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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Advantage in Life

'Advantage Becker!' .....  That announcement opened my eyes!
He did nothing... just stood there... The opponent failed at something.... and the umpire shouted thus!
Wonderful! Somebody slogs, somebody fails, advantage to us! That explains why those 'morals' do not find much application in 'real life' now-a-days! Honesty, hard work, and such concepts find practical use only for scoring marks in exams during 'good-essay-writing'!
But Education versus Experience?
Advantage 'Becker'?

That was the question, I found to be interesting one!

What in your opinion does give a person the advantage in life - education or experience?
Some people believe that education leads to greater opportunity in life, while others believe that experience is the best teacher. What do you think gives the person the advantage it life and why?

My (dis)advantage:
Depends upon where we are located...
Head hunters go by name tags.... certificates make a living possible... The only hurdle is that interview... somehow manage it, and then it is their problem to prove that they hired the 'right kind of guy'... by the time they are inclined to agree to the truth, it is our retirement time, with pension!...
On the other hand, if we are air-dropped on an island, uninhabited but hospitable to human life, pure experience (no degrees work here)... antenna open, alert mind, aware-being... response-able-to-life... works so well.... that divinity would bless us!

(Maybe that is why, what works in 'material life' often works against spiritual growth!.... The ancients were a bit rigid about ritualistic living..... they believed in equal opportunity to both... a householder, as well as that nomadic mendicant.... the rules had to be in conformity with laws which do not give any tennis-like-advantage!)
To some extent, we like to become as indifferent as those umpires....
We disrespect brains.... they(our brains) migrate .... 'Advantage-America' (brain-drain)..
We (the hundreds of countries trading mutually......) disrespect our currency .... deal only in dollars.... advantage USA/USD $...!!!

psn(23rd August, 2012)

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