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Monday, October 23, 2006

Love Death & Life ?

the question...
" True or not true?
Those who truly love life;aren't afraid to lose it.tell me why its true or not ... "
This question never fails to fascinate me...
So, once again I attempt to look at it..
Any feedback , after-thought, short falls, comments ?
I quote the answer I gave....
TRUE ! A simple way to understand this would be to just say that a person who lives a contended life, has no expectations from it, and is therefore in a deep state of acceptance to also accept death cheerfully ! For the more inquisitive,......Once a person can experience life in its fullest dimension, he experiences everything around as a part of himself. He experiences the unlimited nature of his 'self' . For such a person there is no death. It looks like a contradiction, but the only way to understand this is through experience ! This person has experienced the true meaning of death.... it is the absence of life, like darkness is just absence of light and cold is just absence of heat etc... The fear of death can go only with the experience of what it is ! There are time-tested traditional practices to teach this. It can happen even casually, unexpectedly, unawares also to anyone who comes close to death like situation, and mind also ceases for a while, but rare and the experience might create more doubts than clarity , since it happened without preparation of mind, and sharing produces less support , being unique and rare, and less acceptable with a vast majority of scientific , logical people around

Sunday, October 08, 2006


I was waiting for the next available bus eager to make the journey !
Such was the eagerness, so I decided to take up the earliest question that even 'just touches' the subject. Please read on, and be sure to give your welcome, awaited comments/feedback, and if desirous, the email id too.

what you think is love marrige is good or arrang marrige is good?
Its true that everywhere is misteks and for that mistake some one shoud be punishid or repay for that.In the arrange marrige where the family mambers take the resposibility to serch the would be new faimly member,they did there best.But if they make any worange desicion then two live, to family compleatly disturbed and a bitterness take place in relation.Being an advocate I myself seen many divorce cases and broaken families.Just a question came in the mind who is resposable to thes thing.Why in socity the person who is going to marry ,why can not take there dicison?but there are also example in society where love marrige too break?thus I want to know what you feel as a society member what the mode of it sould be and why?

My Answer:
Please go to the very basics to understand this. The very early man of ancient days did not need marriage at all ! Reproduction was a natural instinct, and nature allowed it by just satisfying one condition, like in animals, the reproductive age ! Only when self-awareness enhanced, man consciously decided to excercise a choice , now driven by a desire for REFINEMENT !From there on the level of evolvement decided the level of refinement desired, and accordingly more and more selectivity crept in. It reached peaks where, some cultures understood the consciousness, life process, so well, out of deeper perception, that they could clearly perceive the purpose of birth, and very very consciously(much much deeper, than a normal, rational , logical thinking can reach ! ) chose to decide about it far early(even about child marriage) , and so out of tremendous sense of responsibility , prescribed very stringent rules of selectivity criteria for marriage to maximise the possibility of such couples to not only reach peak levels of spirituality, but also to ensure greater progeny of similar types ! In doing so, they could maximise the compatibility of a deeper purpose of life between couples. All this process reduced the original purpose of reproduction to least of importance, though an essentially needed one ! This process not only improved over a period of time, but also sustained for good few centuries !When values were lost, cultural degeneration happened, the capability to understand the intrinsic values of these 'seemingly blind restrictions ' got lessened, the youngsters started questioning the very process ! The questioning is very well justified. The understanding of answers depends upon ability to have deeper level of perception, as well as knowledge of the person giving the answers !Today, those who adhere to traditional methods of 'arranged' marriages do so mostly out of blind faith , this blind faith seeks a consolation from the logical conclusion that "so many ancient people doing it for so long a time could not have gone wrong, or could not have done it without a good reason" ! Such borrowed intelligence is very difficult to LEAN upon when dealing with modern scientific minds !So, if the capability of understanding the purpose of refinement is lost, it is better to go to the basic purpose of just reproduction(like the primitive men), and do not STUPIDLY deprive oneself of ATLEAST the primitive desires and pleasures of mating, according to one's own choice , driven by superficial appearances of beauty ! Any conscious restriction imposed voluntarily on oneself, in any manner, is, to always achieve a refinement in personal characteristics , which ever way you look at it, what ever the situation it is applied to !Choice of birth, the toughest , most complex, most mystic, too was harnessed by intellectual and spiritual excellence by the ancient masters, churning out a well defined methodology ! So, obviously, it also has to be the most difficult of all things to perceive !

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Comments by visitors

Some body ( Mr.Cliff K.D.) was kind enough to post a comment, and asked my views on the great JK,
But unfortunately, I could not get his email id.
Kindly give your e-mail id, when you expect a response from me.


Friday, July 28, 2006

Punish Child? Upbringing

An interesting question came up...
The asker was very sincere, concerned and genuine.
The question was,;_ylt=AgDE6s6_K0bN6puVws06pYDsy6IX?qid=20060727073832AAvL3pn
"How do I get my 9 year old son to listen?
He is a good kid at heart, however, he is very stubborn, argumentative and has a hard time following rules. And when he is punished he can't stick to his punishment.What would be good punishment? How do i nip this in the bud? "

My answer:

"9 years is not a bud ! It is half way through. Not like old times, the child-like innocence is lost very soon in this generation. No harm really, but parents are on a real fast-fast-forward, as far as nipping at the bud is concerned. And the sprawling media content offers tremendous transparency regarding many things that hitherto youths could find for themselves only when they are on their own.Punishment would only foster hatred. The vulnerability of society for a city bred child is by itself a punishment in many ways. We have to participate meaningfully, intensely, wholeheartedly, communicative, and cheerfully, as much as possible (that is if children are really our priority !), in all their activities, and suggest options, explaining the consequences of their choices, and not in the least of all, admit our ignorances and failures, honourably and gracefully. "

Please give your comments ...

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Eye ? Aye, Aye Sir !

As I write this blog, I feel really excited...
A question came up , which I awaited for a long time....
I enjoyed replying, and wonder whether I took care to ensure that it must evoke further queries, because, I do enjoy discussing it often !
I quote below the question and the answer I gave:

Is it the eyes or the mind that see?
Lets assume eyes work the way science says. Surely your conditioning, knowledge and capacity for critical thinking reveals different aspects of simmilar input from person to person.

I was really awaiting to 'see' this question, and was on the 'look-out' not to miss 'viewing' the question!! Thanks for asking....Also, a parallel question, where do you "hear" ? Well the answer is the same. The clue first.. (the clue would help really 'seeing/perceiving/looking-at/... the answer)... When you fall asleep, (mind you, some people CAN sleep with their EYES OPEN), how do you fail to hear(& perhaps see)?Now the answer... It is the energy in us (call it by any fanciful name like 'life', 'soul', spirit . .. anything), that actually enables us to use the organs to allow information to reach within us, where, as you rightly said, science will tell you which nerves etc will translate the message and compare it with your 'cognitive' faculties, compare / contrast etc with memory bank, and deliver it to the mind for its "judgement"(also called thoughts!).And shall I further raise a quarrel? A loose theory then(as I would like to call it!)......... What you ACTUALLY call as green MAY be my RED (as I see it) but we are comfortable, because all are TAUGHT to 'call' it so since we were toddlers !

Monday, July 03, 2006

Save a life or Lifetimes ?

One of the questions that tempted me to answer....
have you ever saved anyones life?

My answer:

"Yes , it gives a tremendous boost to our ego..... But if you look deeper, real saving of anyones life happens when you help that person to understand(having understood for yourself first), the true purpose of life and help that person , persuade the person to work towards fulfulling it. I think this would save that person's MANY LIFETIMES (instead of just this life)!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Simple solution, not easy though !

I loved answering a very good question in Yahoo answers !
Please do send your comments to me.
I quote below the question and my answer:

Why are people so hate filled and angry here?
Why so much hate and intolerance here? Why so many horrible people spouting the worst things?

My answer:
Democracy and freedom has spread out at its best ever. The understanding of the true sense of it does not match the number of people who inherited it without deserving it. The price to be paid is learning it the hard way. Hate and anger is the only possibility when duty towards society cannot be implemented with the same emphasis with which freedom is sought to be enforced.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Re incarnation ?

This was a question which appeared in Yahoo answers... I too attempted and gave a brief answer... But the asker chose this one as a 'best answer'... Though elaborate, it gives a fair idea about it... But very difficult for logical reasoning mind to accept it on face value... yet worth reading..

Do you think it is possible??? If so what do you think we may come back as????
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Why believe in Reincarnation?What exchanges old for new, offers no special deals or closeouts, and keeps us coming back for more?You were. You will be! Know this while you are. Reincarnation is the natural process of recycling human energy through birth, growth, decay and death. Each rebirth is a link in one's eternal chain of latent impressions, thoughts, desires and actions. The soul in its new body is given the opportunity to learn from the past, to live the present and to prepare for the future. Reincarnation: Why Believe?Once I have begun to base my sense of ‘who I am’ on perceiving myself as a soul rather than on perceiving only my temporary costume, the body, I deeply realize that, as a being of spiritual energy giving life to the body, I am immortal. I begin to understand that I change bodily costumes just as a snake sheds its skin, but I – the eternal soul – can never die.Death and RebirthAt the moment of physical death, the soul withdraws its energy from the organs of the body and vacates its seat in the middle of the forehead. It takes with it the impressions accumulated in that life and enters into the body of an unborn baby, while that new body is still being formed in its mother’s womb. This normally happens between the fourth and fifth month of pregnancy. A human soul only enters a human body. The type of body the soul enters and the conditions of birth are determined by the past actions of the soul in its previous life or lives, and the cumulative account of give and take that it has built up with other souls. Without proper understanding of this process, the leaving of one body and the taking of another is often an experience of great fear and anguish; but the details of the old life are soon obliterated by new experiences so that the soul is not overwhelmed and confused by past memories.Reincarnation: What You Take With YouBy the time the baby’s body and brain are developed, the soul has all but forgotten the past and become accustomed to its new conditions and to the parents of its new body. However, although the soul cannot usually remember details of its past life or lives, it carries with it—in the form of attitudes, tendencies and personality—the cumulative effect of all that it has experienced and learned. All that is genetically brought to the new life is the physical make-up of the body, the racial type, the colour of eyes, shape of nose and so on. And although the environment in which a child is raised – as well as the personalities of those around the child – definitely exert an influence on the child’s development, its tendencies and reactions to people and events are not biologically generated but are inherent in the soul from previous existences. Those predominant impressions recorded in the past life soon begin to manifest themselves and are expressed in the new surroundings.Relationship in Other LifetimesHuman life is based on inter–relationships between souls, which in turn are based on the different impressions present in each. These impressions determine the course of life, the nature of the soul’s activities and its physical placement in a particular environment. Thus there is typically a link or an ‘account’ between two souls who have formed a relationship in one lifetime; that link will bring them together again in other lifetimes. This explains why many people have the sense of having met or known a person before, even though they are apparently meeting for the first time. Or they experience meeting someone with the feeling of either attraction or repulsion even though they don’t know them well enough in the current life to have developed those feelings. What is taking place is that the soul is recognizing the other soul – even though they have different bodies – from the last time they met.Reincarnation: Process of RebirthReincarnation is a process of rebirth. With each death comes a new birth and the opening of a new chapter in the never ending story of life. With each new birth the soul carries on with its journey through eternity where it left off in terms of its ‘accounts’ in the previous birth. The soul is not the victim of an angry or vengeful God condemning it to a lifetime of deprivation or suffering for no apparent reason. The soul inherits a past created by its own self. The fact that the precise past causes for the circumstances of the new life are not apparent or visible does not mean that they don’t exist. In other words, a soul born in fortunate circumstances is not the recipient of God’s grace or blessings; rather it is reaping the reward of its own generous and beneficial actions done in the previous birth(s). Each soul is constantly experiencing the effect of some past action and also planting seeds to be reaped as some future fruit.The understanding of reincarnation reinforces, in meditation, the experience of my own immortality, my eternal existence as a soul. This is excellent medicine for many types of fear, anxiety and limited thinking.


Friday, May 12, 2006

Whose God is better!?

I had answered an open question which I quote below..... I am sure my blog readers will find the other answers also quite interesting... The asker rated my answer as best ( yahoo answers) and hence I thought it would be interesting to also quote it here...
Whose God is better!?
Christians'? Muslims' or Jews'???Is it about god anymore???
Asker's Rating: These days god acts as the ultimate justification for politicians actions. It has become a tool of hate while the message of religions has undoubtedly been love. Even with GPS it still proves to be difficult to understand that many paths toward a common destination might exist!
26 Answers
Spiritualseeker6 days ago
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
To each follower, his God is always better. It is better to imbibe Godly qualities to the extent possible, than disputing about the better one.. One may spend / waste a lifetime trying to choose a better God !

Please do give your comments, as also any similar question you may like to seek answers !

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Ask your questions

I found a web site where I found questions by visitors ..... I liked answering them... Please visit this site ... May be you would be impressed as me, and may find it useful too...

Thursday, April 20, 2006

ThanksgGiving...... Was it so?

A beautiful expression in words, was received by me from a spiritual seeker, who was fortunate to experience a deeper level of awareness after undergoing a certain process (involving a period of week’s silence)……
I felt I should share this with the readers……
Please do give your Comments on this quote …..

I'm bow down  to all those who have made it happen for me.

(image placeholder)

Monday, March 20, 2006

If u do not find a Guru or Spiritual Master.....

In a recent e-mail, I received this query.... I thank the questioner for having given me an opportunity to look at it afresh.
What happens to a seeker who has not yet come across a guru or rather aguru has not yet sought him? What happens to such a seeker? Will he never progress in his spiritual path? Is not gaining knowledge thru books or listeningto discourses on vedanta and trying to apply them inyour day to day life enough?

What I had to say in reply:
What happens to a person who could not find a Guru or vice-versa a Guru has
not yet 'identified' him? This is a very pertinent, natural and logical question that
should arise to a genuine seeker ? But when one undertakes a sincere journey
towards the source of this very question (like any other such question), the
answer unfolds itself and surfaces 'prominently' . How does it happen?.... Well,
there are various levels of consciousness... Normal humans perceive things around through their 5 sense organs. Self awareness consciously happens to a few . Yet a few among those, care to look at this 'awareness' and when this quality of 'watching' improves, there is a possibility of 'stepping' into a new dimension of perception other than time and space opens up. When this happens, one discovers for oneself that he is, he was and he will be, never alone ! There has been always someone to take care of you. Gratitude with tears is the only way one can experience this. Great masters have always been working towards creating a situation where, everyone has an opportunity to naturally 'look' into oneself.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

SPIRITUAL SEEKERS why I chose this link...

I quote below, the sentences which appealed to me and encouraged me to request for a link to bring like minded people on a common platform..... and for the same reason, I have given this link in our blog.........

Spiritual Seekers was founded by Ken Horkavy. He created the group to encourage individuals to gather and share their views and questions with like minded individuals on spirituality, religion and life. The group meets on occasions when it is practical. The group's goal is to simply share thoughts, feelings and beliefs with others and to grow spiritually through communication and application. We take an intellictual look at sprituality and religion with an open mind, to explore all the possibilites for spiritual growth and self improvement. As we move forward in growth and realization of the bigger picture, our resolve grows ever deeper in the understanding that science can not provide the answers that many search for. It is time now to cast off the reliance on the belief system, embrace what is coming and open our eyes to the possibilities of our universe opening before us. Energy is matter and we are capable of creating that which we choose. Energy CAN be created from thought, if you remember that and move forward with loving intent, doors will open and obstacles fall.

So, do have the joy of 'surfing' these sites...
P S Narayanan

Saturday, March 18, 2006

A Link to similar SPIRITUAL SEEKERS website

Hi friends,
I happened to visit a website which I found to be very interesting. The Link to this site is
What appealed to me is that this site is very open-minded in its approach and welcomes people from all over the world, irrespective of their religion, caste or creed, to share their ideas and seek answers about self. The moderator of this site was kind enough to respond soon to my request to include the link to our site. This would enlarge our group of like minded people...
Incidentally, I required a gap of time to put forth the next blog due to a personal query from my friend seeking answers to an youngster's questions. I could give a fairly satisfying answer. I am trying to include the impersonal part of the discussions of the same in this website.... I shall do so after doing the required 'editing'... Meanwhile please do continue to put forth your comments/queries...
P S Narayanan

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Do u need a GURU; Ego and Self-respect... Same?

Recently I received two questions vide a personal e-mail. The ensuing discussion, I felt, would be of interest to blog readers....
The sender had asked......
"Some of my questions are
How important is a guru in a seeker"s life
what is the difference between ego and self respect."

My Reply :
Thank u for your mail and your kind query. The question is very thought provoking and the intensity of the question can be only felt by a person who is very keen about spiritual growth, though apparently the question looks very 'general'.
The importance of a Guru can be explained by means of an example....
A blind person can go about taking his own time by 'hit and trial' method, driven by chance of luck, to hit the right path, and reach the goal.... Whereas if a person with sight (vision ... in spirituality) decides to hold the hands of the blind and gently leads the way, the path needs the least effort, time and element of uncertainity.... but ironically, in spirituality, it is the Guru who seeks the disciple, unlike the students 'applying' for 'admissions' to educational institutions, tution centres etc... this is so because the very nature of the spiritual path demands such relationship ! And shall I add... the example is only indicative and not literal, since, for instance, in spiritual path, the Guru 'enables' the 'blind(ed)' to start 'seeing' by himself, and in turn has the 'choice' to help out others (if they are willing) !
The next part of the question, difference between self respect and ego..... Self respect seeks to acknowledge the status at which we are instead of being unduly submissive...which, when mixed up with ego, tends to be unnecessarily 'assertive' to 'demand' recognition and results in 'inflating' the ego ultimately ending up in a chain process of seemingly irreversible 'karmic' bondage of ego !
Ego, has to be understood contextually, since the application of the word with multi faceted meanings is more of contextual relevance than isolated meaning.. especially, when discussing with reference to spirituality. For example, in spiritual path we say, the very bond of body and the being is due to a little bit of ego, which is essential for sustaining the 'togetherness'... which perhaps explains why some 'attained' souls just 'leave' the body and 'vanish !!' after they 'attain'. This subject instantly takes us very deep into a very interesing area of spirituality and only a direct interaction can do justice to a sincerely interested person.
The importance of self-respect can be better understood by trying to look at the situation in the absence of it... A person who lacks adequate self-respect is vulnerable to un-necessary misery inflicted upon him by people who are fond of exploiting such situation... Otherwise, self respect, in spiritual path merely means to acknowledge one's milestones to enable to progress further meaningfully instead of repeating the processess unecessarily due to(or because of) 'over-humility' !
I hope I have done justice to the question to extent that an e-mail mode allows or affords, though I find that the questioners generally feel clarified more only during 'face-to-face' interaction, like the one we had during our recent meet at the residence of Ms.Saraswathy, during first week of this month.
You are most welcome to continue... I hope 'reply' mode of this email reaches you...
Thanks & Regards,

Friday, February 10, 2006

Critical questions in spirituality

A beautiful gift was given to me in the form of a book titled "Dialogues with The Guru".
It deals with basic questions of spirituality presented by a great intellectual and lucid irrefutable answers given by a great master. Truly, the book is worth its weight in GOLD ! References are made to some religious quotes are for easy understanding. Otherwise the discussions do not warrant any "ism" or belief to understand.... On the contrary an open mind without any belief of any sort would help better to grasp the subtle truth conveyed through these dialogues
I welcome any discussion on the contents of this book from blogger community...

Friday, January 27, 2006

How to Fit in 'spiritual quest' within our routine.....

Though caught in a routine life out of responsibilities of all kinds, and a genuine concern for shouldering those responsibilities, it is gratifying to note there are people who are very much interested in finding a 'tool' that will help them to remain 'hooked' on to their spiritual interests ! It is the very quality of this search that hastens the pace of their search! It is quite reasonable that those who depend on performance of routine responsible jobs expect that the people on spiritual quest are not 'forsaking' their priorities, and that the seekers try to accomodate the concern of those who depend on them is all the more reasonable.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Worry about "Worrying" !!!!!

There was a query "why do I worry about something, especially when others who ought to or also should have worried do not seem to be inclined even to consider worrying about it 'at present'?......". Well, at the outset, I am inclined to view this person with a quality which has a positive potential rather than the so called 'negative' pessimism ! Perhaps right now all he has to do is to view at why he should not 'worry' right now 'about worrying' ! In fact, it is not the "worrying factor" at all that is the cause of his 'worry'. He is 'concerned' about something which others fail to even 'look' at due to lack of farsightedness. He becomes an object or target of 'criticism' for his 'worrying' only because he has 'aired' his concern at a wrong- place, time, or with people. Wrong thing at the right time, right thing at the wrong time/place/people ..... are very commonly used phrases to explain why things are not understood properly !
I am aware, I am evoking more questions rather than answering the basic one in the title.
I humbly bow to the great master Socrates, for having given this methodology for my kind of 'breed' of people, who are at once 'at home' with this tool!
Well folks, "shoot" your reactions.
With "worrying" regards,

Friday, January 06, 2006

Is spirituality "leisure dependent" ?

"I have no leisure" , is what the mind says (one of the reasons), whenever confronted with even a weak urge from within to take a look inwards to find out what is happening to our life !
So please see if it is so that spirituality is 'leisure-oriented' ?
I shall be glad to look at it 'together' with you when I hear your views, comments, or even innocent but experientially true queries.
You may also visit at -

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Is this "body" of yours really yours?
Our 'R.V.' has given his views...........
We invite your views on his .........
R.V. SAYS........(QUOTE)
As everybody should know, this body of ours is not our body. It has been given to us by our parents. We have not done anything to get this body. I sometimes wonder why people spend so much time discussing about how good looking I am, how fair I am, how handsome or beautiful I am. When the body itself is not yours how can you say that I am beautiful. One can at the most say,"This body given to me is beautiful". I also wonder why people when looking for bride or a bridgegroom always pass a comment " The bride is beautiful. The Boy is handsome. If they are not then they say the girl/boy is earning a six figure salray per month. Will a beautiful wife with Six figure salary or a handsome boy with six figure salaray be guaranteed happiness or can they gurantee happiness to others. Looks and money people think will guarantee happiness. One need not do a great deal of analysis to find out that this can never be. Just look at our film stars , the most beautiful and the most monied people . They make their life and others life miserable by beautiful looks and money.Even ordinary people with good looks and a little money have managed to make themselves and others miserable. In almost all the failed marriages, the thing that stands out is the fact that the relationship has failed mainly beccause the husband or the Wife wants to change the other. Many of the marriages/relationship can be easily saved with a little bit of acceptance and respect for each other. Love and hate are the two sides of the same coin. It does not take much time to turn the so called love into hate.