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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Stop preaching ..... Please..!!!

There has been always, a great outcry against 'preaching'....

Basically, human species is not designed to preach at all! Some how, the tendency to preach has got into us....

Teaching differs a lot from preaching.... But sadly, even the profession of teaching has adopted preaching, too largely, as a comfortable and convenient replacement-tool, to that tiresome and painstakingly laborious method of teaching..... and hence the 'Kolaveri-di' against preaching....


Can't blame preachers entirely! We have proved our tolerance to preaching... And we evolved into that kind of a tolerance right from day 1! .... Looks surprising! Please see, I am saying about tolerance, not about preaching, that we evolved into.....

A baby cries incessantly, and if nothing else occurs to the worried mother to console the child, she starts blaberring rhythemically..... “La la laa, lu, lu looo, tu tu thoo, pa pa paaa...” and so on...

Most of the times, the baby becomes drowsy, and if there is no external support to fight the drowsiness, it falls asleep.... That mother proudly proclaims an expertise at singing the best lullaby! Little does that innocent mother realise, that she had “initiated' the child into tolerating senseless jargon, (junk characters of spoken language!), and the child dozed off out of sheer mind-fatigue!

When the child enters the school, we have an army of teachers and array of 'prescribed' text book, which ensures the “continuity” into this tolerance.... Children doze off in class room....

Some subjects like algebra begin with “suppose we call that number as X.....” (a first timer really starts suspecting the 'knowledge-adequacy' of this branch of mathematics now... 'so algebra doesn't really know how to call it, and starts with a hollow-sounding presupposition right at the beginning!'.... says the thought process, about lazy-mathematics )...... A bit non-alert student would hurry to classify this subject itself as a sort of 'preacher' who himself is not sure of what he preaches!

Parents preach 'Never tell a lie'... and incidentally, but simultaneously, though inadvertently, 'prompt' that kid to answer the ringing phone with a caution 'If it is that so-and-so..... tell them I am not there... gone out 'sine-die'....etc...' (the kid gets the message, preachings are never to be taken literally!)....

It is against this back-drop that our youth repel at even genuine efforts to get them awakened into a spiritual quest! But, reacting to some kind of suggestions that sound like a 'take-it-or-throw-it' one, they try to poke an arguement or two, trying to look quite innocent, but meant to find out whether this preacher really has any credible evidence or supportive experience..... Reactions abound.... Responses are a bit rare, and still rarer are non-casual ones!

My apprehension is largely about my own ignorance about the other person, who might even be a fully enlightened one, and would stare blankly, and deep inside, enjoying my franctic effort with a subtle chuckle, within oneself! The consolation however is, they are invariable very compassionate ones, and a generous pardon is already in my favor , to the credit of my account!

(At this point, I am 'experiencing' a struggle within myself, trying hard to hold back the temptation to 'preach', as to how to tackle preachers!.... And, I am sure, some of you know ..... restraining myself from unsolicited advice/sermon/preaching is something I have been struggling to learn till date!)

psn(31st January, 2012

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Genuine Feedback!

After a very long wait, I did come across a wonderful blog, that seems to comment adequately, comprehensively, and collectively, on behalf of all those who were 'subjected' to my blog posts!

This time, I just 'cut and paste' it cheerfully, taking care to add my own response, only below that...


Since the past few days, i have stopped reading ST blogs and articles... well, more or less. Because, suddenly, i ruefully realised that everyone is going round in circles, and worse news, I MYSELF am going round in circles!!

Its always the same story, i reflected. Those who believe in God, cite the ‘virtue’ of having Faith, the sanctity of scriptures, the beauty of their own respective gods, the magnificence of the natural world as proof that there is a Designer up there (or somewhere/ everywhere). On the other extreme are those who believe only in the scientifically verifiable knowledge about this universe, and hold that a God is not necessary for our world to be like what it is, and every mystery can be explained by science.. if not now, then in the future. And then there are also those seekers who have no set position, and are only on a journey towards 'knowing'... So, we have amongst us - the Theists, Atheists and Agnostics. And as it happens, their opinions and views on any and every topic here is based on their religious/non-religious stances. That is quite okay in itself, you see... but its just that it gets a tad bit predictable in most cases, as to what and how the person is going to opine on a certain topic. (Me is included in this group, so it is a collective self-criticism)

Though, what ACTUALLY pushed me to take a break were, i guess, the multitude of preachy stuff people write about. Some try to be clever and innovative, by attempting to intellectualise completely 'apparent' things, like how we should be honest, we should love everyone, we should be optimistic and positive, we should be non-judgmental and we should not run after money and success, we should be punctual and we should be vegetarians, and all that moral science stuff. (Okay, they are fine too i guess; i just wish they were written in a more original and creative way, with inputs from their real life experiences. And god forbid, if it is one of those cut-copy-paste from-multiple-sources-work, then i completely go into statue-cant-read-mode)

But what is MOST laborious and tiring is to see people getting so over-philosophical and airy, that they end up sounding strangely impressive in an abstract way... but really, making no sense to any fairly right-minded person. For instance, they will write royally that "Truth is what IS" and hey, we are supposed to see the light at the end of the existential tunnel that way. Or they will say something equally useful like "Look INSIDE and you will find the truth" (very helpful and practical, again, thanks). Some say Depression is Lovely (or smthing like that), some others say, be Identity-Less, Lose your sense of Me... Merge with the Universe... (you mean How? Is your body and brain going to disintegrate and all the atoms go shooting into space like star-dust?) You know, its alright to “talk in trance”... but please do it in your own room, why blog about it and confuse the already confused souls here?

Another reason why i dont like preachy stuff is when people write it as if IT IS A UNIVERSAL FACT, and not like, “I believe it is so”, or the more convincing “I have experienced it to be so”. Take an example: you tell me in a high-moral-ground-tone: “Unconditional Universal Love is the only real love, and it is the only way to realise God. Now, c’mon, i would believe it only if YOU experienced this particular truth, and given that you do not exactly behave like someone ‘enlightened’ or even ‘loving’, i know for sure that you have NOT experienced this truth. So there’s really no need for making sweeping statements. It doesnt help me and, it doesnt really help you either. Most of us are struggling to love our own families, relatives and neighbours, unconditionally, for god’s sake (oh well). Why, what about loving all the seekers here on ST itself, for starters... Easy, huh??

And more often than not, i have noticed that those who preach about being egoless are the ones with the most ego and cant have a meaningful discussion with anyone with contrary views, without getting miffed. Those who talk about depression being lovely, and loving others unconditionally have no idea about depression and love. Most such people, while they huff and puff over flattering comments, will not even respond to critical comments, but will let their proxies chase the ‘real thinking seekers’ away from their blogs. I mean, once i remarked that I did not understand the blog and if she could explain it to me. The reply i get isYour doubts will be cleared WHEN the divine chooses” (Ah, the emissary of God that she is, how do i thank her!)

The other day, someone wrote on some blog that he KNEW about Karma, reincarnation, moksha and souls. But ofcourse, he didnt elaborate when i asked HOW he KNEW. If he had said that he got it from this and that source, and this and this is why he believes in it, then its perfectly alright. But ofcourse any ordinary person can tell that he cannot know’ about life after death, till he is still alive! Now you see why such sweeping announcements and declarations do not help, dont you...

I do understand that everyone is free to write whatever they wish to, but we must reflect why we write something, and learn to ask ourselves, am i convinced myself? Can we ask questions about our own beliefs and answer the questions convincingly...? I believe, THAT is the real learning, and not the wrestling of words and playing intellectual monopolies or constructing beautiful sounding sentences. I believe that it helps to reflect on what our own beliefs are, and why we are writing all that we are writing. It helps to be flexible in our viewpoints, and it helps to have an open mind where we question others, but more than that, where we question ourselves the most.

(I wonder why i am writing all this that i am writing. And why am i preaching towards the end! Oh, the incorrigible Speaking Tree seeker in me, i guess!)

Post Script: Notwithstanding what i have written above, i love the blogs of many good seekers here, and i follow the posts and comments of quite a few wonderfully thoughtful people, and i have learned massively from them.

PSS: I am done with my rant, and i am empty now. Thanks for bearing! :)



My response


Immensely invaluable!
Not just about blogs even..... Most of the 'successful' conversationalists conduct it so successfully, only because they play too safe!
But then why spend so much time and effort to write? (Maybe conversation is unavoidable, when imposed face to face...).
Some where, there could be a lurking question .... quite serious enough.... 'am I okay'.... this coupled with another greater need, that sense of belonging without strings attached.... that might be a good reason... In western countries, we have those 'pet-shops'... not 'live' pets... inanimate objects have successfully replaced the 'live' pets..... One can buy any or few of these crude looking objects, and start 'petting' them! It gives a sense of consolation (without attributing any sense to the word 'sense', sensibly!)....
Incidentally, that 'post-script' was almost redundant! Anybody who can write so pin-pointedly, HAS TO HAVE the ability to also distinguish the other type from which we can "MASSIVELY" learn from... (this post script almost sounded like an apprehensive film director, who safely introduces some 'song' sequences, 'comedy' scenes, though absolutely redundant to the central theme of the movie..... though , the movie even without these scenes would have made an excellent film!)
And, I personally feel a sense of deep gratitude for this blog-post..... I still await honest criticisms for my own blog page, where I have written some 300+ posts, stupidly waiting to know whether it was worth the effort at all? This post perhaps speaks on behalf of most of my readers! Yes, I also further compounded my stupidity by sending a copy of those posts to my group of e-mail recipients, with hardly any response!
Thank you very much!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Mild Aghori's

The same lunch every day!

I was amused to read this wonderful blog!

Instantly, I was reminded of the form of yoga that was not so popular amidst 'decent' folks... Aghora yoga.... those who follow it are called aghori's....

Eating the same lunch, for an abnormal length of time.... can we not call it a very 'mild-aghora'? As long as anything works, it is good!

At the root of it, we have the basic question, or purpose.... 'How to overcome the mind-fatigue, that seems to deter us from our goal?'

That reminds me of another aspect, “Breaking Point”....

( )

And then the confusion about mind fatigue itself? Is it an 'emotional' weakness? Does this way of overcoming the emotional weakness constitute 'emotional intelligence'? Another doubt is whether these emotions obey logic at all? 'Sentiment' is a very popular emotion (may be not known to ancient Indians.... reason being, absence of an exact word for it in Indian languages!!! ). Now this sentiment itself obviates any need to explain 'logically'! (No further questions, when I say, MY sentiments!).... As if to compound the problem further, there is something like “false sentiments”!!! Now, 'false' is an excellent tool in logic (programmers know better!)... so, how can a supra-logical thing (sentiment), become semi-logical, with 'false-sentiment'?.... It is these kind of doubts, that dissuade us from hanging on to a newer concept, in our struggle to evolve..... Now comes that 'Rational' thinking, which accomodates both Logic and emotion(+ sentiments), ...... This works only as long as 'rational' is socially acceptable! That is why the 'mild' form of Aghora... like eating the same 5slices of bread and aloo-gobhi! There is some rationale, and that is why, when a 'demonstrable' example appears, there is a temptation to try it out! (See, the rationale does not permit any deviation from the form..... “THE SAME 5 BREAD SLICES” for others too!)...(Bread-Kolaveri-di...!)


anything that demonstrates the will to voluntarily put certain restrictions on self is admirable.... That is where a person actually 'demonstrates' the will, the conscious act of choosing, ... to attempt 'to go beyond nature'.... (typically a 'mild' form of spiritual pursuit!!!)...

And that is what exactly prompted me to put forth the views thus....


PSN(24th January, 2012)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Humble for no reason

Is it possible for us to GENERATE an experience of utter humility, without the support of any external factor, reason, situation, occasion, etc?

I was wondering thus, and found the 'visuals' of such day-dreaming to be thoroughly refereshing! It is difficult to put into words the surge of that 'experience', and it would not be entirely wrong to classify it as a 'kind of emotion' (that experience of visuals..... for example, we come out of a movie theatre, after seeing a great hero, who has extra ordinary capabilities, like fighting 2 dozen villains at a time, shouldering too many responsibilites at a time, sacrificing everything for others etc.... and we too feel some kind of 'charge' or energy, for some time..... usually it lasts till we reach the nearest bus-stop, and then we are back to our normal self! That is one of the reasons, when we feel the movie was worth every penny! )

I had come across a wonderful blog, which highlighted the subtle aspects of emotional intelligence.... , ....

In fact, it gives details of what constitutes emotional intelligence.... Clearly, the author must have had first hand experience of these qualities, to be able to list it out so exhaustively!

I was only looking out for the spiritual aspect, (as is the usual focus of my eye ,when reading such blogs.......).... I even took courage to respond, seeking for sources where such formal or structured training is imparted in the present day world(be it any institution, organisation, structure ... by any name what-so-ever)..... It is good enough if somebody tells us how to get stabilized into emotions... In simple terms, we become capable of remaining like that lotus leaf, untouched by the slush that we are rooted in.... deeper the slush, better the lotus leaf and its flower.... we should be able to emote at will, in full awareness, consciously, and totally, whether it is about manifesting a positive emotion, or a negative one....

In that stream of thought process, I began wondering thus..... is it possible to 'experience'.... not just thinking about it, or trying to act, feign, manifest or so.... no need for the fellow next to us to even get a hint of what is happening within us..... our actions are purely according to the need of the situation, but inside us, within us, we are generating an immense fountain of humility, without the dependence on even a memory from the past!

I suppose, that humility too counts as an 'item' under the list of emotional intelligence!


psn(23rd January, 2012)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


There is no shortage of critics... If we learn it in a 'structured' way, it is rewarding.... Film critics get paid! If that anchor/compere/reporter can think of a good punch line, which looks like a criticism, but it gives the celebrity an 'opportunity' to clarify for all appearance, but in fact gives, adequate 'free' publicity (the monetary consideration goes in 'black' , as bank-blance at some swiss-account, .... well, .... nothing like it!).

I as a common man (the aam aadmi), was enjoying the comforting thought that nobody even cares to look at me, as I walk in that crowd, the crowd that engulfs me as soon as I step out of the house! (So, where do I come under the scanner of any verbal criticism? At office, hire and fire is the order of the day, so is attrition-rate as a reverse-mortgage weapon!). Only at home, criticism abounds! And that it what a 'homely' atmosphere is, as a left over of the traditional joint families, reduced to micro sized ones!

One day, my mind wandered astray, leaving that 'witnessing' aspect within me to gape blankly at everything on my way, as I stepped out of the house... It is the memory of that mute 'witness' (which did not have the capability to reply or protest), which became a scape-goat of heavy criticism, of everything, from everything, animate, and inanimate! That witness within simply passed on the data, file, memory, to my mind, as if to say, “now it is your baby.... take it or leave it... or do what ever you like”! I might have been hallucinating, or maybe something 'possessed me' during that brief absence of my own mind, etc... it does not matter..... but the data seemed strange, and 'factual' (truth is our interpretation, of course, which ever way it suits us! )...

Those funny criticisms were like these (a few sample-items from that maze...)


The endless litter of plastic waste lying all along the road side said “when this civilisation will be dug out of ruins some thousand years later, that man then... if at all the generation continues till then, or else a re-generation happens, would see how we littered this planet with so much junk, plastic, broken gadgets like used mobiles, electronic junk, etc....

The choking air around said “ excellent! You managed to poison in a very short time, with those smoking vehicles, factories, airconditioners, and what not, the air which was kept pure, fresh and energising, by some thousands of generations of your ancestors!”

That tap water dripping from a roadside pipe said... “ I am talking to you in a flowing motion.... what a waste, since there is no tap, and I go untapped, while somewhere else there are people struggling for a drop of me! And you call me a 'public tap'.... where is the tap or the tapper?”...

Those crows seemed to send only a long-distance criticism from high sky “ there is nothing for me, the nature's scavanger of yester years! Everything is synthetic junk.... no natural waste to peck!”

That noise all over shreiked at the top of its voice ..... “Noise pollution.... entirely from man made sources... I was so beautiful, years ago, when birds chirped, wind whispered through the rustle of leaves of those trees, ....”

I paused, tried to look up, hoping that staring into vacant sky might divert my attention into some far away space... but a shout came from there, just waiting for me to look up... “Thou shall not send any more satellite without fearing me.... I am the junk of old obselete satellites, wandering in the orbit immediately above that ozone hole above you! You are hearing me only because of that ozone hole... I will crash into anything else you try to put up!”...

(these were the few stray samples....)

My mind, with lots of inputs from politics that I hear day in and out, through our 'idiot-box' simply muffled(muted) the 'play-back' of within, and very politically, very diplomatically, referred to ancient past, to dig out the criticism(from anybody) of the ancient days!..... Yes I got it! The kings then had to 'appoint' a critic.... He was given a licence to criticise even the king... Some called him the court jester, some called him 'vikata-kavi' (some kind of critic-poet)... etc.... The 'aam aadmi' lived quite peacefully.... there was nothing 'worth' criticising..... just stray instances of nature's fury, some natural calamities, which were handled by the society with adequate mutual love, sacrifice, etc... as a matter of 'routine'! Spirituality was all around... It was a normal, common feature that 'Perceptions were beyond sensory level too'! (As if to confirm this, we have that author of recent years, the author of “Vedic Mathematics” who 'heard' it, a play-back, through meditative process, after having created an all time record of academic brilliance by scoring the highest marks in all the subjects in an exam conducted in a foreign school!The introduction part of that book says it all!). Action was a consequence, a response, never a reaction! The thought-process (even the non-verbal thoughts....???? yes, they were aware of such things too!) were mostly non-commercial! (today, we can trace out some commercial value to 99% of our thoughts, words, and deeds!... fortunately, no criticism on this ! It is a matter of 'personal' choice!).... Elders retained their most of their emotional capability and very little logic was needed.... just to handle that simple material aspect of life.... they were wise... they deliberately kept life simple, so that the logic did not rule the mind... Today, the worst of old-age miseries is the unstoppable, uncohesive logic, that climbs up incessantly (thanks to the new concept of old-age-homes.... the children are spared the spew of outdated-logical-stubborness of elders!)...

So that's it....

(I woke up there after.... Thank goodness, everything was just a dream! But... that nagging thought remains..... I have to do my little bit, to at least not add up anymore to the 'junk', if not to reduce the litter!)

psn(17th January, 2012)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Pyar kiya tho darna kya

I do not compartmentalize the topics, when I try to write for my blog post.... Basically, every activity that revolves around 'humans' is worth discussing... It is only for convenience of a better focus, indepth study, that we 'categorise'.... But, the very nature of mind, given what it is, tends to resist, and ends up compartmentalizing, instead of categorizing.... In this process, people around me try to dissuade me from voicing certain opinions, which might evoke needless controversy.... I too, oblige them, and retain those pieces of writing, within the confines of the isolated hard disk... Not out of any fear (that is why the title, Pyar kiya tho darna kya..), but out of consideration that those in the immediate proximity have a reasonable claim upon my leisure, which becomes shaky when vulnerable posts evoke those 'needless controversies. But this one, I decided to go ahead, since the benefits to those who might be really intense, could outweigh the other apprehensions....

Enough of prologue.... on to the main stuff.

There was a blog post, and I was asked to give my opinion. After a while, I felt it is good enough to constitute an independent post by itself. So, the post that sparked this one, is given as a brief link (to those who are interested), and my response, which, I feel is readable by itself, not very dependent on any preceding arguement, I reproduce hereunder....


My response:

I read that link.... It is very difficult to give specific and 'related' comments, because it has to be confined to the contents, which would essentially render it 'subjective' by nature... where as, our idea is to look at it objectively. There has been an 'attempt' to highlight the worth of ancient and traditional values... but as can be easily seen, the difficulty is in making it appeal to the modern logical mind....
The very 'form' of that traditional concept that is handed down to us is quite complex, and any 'logical' overview is bound to make it appear 'outdated, obsolete, stupid, illogical'.... The only clue is the surprising/baffling/perplexing fact that this tradition has sustained for so long!!! This clue, by itself, is not really good enough to lead us to the intrinsic worth of those traditional values! A rational mind (rational in the 'modern' sense of the word.... admirably, the 'modern' sense of the word is beyond that 'logical' mind.... it seeks to combine logic with certain 'human' values, emotional values... quite admirable, but not really adequate, for the typically "Indian" ancient values to be understood!
Please see, two simple things are within our reach even today....
1. Hunger-satiation.... Very few people today happen to eat the next meal, after they become really 'hungry'.... What they misconstrue to be hunger is usually an 'empty stomach! Now, that hunger statiation is afresh each time, and mind is almost incapable of bringing any interference of the past satiation-experience....
2. Thirst satiation.... The experience of water satiating the thirst usually lasts only up to the throat level.. very few travel along with the water up to the stomach at least, though the body is ready to allow us access, (in fact, the body yearns for 'our ' participation), right up to the cellular level even!
If these two 'seem' reasonable, rational, then there is some scope to discuss the third one, where the 'nature' is a bit benevolent...
3. The mating ..... For the purpose of procreation and preservation of the species, nature has designed this instinct to be 'felt' afresh.... but human beings can exercise their choice to recaptulate the mind, the memory and lose its 'experience'. (Few spiritual masters have gone deep into the aspect, and have evolved a technique to reach that 'in the moment' state using this act.... It is the gross mis-interpretation of this technique that has rendered it into the present 'devalued-presented-form'.... A parallel example, is the purpose of 'aghora-yoga' , which still scares the 'common' mind... but can be easily comprehended by a person who has reached a reasonable level on a spiritual path..... ).... Another 'easily' verifiable fact is , it is very difficult to 'fake' or 'feign' the pleasure or joy during the act of mating.... and it is this aspect, which leads a person to 'matching' partner most of the times, more than other things....
Marriage, its rules, traditions, etc are all 'self-imposed' restrictions....
Any self-imposed restriction is usually for the purpose of evolving into something higher.....
For example, an 'ideal' student, abstains from games, pleasure, fun, etc, and confines to study hard, with a clarity of higher purpose... it could be to 'grasp the concept' of the subject, way beyond just passing the exams, just reproducing by-heart, the text-book contents.... (quite rare, but such students do reach research level, and stay there for life, instead of stagnating)....
Another example, a surgeon, abstains from caffine (coffee), a week ahead of the date of brain-nerve-surgery, with the clarity that his hands/fingers should not shake/shiver, during the intricate surgery.....
If we make an attempt to look at those 'stupid/meaning-less' looking traditional styles of relationships prescribed for 'marriage-relationships', and then try to equip with the necessary perception-tools to examine these rituals, then and only then, there is a possibility for the 'reason' behind it to become 'visible'.... Till then, such discussions, and debates are bound to be fruitless.... (It does make sense to 'at least' enjoy the gift of nature, that primitive physical pleasure that is already available, provided, we do not overdo it too much , beyond what 'nature' has designed this bio-logical body for!!! Even animals, confine to the 'nature's rules, though without that self-awareness... It is the self awareness, which imposes that 'choice'.... again, choice is not a freedom, it is the compulsion to 'choose'.. ... within those two choices, either overdo it, or have self-imposed restrictions, and be rewarded with evolvement!)...
(Even this length of 'comments' is unduly long, by the 'common-standards'.... so, it is 'rational' to close it at least here!)
PSN(16th January, 2012)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

No promotions please!

A few years ago, I happened to 'chat' on line with an eminent neurologist far away.....

I did not realise the 'stature' of that great person, till he disclosed at the end of the chat, (out of necessity, to convince me that he is empowered to compenstate me in Australian dollars for the 'material' he gathered from me, .... Needless to add, I simply declined any 'credit' in any manner, whatsover, and with great difficulty, dissuaded him from persuading me to accept any kind of credit for it). Had I known his profile, I would not have dared to chat with a person of such great eminence! Anyway, he happened to ask 'what I do'..... and when I told him that I was a 'clerk', he paused for a while.... I thought he simply left (away from that chat window)..... and meekly tried to find out with the next line of chat.... 'Sir, are you still there....?'.... He said instead ... “India is perhaps the only country that tolerates people like you to maintain such low profile!” ... (I felt 'clean-bowled'! From their pitch, Aussies 'usually' clean-bowl most of us!).

I too, did resist the temptation to get promoted, and stayed contended as a clerk, though for my own reasons... Many people around me still keep wondering.. why? Not that I wanted to keep the reasons to myself..... what I told them simply failed to find a reasonable sense! I had tried to reason out that I liked to take only as much as I needed.... and a promotion was something that I never neededd to do what I liked to do with my life... instead, I needed some freedom to pursue my search towards the real purpose of 'life' (later, it so turned out that the word 'spirituality, spiritual quest.... suited well, as a description)..... and for that, the best compromise was, I ensure that I am not 'burdensome' to others around, and yet, had adequate wherewithals to do take care of my pursuit... that clerical duties suited me the best.... when even that had outlived the purpose, I simply gave it up.... nothing more to it.... But, there are others, who find that 'promotion' burdensome , for different reasons!

I was amused to read this 'no' to promotion....

I do envy the declaration 'Mindless seeker'!!! Exactly what I am still , yet, just at “trying” level!!!

I am reproducing a part of the post.... which is a common 'phenomenon' in the present day scenario... (for those interested, the link will take you to the entire content...

psn(15th January, 2012)



b. Reasons for Rejecting the Title:

i. Organisationally: We do a job well and get promoted. We do it again and get promoted yet again. This happens in incremental progression, until we reach a position, where we no longer do well (i.e Our Level of Incompetence). Mindful Soul is such a position for me! Thus, I should be relegated back to my old position (before I get fired).

ii. Psychologically: The titles have a numbing effect on me. They create stress on two accounts: firstly the inability to cope with the extra demands for the title (read more hours on the Speaking Tree, more blogs, more comments etc.), which would cut my family time, personal time etc.. Secondly, it also creates a need to “MIND” my every move, every word as befitting as that of a “Mindful Soul”, wherein, Reality is that I am “Mindless”! (So more Stress)

iii. Sociologically: This title, creates an unnecessary pressure on me, to get more and more followers and blogs. This will eventually reduce the quality of the content I produce on the site. The phenomenon could be as damaging as Pseudo-Spiritual “Rat Race”. Studies have shown the conferee(s) resort to unscrupulous means to get ahead. Thus, the idea of Spirituality, of Cooperation, of assisting and aiding the mutual ascension process (on ST) will get replaced with that of COMPETITION.

iv. Spiritually: We already have so many castes, reservations/ quotas, rations and cut-offs in India, much to the bane of many of my countrymen. Please let God Decide the “Soul Certification” and let us be not divided. At least not on Speaking Tree!!! Let it remain a site of Sharing, Speaking, Seeking and Love. Please don’t corrupt the Universal LOVE, which is free and for ALL.

Once again, urging you to let me be ME i.e. without the Mind. Let me Experience the Tree, experience the Wisdom Fruit and Engage in Regular Chirp with the other Birds, without worrying about the Colour of their Feathers or the pseudo Halo they wear around their heads or even reminded of my own incompetencies.

Let the Birds be Birds without the “Labelled” Cage!

I hope you will relieve of my misery as soon as possible.

Thanking you from bottom of my HEART.

Spiritually Yours

A (Mindless) Seeker

(Disclaimer ONCE AGAIN: The views expressed in this OPEN LETTER are of a “MINDLESS Soul”, and doesn’t bear any MORAL OBLIGATION whatsoever on the part of other SOULS* to shun their Titles.)

*(in “Mindful Soul”, “Connected Soul” , “Awakened Soul” , ”Enlightened Soul” and “Masters” categories )


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Digestive system of the Mind

“I am unable to digest easily, what you say!”

There are very few people, who have never come across such a statement... And, such statements are 'normally' spelt out orally (not in written communications....).

Dis-ease occurs to body as well as the mind.

Food is the source of health as well as that dis-ease.

Main input organs for body-food is mouth and nose.

Stomach has its own cellular level intelligence, so a head-ache pill will “act” even when consumed with little bit of negative attitude, sad mood, singing a song, lamenting, etc (once the body is 'lifeless', that head ache pill does not 'help' the body/stomach, forensic science uses this concept to arrive at the 'exact' time of death....).

Mind receives it food through all the sense organs.... We hear about 'healthy' mind, mind growth, good-company to 'grow' in.... etc...

One funny thing is, mind chews the food in two ways... at once, one session, and also 'later on'.. like those ruminating animals (chewing the cud)....

We also ruminate, the already-chewed, already-digested food of the mind, and also re-ruminate, ruminated food (we do reconsider, a well considered opinion.... Supreme court judges do just that... mostly 'appeals'....!)

Chewing certain ideas, is itself a tough job (words do not need a reference to the dictionary, but the concepts are elusive!).....

Children who are 'put on' healthy food, right from early age, have an added advantage.... they mix(that re-mix-songs concept too! Old-wine-in-new-bottle... concept, etc) pre-digested food, with non-chewable food, now find it softer, and then chew it (flight of knowledge from known to unknown!)

Now the tail-piece... out of context, but I can't help... force of habit (you may say.....not me...)..... Spiritual concepts are food-inputs beyond sensory levels.... none of the above tricks (mind-tricks) really work, when it comes to chewing, eating, digesting spiritual concepts. At best, we may delude ourselves, creating an illusion of having grasped spiritual concepts, by expounding the 'definition' meaning etc , using time tested punch-lines, dialogues, interpretations and what not..... all at mind level only... and as if to confuse us further, a few extra-sensory capabilities (siddhis) play a mighty role in evading the grasp of the already elusive spiritual concepts, by deliberately involving the mind, mind-powers, to boost that egoistic aspect of the self (that is why stories abound, about even high-tech-rishis, who remained 'stuck' even at a greater height of evolvement on spiritual 'path'... yes just the path, not the destination!)

(Enough for the present, lest I cause indigestion to the mind!)

psn(12th January, 2012)

Monday, January 09, 2012

Do not Compare (needlessly)

“Compare and contrast” questions used to fetch me better marks in my school days. Somehow, I was good at adding 'mirch-masala' (like that salt 'n' pepper), while comparing.

But, during adulthood, the same 'skill' did not seem to work always, to yield any appreciation (marks), or even 'some acceptance' in the people around me.

True, I did keep looking at the concept of 'comparison' frequently, to fine-tune it....

I even wrote something about it, sometime earlier ( )...

Now I try to look at it, trying, reducing only 'just the problematic area'.

So I share the thought process here...

1)compear ( to appear in court)... just the witnessing aspect, no politics.

2)Compeer (comparison, an equal, associate).... better.... involved with equal stake...

3)Compere (“one who introduces and interlinks items of an entertainment...).... wonderful... seems to be the best choice.

4)Compare (to set together so as to ascertain how far things agree or disagree)! ... so that is the vulnerability-area.... we end up 'judging'.... and still worse... we end up taking positions....

That reminds me.... do journalists ever take up “positions”?

Please see, we witnessed a hectic reporting, during the anti-corruption campaign by Shri Anna Hazare.... The journalists took great care , not to take any position, but just report!

That is what we( the Aam aadmi ) think.......

But the politicians are seriously annoyed... They “know”, how the media has so subtly, so unanimously, taken a position, by deciding to report 'non-stop' .... !!! Their whole grouse is that “we have been the 'feed-burner-dot-com' for you the journalists, all along, and now .....all of a sudden you have made our very survival so precarious?”..... (quite a number of Our 'aam aadmi' tried 'Gandhi-Giri', but often failed, simply because it lacked that 'media' effect.... In that film, Lage Raho Munnabhai... media effect is common in all the examples of Gandhigiri!).

But, not all journalists are really 'aware' of the great hidden talent they have.... Maybe, it is because, they use the “art” of reporting as a “skill” ....... a mere professional skill.. .. True, it fetches good money, but a conscious practice of art also goes to uplift an individual, that is where spirituality helps... Please look at the 'role' of Krishna in the whole of the story of Mahabharata... he really never took positions .... the extreme position that he took is also a mild one, that of a mere charioteer! But, when story tellers try to 'report' about Krishna, they face maximum trouble/questions/problems! Story telling about Rama is not so much of a problem!

The clue is, perhaps, not to carry the 'residue' whether we choose to report, compare, compere or whatever. The song 'Kolaveri' became a hit, due to many reasons. But a significant reason might be the 'residue' about which it reminds us of.... the script is simply clear...... moon-white, background, dark-night,..... girl-colour-white, heart-black.... etc.... Most of the 'remixes' uses that compare-contrast-residues, which is in the minds of masses! As a contrast example, that movie “Aarakshan” only 'appears' to take a position .... but in the whole movie, no where is a 'position' taken. In fact, the central theme has very little to do with 'reservation-policy' , but has a LOT to do about teaching CONCEPTS in education, transforming the education system, as a contrast to those 'marks-fetching-coaching-centres'....

It needs a lot of skill to try that 'reporting' attitude.... just place both the aspects, leave the judgement to others.... It reminds me of a few elderly ladies, in the neighbourhood, when I was a kid.... they never tasted Non-Veg items (their personal preference though the family traditons permitted it...), but they were excellent cooks, to prepare the most tasty non-veg-dishes!

The benefit of trying out that 'reporting attitude'(instead of 'judgemental-comparison), is easier if we try it out at home.... we enjoy better trust, no commercial loss involved.... etc..

Best benefit: Over a period of time, we become a bit free/r from our own 'judgemental' mind.... (every thought, is almost a conclusion or a judgement, in some form or other....)

Now, your judgement please .... (I await... :) ...!!!)


psn(9th January, 2012)

Kolaveri Cow-U

I came across a wonderful story about a sufi saint....

(quote: )

the mind is compared to the cow, and man holding the cow by a rope, seems to be the master...

the rope is cut and the cow runs away.... now the man runs after the cow... not the cow wanting to remain with its master....

Some how, I was reminded of that song... Kolaveri, and the line where two hands are put up near the head, fingers pointing upwards, like horns of the cow and the line “holy Cow-u”.....

The story of Sufi saint might be old.....

Now the situation is still worse.... We become that “holy-cow-U...” and that is why kolaveri-Adi.

No need for the rope even! (Excellent 'market condition' for psychiatrists!)

psn(9th January, 2012)

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Thank You!

There was a door mat, made of coir, with the words in English “Thank You” occupying most of the mat's tread area! I felt very hesitant to step on the “Thank You”, and then cross over. I paused, trying to find out a blank area, place just a heel, or the toes, and cross over. Fortunately, no body else around noticed my 'silly' predicament , which was a creation of my own! All others were blissfully ignorant of what they were stepping upon when they crossed over the mat.

I was just a kid then.

When I was just a school going kid, the only place where I meet others from 'high' society was the school itself, and the members of that high society was that I came across were also kids, my own schoolmates! So, the only 'usual' door mat that I came across, or had to cross-over, was usually the old worn out clothings that we put near the door, so that dirt could be wiped off before entering the 'just-swept-room'. Door mats of coir cost... and for sure, my(our) level people, whom I visit often simply cannot afford it. That was my problem. Even a plain door mat was a luxury. And, over and above that, the “Thank You...” ..... I felt as if trampling over somebody's 'sense-of-gratitude'... I did not have the courage to clear my doubts at that age, and quietly wrapped up my confused bundles of thoughts, to be unfolded much later..... and that is how I remember it even now!

Hardly did I know that what was taught to me as a matter of merely being a little 'courteous' could become a source of embarassment, rather than a source of joy, then....

I was impressed upon, when I was a kid, that one of the “parameters” of letting others know that we are 'educated' is..... 'show' of courtesy.... words like 'please', 'thank you'... etc... Quite funnily, I could never then understand why we have to mumble 'excuse-me' or 'sorry' when the other fellow whispers too inaudibly.... it is his problem.... we can simply say, 'please repeat again...'

I did feel a little bit of freedom, when summer holidays came, and we visited our village. Most of the people were illiterate, and I was safe from errors of dis-courteous omissions, when talking (incidentally, I felt it difficult to find an exact translation for that 'please' in the local language of that village!.... that was just in case..... I faced a 'courtesy insisting gentleman'.....).

Now, my only problem is, quite unwittingly, I embarass even those people who are seldom 'thanked' in a very routine public/social life, with a “thank you” , and often face that 'look' which almost says.... “well, I really don't know what to do with your 'thanks'.... why don't you take it back, please... .. at least for a while, while I am too busy?” .... Most of the times, others around remind me, “why do you have to thank him.... it is his duty.... we have paid for it...” (etc). I had spent too long with 'thank you' to now part(away from) with it, diverse from it (or a divorce)... Now, for me, that mention of 'thank you' has taken a different dimension..... it is more to do with my own overwhelming, unsuppressable sense of gratitude, a sense of deep acknowledgement of my interdependence with everyone, and everything around me, rather than that initial 'sense of social obligation of return-courtesy'. So it does not insist that I look at the other person's qualifications to decide whether to mention the thanks.... But the problems around it does remain! Only that, I have managed to build an armour('kavach') around me, such that these problems do not injure my sense-of-gratitude.... I do not know, how I will manage or whether I can remain 'comfortable', without that sense of gratitude ( and so, I mumble that thanks from within me, to end within me, just that body language as a manifest emotion, when really 'driven to wall', by compulsions of situation, forcing me to keep 'my thanks' just with myself' !).

Ah! This 'post' is perhaps my thanks to that person who taught me to 'say' thanks.... It has taken me to 'places' in spiritual arena.... but not entirely without some 'side-effects'.... to mention just one of them, .... I am still searching for “EXACT” translations for the word “thank you” in other languages... and could not proceed any further , after having found “Shukriya...” in Urdu .. But, I did not have to really 'find' that word 'shukriya'.... it was all around me long ago, since most of my school-classmates were 'abound' it, when it came to mentioning a 'sense-of-gratitude',,,


Friday, January 06, 2012

'Marriage' revisited

This is just a copy-paste of a response given to a blog.

But, when I finished typing it out, I thought there is enough 'masalaa' in it to constitute itself into a blog.... There is yet to be a known law, which prevents a person from reproducing one's own response as a blog-post, with mere link-reference to the other one....

Here it goes.....

I happened to glance through a blog by an eminent person...



I gave my response/reply/feedback as under:


The last few words of the blog is the clue... (quote: Marriage should ultimately lead to the spiritual upliftment ...)
For leading us to that 'ultimate' (spiritual upliftment), the BASIC aim, should be also 'spiritual-upliftment', and for that, there should be 'adequate' clarity about what is spirituality. I say 'adequate' because, entire clarity may not happen in the present day scenario (in the ancient days, when this ritual was 'institutionalised' it was this very same clarity that afforded it, it is the then form, and the depleted form today, which we find it difficult to uphold.
Please see, mere togetherness without proper-logical-parameters, marriage is never going to sustain in that 'materialistic-win-win' aspect. What ever we do. Otherwise, why do people keep juggling jobs? Attrition is the greater worry of head-hunters than the problem of recruiting the 'right-person'!
Today's partner-seeking is 'logical-compatibility' oriented. Emotional compatibility is a matter of chance! That is because, there is yet to be a structure(by any name, school, college, institution, training center, etc) which teaches a person to remain emotionally stable.... It is not about 'knowing' what emotion is.... Knowing manifest form of emotion is dealt in psychology, and managing imbalance is taught in psychiatry, but neither of these help to consciously stabilize into emotions! That is the domain of spirituality(at least, I think so...)
We have to get to the basics. Marriage is a restriction, a self imposed restriction , when we look at how animals, birds etc mate for the purpose of procreation alone. Any self imposed restriction has to be for evolving into something higher... always.... Otherwise, why does a surgeon willingly abstain from consuming coffee (caffine), a week ahead of delicate, intricate, brain-nerve surgery? Why does a 'promising' student keep away from TV, games, fun etc when the exam dates are very close?
Those who are spiritually evolved adequately during the early years of 'gurukula', in the ancient days, simply opt out of marriage (that is why the population explosion took place in the recent most century, not for several thousand years earlier... that reminds me... some 3 thousand years ago, the population of India itself might be less than a crore, but the 'Hindu' Gods were even then numbering 33 crores.... the devotee-God ratio was simply amazing...... Mercifully, there was no concept of 'aadhaar' (that unique id number allotment need) for those 33 crores of Gods! Otherwise, imagine the parameters of biometrics/demographics for those Gods? That reminds me, the priests used to 'invoke' those Gods, using the 'aadhaar', which may be Mantra, Tantra, or a mere Yantra!!!....)
Another clue is, most of the 'rituals' that is associated with traditional form of marriage is not available to be perceived from 'purpose' point of view. The purpose is subtle, too subtle to be available at 'sensory' levels. Either you blindly trust, or try to evolve enough to perceive it through 'vision' (not just the eyes)....
Nice blog, Madam, Dr. Neeraja Kumar, .... it is the choice of words that feels quite encouraging, and persuades a reader to delve deeper into this wonderful institution called marriage.... (interestingly, there is no ancient mantra/ritual to carry out that 'divorce').
Thanks & Regards,

Meditation, Eyes open

(Again copied from my other blog page: )


People, some of them, die with eyes open.... we see in the movies, and the hero gently passes the palm over the eyes to cover them with eyelids.

I too had my eyes open, but was 'dead' to what I could clearly see, if only I was 'ready' to see it! Only when the team of '' educated me where to look for it, I could locate the 'log-out' button! They were very kind, gentle, and wonderfully responsive. Their reply mail was almost instant! Had it been about 48 years ago, for having asked such a query (which requires only a little more intelligent looking about with 'awareness'), I would have received a sharp knock on my head from the knuckles of the right hand, with a tight-closed fist, and that would have really opened my eyes yet again, this time meaningfully!

There was a query, answered by a great living master:

Having seen the link above, it would be easier to understand the subtle way of seeing through and through.

Recently, I happened to ask an elderly lady, 'which part of a baby's face, gives it that innocent-look, always?' .. she thought over only for a brief while, and came up with the answer “eyes”....


Now came the difficult part of the query which I asked her... “then, why is it that we fail to see the opposite of that innocence, when we look at the eyes of adults around” (meaning....., in simple words, why do we fail to see the body language during a conversation? The eyes crinkle, when the smile is genuine, ..... and for that we have to see the upper half of the face, not just the broad lips...)

That lady just paused..... fumbling for a reply.... I gently persuaded with a suggestion.. “is it like we fumble, when we enter an unfamiliar, unlit, dark room, where we don't know where the switch is, or if there is a light-bulb.... though our eyes are open?” (in our own house, a familiar area, we put the hand exactly on the right switch, and get the lights on).... How it relates to our 'vision' (not just the eyes), is that we evolve into deeper perception capability (to be able to see through and through, not just on the surface...), and when the perception reaches a particular point, the level beyond that is 'spiritual' vision (as the great masters say.....).

Where am I? This is what I felt when I failed to locate that 'log-out' button, though it was clearly there all along, visible, prominent, clear and distinct !


Thursday, January 05, 2012


I could not hold back this post, though I had already posted it at another forum (blog-page)....
This blog page was my 'aadhaar' all along, and turning towards another one seemed like 'wilful' neglect of this one or a duplication with ulterior motives! Anyway, this copy paste should not, hopefully cause any 'de-duplication' issues (like our Aadhaar's "process"!).

'Aadhaar' is now a famous word. It sent me scrambling towards the queue for obtaining an 'Aadhaar' number, when the 'aadhaar' (basis..... that is what it is supposed to mean popularly)... when the aadhar/basis for an LPG refill is going to be THE aadhaar issued by government (Unique identity number)...

That activity of offering biometrics and demographics , which makes me 'unique' by the very nature of combination of data pertaining to me, set me into thinking about 'aadhaar' concept itself.

The ancient spiritual masters used to teach us about the aadhaar of this creation, and thus lead us towards the core of our being (our aadhaar!). Yet another set of masters used to adopt 'logic' as a tool to tackle the 'logically stuck' people...... It is like this... if we cannot be pulled out of slush (we are stuck deep , inextricably), then remove the slush that is immediately around us! It may work, and then when the 'material' around is removed a little, we 'find' ourselves 'freed' and we have to just climb out! That 'logical' tool is negation, known by the ancient name "Neyti" ( na-iti... or... not this, not this...).. they tell us to take up everything that 'appears' to be an aadhaar, or basis, and then eliminate it with 'neyti' (mathematical science does use this method for certain problems).
The 'design' of the software that deals with allotment of Unique id also seems to use 'neyti' by comparison..... They call it 'de-duplication' (the "pre-supposition" is that it (the biometrics & demographics of a person) is a 'duplicate' , and it (IT-the computer) checks for the 'original'... If it does not find the 'original' then this data is 'deemed' original, and allotted a unique number! It set me wondering, what if a person "swaps" the iris (this is the strongest of biometrics, unless a person is blind, of course)....
And, as a striking contrast, our spiritual masters remind us , no two leaves are alike on this planet (with so many plants, trees, its leaves, etc!).... so it is just a question of our capability to find the biometrics (and whatever), to be able to 'allot' a unique id (aadhaar), to anything we like!
That takes us a bit deeper. Once we 'tap' the ultimate 'aadhaar' of everything, then it is easy to do 'de-duplication' about anything almost instantaneously(this capability of 'instantaneously' does ring a bell about 'siddhi's....)!
So, it does take a 'spiritually-inclined' mind to design a good software for 'aadhaar'... Till then, our people are quite smart.... It is just 'de-bugging' (yes, there are bugs, not a pre-assumption at all, )... when a bug troubles, prominent tools are 1) try for some time, if it a simple bug, sincerely remove it. 2) if the bug has a better duplicate version, cut-copy-paste 3) if the bug is somewhere between two lines of codes (spotted, fingers-laid-upon), then, 3-a) include a line to send the pointer, control to next line...... (not many are there to find out this) or 3-b) Just delete the 'echo' effect, add another code to send the control flying to the next logical sequence.... (who has the time to find the 'missing' error message or bug?).. 4) If the three do not work, try to rewrite the codes, mess it up further, get a smarter junior to 'assist' in that project... 5) and so on.....
Well, that is what we do with our lives, avoiding a 'direct' confrontation with the very basis of our life , 'aadhaar' of our life, till that 'LPG' refill is blocked (the fuel that affords us a human re-birth!)....
Anyway, it does not matter, as long as 'de-duplication' takes such a long time!

Monday, January 02, 2012


If only those confusions about 'life' itself recede for a while......., yes.... even just for a while.... maybe..... it is much easier to decide as to which way to go ahead, while we feel 'lost' like in a deep, dark jungle. Almost like trying to learn swimming at a sea shore where the waves are usually very violent(swimming pool, that round inflated rubber tube, and the expert keeping a watch at a very close distance, and above all.... the below... is just 3 feet deep to begin with.... so cool....)!

And then, it struck me, ..... what am I trying to look for, when prying into the 'cause' for these waves of confusions?

Parameters?...... Why not?... maybe..... could be...... should be...... would be....

(I wonder if my 'other' mind .... something that they call 'subconscious'... like those sub-marines, which surface only once in a while..... was trying to “actually” get serious, and did some again and again-search, or a re-search to find out “why this ... kolaveri.... kolaveri.... kolaveri.. di”? Too much of running after a 'popular' tune!).

I looked up the dictionary...

If only I had looked at this word this deep, some time ago, instead of yielding to that 'prompt' pre-conclusion attitude which says usually, “I know it”, maybe, the confusions would have been only around me, not within......

Amongst the contextual meanings, three of them 'hit' me to reveal how 'context' confuses us....

Context No. 1: “A quantity to which an arbitrary value may be given as a convenience in expressing performance or for use in calculation”.....

Arbitrary value.... yes those business targets are set as values of a quantity decided arbitrarily by the 'marketing' bosses! “Performance” targets... sounds more familiar......

(Now,.... it seems so clear.... when a colleague , years ago , used to distribute his wedding invitation in the office, right behind him, comes his-close-friend.... with another sheet of paper, list of 'contributions' for a common 'gift' to be presented during the wedding reception, but....... with first three or four names 'suggesting' that 'reasonable' amount per head! And this close-friend picks yet another two close friends, who quite arbitrarily 'express' a value 'convenient' to their friend, and ofcourse, with an implicit reciprocal arrangement! What are the 'parameters' which decide, what is an appropriate price of the gift during marriage reception, house warming ceremony, send-off party, transfer-send off party, etc? Somebody hikes the latest amount, and it slides up that barometer... it reminds me of those barometers...... some “ six's” or so.... in 'physics' text book of 7th class in the school, .... never got to see them ever in 'real' life.... where the slider moves only one way up, and not down....!)

What we call as 'social' norms are just those “arbitrary” values... 'minimum 30 sovereigns of gold' for the bride, minimum fare of the auto-rickshaw, minimum bribe for Driving licence, policeman who alleges 'flouting of traffic rules'... don't dare to ask him 'which' rule, or the minimum would get hiked quite arbitrarily..... all those 'mini's... makes us 'mum' ... that is why that word “minimum” scares us to this day! At school, the 'majority' are usually worried only about 'minimum' pass marks!

I kept myself 'floating' slightly above that minimum, knowing too well, that other 'arbitrary' factors like sudden 'tough-correction' (actually it is 'valuation' of answer paper... but somehow, some 'arbitrary' parameter at our school named it as 'correction' !) might push the slider of minimum marks, a little up.... not to mention the 'worry' of parents at home if we are precariously hanging around that minimum marks, with a 'fail' vulnerability 'any-next-time'! Fortunately, at home, I was allowed a small allowance of few spare extra-coins when sent out to buy small grocery items for the kitchen, of course to be 'properly' accounted for, after return... but it did take care of inflationary trends (now I know, it is... infact... actually....really.... truly...... 'arbitrarily-steered-trends' ... thanks to dextrous 'navigation' of economics by our eminent politicians)!

Context No.2: A variable, which is given a series of arbitrary values in order that a family of curves of two other related variables may be drawn......... (!)

See....? That word 'variable' ... so useful in calculations, algebra, maths , etc... when shows that unsteady 'varying' nature in the hands of a monarch, sends shivers down our spine.....!!!

When one arbitrary value (per item of social norm) itself gives us sufficient trouble, please imagine what a 'series of arbitrary values' can do, and especially, when a variable represents it, to relate to 'other' related variables! That is what we 'experience' when a close relative's family suddenly changes the 'life-style' , buying a costly car, LED and HD enabled TV, etc.. Those in-laws, .... set off a “series” of troubles against us.... When the 'staff' within an office manage(acutally 'stage-manage' by clandestine-mutual-consent....), the internal parameters, avoiding overshooting the targets, the boss hunts for 'series' of similar companys, off shore, and imports unrealistic targets of 'developed' countries!

Context No.3

(And now comes the 'king' of confusions!)..

“Any constant in learning or growth curves, that differs with differing conditions.....”

See the deliberate attempt ... the 'seeding' of trouble....? We usually look up a dictionary only in a hurry, and often miss the contradictions.... “constant” that “differs”... and as if it is not enough, it differs with 'differing' conditions!!! Well, we turn indifferent to these parameters over a period of time (stoic?).....

(If.... if.... these parameters ..... which decide just the material aspect of life are so exacting.... what about “spiritual” parameters?) Personally, at times, I seem to have benefitted ..... my spouse takes pride in disclosing 'we don't waste food'.... while I know, how she gently pushes the 'side' dish(experientially, for me, it is usually, a 'slide' dish! ) with 'larger' sized laddle, into my plate, when she discovers that the left over of previous meal is a bit unmanageable quantity... of course, the ingredients of that dish was the cheapest vegetable of 'that' week at the market... and so that over-buying,....... and that 'over-cooking' due to extra-cooking...... trial and errors exempted...... like those 'e & o e ' legend at the foot of a bill! My benefit is that I learned 'waste' management from physiological point of view, ... now that the 'target' dust-bin, or waste-basket got itself re-located ! I seemed to have somehow managed living through those 'parameters' without tampering with any of those 'bench-marks' affecting yet others negatively! I used to be good at adding numbers, figures, amounts, sums, before computers came, and thus was branded as 'good totaller' apart from being looked down upon as a 'tee-totaller'... only until both these parameters became 'governed' by different set of 'variables'.... now there is a whole team of 'QA' to fix 'bugs' (at public counters, the staff shift the errors as 'computer' mistake...... the entire staff is now “always” flawless)... but.... it is the 'QA' team that actually decides the 'actual' holiday date of the 'project' team, though the latter fix holiday dates, travel ticket booking dates etc fuzzily relating it with their own 'project-capability', waking capability, etc!
