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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The woodcutter’s axe begged for its handle from the tree. The tree gave it.

Our school Principal, our “Brother”, used to take some subject once in a way at least, to have a feel of how receptive the students of a particular class are.
And then, if some student is caught, being up to some mischief, he used to ask the very same fellow to walk up to “Principal’s room”, to fetch the ‘cane’, to receive the ‘caning’ as a punishment.

I gave an answer to a question, which obviously is not what the asker was looking for.
So, I do deserve to be ‘caned’ for this. Here, I by myself, am placing before you my answer, to enable you to proceed with the spanking.
(The title, is simply copied. It is also obvious, I am never going to be capable of writing so well. It is from Gurudev’s ‘Stray Birds)
Who is your role model or inspiration? Why?

My answer:
Role model--no. No body. I never looked at rolling up myself to fit into somebody-like-image. It simply didn't occur.

Inspiration--yes. Almost everything around seems to inspire. That ant working incessantly, carrying a load many-times than its own weight. And then this huge, vast, large universe. For millions of years it travels at tremendous speed, with such huge mass, and with such precision! A little swerve from its track by any planet or star, would send the rest of them into collusion with each other, like some car skips its lane and hits another, yet another, and then all the rest get thrown off their track into collusion! If such a huge universe fails to inspire us, may be we need to correct our vision!

(Oh! sorry, Looks like, now, I am a bit off track! Choosing a role model FOR inspiration seems to limit us to that model itself, inadvertently, perhaps even borrowing that model's limitations too!)

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