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Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Natural habitat

 Natural habitat

It is an interesting "concept" , when we deepen our perspective to look at its deeper aspects, implications, advantages etc!

The fastest lion/tiger has to be better than the slowest deer, if it wishes to hunt a deer for food😜 ( a tortoise, with all the strengths of a lion, leopard or tiger is no threat to a deer…πŸ˜‚)

I don't know if……a 5th generation of a deer_family will be able to retain its great_great_great grandpa's speed, if its 5 ancestors never had to run away from a lion etc in that forest…😜

A concrete swimming pool, training kids to swim….has an inflated rubber tube, or some jacket, to prevent drowning….a guard also.

Go to the huts at the sea shore….kids will say "i don't know" in reply to a question "when did you learn to swim?"( They even cut_across powerful sea waves for fun😜)

Spiritual giants preferred a "natural habitat" for their disciples! 

Gurukul ( ancient schools) knew what was "education" ( distinctly different from literacyπŸ˜œπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™….. once education is good, literacy naturally flows in πŸ™)

The essential ingredients of "good"( quality education), was obviously the core fundamentals of wisdom πŸ™

Thus, gurukuls ( location was wisely decided upon as "forest" …. vulnerability keeps alertness+ awareness at its peak, in any forest!... Original residents of a forest are blessed with major ingredients of common sense, namely, alertness awareness and focusπŸ™)

Syllabus for any Gurukul ( LKG level)

how to learn

how to deepen perception

how to stabilize emotions

how to make use of sense of discrimination

Please try to visualise these 4 qualities inside you, at a very exalted high level πŸ˜œπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚…. and see how you might be experiencing lifeπŸ™

Yashpal Kapoor once conceded …..he learnt how to predict rain, 3 days ahead with accuracy, from a certain tribals in a forest, who taught him "how to observe the movements of ants, when there is a rain incoming, 3 days hence" ( incidentally, he mentioned access to super computer "param" which was deployed to also predict weather/rain…by scientists πŸ™πŸ˜ž, and yet the rate of accuracy was non_dependable😭)...

Tribals ( as also any forest dweller) in India, during ancient times were enjoying the luxury of natural habitat for honing their "wisdom"( if we can afford to recall the deeper significance of the wordπŸ™)

Artificially yours,

psn (30 November 2022)

Monday, November 21, 2022

Promoters of negativity

 Promoters of negativity

Awareness about difficulties, hurdles, hinderances, etc should ideally promote better preparedness, planning etc to lead us to success. 

That thin line between awareness and nurturing of negativity, by the same list of items ….and containing the permeation of it…is , i guess a positivity too :))

Basically, it is the mind that decides about something, in a positive_way or otherwise!

So, we need not look anywhere else, for the brewery of noes!

Pessimism is oft discussed item, but we seldom look deeper into why at all such pessimism breeds in us?

Complacency? Once this becomes a trait…. reversing it is a herculean task! Complacency permeates imperceptibly, and we become complacent even  about conceding that we are complacent :))

Love for comfort zone?  The tendency to settle into easy way of life

Sense of seeking security? The urge to insulate ourselves from uncertainties. 

The growing of roots? We tend to "settle down" into a place….a routine….a dependable set of people, gadgets, resources etc

Now, why do these negative_breeders in us thrive????

1 repititiousness is a factor. Why do we repeatedly think about something? Inputs into the mind tends to dominate the focus. Repeated inputs of anything, good or bad, encouraging or discouraging, welcoming or hindering….tends to form into a mind's habit.

2 physiology, our frame….our body…and it's energy levels, the quality of "fuel" it gets :))  

A thoroughly fatigued person who has already walked about 20 kms, looks a bit negatively at the last ½ km, whereas a person who had been bouncing that distance instead of trodding with a hefty body, feels "oh! Is that all? Just ½ km? I had just begun to enjoy the walk, and it seems to be ending so abruptly 😳?"

3 intellect and it's level of perception…. A farsighted person doesn't yield easily to situation that tends to pull down from reaching a goal. ( This is where, adages, sayings , proverbs like " failures are stepping stones of success"  "build a fort out of stones thrown at us" etc….. become functional/operational. Otherwise, such adages are reviewed only during leisure time for embellishments).

Intellect gets activated by grabbing the basics of education learning a) how_to_learn? b) how to deepen  perception c) how to get stability of emotions 4)use of sense of Discrimination 

Spiritual path is already called as pathless_path….

Negativity and its presence gets tested in an infallible way, concurrently too, during the pursuit of spirituality 😜

Negatively yours,

PSN (21 Nov 2022)