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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Language Languish!

I know of a 'wonder-full', amazing person.... who never fails to amaze me, never fails to make me wonder....!
All he does, is ridiculously simple.... He just quotes somebody else!
'Sounds' so simple!....
But please see,
quoting from.... our-own-within.... (your own inner voice, or still worse, the non-verbal thought...!!!),
is itself .... “a job”... (we realise only when we struggle to erase it at times, having said something “in an utterly stupid way!”...)
Picking the words of so many varieties of minds....
matching it with the concepts within us, to enhance the ideas within, already struggling for apt words, .... matching it with better words, to enhance the very same ideas, embellishing it unto perfection... something that words do not seem to adequately 'appreciate'!

I dedicate this blog to that quote-wizard... 'ETBA'

That which impressed me, I quote below, and leave it to readers to decide ....
whether I “quoted” a wrong price for something too precious!...
For,.... this time it is merely about.... the...... 'quotable-quotes'.....!!!
psn(27th October., 2012)

(One of the responses, by 'ETBA'.... that mystic-well-wisher!)

Instead of saying 

I don’t have time” 

try saying “ it’s not a priority,” 

and see how that feels. 

Often, that’s a perfectly adequate explanation.

I have time to iron my sheets, I just don’t want to. 

But other things are harder. 

Try it: “I’m not going to edit your résumé, sweetie, because it’s not a priority.”

I don’t go to the doctor because my health is not a priority.” 

If these phrases don’t sit well, that’s the point. 

Changing our language reminds us that time is a choice. 

If we don’t like how we’re spending an hour, 

we can choose differently.” 

Wall Street Journal

Monday, October 22, 2012

Joke: Not always a laughing matter!

When a joke happens, how well or how badly to laugh?
That was the query!

Psn(22nd October, 2012)

For a nice joke,do you smile,grin,laugh or burst into laughter?

My 'lost' laugh at it:
Oh! It has to depend upon the situation around!
some jokes happen..... they are not narrated.... and if it is a serene condolence meeting, we have to even suppress our laugh biting the tongue quietly within!
the other way, when the boss is telling a joke, listen to it as if we are hearing it for the first time, and plead to him intensely not to be so cruel, leaving us to laugh so uncontrollably! (it pays!)..
When a spiritual master narrates a joke,
merge into it.... or miss a golden chance of enlightenment... (zen stories!)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Presidential debate at USA

I liked to look at the spiritual aspect of it....
Tough decisions going to be taken, for the growth of the economy, needs an emotionally strong nation, an emotionally stable society, which can sustain cheerfully austere measures, with a deep trust in the administration! They are 'obliged' to trust the administration, simply because they have elected it!

From this view point, I was listening to the debate between the two candidates for presidentship of the most powerful democracy of the world, USA!
I was impressed by the ability of the speakers as well as the audience to stay riveted on the finer details of the economy! Something that cannot happen for years in India, given the level of awareness we have about economic figures, and the 'head' for it!

And yet, I found that......
Emotional stability is not a subject, or a priority as important as economy! (They have every fourth doctor making money.... and a sizeable amount of it..... as a psychiatrist!)

If the most powerful nation does not find 'space' for discussing how the human qualities is going to evolve/grow during the electoral term of the competing candidates, how are they going to 'enjoy' the benefits of the material growth that they might reap out of prudent policies (giving the benefit of doubt that things do work!)...

Something that we have got for free..... here.... by sheer reason of being born on this soil! But yes, grossly under-utilized as yet, more so, over the recent decades(an entirely different matter!)!

We have a spiritual forum here, which actively discusses the potential of human-spirit, on an on-going basis, and here we have representatives from almost all walks of life!

Good going!

psn(17th October, 2012)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Trapping Intuition!

There are two ways of answering questions that seek to know an abstract concept...
To point at instances, examples, and sayings of great ones,.... and from where, one can try to arrive at a surmised meaning.... a derived explanation.... and then try to grasp the concept....
There is another way also.... to just try to put it as best as possible into words, from which a person can work one's way out, trying to use the idea as a workable experience on oneself!
The efficacy of these is highly subjective..... and if so the choice too has to be individualistic too!
I did like to take a look at a very general question from a 'practical' point of view!
The question seemed about 'trapping intuition' rather than 'tapping' intuition!

(Somebody else had also given an answer which was 'technically' wonderful, and full of valuable quotes and details from great men.... I was tempted to even copy it down here... but was not quite sure of the 'permission' of its author..... I tried an answer that an 'aam aadmi' can perhaps 'attempt' to ..... “do-it-yourself” ...!!! And, understandably, I try to turn every query as a reference to some kind of spiritual persuasion !)

psn(16th October, 2012)

People say trust your instinct & listen to intuition - but how do I know what my instinct & intuition say?
People says do what your heart says
People says trust your instinct and follow your instinct
People also says that listen to your intuition

But how do I know what my heart want, what my instinct says and what is my intuition

How to get over that confusion

My answer:
If we know what logic is... very clearly.... then, half the problem is solved!
Intuitiveness transcends logic often....
It requires reasoning (not logic alone) to even 'consider' looking at intuitive 'feelings'!
There is no logic when we like a painting... when we like to keep looking at a rainbow for a while...
There is no logic when we get tears, looking at somebody 'else' in great pain or grief...
But, what we feel here is the manifest form of intuition... called emotion... That intuition is something that we have to allow to surface in its 'original' form (may be even as a non-verbal-thought)... not quite easy.... that is why we have fewer of intuitive people... most of those who do have such gut-feelings, are not able to have it 'at will' or consciously.... it just happens!
(Now, please try to find out if it is a sheer coincidence that spiritual people are 'befriended' by this intuitive instinct too often, or rather in an unfailing manner?)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Relationship of Mysticism with Woman

Woman has been a 'mystery' to men and even man-kind since times immemorial!
So a query/question/inquisitiveness/curiosity/etc... about the relation between mysticism and woman is logically obvious!

There is also a spiritual angle to it. That is our interest here...

A gift from mother nature.... that often lies dormant due to lack of awareness about the value of maintaining self-awareness, this gift of intuitive aspect of mind often goes untapped. Yet, more than often, it gets tapped by situation, in a contextual fashion, leaving it to 'chance' as to how it gets evolved. It is here that the rituals and traditions had sought to enrich the life of a woman as also gently initiating her into spirituality. Now such 'value-additions' to life has withered away with stormy invasion by modernity!

Is it the upsurge of this aspect, when unawares, makes a woman look like a mystery? Is it not different to counsel a person, the very approach, technique and tools differing from that of psychiatric 'treatment'?

A very generalised answer is unlikely to appeal to the 'urgent' mind of present day!

So, I contend with just a passing reference, and quietly reproducing the answer I attempted to give for this wonderful question!
psn(14th October, 2012)
What is the relationship between women and mysticism?
Can anyone explain? Any special relationship?

My answer:
Women are 'naturally' gifted with more of intuitive aspect, most of which gets converted/utilized/manifested into emotional form.... Now, whether they are conscious of it is a subjective question.... Mysticism is to do a lot with intuitive aspect of the mind...
Emotions have never obeyed logic... so the manifest form... that is emotion.... which defies logic, looks mystic too... and therefore the seeming relationship!
If a woman gains awareness over this emotional aspect, it deepens the 'reach' into the intuitive aspect, and then, the reasonable-ness enables her to demystify herself from herself, not necessarily from others :)