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Wednesday, October 26, 2016


I guess , this time I need to be 'real-brief'... if at all, I hope to find appeal among lazy readers too..


In my case,
when I embarked upon a lazy-thought(or, was it “an idle-thought”?.. dunno!), to delve into the very-source of this 'laziness'... it took me into a maze :-||

The journey started quite long ago.
One article from a magazine, way back (a fortnightly, “caravan” of second half of Jan, 1968 ) wrote about 'Eliminate lazy Elimination' (it was more about health)..

In those days, I had to just copy by hand, whatever I liked to possess (laziness wouldn't serve me)...

As I journeyed through that spiritual path, I was rather dumbfounded to discover that I had to deal with laziness at two different places !
The laziness of the mind, and
The laziness of the body...
(and all possible combinations of these two, controlling the other, in exclusivity of the other, etc) :))

that didn't contain the problem...
I had to distinguish between the 'lethargies' of these two, body and mind.. ...

Somewhere I learn't that “Procrastination is the thief of time”...
(Now this 'procrastination'... due to what?... laziness?... lethargy?... lack of confidence/courage/etc or sheer wisdom, that I am not-yet-ready for something?... dunno!)...

Oh yes!
I did decide to deal with each of these, and on the way, discovered amazing potentials, which I didn't even know to exist within me...
(As I promised... kept it brief, ain't I )

Briskly yours,

psn(26th October, 2016)

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Divide and rule!

One of the favourite strategies adopted by 'Anti-terror-squad' officials, is ample proof that the maxim 'divide and rule' is not an 'ethically bad thing' in itself :)
Like a knife, or that nuclear energy... it is the use that decides the ethics...
Those who try to curb terror-activities, they 'identify' the handler first, and neutralize that person first, and then the 'sleeper-cells' become passive by themselves, because they know nothing else , except to “wait for instructions”...

The body, when it hands over the handling of outside situation, to seek its gratification of its love for the comfort-zones, indulgence etc... to the mind , it sort of becomes like a sleeper cell, and the mind becomes the handler ( the body, the sleeper cell pays for the 'deed', while the handler, the mind enjoys the fun!)...

When I looked at the varieties of tools deployed by the ancient masters, to help the disciples to evolve, step by step... I started wondering. Are they adopting this 'divide to rule' waala technique, tackling the physical and mental 'structure' of each seeker (treating them uniquely and distinctly, and therefore, the specific tailor-made practices to each )?..

Let me try a real life example, which need not be believed at all 'for my words' about it, but can possibly appeal, when samples of similar instances are reminded of...

My sister was an acute and chronic asthmatic...
She was the one who used to take care of my kid at home, when we left for work, each day...
One day, she was 'busy' wheezing as usual... her mind was fully focused on 'how to draw the next breath successfully', while the gaze (the eyes) were 'rested upon' a moving 'object', namely , my kid who was playing around ...
All of a sudden, the kid had an injury out of an accident... He started bleeding... the gush of blood startled her, my sister, and all of a sudden her body “forgot to wheeze” :-))
(this was her own words, when she described the incident, in the evening, after having taken the kid to the nearest doctor and the wound was sutured, bandaged etc...).

I noted this mention of 'forgot to wheeze' being dropped inadvertently (or rather too-unconsciously), amid the intense excitement of the 'first reporting' of the grave-incident to the most-concerned person, ... the parents of that kid :-))

Later on, I revived this mention, and made her 'eat her own words'.. giving no scope to refute it, and thereby, amply-convinced her about a 'possibility' in that direction with concerted efforts, ...thereby making it into an 'at-will' phenomenon ! (psychiatrists usually resort to mild sedatives to severe the stubborn bonds between body and the mind, since not-all of them are spiritually-evolved too !)...

Here, I would try to also remind ourselves about what we saw at an earlier blog of mine... How do we emote? There, we saw, how a 'deeper' emotion takes over the milder one immediately preceding it.

Once the mind is freed-up from its 'slavish' tendency to succumbing to any non-sensical situation, with its surge of emotional response to it... the body is bound to get tamed, and become available for any possible refinement... (the aroma of those junk foods , the sensory glands inside the nostril, would still continue to communicate the info, the data... but the 'processor' the mind , (unlike those dumb computers,) would have learnt to keep it aside for a while, and let this 'divide' be ruled by that witnessing aspect within :-))

Indivisibly yours,
psn (23rd October, 2016)

Friday, October 14, 2016

Seeking Patronage

It had a converse 'theorem' too!

As a kid, I was drawn towards that converse of it... 'assuring patronage'...
We had a system of internal marks at school, which was mostly based on the teachers own choice (within the overall scheme, that it doesn't affect the scores of the school, in the educational market, whereby it doesn't adversely affect the inflow of donations from kids seeking admission )...

My classmates 'advised' me to keep chanting 'namaste' to a teacher who , in the 'eyes' of kids, appeared to love popularity...

I complied with the 'friendly-advise'.... since it was a 'maxim' in those days, that something told in a 'casual-manner' (take it or leave it basis), has the vulnerability of losing its benefits, if neglected :)

The popular version is to 'seek patronage'... When everybody resorts to it, there is no other way but to accept it as a 'social' thing... (Even 'accepting' a bribe ... failed to raise eyebrows, when it became acceptable that unless 'some' bribe is accepted, even a 'decent living' is impossible!)...

At times, it bounces back...
the example abounds in the political arena...
Despite the 'right kind of noises'... the CM of dilli got landed into a popularity-world at a very wrong place :-)) It was the PAK social media which made him too-popular , while his idea was to make his 'presence-felt' every now and then! May be the approach was lacking... 'fighting-corruption' has to become a little modified once a responsible chair is occupied... A sword is okay in the battlefield(election-fight).. but once back into the agricultural field (administration of society), it is the plough that helps to grow a good crop, it is de-weeding that helps increased crop-yield... a sword would only slash,... even-the.... 'little bit of crops' that somehow managed to grow :-))

As I grew, I started noticing that there were several precious things around, which never sought-any-patronage :-(

The apple did not 'seek any patronage' for the appreciations of the gravity laws that it-also happened to obey with any stone that may be thrown upwards :-))
The forest flower can't even 'hope' to get noticed...
For that matter, even the flowers which depended 'heavily' on those bees for its propagation and preservation of species didn't quite 'advertise' itself... It was “in-the-very-nature” of things, that they get attracted at the right time, and life-perpetuates, or continues (whichever way it is)...

The precious diamond, waits for thousands of years, under tons of uncertainty to be discovered by a keen observer!
“Hey!” I felt... Something that I missed, within me?...
Am I not 'noticing' these so-abstract things ?

Why am I the one (yes, me, the-human-being)... to be able to notice it?

Somewhere, it dawned (I am not quite sure if I am 'right' about it)... that , maybe, ... we humans can even transcend this 'transactional-pattern' of getting noticed... seeking/offering patronage...
Oh yes... we can make the life of others a bit easy, by communicating certain crucial information, like “Sir, it looks like , you are new to this place... the last bus for the day has gone an hour ago... please look for some other means of reaching your destination” (No scope for patronage-transactions, where both of us are strangers to each other, and oblivious to individual 'knowledge' of related situation)...

When it comes to a 'spiritual' seeking,
things got murkier :-))
I never sought for a 'teacher' or so... (and at that kid age, even the word, and its spelling 'spirituality' had nothing to do with me )..
but I did bump into several of them (Oh yes, I didn't realise that they were spiritually evolved, until much later-years of my life... just the visuals of very 'odd' occurrences about them stayed deep in my memory-layers)...

When I felt that 'perhaps' what ever I experienced thus far, might be of 'some-use' to others around... the 'format' of a blog, seemed sensible... even that took a long time to be 'decided-upon' (I had to make sure that my own mind is not really-playing-games, seeking that 'patronage' clandestinely... and such other aspects, which ought-not-to matter to me, and more importantly, 'ought-not-to' retard my own-seeking/own-evolvement)..

Then came the brief stint at a better-popular forum “speaking tree”... it had all the inherent defects of 'undue-popularity' and those factors enabled my exit too :-))

In the 'scheme-of-things'... I had to fit-in somewhere, which suits my pursuits :-))

So, while focusing on my own evolvement... which is the only way to ensure a guidance from evolved beings around... I ought to try and notice a potential in others around, nudge them very gently, very carefully, never encroaching into their own-choices, their own right to exist the way they like, etc, and also trying to make available to a genuine seeker, my own experience (but not assume any guide-like-role.. that is the domain of only-evolved-ones!), allowing them to choose for themselves, what to make , of my sharing...
Obviously, ... age or rather aging, ensures the descent of the too-much of 'fluttering' of wings, over a period of time, and then, that.. RIP :-))

Indifferently yours,

psn (14th October, 2016)

Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Complicated simplicity

At times, I felt that.... I ought to admire a few, who undertake to do a lot of circus to look-simple... (not 'being' simple... to appear-simple to others around).
But, the moment I succumb to such 'perhaps I ought-to' waala feeling, the threat looms large over my small rule, which may not resist anything complicated, for too long :)

This 'small rule' which is my own tiny and pocket-edition wala yardstick, is easy to carry around, like that pocket comb, which slides easily, conveniently into the pocket of a small-time-hero who pulls it out often to ensure that his hairstyle impresses a bored-damsel, who has nothing particular around to focus on, while waiting for a bus, whose frequency is too less, and often untimely :)

I even blurted out this tiny-rule, and somebody nearby exclaimed, “Hey! It sounds too good! It suits almost any situation!”... and I suggested, “Well, if so try and use it a little often... and in a while ... you don't have to use it... you get used-to-it” :-))... (or, was it this way, 'you get used by it' ... dunno!)...

What I do is also simple... when there is a choice , I look at it as, whether it is... 'life-positive, or life-negative'...

And then the “response”, which is my chosen thing, option, out of that choice... may have its-own-complexities... and obviously, ... I handle one twist at a time, one knot at a time... and untie the whole bundle!

I had my own simple lessons too... at times hard hitting ones...
As a kid, I had watched my grandma chop wood for the cooking fire... that was the only fuel at the ancestral home, in a remote village... The axe was almost as tall as me, at its handle...
I felt that what she did was 'too-simple'... hold the handle at one end, the blade is at the other end, and its edge aimed at a piece of log, ... lift it high above the head, allow it to fall on that wood...
I did it... (it was too late for my grandma to notice me 'go-at-it'... I took just 2 or 3 seconds, to decide for that try)..
As ill luck would have it... the head was loose, on the handle... and the upward motion dislodged it from the handle... and when my arm decided to bring down the handle, it 'felt' a little light... 'de-lighted' , I felt... the handle too was 'de-lightened'... the 'head' landed on my-head :-))

Oh! I felt... a knock on the head of a 'slow-learner'?... the pain was sharp and traveled right through my body... Grandma had a burst of laughter... “Fool, she said,... I had rested that axe, because it's get became loose-fit.. not because I lost-stamina... and you picked up the 'fate' by your-own-choice!”... Yes, fate knocked on my head...
Simple is not about truncation of minor details... I reminded myself... on the other hand, we become minute-enough/simple&small enough, ... to be able to notice even minor/minute details !

When that simple-simplicity keeps me so-much-engaged, with its lessons...
where do I find a hope to learn that 'complicated-simplicity'?...
Everything that looks complicated, about spirituality... I decided to keep a safe distance... and look-out for most-simple of its things, taught, advocated, and made available ...
I did find a teacher who did it always... simplified and thus, exemplified ... even complex concepts!

Simply yours,

psn (5th October, 2016)