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Tuesday, November 24, 2009


“Woh Haseen dard de dow, jisey mai gale laga looen … Woh nigaah mujh pe…....”

The moment one reads this caption, the mind races to tap the resource of one’s own memory bank!
A wonderful question gave me the chance to look at pain yet once again!
This time, it is brevity, which comes to my rescue, when there are certain taboos that I have to adhere to (or else, I would end up in the maze of ‘techniques’ which ensure subtle practices infused into the disciples by Spiritual Masters!).
Pain is not something new to us. We play with it literally. We say, ‘He is a pain in my neck!’ (This reminds me of my primitive stages of experimentation when I used to invoke the friendship-privileges at work place, with colleagues, and give them that ‘instant’ relief by a gentle insignificant touch at the neck portion. Little did they realize how vulnerable the nervous system was around that place! I am way beyond such indulgences now!). We also say, ‘ It pains me, when I see such wastage of natural resources (etc)’…
Heart-ache is yet again a form of that ‘emotional’ pain, at times, sweet too!
Then there is the ‘pain of separation’!
And old-age is nothing but essentially a summary of ‘pain-full’ experiences.
For most people, efficient pain-management constitutes resultant contentment, peace, and in a very restricted sense, ‘happy life’ too! It is here that there is a constant search for newer variety of ‘pain-killers’! We do not stop with drugs. Terrorists seek comfort under the consolation that they are seeking out to destroy pain-causers, when they turn themselves into ‘pain- killers’(in doing so, they inadvertently switch off that vital and precious in-built response system within themselves, which constitutes the essential element of being a ‘human-being’—they immunize their own emotional pain-responses to witnessing needless man-made suffering inflicted upon people around!)
So a correct understanding of pain is indeed worth one’s while.
If not, in our attempt to incessantly ‘diffuse’ pain, we end up misusing it, abusing it, or even ‘disusing’ it. The consequences are far reaching and quite irreversible (“Melancholy” is one such situation, which even in turn, triggers a vicious circle!). When a doctor-friend of mine was discussing the psychosomatic root causes of a new type of disorder concerning bowel evacuation, my attention was instantly drawn to mishandling of a set of response-oriented nerves, which would have contributed largely to the symptom! Fortunately for me, there was another well-learned friend of ours who steered us away from my readiness to address the issue, with a ‘valid’ reference to my medical-incompetence! The issue was quite deep, and exceedingly fascinating indeed, given my efforts in spiritual field! I felt rescued (both, in mystic and literal sense!).

It is now up to individual preferences to look at it ‘afresh’. I choose to remain contended with merely quoting the question, my answer, and to those who happen to retain sensitivity beyond pain, a link which I recommend as quite informative!
Psn(24th November, 2009)
The (pain-full) quote:;_ylt=Avjcw8YZX0f57cNb7UTokZqQHQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20091123105025AAiPI4k&show=7#profile-info-TuESRYH8aa
The question:
How does a person define pain?

My (pain-full) answer:
We have to try it out, in a way that it suits the phenomenon infallibly....Pain is a neurological response directed towards brain, requesting for urgent attention from the 'brain' to direct 'voluntary' means of responses to complement the actions of involuntary 'set' of inbuilt mechanisms, to bring back normalcy to that part of the body which is affected adversely
Even an insect bite causes slight pain. Our hands reach out to scratch that area. The efforts of our fingers (or even nails), complement by the scratch to spread out the poison speedily and save the affected cells from 'death' , decay or degeneration.We feel 'emotional-pain'. The heart beat rate shoots up. It is the 'fight-or-flight' action oriented response system that is invoked. It is the heart that sends up the message "I am working overtime' to pump extra flow rate of blood, to enable quicker action to save some 'unknown' threat perception to the very survival of 'entire' body(!). The brain's neurological mechanism sends this message of 'danger' to heart, and heart responds with higher rate of beats. The brain is simply a processor of what ever data is given as 'input' (whether from memory, poor visualisation, hallucination, wrong judgment or what ever!). That is why imbalanced mind causes faulty signals, and in turn health problems (it means prosperity 'for' psychiatrists!).
The link:

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