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Sunday, June 06, 2010

Music Meherbaani

Those who are blessed with an "ear" for music do not always fully realise its worth!!! Though difficult to "measure" it logically/mathematically, I would be tempted to use an example. For instance, if that 'feeling' of togetherness amidst like-minded, loving people is on a scale of 1 to 100, then people who are music-deaf oscillate between 1 to 10 when they are alone/lonely and when they are amidst a pleasant company of people/work-they-like/pastime etc... And those who have an ear for music oscillate between 70 to 90 ..... !!! Alone, or when lonely, even an echo of a good song noiselessly within would ensure that they do not slip below 70. And usually there are above 80, very easily scaling up to 90 quite often. (That 100 is utter joyousness, the peak, a state of meditativeness, exclusively reserved for the fortunate few, where silence is the ultimate form of Music!!!

Musically yours,
psn(6th June, 2010)

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