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Tuesday, June 03, 2008


A beautiful question:


*Do you see the chains of your attachment?*

Oh! Very few of them!

In fact some of them only when the gold coating wears off, and pains.

Yet some other, pure gold, are being held steadfastly, and we 'refuse' to
acknowledge them as chains at all, depriving us of that 'freedom'!

A deep bow, and many thanks for this question! "Seeing" the chains 'seems'
to be the major problem, or rather even 'recognition' that there is a
problem at all! (This beautiful language of English has provided many words
, very nearly similar in meaning, to get our attention.... See,
behold,look, perceive, observe...... and yet, it is the level of
perceptions, that matters, differentiates amongst us, and decides as to who
evolves !)


Human beings, as also other living beings are 'pre-embedded' with that
survival instinct, and therefore the impusive acts of 'self-preservation'.
We tend to over-use it, becoming 'defensive' at every encounter with somebody
we do not like to accept 'totally'.
And then, it becomes our 'default' behaviour,
invoking a vulnerability of a different kind!
See, when we describe our dear and very close friends, we say,
" I can be totally myself with him (no formalities, pretenses, or defences required)"!
What happens when we consciously drop that defence and offer our vulnerability?
When I looked back, this is what occured to me:

Despite having been required to pay a 'handsome' price, of nothing less than a premature and abrupt voluntary retirement, I would, still, and more vociferously, advocate for playing intensely the role of 'vulnerability' , even at the place of work, or in the least, at home, amidst all types of 'Brutus's', to taste that priceless joy!
A Chakora pakshi (an unique bird) compromises for nothing less, stops at nothing less!

Please do tell me your way of looking at this?