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Friday, August 03, 2012

Mind... Format?

I had to wait to find out if it appeals to at least the asker, before I try to share the anwer here!

The question is very important....

The answer is not....
How and how often we are going to do it is our choice, at least for some time...
(and then it has to become an ongoing one!)
Anyway, here was the question:
When is the right time of year to format mind?

My style of doing it:
Oh! I thought it is wise to practice twice a day at least, till we learn to do it on an on-going basis!
Of course it is a matter of personal choice.
That sense of discretion, that self-awareness, all these make it(life), much more precious than the needless interference by the mind, incessantly too!
Yes, if somebody insists, then it is the same season when those leaves drop off and the trees wait to have a fresh lease of life, with new leaves coming out and filling that whole landscape with its vastness of greenery!


That is the period ot the year, when the ancients used to suggest the initiation to become a dvija, twice born... that is the period, we can notice a significant shift in the attitude, mind set of the kids, especially teenagers, if we care to take notice!

psn( 3rd August, 2012 )

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