether , I know about 'wisdom'...
whether, I have wisdom (enough to talk even)..
whether I have the ability to discriminate between sought and unsought forms of wisdom...
I answered...
The asker said “fine”... and I looked about.. there was no fine to be paid, so it was fine 'with me' (his fine is with me still...)...
So, here it is now....
please fine me, if needed... or else... business as usual... no interruption from abstract things like wisdom etc!

When does wisdom comes unsought ...?
Thank you :)

That is what they call as experience....!!!
Other wise it is simply aging.... nothing more!


psn (25th August, 2012)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Advantage in Life

'Advantage Becker!' .....  That announcement opened my eyes!
He did nothing... just stood there... The opponent failed at something.... and the umpire shouted thus!
Wonderful! Somebody slogs, somebody fails, advantage to us! That explains why those 'morals' do not find much application in 'real life' now-a-days! Honesty, hard work, and such concepts find practical use only for scoring marks in exams during 'good-essay-writing'!
But Education versus Experience?
Advantage 'Becker'?

That was the question, I found to be interesting one!

What in your opinion does give a person the advantage in life - education or experience?
Some people believe that education leads to greater opportunity in life, while others believe that experience is the best teacher. What do you think gives the person the advantage it life and why?

My (dis)advantage:
Depends upon where we are located...
Head hunters go by name tags.... certificates make a living possible... The only hurdle is that interview... somehow manage it, and then it is their problem to prove that they hired the 'right kind of guy'... by the time they are inclined to agree to the truth, it is our retirement time, with pension!...
On the other hand, if we are air-dropped on an island, uninhabited but hospitable to human life, pure experience (no degrees work here)... antenna open, alert mind, aware-being... response-able-to-life... works so well.... that divinity would bless us!

(Maybe that is why, what works in 'material life' often works against spiritual growth!.... The ancients were a bit rigid about ritualistic living..... they believed in equal opportunity to both... a householder, as well as that nomadic mendicant.... the rules had to be in conformity with laws which do not give any tennis-like-advantage!)
To some extent, we like to become as indifferent as those umpires....
We disrespect brains.... they(our brains) migrate .... 'Advantage-America' (brain-drain)..
We (the hundreds of countries trading mutually......) disrespect our currency .... deal only in dollars.... advantage USA/USD $...!!!

psn(23rd August, 2012)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Greatest Moral Conflict!

Sometimes, even without properly understanding what the question is about, I blurt out an answer.... One good thing is .....   I know what I said, irrespective of whether it really pertains to the question or not! This time, the asker agreed with it 'truely' too! I look at it as a 'fluke'! (Please see, moral conflict itself, is a bit elusive, abstract thing... and the 'greatest' of it! As if to prove it, no takers too, on that 'Yahoo Answers forum' too!)
Worth sharing it on spiritual forum, I felt.... if some clarity happens, at least our fights here may not be due to 'greatest' of those moral conflicts.... maybe something lesser evil, hopefully!

The question, its link......

What is the greatest moral conflict you had in life and how you resolved it?

My (clarity about) conflict:
The conflict was about the need of morals itself!
All other living beings never needed it...
They remain within their 'nature' and natural laws...
We needed morals... that was a conflict!
How I resolved it.... the resolving is in process... not complete... but mercifully, it is irreversible now!
Have worked towards it, and have been able to experience the deep interdependence with everything and everyone around! It obviates the need for morals, in an inversely proportional rate, without any restriction on the needed action pouring forth as required by situation!

And the asker said about this answer thus: Its truely true


Truely true is something that I haven't earned hitherto!

psn(22nd August, 2012)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Brain drain to Grain drain

The history, post independence, from 15th August, 1947 seems to be just about
brain drain
to grain drain....
trust drain
to dust drain...
(super dust... GM food, pesticides, chemicals, )

Jai Ho!

psn(15th August, 2012)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Wondering about wonder!

Bouts of idiosyncrasies....

(hope this one is the last, at least for a while!)...

I wonder...

what would happen...



starts wondering... this wondering becomes very very very very intense....


that person,
reaches... touches....... the peak levels (please cooperate to visualise.... )

of 'wonder' within oneself?

End of this blog!

psn(13th August, 2012)

Lighting up during dream!

Have any of us 'heard' of any instance.... any where... at any point of time.... ever recorded...
somebody got an
during a dream.... inside a dream?

End of the blog....

psn(13th August, 2012)

post script: In my own self-interest... I think I should advise myself to run away as fast as mylegs would take me away from readers!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Laugh during a dream!

That blog about 'wonder' inside a dream, yielded a few side-effects too!
My spouse, who simply reads, and usually vacates the seat in front of the monitor without much remarks....
this time,
asked me....  "Why confuse others about that 'wonder'....  ?"...
"Most adults would have ceased to even laugh heartily during their dream!"....
(goes without saying....  babies, kids...   only laugh  .... usually....   during their sleep!)
It took a full day for me to think over it, and then decided to put it to vote!.....

(A well meant, healthy caution please:   ...  this is something of a 'solicited' answer ....  usually from our spouse....  so no hurry...  worth consulting the astrologer even, about that "safe"  time ...  to ask about it......  not essentially the auspicious moment!)

psn(12th August, 2012)

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Somebody said “I wonder”... and instantly, my admiration for that person deepened!
What is the point, if I do not tell the uniqueness of that wonder!
But all I could end up with, telling about wonder...
is that....
“Please see, do you wonder.... in your dreams?”
Do you?
While in the inside ... of your dreams please, .... not on the outside...
(because, somebody told me... “ Yes. Sometimes according to the story of the dream
.... when I asked most humbly thus: “A doubt... 'Do we wonder in our dreams?'....”

I keep this blog brief....
I keep the element of surprise alive... about the wonder...
towards a higher purpose....
knowing the sanctity of 'wonder' itself....
and all this,
if spirituality is not too casual for us!
(Yes, it can be fun, but with intense involvement.... not a game within a game.... game within a game, usually ends up into 'match-fixing'!)

Wonderfully yours,
psn(11th August, 2012)

Thursday, August 09, 2012


Oh! Nothing to get tensed about really, right now... it is about where we are...
I tried to call it 'modernity'... and then looked at 'backwardness' ... ('present' did not seem to suit eitherways, it presented only present problems nothing else, presently... so the choice didn't occur at all)...

We have a few people around us who have not heard about Higgs Boson particle, even by its popular name.... Some haven't heard about the name of our Prime Minister, or even that there is such one, leave alone the complexities about knowing if that person is 'really' a democratically chosen/elected/nominated one!... If you pick one of those few, randomly, and ask their name, they happen to mumble something... you make out something of what you 'get' to hear and repeat it to him, to get some confirmation...... That person's counter-repetition(to confirm your call-back-for-confirmation), may not match either his own first attempt, or your call-back of what you had heard first.... Now you turn to others around and ask this person's name, others churn out yet other sound-form! (I am speaking of our fellow beings who are not so particular about their own names!).... But, these less-name-fellow-beings (not name-less please), are good at basics of life usually!

Now I wonder who is modern or who is backward?.... Somebody who knows Higgs Boson may not know whether his stomach is hungry or it is empty right now! He may not know whether his 'feeling' of tiredness right now m-e-a-n-s that he needs 'sleep' or just 'rest' right now? Unawareness of these basics, does it take us far backwards than the primitive man of old stone age? Fortunately, honesty about abstract concepts is seldom contested even in courts of law!

Spirituality does not specify that we have to be 'modern' in terms of Higgs Boson particle or its kind... (It is our problem whether we acquire and maintain such knowledge at the cost of even certain basics, that I gave instances of !)
All this started because to two simple questions that I happened to ask my spouse!
  1. This is in two parts: a) 'If I tell you something in a very gentle way, what are the chances that you might simply ignore it for want of that “proper attention-drawing-tone” in it?' b) 'On the other hand, I use a harsh tone each time, to ensure your due attention to it (in our mutual interest... day to day routine affairs at stake), what are the chances that over a period of time, the very tone fosters a needless dislike towards each other?'
  2. 'Is there a via-media... a mid way... a half way in-between these two 'a' and 'b' above, to benefit attention , retain gentleness, and other win-win?'

The reply part of it, might render it taking personal things into public domain... but the questions(basics perhaps!) by itself, I feel, would only bring us out of that cocoon, if any!

I was wondering, if I had to ask this .... now.... yet again.... are we progressing, or progressively regressing? (in some cases, just 'regretting' !)....
That is how I got entrapped into that 'tensing' tense!

psn(9th August, 2012)

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Matter matters or Life matters?

A simple query, a simple answer should suffice!

“What really matters in your life?”

My answer:
“It is the life in the matter that matters in life!”

Let us see, if this answer works!

psn(7th August, 2012)

source of question:

Sunday, August 05, 2012

Thinking about what we See.

'Try to think differently' .... people try to tell us often...
Starting with that, the latest catch word is now to destroy that 'box' itself! (being so tired of 'out of box thinking!!!)...
The worst part is, when people persuade us to close the eyes (meditation), so as to be able to 'see' better!
When I thought that I am slowly trying to improve upon myself with a few intense spiritual practices, I got a jolt to see that movie where a kid is able to easily read the exact alphabets to form a clue, a word, from a whole lot of scattered, jam-packed randomly strewn, mind boggling alphabet chart! (the disability of that child to converse cohesively with people around seems to be a 'blessing-in-disguise' or something of that sort!)...
This problem of perspective started quite early in my life... when as a kid, I happened to notice my eldest maternal uncle often used to say, "I see...." !! The problem was, when he used to utter this, I found his eyes closed! Going over to a secluded corner of the house, (or a bathroom or toilet even, ) I too tried it out then.... nothing happened... even normal vision was impaired! My age then did not give me the licence to ask them to 'explain-themselves'... others around never disputed it.... so I concluded for the time being that this kind of seeing-with-eyes-closed might happen only after 'adulthood'! And the irony is that, now I find that kids observe things 'as they are'... quite better than most of us adults! Quite a long journey, it was to find the distinction (experientially), between that perspective and perception... and again, the spiritually-oriented-meaning of perception.... and how the perspective 'dictates' the perception itself!
(For entertainment purpose, we have that end-of-the-movie scene in the Hindi movie 'Aa Gale Lag Ja' where the fiancee doctor slaps a kid with walking disability... The heroine gets angry with the doctor, where as the hero rolls down tears of gratitude for that very 'slap'! ... I suppose the two words, 'nazar', and 'nazaria' are interdependent to decide how we perceive!)
And, if you promise not to tell 'others', I have a 'private' problem too... some people, when they look at us, we don't know whether they are really looking at us... it is so embarrassing to even ask them! It might hurt them, inspite of our best intentions! For instance, I had a class-mate who stayed so throughout my school days (neither of us failed, to part that 'class-mate' status!)... just because we were very close friends, I could summon courage to ask him 'hey, whom are you looking at?' and in the same kid-age-innocence (that we shared so beautifully), he would say 'you... why?'.. now I know, how to find out whom he is looking at! I never had to repeat the question to that friend.... Recently, another class mate told me that this guy is a leading and most-sought-after anesthetic in that metro-city! 'Great !' I said, 'and his patients very lucky!' ... 'why?'... he asked.... 'you remember... ' I replied, 'how he used to confuse us.., and confusion is the last thing a patient would like to have on his/her mind before slipping into that oblivion where perception and perspective ... both get dissolved, evaporated... at least for a while, and so also the problems attached to it!"

The above narrative is a copy paste of my comment at this blog:

By now a few are used to reading what I write, and they have their own reasons to enjoy it! That is what prompted me to re-paste the comments into a blog... I had looked at what we see, and then what we make out of it!

Another comment:
Solution is easily achieved from understanding,
but understanding is not easily achieved”

counter comment:
Typically, a 'solution' becomes a problem!... yet another problem

Observation by yet another person, about 'yet another problem:
This is the way of all the greatest intellectuals i pity them
they write everything analyze all in utmost most width, ignoring only the depth, so end up in producing books thicker, problems remain giving birth to new problem
they never bother on solution, but bother more for popularity, name awards recognitions all only for having described the problem in verbose beautiful

My reply to this wonderful observation :
Our actions are no different... Instead of dissolving our residues, we make it 'wide' (no depth, ignoring depth), effectively multiplying the need for fresh and more number of actions!
There was that cartoon .... famous one... that boy called 'Henry' bald headed...
He saw a banana peel lying on the road.... 'Something must be done about it... someone may fall!'
He got hold of a few discarded pieces of wood from wooden crates, built a fence around that banana peel, even wrote a small 'legend' to appropriately warn the passers by, stood a little away, had a look, and chuckled with satisfaction of having done the best thing!
The theme of the cartoon happened to stay with me! It was on the last page, inside cover of some 'Phantom' comic that I used to read, when I was a kid!

psn(5th August, 2012)

Friday, August 03, 2012

Mind... Format?

I had to wait to find out if it appeals to at least the asker, before I try to share the anwer here!

The question is very important....

The answer is not....
How and how often we are going to do it is our choice, at least for some time...
(and then it has to become an ongoing one!)
Anyway, here was the question:
When is the right time of year to format mind?

My style of doing it:
Oh! I thought it is wise to practice twice a day at least, till we learn to do it on an on-going basis!
Of course it is a matter of personal choice.
That sense of discretion, that self-awareness, all these make it(life), much more precious than the needless interference by the mind, incessantly too!
Yes, if somebody insists, then it is the same season when those leaves drop off and the trees wait to have a fresh lease of life, with new leaves coming out and filling that whole landscape with its vastness of greenery!


That is the period ot the year, when the ancients used to suggest the initiation to become a dvija, twice born... that is the period, we can notice a significant shift in the attitude, mind set of the kids, especially teenagers, if we care to take notice!

psn( 3rd August, 2012 )