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Saturday, November 07, 2009

OCD test!

ज़िन्दगी भी एक नशा है मेरे दोस्त, जब चढ़ता है तो पूछो मत क्या आलम रहता है लेकिन.......
This life too is an intoxication my friend, and when it permeates in, do not ask what possesses us, but....

An intoxication like this must have crept into the asker, which triggered an obsession like थिंग that crept in him, and then he was anxious to get clarified!
Psn(7th November, 2009)
Why am I obsessed with getting "dirty" so much?
Serious question. I used to have germophobia, and now it's the complete opposite. I rarely bathe, and I touch everything. Has my OCD gone 360 on me? because now i love getting my hands and feet there a disorder named after this?is it a sign of mental illness?why does this make me feel good? (being contaminated)

My Nuska (recipe/solution):

This is not really an obsession. It is just a phase of transition, rejoicing that freedom from resistance. When acceptance deepens, there is a slight 'overdose' of tolerance.When a person suddenly becomes tolerant to music or singing, after having detested it for years, there is an urge to 'soak-in' that music for a while, and then it subsides to 'normalcy'.After a while, the optimum sense of hygiene would prevail, and then the cleaning would be need-based, or 'decided-by-situation' rather than one's own compulsive behaviour!Very few are fortunate to experience with this kind of change over! It sounds wonderful to know.

Best wishes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I seem to experience a similar need now to force suffering on others by JUDGEMENT. I pray that this need is removed from me before I err!