I might keep adding my sillyness, through questions here. So revisiting this blog is a subject-matter of solicitation ( not a compulsive-syndrome)
Silly questions
1)Why do we learn? ( How to learn? is a vital question ❓)
2)Why do humans need parenting?
3)why do we miss our sense of discrimination while inside our dream?( we are unable to ask that dead person we knew "hey! You were dead, then how did you appear now?". We also don't know, it is our dream, not real)
4) garbha gruha in a temple is ill_ventilated, and priest further spoils the ventilation burning camphor, incense & oil lamps, and keeps the door shut most of the time….. and yet, he looks fresh? Over years he has no ventilation probs 🙏
5)human death anniversary on moon phases of that month each year, whereas God's birthdays are on moon phases instead of Star birthday like us???
6)festivals related to god's birthdays are usually with junk food ( even as prasadam), whereas food on death anniversary is damn healthy and easily digestible even if we overeat 😜
7)I used to quiz....those who are unlikely to get angry suddenly " can you tell me why......Godji in his different avatar, dashaavataar, etc....give moksha to main villains, the raakshasaas, and leave the poor victims in a lurch??? . Does it not look odd? Not an injustice?" They stare 🫣 no answer😜)
8) who between two is more prone to get angry, a coward or a brave person?( A coward may be even strong, and a brave one weak )
9) Did you mention factually inside your dream to somebody " hey ...I had a dream last night"
Meaning.....was there a dream within a dream????
🙏 i ain't gonna embarass you asking for the "reasons" etc. 🙏 ( that needs a genuine qualification in psychiatry 😜....not just a paper degree. A yogi is enough to explain 🙏)
10) what does the emotion of vismaya/wonder do to us? We dropped it, like we get rid of our appendix, when it is unwell, merely because medical science doesn't know it's purpose 😜
11) are you able to switch off logic and still think, by choice, consciously?
12) Do you agree with my baseless wild guess.....???
I guess that among all nations globally, even today, Bharat has the biggest ratio/percentage of people, for whom money is not everything. We hold on to values, that are very basic to life, though of no commercial worth or value .
If....you are able to agree, then your own priorities about those values, over and above wealth? 😜
13)Whenever you meet any acquainted person,
do you view him with your outdated & fixed opinion?( or with an open mind ready to update the opinion with present reality?😜)
I have this problem : when I meet Valmiki today, I have no way to recognise him as a transformed Rishi, and my perception is outdated by just 3 days, when he was "😫Ratnakar_Bandit". So I was curious about others😜🙏
14) can you describe a thought ( or a sentence), which is not a judgement of any kind? Not a conclusion of any kind?
15) do you know through 'experience' the difference between empty stomach and a hungry stomach. If yes, how do you know you are hungry, if your body is trying to tell you? ( we "feel" very thirsty, and therefore we know, we want water to drink, urgently…..hunger?)
16) I asked my spouse " can you make out if the soiled appearance is gone from a dark coloured saree? You prefer a dark coloured dress, because it hides the soiled_colour, and therefore makes washing easy+lazy 😜
( I won't reveal her answer…. because it deals with deeper_perception to say "yes!"...
17) is humility a cultivable quality, or….is it a mere consequence of 'something/s else? 😜🙏🙏… like, we can cultivate honesty, by speaking truth always, by not taking bribe etc… humility? Is it an exclusive quality like honesty, stealing, looting, donating etc?
18) kids are taught to respect & revere elders.
Is it sensible to revere and respect mere age, instead of elderliness which is not dependent on age, but probably used to sync with age often in ancient times?
19) do you consciously, and by yourself, voluntarily try to look to see, if you are also a part of the problem, whenever you are confronted by a problem? ( why should I look into? is not my problem. I and pappu are often a problem for others😂( though for diagonally opposite reasons 🙏), and so seldom we find an occasion for this kind of problematic introspection.
20) which one is a choice, positivity or negativity? 😜
First sip, taste, snort of nervous stimulants( drugs, liquor, etc) was a conscious choice. Once addicted, there is no more any choice 😜
Can positivity ever become an addiction? Can negativity be a choice?
21) why are we unable to become very intense in whatever we do, during our waking hours? All other life forms are quite intense in living. ( What might happen, if we ‘try’ being intense at very routine, mundane and boring jobs?
22) what will you choose between blessings and benediction if there is an offer of any one item from a very powerful giver? ( in my view , there cannot exist anything beyond these two ).
23) how would you sight wisdom in otther person? ( relevance.?.. my teacher asked an all_the_more_tough koschan…. “How would you recognise, if the fellow seated next to you in a crowded bus is an enlightened being?”...they don't brag about it)
24) “no response” says the doctor, when he checks a patient in deep coma. But, when we are okay, and interact with our life situations all our waking hours, how often do we respond, instead of reacting ??? ( now, do you feel a reaction to this silly koschan, or does a response surge ?)
25) can wonder/വിസ്മയം/विस्मय be cultivated as a habit/capability, independent of any other emotion ( exclusively)?
Kids used to “wonder” …. Or, is wonder also, a consequence like, innocence, humility etc? ( darkness & cold are a consequence of absence_of_xyz science)
26) are you having the ability to notice the latent “qualities” in any person, who is largely available within your proximity?( simplified form: if, N.D.Modi had continued to be a chaiwala/teaServer near you for 10 yrs, would have “listed” out several qualities in him? ( so_called andhBhakht, can list good, whereas haters can list bad qualities, though neither of them ever met him in person 😜). My colleages"discovered"me afresh after I turned ex-colleague😜🙏
27) Exceptionally good at which one, othe two , emotions and logic, is going to help becoming good at the other one????
( simplified version....
Excellent emotions enable dexterity at flawless logic?
Exceptionally accurate logical prowess enables deepest emotional capabilities??)
28) Between logic(reasoning) and emotions, which one can we afford to forego in a situation, of worldly material life?
( even to answer this sensibly, we may need to keep aside for a moment, our emotion and use logical reasoning ? Dunno 🙄)
29) you may be a slave or a master/boss of your logic and/or emotions…
But, between logic and emotions inside us, which is the boss or slave of the other? Or, are they merely interdependent? Or are they complementary and/or supplementary to each other?
30) why is it that mother nature chose bleeding ( blood) to cleanse a female after her puberty ( till 55)? And, we haven't heard of such bleeding-for-cleansing in other life forms, why? ( a very deep understanding of this process might-offer a gift of release from psychosomatic disorders that a woman( working ones….err…actually, earning ones) face as stress, tenShun etc in the present day). If we never noticed this aspect hitherto, at least I am not to be blamed😜… menstruating females do-use sweat, urine, etc like any of us, to cleanse their inner physiology, then why bleeding? 🙏😜😂😂😂( no 2 women bleeding alike, why?)
31) this koschan only for fun🙏 ( let those, who call themselves “scientific tempered”, fathom it)
Why did ancients ask very differently from today's scientists, a basic question? ( ancientquestion was “ why did it rain?” Instead of today's “how can it rain?” …. And ancients brought rains using chants and fire worship. Toady “param computer” isn't able to match the ability of ants to predict-a-rain… dr.Yashpal kapoor quotes his true experience when tribals showed him, ants predicting rains🙂🙏)
32) we heard of powerful ascetic, using their powers (acquired through rigorous penances) to pronounce curses on erring people! My question is, was there any instance of an ascetic begetting a curse, because he cursed somebody wrongfully? Abuse of power, warrants a punishment too, isn't it?🤣😜😜😜😜 ( yes or no…..why?)
33)Why did ancients make a very-conspicuous absence of psychiatry( modern format of psychology, I mean) for “living” humans, when…..they evolved a WHOLE-SCIENCE to counsel the bodyless-minds, stuck in the “past”? BhootAatma refers to a soul stuck into the past. Several complex rituals are available, to evidence their-expertise i reaching+counseling them.
34) why are we not able to use certain life-specific concepts without needing to consciously invoke them mentally, when it is needed urgently+crucially? ( the “gravity” concept, for instance, is into our muscle memory. A good motorist pushes the brake-pedal instinctively, while sighting an obstacle, not needing a mind's-effort to tell himself, “hey! Apply brakes”) ROM-and RAM concept. We use softwares specific to the file-formats, without “invoking” them. Why not certain concepts we learnt?
35) why aren't we able to use the tools to evaluate the analytical-skills of others?( HR guys, engaged into recruitment will appreciate this “silly” question better 🙏)
( might be continued.... my silliness, being perpetual 😜)
just silly, yours,
psn(7th Sept., 2024)
1 oct 2024 ...( onwards)
36)when all our “modern” and scientifically-advanced gadgets are essentially time-saving-devices, why is it that we find ourselves in a “no time for anything “ situation, compared to our great-grandpas of 200 years ago?
37) what might be the reason for primitive man to seek “spirituality”???
It was not a “necessity” … in fact, bulk of us have no-idea about our “spirit” ( life, aatma, soul, etc….except for a fanciful-imagination, without experience of actual-life, ticking within us !
38)my personal question ( I am practicing it, that's why mine)...is it worth visualizing something very positive despite knowing it to be impractical? I have-been always visualizing ‘what-ought-be done’, in a situation, though I know, none of the team people are going to accept it. My reasons are, to keep my positivity in planning/visualizing ALIVE-IN-ME. something that needs to place other's priority greater than mine🙏😰.
39)which of these 2 are more SUSCEPTIBLE to extreme situations in life? Logic or emotions? ( logic may be strong in us, or emotional balance, or both good or weak, but vulnerability to fail during an extreme situation is due to the ‘nature-itself’, of logic and emotions. These two have its own innate nature, common to humans! That nature decides as to how much security, each one deserves🤣, not how well it works for us. A large glass house is more susceptible to a stone thrown at it, than a tiny house of rocks!... so, which is vulnerable one? Correct understanding might help us to protect it better🙏)
40) when does intellect function, in us? ( just to persuade involvement in the question, let us see, if this is really true? It dawned conceptually, on whiskies in digital technology after decades of observation of computer's stupidity of GiGo-garbageIn-out…. And therefore the ‘attempt’ to make it intelligent, A.I. … yet, machines are unable to mimic human intelligence. At least for now! But we have our intellect as an embedded-software 😜… part of original equipment. Original accessory 🙏… so, like to look at it? School syllabus sharpens mind, seldom our intellect😭)
41) why do teachers have to STAND and teach while we-students SIT and listen, in our classrooms? Save furniture, let students stand & give just 1 chair for that knowledgeable teacher?( my kid-age question! I didn't ask till I knew the DEEPER reason😜)
42) do you keep learning at least 1 new thing daily? ( 2 problems, we face, I learning “new”. I. Learning curve turns horizontal/flat, as we age. 2.repeated routine dulls our focus towards new). A silly-example, from me. When slurping(surrrr) hot tea, I hold the sipped tea to exhale air in mouth, and then gulp the 5 ml tea, thus…reducing the air entering my stomach with each sip of tea---a learning from even-routine. It seems, godess of learning conceded “what I know is like a fistful of sand and yet-to-know is the sand on shores of all the oceans”.
43) do you ‘allow’ your stomach to ‘feel’ hunger? ( stomach cannot-think, it can only feel!). Or, do you deny it, by refueling as-soon-as stomach feels empty? … ( sorry, ….stomach can even transmit data to our brains, if+when it experiences starvation, which is next level of hunger😜)
44) why are we unable to make breath-watching into a habit?
45)why is it that we do not get-to-see any creature ( ant, fly, mosquito, snake, birds, etc not under captivity, in free state) when it is about-to-die? ( we surround a dying fellow-human, about to die, sick or wounded, beyond scope to save, and watch that person dying helplessly). I don't know, if I may feel a little humiliation even, if I come to know the truth of 'this-why'!
46)Why don't we use art as a litmus test to assess an emotional responsiveness in a person? ( 😜 well, being “silly” in asking questions is also about adding irritants in a question, that can also be framed decently. 🙏) i am assuming that “art” and fine-arts, etc, need a bit of sensitivity of the emotion contents in a being! Even “stone” was said-to-have melted itself by the music of “Mian Tansen”. Maybe an overexaggeraShun/over-exaggeration. But still, an appealing one to our emoShun ain't it?😜. Any way, “emotions” have a lot to do with Spirit, hence, with spirituality as well😭
47)if health is necessary to enjoy wealth, when we have time to enjoy it,
Obviously, wealth and time available is useless without health. My silly question is :
a)health means, both mental and physical health?
b)between mental and physical health which one is “basic”? More of one is important to enjoy the other?
c) between two people A & B…. Who is better fortunate? A is physically okay, but mentally ill, whereas B is mentally okay, but physically ill, so who is more fortunate between-the-two?
d) are we more familiar with health measures related to physical or mental health? ( mental “health” homes …. bring patients only to “normal” level, not to a healthy-mind level 🤣…. if at all, it is not toooo-late for a patient🙏)
48)”do you TRUST yourself?” A very silly thing to ask ourselves 🙏. But, please see, we usually look at it as self-confidence, not trust. Our mind is comfortable, in dealing with ‘confidene’, when it is about self! Whereas, when it comes-to building a strong relationship, trust is the fulcrum. Does our inner relationship between mind and our ‘being’( the life energy/spirit/soul/atma/whatever… has a trust factor? This is the question. When we say my-mind, are we not accepting a “me” other than my-mind?)
49)Why aren't we bothered about improving our NATURAL intelligence? Already we are scared by seeing copypastes & forwards, threatening us saying that this AI( artificial intelligence, robots, machines) will take-over from us, our independence, freedom, or whatever 😉. Why not start again at basics like, “when does our intellect ( not our mind or organ brain) FUNCTION?” Are you the type who says “i do only crisis-management. Let AI cause harm, only thereafter, I will wake up my intelligence”👍. Okay! Your freedom then🙏
50)why is it that….one hindu godess alone does not “sell” an insurance policy? 🤣… ( all other deities display a gesture called ‘Abhaya-mudra’ which is show of palm, symbol of congress-party, to mean “why you fear, when I am here?” … a very scientific verse, tantra based, is my source for its authenticity🙏… verse 4, waves of beauty_____त्वमेका नैवासि प्रकटितवराभीत्यभिनया). How is this operational? Scientifically? No need for blind belief, once we know_how? Hinduism is irreligious. Anybody can try to find_out the answer😜👍
51)how do we know, if we are intelligent at a particular point of time? ( like "now, I am intelligent, to whatever possible extent🙏"). Functioning of intellect is not a "default" item, like our breath or heartbeat. It can work for anyone, anytime. But knowing its symptoms/diagnosis, might help us to switch_it_on, when there is darkness in our mind? 🙏. A very silly thing to ask. And most sacred/silliest, as the fifty-first one, an auspicious numeral 😜
52)how to ….improve our own sensitivity better than what we have right now? ( is it not the “sensitivity” at different levels, functioning very uniquely at each level, that helps us to evolve? What try_to_call as divine, a person, saint, God's agent or God-himself is about EMOTIONAL-Sensitivity in that “being” at its peak levels? The acts of kindness, love, or whatever is merely a response, isn't it? A dialogue in a hindi movie “namakharam” a wise elder advises the hero “only when you find the pain in others to be unbearable, you become capable to help the poor. So don't give up your responsibility as a labor-leader 🙏”. That wise elder sensed the sensitivity_level of that hero well👍 Good diagnosis 😜)
53)can you 'feel' the water we drink, beyond our throat? Indeed a stupid question🙏( not just-silly)
We require to drink a glass of water, when we feel a little thirsty.
When gulping,
Can we try....and accompany that thin stream of water going down?
Most of us have almost zero experience about "what happens, once the water goes below, beyond the throat
Doesn't matter. Body takes it to the right place/destination 👍 ( our accountability is only to avoid that "junction" where, another pipe leads into our lungs 🤣.... we cough with-pain ..... not smooth like exhaling air! Water without saliva causes a burning sensation🙏.
But, for those who can manage to extend their curiosity, a little "cold" water can enhance the feel a little beyond. Maybe chest? ( with practice, we can even feel the water playing, fooling_around in our stomach 😜
Worth trying? 🤔🤔😰
54)does our mind ever add to our energies?( hyper-active mind, depletes our reserve-stock of energies too, whether such activity was gainful or needless-hypertension 😜. Does it ever add? Physical activity, we know. ) we are good at taking bodily rest, when our energies are depleted. Are we capable of requesting our mind “hey! Shut up for a while…. fuel tank is too low!”
55)Silly question now....😜
Is the transition from a stubborn logical mind to emotion tougher..... or, is an adamantly emotional mind to logic more tougher? ( I could have asked "easier?" instead of "tougher?" ....but then..... ain't i a tougher nut?😜👍🙏🙏🙏)
56)why is the battery/power of sage Durvasa not getting depleted/reduced/exhausted DESPITE unlimited number of curses he throws around? ( famous for anger, curse and its effect). All other sages, rishis, ascetics have to start again with rigorous penances/tapas, to restore their expended tapobal/power_of_penances 😰). Try asking it to those who lecture, or proclaim knowledge in ancient scriptures👍… Yes, there is a very “scientific” reason🙏
57)can you listen without thinking anything parallel-to listening? ( even the most “sincere” listeners struggle to avoid ‘thoughts’ surfacing from memory, related to what they heard during the previous moment…. 😜…. Probably why, listening & talking gibberish-meaningless words, got evolved into a meditaShun-itself😜🙏). I wont embarrassed your-mind, asking the NEXT-LEVEL question : “can you READ without a parallel-track engaged in thoughts?” Like to try listening with-inner-silence? It might work WONDERS with your grasping pawar/power🙏
58)🙏not a decent thing to ask those who are unfamiliar with epic stories of Ramayana/Mahabharatha, but there are “enough” people who “may” wonder “hey! Why did this NOT-OCCUR to me earlier?”
58A) why is it that Rama(main hero) never attempted to “distribute” advices? No sermons!
58 B) why is it that Rama ALWAYS needed ‘help’ from other God's, other people, even monkeys😜 to tackle his personal problems? His wife was abducted, not citizens🙏. Not a political war! Personal vendetta! None of the other “avatars” ever needed external help, to deal with demonic villains of epics😂
58 C) Shiva himself certified that the “name” itself is equal to chanting entire sahastraNama(1000 names of vishnu) Such is the embedded software in the name “Rama”. My silly koschan is “before Rama, that is during or before tretaYuga, was there the name “Rama” given to any person? 🤔
58 D) i dont want to irritate the reader any further, though…. I can think of few more “quixotic “koschans” like this, from epics. But, is it that my sense_of_discrimination ended_up/got_infected with computer virus, and maybe therefore, that I ask such indiscriminately-discriminated questions? ( even from holy epics?😭🙏)
59) Ever wondered why.....fundamental duties are not enforceable at law? ( Rights are invoked all_the_time, in courts, and often by "bad" ones 😜)... what if we try to make it a cognizance_offence in failing to perform fundamental duties? 🤔 ( Oops! Most of us dunno what the hell our 'duties' are? We abandoned a 4000 year old desi tradition of teaching "duties" to our kids😜 Jai Hind 🙏
60) ever wonder? Why is it that only-God's existence gets questioned toooo-often????? Why Devil's existence rarely gets questioned? Not even as-often-as we question a “ghost's” existence ?
(Meanwhile, a question i ask ONLY-TO-MYSELF, not others😭… “who inside me, is prompting me to ask this question? Devil-himself, for advertisement? Or the outsourced-agent of God, just to sudue a negative-publicity, which is affecting his bijness?”..... someday, I shall hopefully get independence from these 2 guys, and then observe from a safe-distance, who-has-dunn-it? 🙏😜)
61)computer era! 😜
Why is our-storage location (human-memory)behaving funny?
Everything is in-put as video. But, storage is different?
1.Video memory(only extreme situations of tragedy, comedy)
2.audio( only medium-relevant files… forget lessons after exam-basis)
3.text ( not worth remembering, unless external compulsions exist)
Smartphone is exact replica of video(GB), audio (MB), text (KB)...and recall is easy+accurate!
Human memory is “supposed” to be more complex/sophisticated etc? 🤔