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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Color capable versus color blind

I found an interesting article. I was unable to explain this so well. But, I did like to take the logic further.

For instance, when our name is called out in a noisy place like a railway platform, we hear it almost distinctly. But, if the same thing is pre-recorded and played back to us audibly, maybe, we may miss our name being called. Something interesting and noteworthy. (Maybe, the reconversion of 'waves' does not restore the fidelity entirely!).

Recently, an elderly lady during her last few hours of life, reported having 'talked' with her departed husband. It sounded as if, she might have imagined or hallucinated. But, if we look at this 'colour theory' a bit carefully, then, maybe, we can also presume a possibility that when the 'impact' of the sensory levels of perceptions are getting dull (the body fatigued, life energy draining out), the subtle capabilities get more prominently surfaced! The ancient spiritual masters would have looked at this great possibility and might have 'worked' towards bringing these capabilities 'at will' and during prime youth (meaning when sensory levels are good and at peak), and towards this end, have perfected a few tools (spiritual practices). The goal or purpose being, to have a perception that affords us to reach closer to our 'true' inner nature! Like any other field of 'capabilities' the temptations are there and perhaps greater. These extra-sensory capabilities are popularly known by the name 'siddhi/s' and the temptation to get recognition, get material power side-tracks the aspirant from main priority, goal, and entangles the person into life-death cycle inextricably, for a longer duration of time. The 'vision' that comes naturally in most cases, especially those meeting death at an advanced age, is not of much significance because the factor of 'at will' is absent, and mutation of 'karmic' accumulation does not happen much. Obviously such vision happens almost during a state of 'helplessness' (a passive spectator state, not even an alert 'witnessing aspect' state!).


If this possibility seems plausible, and the mind is open to say 'let me see', a person can work his way further.



Colour is in the eye of the beholder

Look around us and we see colours everywhere. We frequently talk about a red shirt, a black board, a white moon, etc. But what is surprising is that these colours do not belong to the objects themselves. The different colours that we perceive are really only inside our eyes and heads. A red shirt is only a shirt that appears red to us. By itself, the shirt does not have any redness.

The light that we see, the signals through which we get to listen songs on the radio, the radiation that cooks food in the microwave oven, the waves which give us an x-ray picture are all the same kind of waves, called electro magnetic (EM) radiation. If they are all the same, one might ask, then why are they given different names?

If one ever dropped a pebble in a pond or a bucket of water one would have seen that concentric circles emanate from the centre and spread out. These are waves. The number of waves coming out per second is called the frequency of the wave. Some are less frequent and some are more so. Similarly, EM waves too travel at different frequencies. What you hear on the radio is due to EM waves that come in at a frequency of about a million waves per second. With a billion EM waves per second, one can cook food. With More waves than that, one can see one’s bones. The frequency is the only difference between all of these waves.

What we perceive as colours are also EM waves. They have a frequency range from 400 thousand billion waves per second (the red colour) to 789 thousand billion waves per second (the violet colour). So a red shirt is actually a shirt that emits EM waves of a specific frequency. This particular frequency has been labelled as red by our brains. It is as if our brain has a mnemonic for the different kinds of frequencies.

If we can see some frequencies of light, why can’t we see x-rays or radio waves? That is because we are all products of evolution by natural selection. Since the sun has its peak radiation around this frequency range, we evolved eyes that detect the same frequency range. This helped our ancestors identify food, predators, friends, mates, etc. Based on their needs other animals have evolved eyes to see differently. Honeybees, for example, can see ultraviolet rays but not red light.

Thus, no object has intrinsic colours. Colours are just names that our brains give to different frequencies. But this subjectivity of colours leads to an interesting problem. Can we ever be sure that what we see as green, is also seen as green by the next person? What if the other person sees the same frequency of light as red? And what if a third person sees it as blue? Is there anyway for us to find that out? It’s an interesting thought to hold on to.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Hurdle Race!

It was fun watching a hurdle race, till my turn came to participate into one! Now that fun part got diluted a little. I could get over the hurdles, but the time factor, and the competitor was the real hurdle, not that 'hurdle' itself!!! It was the high school ground, and the supervisors were our 'drill-masters' as we were taught to refer to them. The 'drill-sir' seemed in no 'way' concerned about the hurdles that these hurdles and the competitors created in my tiny head about the 'concept' itself! If those hurdles can be tall, why not have pits, to jump into, or to jump over? (At the village, I did have a tough time, keeping pace with my cousins, who played 'catch the thief' game, the main hurdle was the rule, which said that we stay only on the branches of the trees around, and chase each other.... placing feet on the ground was prohibited).

Later on in life, the hurdles came to stay! There was never a 'cake-walk' (whatever they meant by it!).

Now it seems, the hurdles are in varieties, at unlikely places, in unlikely shapes, etc. I have no time to ask funny questions like I did in my childhood mind, 'why not pits', etc .

People place hurdles on my path, being unable to tolerate their own! This Yoga business seems to 'reveal' the several hurdles that I had created for myself long..... ago (dunno, how long this long stretches into.... “karma” is a convenient word for it! ). 'They' offer a consolation too.... one can jump over the karmic-hurdles, by-pass it, remove it, dissolve it, etc.... But to become 'capable' of doing any of these, there are yet another entirely different set of hurdles, to get used to, to practice with!

Unlike in that school race, the number, size, timing of 'real' hurdles that one crosses is fuzzy, quite illogical, quite disproportionate, and allows no comparison! A fellow with comfort zones, concessions, pampering, etc crosses just 9 hurdles in his life (the tenth one, he simply shifted upon the next idiot!), and is declared a winner, while another unfortunate fellow spent his whole energy crossing 29 + 1 tougher ones, and 'kicked the bucket' half way (Yessss... now I know what that 'bucket hurdle is.....), and is declared a loser! That leaves us with no option/choice, except to seek consolation only from within, that we did our best all the while, all the way!

(How I wish, that school-hurdle-race had stretched into 'real' life.... oh no........ not 'reel' life... movies still seem good only with that hero facing unrealistic hurdles.... and emerging a winner only during the last 5 minutes of the life).

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Waist Waste, Grave gravity, Rest in Resistance

Among many funny thoughts that used to occur to me right from childhood days, this one ran a bit deeper that most of the others. 'Still water runs deep' .... (does it happen with thoughts too? Eh? ... well.....).

I could find a 'pattern' amongst most living things (meaning, plants and animals, birds etc—those other than humans are even called 'things'to suit our reference!..... ). Now this pattern helps me to forsee(not actually predict, but just make a reasonable guess), what would happen if I deal in a particular way with that animal/plant/living-thing..... Like, it is safe to go very close to a particular insect, allow it to climb onto our palm, play with it etc..... When somebody knows snakes a bit better, then with that person, the snake remains 'normal'.... Tigers , lions, would never snatch our share of bananas, while monkeys would never leave any banana for us... domesticated dogs are ever loyal to their masters, whether or not, their master is even the most wanted (carrying a prize over his head, dead or alive)...

But when it comes to human beings, predictability, guess-ability, forsee-ability, .... no ability by any name comes to our rescue.... As a kid, I used to be regularly surprised by even my own parents, when their shift in attitude takes me off guard! (I even 'took' it as a hint, that it is 'okay' to be a bit erratic, a bit cranky, a bit nasty, etc, at times!.. But, somehow, I could never really 'use' or put that hint to practice, leave alone to benefit in any way with it... I remained the most predictable idiot around, during my entire childhood, and even invited a few 'well established' nicknames that suit most appropriately to 'idiots', from amidst my elders, relatively-related-relatives, close by proximity).

But that is not the 'main' purpose of this post, though such a narrative as the forgoing one lays a ground-work perhaps, for the possibility that what I propose to suggest hereinafter might possibly make a sense-of-appeal (like that vague 'sense of the house' resolutions in a parliament, when it comes to laws which cause 'self-inflicted-wounds' on the very parliamentarians themselves!!!)...

I feel that

  1. the bulk of the activity of a human being constitutes production of waste... Oh! I am not referring to the great-sounding words, the modern jargons associated with the 'environment' etc.... The human physiology itself... We consume food, air and water and in turn produce 'waste' out of it, through exit channels, which may not be working well always. One channel has to work well. Others can work a bit hap-hazard too, and we have medicines to take care. That sweat glands on our skin, we almost abuse it, we coat it with almost anything , ranging from artificial fragrants to artificially controlled ambiance like Air conditioners, fans etc...

  2. ii)The bulk of human energy is spent in defying gravity, all their life... Please see, just visualise the gravity to be about just 8 % (on moon they say, it is one-sixth of that of earth's)... We wouldn't be protesting so loudly about cost of fuel for transportation, obeisity, etc...

  1. most of our thought processes consists of offering resistance..... Whether it is HR people trying to recruit, or the groom's parents trying to choose a 'hands-on-brooms' (the bride), all they scamble to find out is 'how much resistance is this person likely to offer' or 'how less of it'.... the tolerance-levels decide the suitability of the candidate (since other things of material value out-weigh a lot, now a days!)....

It so happens, (again I feel so... ),

That when a person attempts to turn towards spirituality, the ancient Guru (guide/master) tries to reduce the waste production, reduce the availability to gravity, and also to reduce the resistance, and if we look at the processes/practices/tools, the 'shat-kriya', the asanaas, the meditative practices, these are very effective tools.


Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Mystic Mistake

It feels quite encouraging to find someone asking a question, the importance of which may not have occured to that asker, to of that reaching beyond the scope of the situation refered to in the question!!

Yes, people have been asking this “why” which spans over many lifetimes. Those famous verses of Aadi Shankara “Punarapi Jananam, punarapi maranam...” (Bhaja Govindam), is adequate enough to demonstrate the importance of this question.

Be that as it may, I would find it practical to begin from where we are, right now, and thus, went ahead to give a practical suggestion.

(Incidentally, the timing of this question-answer seems mystic too! I happen to be undergoing a rare process within, which may equip me later to maintain a dynamic equanimity in the face of situations, where actions or inactions do not matter at all!.... I would call it a process, because, the entire experience is beyond the reach of words, and somehow, seems to (me, to) relate to many dimensions.... yes... quite difficult to even believe that such experiences are possible at all! Quite a difficult phase, and hopefully enormously rewarding, if one were to climb over it. The only excuse that I can offer for mentioning this here at all, is that it does relate to the question “why do we repeat the same mistake again and again......” .... this process, hopefully, would afford a 'climbing over' from repetition of a significant mistake!)


Why does a person make a same mistake again and again?

for example-Not studying for a Very difficult exam,when the person know he has failed once by not studying, and STILL doesn't study...and he know the consequences...(and the person is very much capable of passing)And the person wants to do it,even though he finds it boring.I mean this is maddness!!

Is this lack of passon?how does one increase it?
Or some disorder?what can one do to correct it?
Or is it some disorder

Additional Details

it is depressing for that person!


My answer:

It is because we "Mis-take" the priority.
When we become 'addicted' to a life-style, we lose our alertness, awareness, and our mind is completely overtaken by a pattern of response to a situation.
It is not a 'dis-order'. It is a "miss" of the correct order.
The moment we think of this as a disorder, we try to look at it as some 'medical' problem, and get rid of the feeling of 'response-ability' (not even accountability).
To quickly overcome this lack of clarity about worthy priorities, a person should start with food habits, breathing pattern, situation around (healthy, supportive surrounding, people, ambiance, etc.)
If a person is strongly bonded to a negative pattern for too long, the process of reversal is tough and time-consuming, but it is worth the effort... always.


Please see, even a small child, if it learns a wrong spelling, it repeats that wrong spelling first, and then as an 'after-thought' that child 'corrects' oneself. So teachers (good teachers), parents, take care to teach a child the correct way, slowly, firmly , clearly, the first time itself.

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Attractive Bad

Children very genuinely get this question quite often into their minds, but seldom take courage to ask this to the people around. They do ask, but only to their friends of like age, and therefore the answers do not find a strong appeal, strong enough to sustain....

Adults get past the need of such questions, for they know pretty well, that it is too late now!

The answer is ridiculously simple, but has never been too easy to put into practice!

The solution takes a lifetime, most of the times, to reach that 'safe' plateau, from where a person does not slip. (Spiritual pursuers know this far better than any others!)


Why do we get attracted towards bad things so easily?

My answer:

Just lack of perception.
For example, a student who has deeper understanding about the purpose of school education, gets the priorities right, and does not get attracted towards any of those 'temporary' pleasure items, which takes away the precious learning/study time. Instead, the student would choose a few healthy games/hobbies, that help to relax the brain/mind, and get back to studies with a stronger/fresher , energetic 'feel'... (that is how we get to hear stories of children who perform well despite being poor, reading under street-lamp, very little food, late night work to pay for fees, books etc. They get the priorities clear and right).
When the priorities are not 'clear', external compulsions cause mind-fatigue very easily on those 'good-non-attractive' things, and indirectly drive us to seek those bad things.

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Source of Fear

When I heard about the famous sentence “Let there be light”.... the first question that occured to me was who would have said something like “Let there be Fear”..... I was concerned about 'fear' that seemed to come in the way of many thing that I would 'like to do'... I was also amazed at the way in which fear creeps into many of the thought processes that struggle to break the usual limitations and try to find manifestations. Fear seemed to douse such upsurges.

The sense of 'concern' slowly turned into a kind of inquisitiveness, which did (and still does) pave the way for deeper insight into the 'self'.

So, I was 'naturally' drawn to take up a question like this...


How does fear begins with?

My reply:

Basic instinct of self preservation... That is why baby-child does not 'feel' fear, and adults have to take care of a baby, till it gets a clear idea of 'self' (we can see, kids take some more time to use the pronoun "me", mine, I, etc...)
Fear of death, and then, fear about living "properly"........ that definition and scope of what is "proper" keeps enlarging , expanding, and multiplies into problems, demands, needs, greed, etc. Sense of 'security' accompanies that seeking of 'proper' living. Any threat to sense of security creates that fear.

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Alive in isolation?

A wonderful question came up.

It was asked in all innocence, and admitting frankly that, it (the question) does sound weird...

I did not in the least expect a verdict in my favour.

But the comments of the asker, substantiating his choice in my favour clears the doubts.

All I wish, is that I bring it to your kind notice, with a hope that sometime or other, we would be reminded that we all did have this question, whether in a verbal or non verbal form, whether by these or similar words, or still more vaguely worded.

The possibility is to open up the 'short-cut' towards that big 'dream' of realisation, and actualise it, not merely virtualize it, by fantasizing, etc...

The question:;_ylt=AqoInthg6e89FLg.b3qRqk2QHQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20111002135700AAl0Kfs


Why I feel like I am the only alive person..?

I see myself alone and apart from this world. I cant express it but I think like I am the only alive person in the world and others not!! because they dont feel and think like I do.. I see myself being the only stand alone person. I think that others here are just imaginary creation of God and he wants to show the world to me.. I know It sonds weird. But Is ths real?

My answer:


But that is true.
Others being 'alive' is very relative, and valid only as long as we are alive. We experience everything ONLY within ourselves, not outside. Like, for a deaf person, sound is no more alive. For a blind person, light is not alive. In fact, a person who is deaf from birth has not "experience" of even deafness, leave alone sound. Only if he happens to hear a sound (by some miracle), he would recall the past experience of 'absence' of sound, and then know (by the experience of re-living the memory) that he WAS deaf. A fish does not 'experience' water, though it is always in it..... because it is always in it!!


The rest is a matter of choice.

(Of course, for those who are feeling it a frantic effort, may be it is worth trying to keep aside, for a while at least, a few of our “traditional lament-items”, thus effectively reducing the mind's activity, and making it a bit more available for 'experience', using the hints.

We cut-copy-paste certain items of lament.... like....

complain when prices shoot up, and call it depression/recession when prices go down.

Complain when sun shines too much, or when sun hides itself too much, when it rains too much, or when it just drizzles, ...

Complain when a person explains in too much details, or when a person is utterly brief, leaving us in confusion.

Complain when there is a crowd at a business place, and lament lack of business when no crowd is there...

and so on....

Please see, it is these “traditional” items of lamenting about which we hardly do anything, and nevertheless, it consumes lot of our vital 'life-energy'.... On the other hand, our 'personal' items(which happen to be more genuine or more relevant to us, we invariably end up re-solving one way or other, that is .... 'solving' it, or 'enduring' it quietly!!!)


psn(4th october, 2011)

Friday, September 02, 2011

The Zombie factor

The politicians all over, and, in India particularly, were baffled, when 'Anna Hazare' became a center of attraction, of “so many” ........ when he took up the 'cause' of corruption, and suggested a “strong” legislation as a remedy.

Many factors go into it. The major share of these factors subsequently culminated into something that the politicians were quite familiar with.... the zombie factor ! That is when they decided to 'give in' much to the surprise of yet another bulk of lower level politicians.... but the same factor applies to them too, and perhaps that is why they really did not quite understand why the sudden 'give in'! To those casual critics who would doubt this factor, and summarily dispose of this arguement, I would request them to take a look at the poem why do we sleep so much? (quote: Itna kyun sote hai? )....

Yes, this factor had crept in subsequently... not initially. Some where in between a wonderful factor played a phenomenal role. That is when a few intellectuals stepped in. The bulk of students from the premier institutions, taking courage to defy the known social norms(disinterest in political protests),.......................... patterns(disinterest in ritualistic 'show' of patriotism, by show of flags, singing those so-called-worn-out patriotic/multi-religious-oriented-songs, etc),............ rituals (convocations), etc! (Shall I 'dare' say, to some extent, for some of these intelligent youth, this was an 'occasion' to pronounce their revolt against this 'zombie' factor??!!.... :-/ ...) This wonderful factor is .... after a very long time, the strongest of emotions found an expression, a reliable, dependable receptacle for outpouring one's love! Love and trust are sides of the very same coin. This giant personality, Anna, at once fulfilled all the exalted levels requirements of total trust! He has no personal ambitions. No vested interests. His actions are quite unconditional, and out of utter fearlessness. His 'desires' are 'inclusive' to the very letter and spirit of the word.... he includes the entire country, with utter clarity, starting initially from his own village, when he acts for their welfare! It satisfies even those 'hard' logical minds, which tread into 'trust' worthiness a bit cautiously, and only logically!

When the 'ordinary' people were asked, they simply 'relied' upon the 'number of people' that they were used to following blindly. It is something like this..... Once, as a kid, I saw a lot of people queuing up all of a sudden, spontaneously, at a place. I mustered courage to ask one of the the tail-enders, as to what was being given out to that queue. That fellow assumed a look of 'okay, I don't mind being a bit charitable to you... a kid... and therefore shall care to reply', and then mumbled... “honestly, don't know... but, in case something which is in short supply is being doled out, I don't want to waste time trying to find out what it is, thereby losing my turn, my chance, and my share!”... ( I had to now decide about myself! I was just a kid... my wants were very few... whatever is being given out, may not be really needed by me .... at least for the present! So, I spent some time, watching the 'turn' of events, and returned home a bit wiser that day!). But, the nascent mind in me, had yet another aspect to look at people.... the 'follow the crowd' factor. It is only much later that I could discover the several factors which go into the 'reasoning' of why that 'follow the crowd' really works! Even freshly 'literate' (is it also 'educated'?) students decide to 'follow' a branched-out course for that 'degree' level, they find it 'safe' to 'follow the crowd'!

At 'normal' levels, do we not see, spouses who like to take charge of the household, prefer 'zombie' partners? Yes, I am cautiously avoiding a particular gender, though statistics do speak for itself! The problem is when these spouses insist that the partner auto-switches him or her 'self' into a 'normal' being full of that sense of reasoning, when they find themselves falling short of a 'capability'...!!! I do not propose to go into details of illustrative examples, which would ward off the readers.....

At subtle levels, we, even the most 'reasoning-oriented' ones amongst us, quite helplessly compromise to act like zombies to avoid 'confrontation' with those who are adamant/obstinate against 'seeing', coming towards, or trying to be, reasonable. Children of such spouses wonder as to why this parent is so meekly ready to put up with that obstinate other parent? When I say 'at subtle levels', the reason, the cause, or the source is a bit subtle. The subtility lies mostly in their inability to draw a clear line of distinction between “involvement and interference” ! Please see, the whole nation looks at the most peaceful form of protest by 'Anna' as a total involvement in the social and general welfare of the common people, where as, a few 'vested' interests look at it as 'total interference'. But, when it comes to simple and routine domestic front, the spouse is baffled when the other half finds most of the 'well meant' actions to be 'interference', and when this poor spouse tries to keep a safe distance, the blame is 'lack of involvement' in family matters! Then, how do we prevent ourselves from that 'resultant' tendency of 'escapism' when we choose(everytime), not to interfere into the 'affairs' of others, everytime we step out of our house?

Well, as to 'how to go about that skill' of distinguishing between involvement and interference is a topic which needs extensive understanding of basic and fundamental factors which go into the making of rendering us as 'human' beings, and so it is better left to the 'urge' factor (as contra-distinguished with the 'zombie' factor) of each individual, and therefore, I would prefer to leave it here and now.

I did feel quite 'blessed' to be able to 'witness meaningfully' certain 'mystic' aspects during the entire episode of the 'Anna's protest' , .....the fast, ....... and the entire drama so meticulously telecast over the idiot box for nearly twelve days! Incidentally, Mr.Arvind did happen to mention having 'felt' some great power which seemed to support their effort, when he spoke at a public meeting a few months ago. That was the 'spiritual' hint that caught my attention, and afforded me to avoid missing that tremendous experience.... an experience which was way beyond the immensely important aspect of 'corruption' menace and the effort towards tackling it.... I say 'way beyond' because though very important, it still is only a 'material' aspect of life.

psn(2nd September, 2011)

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

What after death?

This question simply remains, despite several answers, discussions, even attempts to explore for oneself by oneself too....

(My comfort zone is in keeping the question alive rather than trying to hurry up, finding a quick-fix, a patch-program, patch-code, to fix it up, looking at it like an irksome-bug!)

psn(2nd August, 2011);_ylt=Al73fg8yu_uEMgVJq1i5G8eQHQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20110729110943AAgePcj

What will happen to us after death?

Pls share your guess and dreams

My reply:

Oh! If only we are able to find out how we experience ourselves, our life, our life energy, our being , while in deep sleep, we need not guess at all. First hand experience, irrefutable evidence is right within us. Looks unacceptable. But, we experience everything right now, only through sensory levels. During sleep, and during death, these sense organs are withdrawn. (All our knowledge, data bank, info, etc are right now acquired only through the sense organs. That is why the doubt. But it is good to know. We get up from sleep when we are eager to know if we are alive.... not when sleep quota is over or when body is well rested, as widely believed... in fact a few of us mix up rest and sleep quota even.... Some days, we are more tired after sleep, or more sleepy after waking.... ).
The very first problem is to know that death has happened (none of the sense organs work, after death, as during sleep too!).
India, being a spiritually oriented place, with rich heritage, long history, had many great Masters, who had evolved several techniques to know before hand, as to how to handle that 'life' after death. Deep meditations afford 'death' like experience, while alive (while the experience through body is available).
Medical science is yet to clearly define death. They only 'certify' clinical death. What makes life tick, is still a mystery for science. What makes a child come out of the womb, when it is placed so comfortably with food, etc, right within the womb is still a mystery.

Opposite of Mathematics!

Opposition is the order of the day!

Moms use this 'trick' to get a child to eat that bitter vegetable (concerned about the kid's health), by trying to use negative psychology oriented dialogues, and it works at times, till the kid gets 'wiser'! What the mom does not realize is that quite inadvertently the child imbibes a negative attitude too! It 'learns' that 'opposing' is a virtue to be consciously cultivated, because it works.

And then this kid juxtaposes another virtuous concept of 'questioning' over this opposition-trick, and further complicates one's own maze of logical concepts!

Over a period of time, it becomes a trait of 'revolt' , repulsion, aversion, and what not!

(please see, perhaps, only perhaps, or maybe, .... embracing of things advocated against by elders at homes, are a result of this 'sense of revolt' , to assert their individuality, more than the love for the 'other/s' (or other things), by the youth/youngsters....


So subtle is the 'emotion' management.

I wonder if that MBA would be needed at all for a lone dweller of an isolated island, which has good self sustainable vegetation, and other life supporting resources! All that this lone person needs would be ability to produce, preserve and sustain. The varied branches of Business Management presupposes the need to 'deal' with other human beings in our life, and this basic concept, if true gets grossly overlooked while attempting to grasp its (MBA's) other finer concepts!


(Very consciously, I have chosen not to offer elaboration to the concepts that I have tried to dwell upon in the foregoing narrative, to avoid any inadvertent unpleasant reminders by stirring of memories of the reader.... If the concepts are felt acceptable, 'rewinding' of such memories can be at a different occasion, serving a nobler purpose of 'healthy introspection'... though, introspection in itself, does not find any patronage with even eminent philosophers like the revered seer “JK”!!)

Anyway, I felt tickled to find a question 'framed' thus..... opposite of maths!

psn(2nd August, 2011);_ylt=Al73fg8yu_uEMgVJq1i5G8eQHQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20110731014042AAcNcs9

Opposite of Mathematics?

Usually we deal things in mathematical and logical styles . even if one dont know mathematics his style can be explained by using mathematics. much of the things are explained on the basis of mathematical language whether it is phisics, cricket games, economics etc etc. much of the subjects built over mathematics or they can be explained using mathematics whether it is economics or political science. i just wanted to ask what is that approach which dont use mathematics and cant be explined even by using mathematical models or simply non related by mathematics .

My answer:

Intuitive aspect of the mind, that manifests through emotions...... is the 'opposite' of maths (or, non-mathematical, beyond logic...)
Appreciation of music, painting, beauty etc is non-mathematical. That is why Japanese people had to use "fuzzy" logic while designing a clothes-washing machine, which could decide if the clothes are washed "enough" clean!!!
Love, anger, hate, jealousy, sentiments etc are non-mathematical.
All these spring forth out of emotional aspect.
That Robot hero in the English movie "The Terminator" is unable to grasp anything that is non-mathematical, that is why it asks the kid... 'what is wrong with your eyes'.... later asks 'why do you (humans) get 'tears'..... and still later declares 'Now I know why you cry!'..... It is a fictional movie... so the story writer has the freedom to imagine a Robot that can learn about emotions. But in real life, we do not even have any institution, school, organisation etc to teach emotions to even we the human beings.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Our 'ways'

Quite often, we are forced to inquire into ourselves, what could be the problem with us, when we are not able to acquire a certain habit, a trait, a way of thinking.....

To get this inquiry process on amidst children, I sometimes ask them, why is it that they are unable to 'hang on the resolve' to be like some hero that they had read about in a story book, a good movie, etc.

And then comes the classification problem. Are we just over-apprehensive about things, or are we 'at times' pessimist, or is it a case of 'clever' negativity? (Actually, it is fun watching the reactions when we float an unorthodox/unconventional idea about some project, dealing with some problem or something like that. The reasons and reactions get interwoven so well, and people are at 'their very best' in resisting deviations from 'known' path. It almost feels like having placed them under a powerful magnifying glass, and observing them with effortless ease!).

Some of these traits percolate down the generation crossing borders, 'cutting across party lines' etc. For instance, that 'treatment' towards an 'assessee'.... Tax assessee... If we are to be called an assessee, there has to be an assessment. But when the number of assesees is just unmanageable, why not 'deem' that acknowledgement of a tax return filed/submitted, as an 'assessment order'? As long they have the authority, they are at liberty to call it, deem it, or even damn it, anyway they like, and we remain that humble, subservient, used-to-bowing-down “lagaan-paying-people”. Yes, it had started perhaps from the “lagaan” era, where the basic purpose of 'tax' was to meet war-related expenditure, and therefore, the ability to pay the tax was never the criteria, the war needs, and perhaps the whims of the 'local' authority decided the quantum of tax. Many generations later, if something prevents the tax people from calling that 'acknowledgement' as a 'waiver' of assessment, instead of 'deeming' it, that 'something' which is still inside them, is worthy of recognition. Recognising a problem is the major half of approach towards solving it. Diagnosis, is the medical term which seems to give us a reassurance, despite it going wrong very often.

To those who are serious about realigning themselves to give a try, and attempt to change their very 'basics', I would suggest that they start with their 'default' responses, and observing them seriously, from within. Initially, nothing much would 'seem' to happen. That is simply because, the observation is superficial, and deceptively too. Even this observation has to become 'a bit' by default, and then, there is an instance of impartial, impersonal, witnessing aspected observation. It is then very significant. Now, even if we are unaware, unconscious of this type of observation, this instance, it is still a 'productive' one. It would open up the possibility to change of our 'chemistry within'!! (To illustrate an example, please see, if it is possible to 'observe' our response when our name is called out by somebody, all of a sudden, in a crowd, from our behind, our back, our rear-side.... or whatever that is... The response is instantaneous, reactionery, and with least time gap. Was there not a period of time, when adults around had struggled to teach us to respond to our 'name', and we were faced with a problem of trying to comprehend, as to what that concept called 'name' is, in the first place! With all those pet names, funny names, there was no uniformity at least, to figure out that we do have a 'name' and not mood-based nomenclature! And now, we are addicted not just to a name, not just that tag , designation, etc, but a whole bunch of 'default' reactions! ). As if to add to the problem, there are wonderful 'sayings'.... “A door half closed is also half open!”... It is a thousand times open for an ant, hundred times open for a rat, ..... and we are quite flexible... if that movie is a sought after one, and the ticket bought in 'heavy-black-rate', we manage to slip through the crowd jamming that half-open door at movie theatre, 'manned' by a hefty door-man, who struggles to collect, tear one half, (the counterfoil), and then 'regulate' the entry! At a theatre, we have no mind-time, quality-time, or whatever, to 'think' of that door as half closed. It has always been just open! When the movie is over, both the doors are 'left' open, and we, so 'right-minded', find it invariably very narrow to come out of it!

And so this question, we hope leads us to that precious little bit of freedom, right within us!

(Actually, there was a better and straight to-the-point question, which almost went , almost escaped, unnoticed.... So, I would just give the link, here and leave the rest to 'rest'...;_ylt=AsmOh7oEi03tdYTnbZs4toqRHQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20110626183458AAkeIBL )

The question quoted below might perhaps, inspire a look at the link above, and the answer , I feel, has to be sought afresh, from within.

(I don't know where to 'squeeze-in' this bit of a comment, but, I do have to mention it somewhere, to reassue those, who find 'trust' as an effortless response, that traditional methods are far more effective--cost-effective, time-effective, effort-effective etc---..., and with all its super-scientific in-built tools too, it has been the choice of ancient masters..... chanting.... )

psn(5th July, 2011);_ylt=Ak5fzAX1cmpi09fOUu321v6QHQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20110702195158AAXZ3fk

Don,t we know much more about the world than we know about our selves?

My Answer:

The question really is, are we aware of what makes us perceive the world, the way we do?
"what we know 'about the world', is just the way we perceive it, the world happens inside us. The experience of the world is inside us!"...
A mosquito bites us, and if we are engrossed in that novel, we don't know... The pain sensation is very much there. One drop of our precious blood is lost to that mosquito, though we may be shy of blood donation. Hopefully, the mosquito 'may' spare us some dreaded viruses...
If we are colour blind, the world we know is black and white only.
A mentally ill person may go back to child hood state, and may forget the world he knows.
So the world we know, is essentially a bundle of memories.
When we know ourselves, the world would never be the same for us , ever again! Knowing ourselves well, the way those spiritual masters 'defined' it, also ensures, that we don't depend on our memory or its stupid interference, when we experience ourselves, moment to moment, in its highest potential, in its deepest experience.... And then on,.. even that 'much about the world' , that we know becomes dimensionally different, at will, in full awareness, and very consciously.

A very deep question. The only question perhaps, the answer for which opens the key to the answers of all other questions.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Number Game

Few people are very comfortable with numbers.

As a kid, I used to wonder, what if we were taught to read a language with just the numbers.

It would make printing a bit simpler. And reading is just a question of practice. Use comas between numbers that stand for each alphabet, and the the space between words, as usual. Then came the familiarity with encryption using numbers. But that was made complex, with a purpose. When the teacher taught the articles 'A' , 'An' and 'The', I tried to ask myself, why did “they” (who ever that 'they' were!), stop with just 'A' assigning it the value one, single, singular....

Later it dawned on me that these numbers were already burdened carrying different concepts on their shoulders. Numerals could be used in variety of ways, to signify entirely different things. It is merely a symbol, and we assign values to it.

This question took me back to all the earlier thoughts I had, when I used to spend my leisure with numbers. The question was a bit uncommon.

If only parents show equal interest to play with numbers, as they do while teaching rhymes like twinkle twinkle little star etc, the child would have a wonderful headstart with subtle looking concepts, and learn the art of learning .... that is what I feel. Not just with counting 1 to 10 or 100, the art of 'assigning ' values, using numerals as symbols. With alphabets, we have limitations. English alphabets are used only for English language. Numerals go beyond language. (It may be of interest to note that ancient Masters in India combined poetry, science and mathematics into brief verses, interchanging values of numerals, alphabets, and retaining the emotional flavour in logical use of alphabets, words, numbers, all in one! So, with very little strain on memory, remembering just a poem/verse, one can locate maths, science etc embedded in it for ready reference!)

The asker seems to be satisfied at least for the time being, with the answer, having posed the question, out of a sincere concern. Again it is the love for numbers, that persuaded to even seek for an answer. The answer had to find its verification within the asker, for validity. That is the very nature of the question!

psn(22nd June, 2011)

Does brain process numbers in some special way compared to other stuff?

I've noticed one thing: when I speak a foreign language, which I am relatively fluent with, everything goes smoothly but when it comes to numbers, I accidentally jump to my native language and pronounce those numbers in my native language. I have to remember about this all the time if I want to pronounce numbers in that foreign language and once I forget about this, it happens again. I wonder if there is some scientific explanation for this phenomena.

PS. In case this is related: in university and school I studied math a lot and now work in IT.

My answer:

It is not that the 'brain' chooses a particular way. It is an instinctive pattern that is formed with lots of repetition. We see kids, who learn to spell, and if they learn it with wrong spelling for a number of times, they tend to repeat that wrong spelling in a hurry, and then may correct it later on...
We respond very fast, instinctively, when our name is called. Repetition has a special effect. Cashiers will have to fight hard to turn the notes without counting them! And ask them to change the language, and the speed gets reduced, or..... if the fingers are instinctive to a set speed, the number goes wrong.
(there is that thinking language for our verbal thoughts. When there is an unexpected pain, the emotional language comes out.... Ouch, Ayyo, aaah, etc... the word we associate to deep emotions. Incidentally, most people feel only pain as their deepest emotion!)
When we decide to process the number, we refer to our memory, and choose the most habitual way of dealing with numbers. We trust the way we are used to, the language, the intonation, etc. The number actually 'rings' or 'sounds' within us. The verbalised thought process starts.
Actually, when a foreign language is fluent, the numbers ought to be also fluent. But for that we need to have good practice of speaking that language, and we have to stay in touch with spoken use.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Negativity, a misnomer sometimes.

The other day, I received a response from a friend of mine, to my blog regarding “Dealing with negative attitude at workplace”.

There in, there was an instance quoted which looked like a misnomer about negativity. I wrote back to clarify, that the instance was not necessarily a case of negative attitude, but just a wrong view due to a wrong positioning of the mind at that point of time. Something like, we see the movie a bit differently viewing it from the wrong side of the screen! (In villages, with that humble single projector, and a white cloth, people see the screening gathering on both the sides of the screen in that open-air theatre or just the barren field!). It so happened that I had an occasion to discus the different aspects of mind, which are virtual 'centers' (so named for easy identification of pattern of pre-judices and the resultant stands taken up by the mind, over a period of time... if neglected, this pattern of prejudice could become an attitude too, like the simple cold if neglected becoming a pneumonia or so :) ....)

Anyway, it may not help to mention the entire exchange of our mails here. But if somebody were to see the present question and answer together with that blog, it is possible to note that subtle difference, where we mistake somebody, trying to 'read' an attitude in them, because of a pre-judgement, or a pre-judice within us(again, not a negativity within us, but maybe, just a sort of conditioning in us), which prevents us to try to look beyond, and see other possibilities too. If we can open up a little more, it would enhance our communication skills a lot more! Understanding the other person correctly.... or.... to be more specific, to grasp them, the way they think, affords a better reach to the other person. It may not happen every time, but with persistence, over a period of time, we do evolve. “Reaching the mind of the asker” is the popular way of stating this phenomenon. The asker, I presumed , must have felt that the impression may be wrong about the other person, and that is why the question. Unless some other possibility could be 'seen' the mind seeks consolation from its own prejudice that may be the other person thinks that 'I'm a stupid', and that is why this “attitude” towards 'me'! Without this 'other possibility' there is no convincing ourselves about our own 'wrong center of mind' (that prejudice/preconclusion), and we deal with the other person, thinking that they look at us as a stupid!

Children, happen to invoke their 'lateral' thinking ability or creativity, at times, by mere reason of the absence of a prejudice ... prejudice is yet to grow within them. For example, the father imposes a condition to the kid “Okay, I shall take along for shopping, but you should not ask me to buy anything there, for you .... no request like...'please dad... buy me this thing, that thing...' etc”. The kid agrees, and at the shop, he quietly reminds the dad, “Dad, you know I like red colour a lot” and gives a broad smile! (As if, the dad does not know at all, the kid's color of liking! ). The dad too, would chuckle, and at least in appreciation of this kid's resourcefulness, buy that red coloured item, relaxing the stiff condition. Here, the dad need not feel that the kid is looking at the dad as a stupid-dad. He is just complying the condition that he should not “ask” for anything to be bought, but diplomatically puts the request with a reminder about just that most-liked-color, which is also there now in that show-case in that shop!

The question and the answer, by itself, does not signify any big concept, but as an instance it helps to further clarify the 'negativity' with an instance of an exception(like this one)!

psn(21st June, 2011)

Why do I feel like they think I'm stupid because they say....?

for example I asked a lady what her name was to check out her book at the library and she said "Sabrina S-a-b-r-i-n-a"
I know how to spell Sabrina! One of the easiest names to spell!

I am part of a very rare syndrome group in two places online. Anyway one gal said "I'm Chris' mom I'm remarried that's why my name is different from his"

Isn't it common sense and unspoken that she is remarried hence the difference in last names?! Why did she have to state the obvious?

Again why do I feel like they think I'm stupid when they said the above?

My answer:

In both these cases, the possibility could be also that, they are trying to get your attention towards their names. May be they find it as yet another harmless (non controversial) way to draw a little more attention to their names. People feel more secure and happy when others remember them plus their names!

A "Friendly" Spouse.

The most tough puzzle that we face is to be able to convert our spouse into our friend. We are not prepared to first 'become' their friend. They should become our friend. That is the whole puzzle about. And then we find it convenient to confide , confidently, our confidential matters, to suit only us! It is almost like that tussle , refusal by the politicians to allow a 'PM' to be subjected to investigated on charges of corruption by a 'Lokpal'!!!

We know logically, the practical difficulties, in trying to befriend a spouse. So, the next choice is to keep waiting for that spouse to begin with CBM (Confidence Building Measures) first, and live, or just spend a whole lifetime, with that consolation.

We all love to watch horror films, psycho films etc. But if we visualise, being inside that film, in that story, it is not any more a thing to 'love'. That is exactly one of the points of differences faced by a spouse, compared to a friend. The spouse is choicelessly inside the story. A friend has a choice always, and can walk out of it anytime. Not that a spouse can never be a friend. It needs tremendous emotional stability, and a deep sense of acceptance, to keep aside those practical difficulties, and yet offer a friendly approach to a spouse. And, like a true friend, it is likely to be just one-sided. No 'accounts' between friends.

Please see, 'trust' and 'emotional stability', both are essential to forge a good friendship. Whether it is between spouses, or between parent and child. Both these qualities are not available to logical evaluation. But they are 'reasonable' enough! Reasoning is the bridge between logic and emotion within us. (Does it not sound as if logic and emotion are like spouses within us, and if they are incompatible to each other, that friendly marriage even right within us is a struggle to sustain! The outside is then, a mere shadow boxing, with the poor 'other' spouse.... I mean....... our only spouse, of course!)

psn(21st June, 2011)

Why are we not supposed to share everything with our spouse/lover while we share everything with our friend?

God offers us to choose the two relationship by our own in the life. Friendship & Spouse. Why we are not 100% transparent to our spouse/lover while we are being an empty diary to our best friend.. I am sure majority of people is not sharing everything to their spouse/lover but they are fully transparent to their best friend.

My Answer:

Trust is the basic element that decides.
Emotional stability is the equally important element.
The demands on 'emotional stability' are more on the spouse than a friend.
(For instance, if we are afflicted by 'AIDS' virus, soon after marriage, not necessarily due to our negligence or wilful misdeed, a friend finds it easier to sympathise. But a spouse has to exercise extra caution, and fore-go a physiological need for the rest of the life.... the demands on a spouse is a bit larger. It is almost like the difference between watching a movie, and being inside the story of the movie!).
Agreed, not all situations are that badly extreme, in day-to-day life. But apprehensions creep in without waiting for permissions. And emotional issues are sought to be dealt with logically, and this is where differences creep in most often. With a friend, the very basis is unconditional, and logic does not creep in that fast.
Not just about a spouse.... Fortunate are those children who find their parent or parents to be "like" their friends!

Make Up

I did not imagine that somebody would ask about the right age for wearing a make-up!

(I thought, now-a-days, they start it on, from day-one, and then we never know.... like some of those poor destitute girls, who never know when they had lost their virginity! I could not get over the thought of it, when I heard a dialogue to that effect in some old Hindi movie, years ago!).

There is no age for almost any dis-ease to invade us these days. Children cannot afford 'ease' even during their childhood. A “dis” ease strikes them. We have juvenile diabetes, hole in the heart, and what not. All those ailments which were expected to 'come' after mid-50's are now available in junior-sizes too!

So why forsake that 'make-up'...? (With that stupendous advancement in technology, surgery etc, most film stars are able to re-model their children as viable-stars with 'good' looks, a photogenic face, etc. )

The question gave me an opportunity to look at how I would like to view it, if allowed that freedom. Having stayed/swayed away from those make-up gadgets for too long, I felt it is reasonably okay, to talk from my experience, of how it feels.

Psn(21st June, 2011)

What age do you think is the most appropriate to wear makeup these days?

I'm just very curious to see what most people think about this question. I see alot of people my age wearing makeup and i'm 12 years old. I think its developing an influence on me.. I'm starting to wear eyeshadow and eyeliner not too much eyeliner though. Eyeliner that actually looks realistic!! if you know what I mean by this!

Most of you guys are saying 13 years old. I'm turning 13 in July! :

If i did continue what I'm doing now, would i get even more acne then what's awaiting for me ahead.(Not saying that i do.. haha thank goodness)

My Answer:

See, the name itself is "makeup"...
It is a compensation for something already lost.... Like we say, "makeup" for the time lost in seeing a movie during school-examination study-period, by sitting late at night to study.
Those baby powders are strongly recommended by doctors, to avoid itches for the baby, between thigh, legs etc, ... Now-a-days, they pin up a huge bag ("good upto 5 kg" even), when they don't have time to change nappies like old days for the babies. (I don't know if it is my luck/ill-luck to have missed such make-up in my childhood. The cost of those powders were relatively prohibitive, and even the thought of trying them out did not occur to elders around!)...
Having seen villages at very close quarters, during childhood, I know for certain, that nothing can ever match the natural beauties, and the use of natural herbs etc during bath, to keep the skin so wonderfully clean, the pores so communicative with humidity of the atmosphere, that beauty seems almost an inevitable by product! (We spend almost the same time, at all most all the cages in a zoo, when no two animals are of same colour, same face-cut, size etc. They all look beautiful the way they are. Somewhere we seem to have created a needless competition amongst ourselves, and now we spend a large chunk of our hard-earned money, more than on our food, for 'make-up'. Not many would even like to read this, leave alone think of even accepting this 'idea'. In fact, any 'make-up' is an idea, a man-made-idea, and what I try to say is about accepting the way we are, the way nature made us!).
Thanks for the question! The question itself was not a "make-up", it is natural, because of what we see around us now.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Hard or Hardly Spiritual

From what others used to comment about me, especially during the childhood days, I found it worth while to look at one comment that was a bit common. It was about the 'type' of some of the questions that I used to ask others. I was unable to understand what was so strange about the questions, then, at that age. The other usual comments which most elders say about most children then(we used to pool those comments, and then discuss them), used to be given only scant attention though after some due consideration (if it is so, it is so.... okay... what else to do about it? Was the usual approach, when such comments(the negative ones) did not accompany any practical suggestions). It is the 'type' of some of the questions, that gave me perhaps a good head start. But, whether fortunately or not, whether it was beneficial for me or not, none of them 'named' the 'type' of questions. Peculiarly enough, in those days, the general trend or attitude of the people that I came across around me was to ignore such questions, as something very irrelavant! Now, when I look back, I am able to 'feel' its tremendous significance, and also am able to view the people then, with a judiciously discrete angle. Fault finding attitude does not help at all.

All these observations are to give a feel of what the earlier generation would have looked like, to the younger ones of today. It has significance, when we try to ask why that spiritual training did not form a part of 'main' menu at domestic front , or how it dwindled over a period of time.

Now, we are at a point where 'spirituality' seems like a matter of choice, its being liked a matter of chance, or even a 'left-out' alternative for those unfortunate ones who do not find themselves to fit into anything else, because of their peculiar emotional disposition or attitude. (My elders, ofcourse, well meaningly, tried to dissuade me from undertaking those strenous routines suggested by the Yoga programs that I chose. And I too, on my part, due to great respect for them, and my trust in their genuine concern about me, always looked at the reasons put forth by them, while advising so. It is the bulk of these observations made by me , about two decades and over ago, that also provides an insight into the common mind-structure of the people around at that point of time). All this goes into how spirituality is looked at. How the words resonate into the children of the next generation would decide how they would look at life, how they would look at ancient values, etc. (It is not just the vocabulary, the language, the words, the accent, only that goes into the child. It is the concepts, that become instinctive when they respond, and they struggle to strip it off themselves, when they find it inappropriate to the situation later on in their lives. For instance, some of our children feel ashamed of certain traits that they are unable to rid of when they 'settle down' at jobs in western countries).

Those words which are used to convey the affairs of inner well being are the ones, perhaps, which underwent more of needless distortions, though maybe inadvertently.

Spirituality is one of those. That is why the question ...... whether “hard work” or 'working hardly” takes a person onwards on a spiritual path! 'Hard work' is about physical strain. Spirituality is about the spirit. If spirit is something intangible, and hence difficult to believe, then, allow it the concession that 'maybe' it has something to do with our life, which is not the body, the mind, but something that keeps us going, till somebody else finds it fit to dispose our inanimate body as a needless or useless garbage! That is what those medical certificates are as yet able to define death as... just the 'clinical' death! So, where is the question of going 'hard' on the spirit, if spirituality is what we are trying to pursue? May be we are required to go very intense about it, at our very best. If that seems hard, then comes the issue of what makes it hard. That is where, the 'initial' practices deal with the hard aspects....... these hard aspects are usually gross..... the gross body, and its gross influence over “our” attention..... the “our” being our “being” itself!!! (The bulk of later practices, seldom require any strain or hard work... it is more about dynamic state of inaction rather!)

Politically, and diplomatically, all the foregoing explanation is not at all needed to substantiate the answer for the question about hard work being attached to spirituality. It is enough to state instances where somebody got enlightened in a moment, unasked, unsought, just like that, as a matter of chance, as a matter of luck! But that kind of reply does not help to persuade, inspire and motivate people.

My answer did not seem to find an appeal in the asker's mind. Perhaps, the asker has already decided, that the way spirituality is supposed to be understood, and the way the bulk of the people appear to look at it, there is no way, other than its being hard, other than fulfilling its demand of a very hard work, to make any noteworthy progress! So, this time, I decided to look at it the other way. If similar views are held by many more, let us try to open a possibility to look at it other-wise too!

psn(18th June, 2011);_ylt=AnF6HTOZHSvankSBnRzXaG6RHQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20110616191912AAZ91Rv

What makes you easy to move on spiritual “path” working hard or hardly working in life?

My answer:

Spiritual path does not even ask about how we work (hard or hardly). To the very fortunate people, the ultimate possibility of a spiritual path happens in just one moment!!! (In such cases, where was the time available for hard-work or lazy(ing) hours!
Some of us are very eager and a bit restless (like those children who do not take their eyes off a package of gift just arrived for them on an occasion, and are very restless, excited etc!!!).
Such people, go to any length to progress on the spiritual path. It means they do whatever it takes! They may sit very still at the very same place for 'unreasonably' long period of time! The onlookers may call it 'hardly working' (but those who sit like that know how tough it is to sit thus!).
The reason why this question arises, relating spiritual path with 'work' is simply because we see lots of unusual exercises, exertions, undertaken by spiritual people. The rigid routine observed dissuades ordinary people (Oh! that is not my cup of tea! No guarantee even, after so much circus!).
So, we have several dissimilar, disproportionate examples and instances. Zen masters(may) 'appear' to be the most crude and gross ones! But in reality, they are the most compassionate ones!
Like any other technology, spirituality too has undergone lots of "advancement". Today we have good tools that can mix "working in life" and spiritual pursuit simultaneously. For spiritual path, only requirement that could not be diluted or compromised is the "intensity". The results are directly proportional to the intensity, and never related to hard work or hardly working! Intensity makes the "MOVE" easy.... not the hard work or hardly working! (For proof, please look at students who struggle with academics to score. Though very rare and few, there are students who are very intense, and grasp the deep fundamentals, the deep concepts very quick, and for them, the "move" is easy, without the need of much hard work! The grasp is 'perception' dependent. Deeper the ability to perceive, better the results, and lesser the efforts required!).

Friday, June 17, 2011

Dealing with negative attitude at Workplace

Why people are more bothered about 'dealing' with negative attitude only at “workplace”, is just because it affects material aspect of life(Survival). At home, it does affect, but there are no laws which are enforceable. Just tolerate to the “maximum” possible extent. After that, part ways. One cannot divorce a job that easily. Attrition rate worries the employers only because there are laws in place which make it difficult to fire the inefficient ones! So, the efficient ones who leave, are the result of that worry, not the cause of worry. Now, when there is a sudden increase of inefficient ones (due to any reason, not just lack of skill, job-specific-qualification, or so...), the possibility of negative tendencies to overpower the inter-personal-relationship , increase. The results are obvious. It affects the management from productivity point of view, and the workers from emotional point of view. The emotion-related results cause irrepairable damage to individuals. That is when a question such as this comes up.

(My sole question on Yahoo Answers finds one link amongst many other aspects, to this question. We as emotional beings find it helplessly necessary to carry the 'residue' of what happens at home, work place, and the outside world everywhere we go! So it has to affect our over-all performance in life itself!).

Here, we shall try to restrict our observations to confine to the area demarcated 'question-specific'.

psn(17th June, 2011)

Can you change a persons bad attitude especially in job place.?

I have aLady in ma Work place, she has a negative attitude in such a way that she is un-touchable.
Is there away she can change her attitude?

My answer:

Attitude is a very personal thing.

Can we change the patriotism of people like "Bhagat Singh"?

Even today, politicians find it difficult to discourage the famous person trying to go on fast against corruption!


We are at a "work-place" only to work. Because, we need money(salary), and that comes only if we work. Now, if the employer is intelligent, he may extract more work for less pay. That itself keeps a struggle on an on-going basis.


Amongst the 'workers', having 'settled' down for a work, nothing stops them from 'relating' to each other. On the other hand, very few are capable of holding back their "emotional" needs, till they return home. At workplace, the relationship is purely logical. At home, the relationship is purely emotional. If logic enters home-relationship, the possibility of a quarrel is greater. conversely, if emotion overpowers at workplace, productivity is going to be affected further (this "further" can be positive or negative, depending upon what kind of relationship these emotional bonds turn out to be!).

Some kind of jobs demand a little bit of emotional relationship. Like fire fighting, army job, medical field etc. Team spirit depends upon the emotional attitude. Rules at workplace try to minimise the dependence on emotional disposition of a worker. That is why, sometimes, an emotionally unstable person can churn out good results when left alone to perform at a workplace with least dependence on others around.


The question (THIS question) arises, because, we as human beings cannot remain like robots at all the times, (indifferent to the attitude of others, especially negative attitude). All we can do is to maintain the "awareness" about the very nature of emotional attitude, its importance, its validity in the given situation, and try to keep our own stability within us (not allowing the situation outside to affect our inside-emotions). Over a period of time, the other person may realise the futility of such negative attitude and may refrain from exhibiting (if unable to transforming) it.

This is what is practically possible.

(Some people, who evolve into strong emotional stability can bring positive changes in others).

Relation between Dream and Real

A very tricky question indeed.

And quite an old question too. Most of us, do repeat the question, more freely within ourselves. But to others, we ask a bit diplomatically, avoiding repetition. Safe to ask a 'totally' different person! (I remember, during school days, our class mates used to discuss, about whom to ask such questions.... not all the teachers were 'student-friendly'! It is only now, that we got ourselves well-tamed, and 'used' to facing 'barking-people' at public places which are manned by government servants!).

No soon somebody talks about a dream, people around start putting on their own pair of glasses. Some look through dark glasses, some through yellow ones (what we derive from the saying 'everything looks yellow to a jaundiced eye'... etc), some through green ... some through opaque ones!!!! (the opaque lens users prefer to claim, see, 'I still see' showing the open eyes, eye-lids not closed, but lens opaque, hearing without listening!)...

The reason, why the 'dream-interpretation-sessions' finds very little team-spirit is simply because of the very nature of state in which they occur. Even when awake, the mind wanders, and very little is fully grasped. So, the hearsay later on churns out only distorted versions. Then what about dreams? That is the contention, and quite valid too.

The question does not seek the asker's permission to arise from within. When the situation outside is very precarious, the mind does turn towards a dream like that drowning man willing to even trust a piece of straw floating!

(It is up to the individual, to continue the inclination towards a dream)...

psn(17th June, 2011)

Is there any relation between dream and real life?

My answer:

The "relation" could be
1) about the dreamer
2) about the events in the life of the dreamer, and the dreams
(other relations are derived ones from the above two. There is the dream and the dreamer, and it is out of these two only, that we can try to find any relation.
1) If the dreamer has peak levels of self-awareness, the dream and the real life (the events) can be related based on the levels of awareness. For example, a child has very low levels of self-awareness. We see a child farts, and turns back to find out where the sound has come from! A mentally ill patient may not be able to relate events within the real life itself, so, even our 'real' life for that patient is almost as mixed up as a wild dream.
2). The state of mind during the dream decides the relation of the dream with real life. With the sensory level perception withdrawn (not plugged or shut off... we do not smell though our noses are open, even if a hot food is place near us during sleep.. we do not hear even if somebody calls us, our ears are still open!), so,, with the sensory level perception withdrawn, the mind can be active, or the mind can be still. If the mind is active, it is free to take out old CD's and replay them, and make permutation and combination, feel the related emotions, choose to remember the results, and confuse us further during the next wake-up period. This is just a dream. If the self awareness is also there, it becomes a hallucination. That is the only difference. There is a third possibility, though very rare. A good deep sleep in full awarenesss. The body is at rest, with sensory perceptions withdrawn. The mind is at rest, with almost zero thoughts. Just the 'being' the witnessing aspect within us is fully conscious, and aware. In such a state, the perceptions are very deep, and real. In fact, such state allows filtering of even the distortions due to wake state which are purely due to limitations of sensory level of perception.... that is why there are stray instances of 'dreams' coming true for some people. Spiritual people strive to reach this state at will. For others, it is just a matter of luck, or chance. The possibility is there for all, everyone without exception. The question is, whether we leave it to luck to allow it to happen by 'itself' or we are on a fast-forward, like those spiritual people!
Good question. Thanks. Enjoyed answering it yet again, afresh.