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Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Status versus capability

 Status/stature versus capability

Simply stated,

Ancients and present day Indians differed, out of several ways, in one prominent way….level of perception.

This translates into a functionality.

Ancients revered capability, ignoring status. 

Today, we respect status only, ignoring capability.

Between status & capability, the subtler one requires deeper perception.

I lack the capability to say it in Hindi (just a language for me, it was.)

औकात के विपरीत हैसियत

सरल कहने पर,

पूर्वज और आज के भारतीय में, अनेक भिन्नताओं में से, एक प्रमुख है, नज़रिया (विभेद) का स्थर।

ये भिन्नता का प्रकट रूप है जो दिख सकता है , इस भिन्नता का क्रियान्वयन में 😜

पूर्वज हैसियत की आदर करते थे, औकात कुछ भी हो

आज सिर्फ औकात सम्मान को आकर्षित करता है, चाहे हैसियत शून्य हो!

औकात और हैसियत के बीच, हैसियत की पहचान अधिक/गहरी नज़रिया मांगती है 🙏

आपका औकातहीन बन्दा,

पी एस् एन्, तीस मई, दो हज्जार तेवीस


Book reading

 Books, is merely a repository of information, knowledge and wisdom of different kinds and forms. 

Today it got replaced by Google search, and cloud technology being it's depository.

Artificial intelligence is likely to be the next level.

Going back, it was word of mouth....( 500 years ago. Books in the form of palm leaves were fewer than direct listening)

Further back, it was cloud technology again 😜.... The only difference being, access was through synchronicity and reaching the sync was through tools like meditative states, blessings of a Guru etc.

How do I go about dealing with the prime question of "how much information should I run after, and what should decide the quantum???"

There is a cosmic sequence 🙏 ( a very comprehensive sentence 😰... It can be amplified to substantiate every event in this cosmos😌)

The essence of"wisdom " relating to such fundamental questions, questions which are very basic to life, and distinct to  each individual form of life  has been encrypted into the way_of_life called Hinduism 🙏. ( A kind of.....fool proofing made available to the posterity by ancients, in their wisdom 🙏... )

A classic example is,

a recent most person, who managed to traverse the prescribed route, had direct access to the ancient cloud technology 😜.... and he dictated some 32 volumes to a disciple. These got destroyed and he started again. But, after one volume of Vedic maths, that person left his mortal frame🙏... Now the printed book form of Vedic maths awaits digitalization.

Direct access to ancient cloud technology has another advantage 😜....... The very capabilities needed for accessing it, becomes a qualification for deserving that knowledge_🙏this criteria is not envisaged in digital book form or A.I. 

There is a small key, to the ancient technology 😜

It's a chant from Vedic literature "Aano bhadrah kratavo yantu viswatah" ( awesome encryption of seed_alphabets beejAkshara... embedded in these few words!)...

Unread yours,

PSN (30 May 2023

Tuesday, May 23, 2023



You may be bemused, that i learnt about gratitude from a Sikh its deeper sense (1971)... Dad's friend & subordinate.

He narrated a short incident, used in those days, among Sikhs, to emphasize the value of gratitude among kids.

I was a teenager too...hence he told me😜

" A fellow was carrying something covered heavily with a velvet cloth ( thick fabric, hence)... But there was an unmistakable stench emanating from that large plate, he carried. 

People on the way asked, "what is it that you are carrying? carefully covered?"

He said, " oh! A dog died last week... Nobody carried it away, for a week....hence the stench🙏"

Onlookers said " that's Okay.... 👍 But then, why so much thick covering, so as to hide the contents?"

That man said, " so that an ungrateful doesn't cast his evil eye, and it rots further 😰🙏🙏"

I didn't need any extra lecturing, to understand the stench of ingratitude 😰🙏🙏🙏

Gratefully yours 

PSN (23 May, 2023

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Desi art

 Desi art 

Desi art forms had an inherent "defect"...

They turned scientific, when the art form practised, got scaled up in its intensity.

Reason was…. ancients decided to dedicate art forms to serve इspirituality. 🤣😜

Exampulls/example abound, as if to irritate sceptics of irreligious Hinduism 😜

Most art forms were staged at temples…

But one humorous example, 'may appeal' to even sceptics 🙏…

Literature is also an art ( B.A., in English….is not like TOEFL eggjam/exam….. Shakespeare is allowed gramatical errors. And we pass for passing those errors in dissertations 😭)

Desi literature….

Kalidasa was a poet … it seems he composed in Sanskrit 🙏

This was the cause of all trouble 😰😰😰

Sanskrit is in conformity with quantum mechanics ( it's laws)

I won't irritate you expounding those laws here..

Instead, the heresay story….. let's enjoy 👍

Raja bhoj? ( Was supposed to be the king, to boss over kalidasa)

Kalidasa specialised in writing epitaphs…

King grew curious 🤔…. His own epitaph? He asked kalidas to compose that peon ahead of king's death.

Kalidas refused stoutly " nothing doing…"

King got annoyed. When angry, physics concepts fail…quantum laws, no exception 🙏

King, ordered a "get out"....and kalidasa went to live at the edge of the kingdom….in compliance with the punishment of banishment.

Later, king felt remorse. Kalidas was also a close chum.

He went out incognito, found kalidasa brooding at the banks of a large pond, squatting on a rock…

Disguised king asked kalidasa, how he came to this deplorable condition…

Kalidasa lamented "how can I oblige the king?... Sanskrit is in conformity with quantum mechanics laws… "

King said, " in that case, don't worry…you can compose that epitaph now👍…king bhoj is no more"

Kalidasa at once extemporised an epitaph which came out of intense pain in his heart.

It started taking effect🙏

That king in disguise started shivering and turned frail…life seemed to ebb out of his mortal frame.

Kalidasa's alert eyes guessed the truth hidden behind that dis'guise, and he quickly modified the fourth line of the poem, to mean "and that kind of bhoja stands before me now & here!!!🙏🙏"

Needless to add, praanic energy made a reverse journey into the body of the king, responding scientifically to the art form of literature poured out by kalidasa…

( Mercifully, Shakespeare was never known to have caused such "medical conditions" , fatal by nature, as an undesirable side effect of his art form of English literature 🙏…. Any intense emotions, would subside, by the time the audience crosses the exit doors of a drama theatre😜)

Story over,

Doesn't matter, if it feels like a fiction, imagination etc( Rama was called as a fiction by a 150 year old political party in modern India 🙏…so kalidasa was nothing 😭)

Literally yours,

PSN (19th may, 2023)

Scheme of things

 There is something called "scheme of things"....🤣

A phrase, which comes quite handy to grasp a few subtle concepts.

Usually, wisdom ( elderliness) coincides with age...🙏... 

Life experience, is the best teacher.

But in the "scheme of things", can we not allow some concession to our ancients, that....they would have thought of a scheme, whereby....the waiting period for wisdom, through the process of aging.....gets a little reduced????

Today, the priest class among Brahmins will growl at me abusively, if i ask with all possible humility available in me 🙏 " you have an experience of the articulations and/or gesticulations performed by sheer reason of our_wearing_that holy thread?"

( Is it possible that ancients were stupid for all the 5000 years? So many generations?... Doing some nonsense, since there is no experience?../ if the blue litmus is NEVER going to turn red, will people try dipping it in every available fluid for 5000 years???🙏🙏🙏)

A compatible compound of 5 elements ( refined over generations of careful nourishment), occupied by a refined wandering noble soul... Nourished very scientifically ( meaning, initiated into primordial sound form, consistent with.... quantum physics and it's laws,🙏..... )

can potentially grow faster into that coveted "wisdom" while still young ( in teens...from 7 to 16 years of age)....and then pursue further ripening of his wisdom on his own...

My understanding of the scheme of things ( for whatever it is worth)...

I leave it to the choice, if wisdom can be allowed to inquire into the worth of ancient wisdom, in formulating this "scheme of things".

Schematically yours,

PSN (19 May 2023)

Vital versus important

 Vital versus important

Yeeeवन दो/even though i drop a mention about 'vital' organs, and an ancient expertise in maintaining its vitality.... eyebrows don't get raised😳... 


ख़ैर, हुआ तो हुआ 🙏

Weekly thrice dialysis compulsory.... after that, there is less scope for the mind to polish the truth "no time for such nonsense" into posh words like "as soon as I get leisure time 👍( important to remain relevant among a few at least 😜)

We bother more about important organs, neglect vital ones, till daaktarr says "तू काम से गया,"😜

There is one breed which is almost extinct....

Naadi daaktarr....🤣

He इspecialises into looking at the Vital energy which fuels the vital organs😜....

If he is genuine ( a real naadi doctor)... he can see the compatibility among herbs ( Godji is the compounder of medicine, in herbs).... and then feed those herbs to make those vital organs receptive to vitality🙏

PayShunt/patient recovers ( when "English" doctors "saw" that.....vital organs are beyond repair by them).... Repair is done by herbs absorbed by the damaged organ, which welcomes the vital energy ( guru naadi) and traverses that breaking point.

Rare chance.... If it is a meditative fellow ( again, a genuine meditator, not one who can also sleep in sitting posture), he can supplement his own energy into herbs, and/or that weak organ...and then it seems like a mirrrakal/miracle.

May be i am hallucinating ( without drugs...🤣... But the damn thing even works, for me.... erratically though😭😭😭)

Non_vitally yours,

PSN (19 may 2023)

Wednesday, May 10, 2023


 Brahmins were supposed to steer the society... towards the purpose of their birth.

Steering is not about driving towards a goal... ( that is done by the fuel power, not the steering control.... Vehicle , boat, or aircraft😂)

Steering is just about ensuring the right_direction, while also avoiding collision 💥....

To know the basics of life therefore.... becomes the moral responsibility of a dwija( teiceuborn)....

An initiate into basics of life ought to retain awareness of it throughout his life,       preferably during his sleeping hours too...

Basics of life....

It has to be relevant to the process of life....happening within.... Here the word 'life' denotes that.....which eludes a death certificate signed by a doctor... He certifies only clinical death, not the departing of "life" within ( though both these coincide often😜).

Simple basics ought to be known, for example are ....

the distinction between the anniversaries of two extremes.... Birth & death...

Birth is according to star/nakshatra, while death is according to that phase of month, during that lunar_month.  

Why this distinction?( Ought to be known 🙏)...

And then, why is the birth of deities/avatars.... according to phase of moon and not star??? ( Ought to know!...)

Another irksome item in the list of "ought to know" ....

Why is it that there is no residue of, or an experience itself..... for the gesticulations and articulation performed by way of rituals prescribed for the wearer of poonol/janeudhàri pappu/sacred_thread????( The priest, who officiates the rituals of a Brahmin will react with anger, instead of responding with an answer to this why_of_basics...)

If basics are missing....

where is the sanatana Dharma, for a claimant of its followership????

Ancients were not stupid to hang_on to a ritual, when there is no scope of any experience 🙏...

Just that .....the genes of a Brahmin happens to have the potential to experience the subtle phenomenon happening when performing the rituals practices etc related to wearing a thread.... 5000 year old tradition could not be a fake. Fakes don't last that_long!

Irkingly yours,

PSN (10 May, 2023)