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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Love interrupted!

Somebody happened to misspell it inadvertently. And I was amused to find that, often, the ‘interpretation’ by elders, to remove the delusion, the ‘infatuation’ that comes with teenage, actually works like an interruption!

Elders struggle to convince youngsters, when the issue happens to be about ‘deciding’ a life partner. It is not about the ‘method’ of choosing, that can help us to resolve the issue. But, the concepts we hold, about the ‘compatibility’ features. Even without any serious bug, some programs lack compatibility, and do not get along together smoothly for long. On the other hand, some bugs in one program are left unattended, simply because there is that other program which is so beautifully compatible, that it quietly ‘fixes’ those bugs without hampering the end use, and ‘seamlessly’ weaves itself to cover up any shortcomings resident inside the primary program.

A friend told me of a case where a couple had ‘chat’ relationship growing and well ‘tested’ for compatibility for 6 long years. They decided and got married, only to get divorced within 3 months! True, an isolated case simply does not prove anything at all! But nothing should prevent us from taking additional inputs, to make our own case yet stronger. That is how we make use of the experience of others, to improve our own quality of life.

What is going to decide our priorities during the next few years, is a very fuzzy, delusive and evasive question. If we try to approach an emotional-compatibility issue with the attitude of a ‘prudent’ buyer who looks out for those safe-buys, going in for ‘branded’ items, seeking comfort of an insurance camouflaged in risk-insulation(saving brand name at all costs), by multinational companies, it may not work, unless a great fluke coincides! But that is what people do today! The HR people do the filtering, in reputed companies. So, picking a life-partner from there seems a safe bet. Some others, under the delusion of a very good grasp of emotional values, look at ‘long’ relationships of the past, and presume sustained emotional bonds. They too fail to take into account that the illusion of this emotional stability was simply because they were yet to ‘test’ it in the real war of life, where you are ‘on your own’ (not like those care-free youth days, where parents took care of all other priorities of life, like those movie-heroes who look ‘lovable’ because there is a dummy for stunts, makeup-man for cosmetics, script-writer, director etc for other things!).

It would be futile to appeal by taking ‘sides’, either ways. The choice has to naturally occur, the hard way, when a person truly evolves, and ‘re-invents the wheel’ if we are to truly benefit from the rich cultural and traditional values. ‘Copy-paste’ doesn’t work for too long (some where a slip would give away, like that joke where a student copied an answer from a hidden text book, inadvertently adding ‘for figure 142, look at page 366’!).

So, the answer is with a deep acknowledgement of an ‘interruption’ but with a noble intent.

Psn(12th June, 2010)
Can you please interrupt what this means for me?
This guy feels a connection with me from high school, he has passionate feelings is too do with us being in high school together about 9 yrs ago, which means these loving feelings he has for me are feelings and images of high school when the two of us were together.

My (interruptive) reply:
Yes, it does amount and "interruption" when somebody's interpretation happens to bring us to a world of 'ground' realities, from that 9-year-long-fond-memories.
It works too well as long as we dwell in those memories.
Even if one of us happens to take an occasional look at the 'present', we will find that priorities have shifted, and now our view, attitude, and needs of life has changed a lot. If we do not take a look 'afresh' at what we are now, these old memories would not give sustaining support for that 'togetherness'.

To find out the possibility of a cordial 'compatibility' to continue further into future, the concerned people are better judges, than the opinion-givers. Others can give only suggestions of general nature, and common application. But relations are individual-specific, when compatibility is the issue. There are no 'standards'. Because, irrespective of any type of short-coming/lacking in one person, it is abundantly compensated by the other person if that person is rich in that aspect, and supplements this partner out of pure unconditional love. When priorities of material life compels, conditions of peaceful co-existence take over, and peaceful co-existence is at stake. That is why partners sometimes wonder "what went wrong with us?"

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