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Monday, December 30, 2024

Tiny karmas

 "Take care of the pennies, and the pounds will....take care of themselves"

Goes the saying 😜

Quite encouraging isn't it? 

"I CANNOT wake up before_sunrise"

Somebody says stoutly...🤣

It's a sample of a tiny_karma.

Is that person willing to break that karma?
Or, does he call it "मेरी मर्ज़ी,  मेरा freedom,  when to wake up... तू कोण है  बोलने वाला? "( my wish, my freedom....who the_hell are you, to advice me?)

I appeal 🙏 " गुरु,  इसको freedom नही,  मजबूरी कहते हैं 😰"( boss, this is helplessness,  not freedom)

If he yields,
I suggest "सिर्फ एक मिनट जल्दी उठो,  कुछ  दिनों के लिए " ( just try waking up 1 minute earlier, for a few days)
And then, he himself increments it to 5 minutes earlier than his kaarmic-bondage-timing of waking up 🙏

Before long, he might wake up 5 minutes earlier than the alarm in smartphone to "dismiss" the message "alarm in 5 minutes"😳

What i found as a challenge, during 2006 was, a question from a phoren_Madam from USA "how to get sleep? ( doctors please don't reply, sleeping pills don't work for me)"
I tried. ( yahoo answers forum. Any one can try an answer , and the asker picks  "best" answer in 3 days or extended 6 days.
Six days later that Madam picked mine, as best. But sent me a private message "hey! I had asked for only_sleep, but your answer gave me peace_of_mind too, god bless you" . Whether our Godji is going to pay any attention to such trifles or not.... my reward was she could break a tougher "karma" of hers, and she now has the freedom to sleep, and become peaceful at-will 😜

I earned my freedom of choice to help even_others, if they are "willing" to dissolve their mini_ karma.

Big ones, "not my job" says my limitations/my_karma, right now👍

Freely yours,

(psn, 3o dec, 2024)

Tail piece 

Imagine my shocking_surprise, when I discovered that "begging for their food was not a helplessness,  but a choice, for ancient mendicants of Bharath mahan 😳 ( I tried a combo of 2 mudras plus 1 kriya, taking 4 hours, and did it 3 times a day. Means? 12 hours a day. The "need" for conventional uploading of edible food via mouth, got OBVIATED 🙏😳😳😳. "Oops, " I told myself,"it means man can go without food for any long. Not even hunger, forget starvation, going to nag him😜... that explains, the "how" of deep hibernation of 6 months by ancient ascetics was possible, transcending biological limitatins/a _karma too!😜)

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Knowing self

 A beautiful question came up from one of my acquaintances. 

Who the person is,      doesn't matter.

The mind, that COULD-COME-UP,  to asking such-a-question is.....for me..... is precious.....a reward in itself🙏

Question :"Having known me via my thoughts only could you please tell me how wide is the knotty circle of karma around me ? …. Desires have dripped for material things but emotional attachment and seeking comfort in it are still there and that makes me wonder did I really manage to break free even one knot or not."

( i don't even have to mention the reference of a blog of mine, which persuaded the "rise" of this question.)

My response:

The "genuineNess" of this question
the healthy traditional practice followed by 2 prominent plus very ancient experts.

I have been bogged down by these two----genuine quest and established practice( for very strong reasons).

While that_genuineness persuades me with all its strength to disclose( whatever little i know, assuming that my knowing in this aspect is true/correct/flawless) .....the strong reasons( which i delved into, after great labor and steadfastness) for non-disclosure  dissuades me.

I received help from a teacher( who is DAMN GOOD at having "dealt" with very-similar situations) when I pondered over "how he dealt with-me, when .....my_genuineness was mine, and hence strong too.....and the question was also mine (and therefore, well thought out too😜).

2 occasions,  when I asked him. First one was in 1992 too primitive, when I look at the second one, today.
Second one was a tougher one, deep enough to constitute_itself into a kind_of litmus test for any wise plus spiritually evolved being. The reply is too sacred, and so, I shall merely mention here, only the question 🙏 "why is it that ....when I think of asking you a question, the urge to ask disappears as soon as I present myself before you to ask?"( this question had replaced the "set of other questions" singularly😜🤣🤣🤣

"I want to ask you something" preceded this question, and he generously offered "yes! Please ask"

Via thoughts....
Knowing (somebody)this way, is far_more comprehensive than the results of a pair of youngsters(lovers) claiming "we knew each other pretty well, and therefore decided to unite for life, not waiting for any sanction from our parents or anybody"( then, why the hell do majority of your_type of pairs end up quarreling and racing towards a divorce? 🤣🤔🤔🤔.... they "realise" that their tools  to know or  and yardsticks measure that knowing well fell short miserably 😜😰😰😰)

Knowing the "mind" is proportional to knowing the past_karmic_residue of any person. This knowing( as you wonderfully picked it up) differs from an independent observer to the observed.  Standing on  the edge of a wheel spinning fast, affords very little scope or clarity, compared to standing on the hub. Standing a little-away from the wheel affords "needed" clarity.

It is here that....meditative-practices come handy. 🙂
Hub of the mind is itself tough to reach. Standing just beside the mind is great fortune, and a meditative-state🙏

Coming to our-question. "How wide is the knotty circle around me?"
How tightly is each knot? ( more pertinent, isn't it? ).

Large balls of several knots are easier to untie perhaps, when a single knot, with a fragile loosely spun cotton thread, presents a problem like "is it better to cut it? The knot is wet, making it near-impossible to hold the entire thread firmly😳... strands of cotton get pulled out when I try to grip one thread and pull it gently😭"

Let the knots or size of  knotty ball/s, tightness of knots be any thing. Working at each knot is in our hands. Intensity of eagerness to untie it decides the speed of untying. The "range of speed" is between a moment and several lifetimes.

Trust and trust alone decides, as to "how much of external help are we going to allow to that helper?"

A "human" birth is rare and precious----- was the time tested traditional belief🙏.
An opportunity to use "choice"(which is unavailable to unborn minds or other life_forms into which somebody/being gets-born🙏.

If properly utilized, this choice can become our best+reliable guide to "show"us  what needs-to-be known🙏

Unknowingly yours,

psn(29 Dec., 2024)

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Spiritual energy

 Quite a subtle thing to grasp.

Something like, the "bulb" of a torchlight cannot hope to see-by-itself, the brand name of batteries sitting inside its belly. A torch made of transparent material can, we may argue🙏... then, I am forced to counter-argue, quoting about the power inside the batteries, which empowers that bulb to see every object around, except its own intangible "source-of-power". Help the bulb, unscrewing it from its seat and bring it out to see, the "light" is gone now, to see....

If, we can look at everything around as energy ( different forms),

We can find scope to look-at thoughts too as energy.

A 10 horsepower engine can "drive" that vehicle, using complex power transmission mechanism. Same car can be blown away by a powerful stormy wind, or a tsunami wave. So, it is just a question of concentrating plus giving direction to energies. 🙂

Thought energies are quite tough to get bundled up ( very unstable, loose etc😜) and still tougher it is, to "give" it a direction😳

If somebody can take up the task of undergoing rigid penances,  austerity etc, then that person wouldn't be "helpless" against a negative force ( rishi-curses taking shape, whereas, we-commoners, shrieking vocally our curses, and our anguish going 'unheard' by mother 'nature' ..... can it not be due to  the difference in enormity of "thought energy"?  Those rishis, were required to re-work, to rebuild those energies lost in curses)

We come across rare instances, where a person "stares" a little longer at a table-spoon and it "moves" a bit, least shivers slightly😜... ( only fictional stories show the spoon "bending" at its narrowest neck 🤣🙏)

Nature doesn't respond to the way we-like to think-of-it. It merely adheres to "cosmic-laws".  The ancient name is sanatana dharma. The "utility" of this sanatana dharma is to progress towards ultimate liberation, whereby, we are released from the innumerable tightly wound knots of unfulfilled desires and negative acts of our-past .....requiring newer births for each set of karmic-bundles! 🤣

Whilst stuck inside an air-tight knot ( of a karmic bundle), that mind is busy trying to untie/fulfil its own mess.  A choice is there, to loosen up a "little" within that tiny available space, by squeezing the tiny desires a "microscopic-bit" in size... and then use that freedom-of-space, to untie small knots nearby. 
We can start our journey, only from where we are right now.... not where we "like to be" ...  we might "like to stand outside our knotty bundle of karma and untie it from outermost circle first! Not possible, if I am stuck in its center. Probably a guru might help a little! He stands outside and can 'view the SIZE of it.  I am a tiny microbe in the tightest knot at the middle of that huge ball of karma, with no visibility about its outer circle. All I can do is, create a comfort-zone at the core, and imagine that "i am free now!". Sooner or later, I grow, in size, when the cravings for more-comforts spin around me, and the choking noose tightens😜 ...
These examples are only illustrative, and not exact. 

Energizing myself intensely, I can break the knots fast, or untie it "slowly"... a choice.

Energetically yours,

psn(28 dec 2024)

Wednesday, December 25, 2024






Heard of it?

 The film stars Leonardo DiCaprio as a professional thief who steals information by infiltrating the subconscious of his targets. He is offered a chance to have his criminal history erased as payment for the implantation of another person's idea into a target's subconscious.

Do we not find a striking-similarity in the story of the book "initiation"? ( Elisabeth Haich.....Google it)


Ancient rishis are "said-to-have-been" adept at this technology.

Of course , hard to believe.

Futile to "force" somebody to believe, simply because,  beliefs don't work. Experience does.

Only our "intellect"( not the-mind) can say "let me see".
Let-me-see,   keeps the door open for a possibility to know, if-at-all something is worth knowing, really exists 😜

I had sufficient experience to support my acceptance.

The teacher quoted a credible evidence to help me open-my-doors, of "let me see". He said "a teenager girl standing at the  bus stop knows, that someone is staring at her, without needing to look back and see..... youthful boys indulge in staring at the girls from behind them, and that girl might "feel" a strange itch on her bare neck/back! The age is such, the stare is quite intense!"

Now, a coPassenger of mine in the spiritual program suggested (1992 or 1993, perhaps) to me "hey, let's try this thought_business! You send me a thought, and let's see,  if I can respond..... you are the better fellow, between us"
I thought of-him on a Sunday evening( holiday for both of us.  We were bank clerks).
In half an hour, he came to my home. We didn't exchange a single syllable.  He sat quiet for 30 minutes and said "I am going" . I nodded! At the gate, he turned back his head to add "let's not try this again. I was on my way elsewhere,  carrying gold ornaments, and by now, my relatives might have become tense at this delay!" ... I nodded-agreement.

This "type" of occurrences happen in a "freak" manner with many.  But the element of  repititiousness is indispensable for a scientific-mind to look at it as a postulate, then theorise it, and conceptualize it to coin it into a scientific law!🤣 . ( right now.....for is a "yes! It works for me" kind of thing).

"Thoughts are still-physical, though too subtle" , advised my teacher. I accepted it from my experience 🙏

Thoughtfully yours,

psn(25 Dec., 2024)

Tuesday, December 24, 2024




Not me, mine, or from, by me etc

Just a brief story from my school days (6th standard).

In all my kiddish_ignorance( not innocence 🙏)
I asked my maths_teacher " teacher, superlative degrees should be used prudently, said our English teacher. So that better performances can be called "graded" as good, better, best! You already gave 100 maths for my 'all answers correct, in my exam answer paper?... what, if I improve my handwriting, legibility etc?🤔"

"Fool," she said " first of all, only minimum legibility matters in maths-paper. Not handwriting etc.  7 and 1 shouldn't look alike... but, when you ask like this ( here, that_wisdom .....I cherish, in my memory).... superlative degrees are not really confined to one aspect/manner of appreciation, if the admirer is wise.    i can add a 'good/very good/very-very good/etc' to that 100 marks! Don't bother about my task of giving marks. That's my job..... yours is only about your-doing your-best😡"

I got a new concept 🙏
Multi-pronged ways of appreciation is possible, like a wide-spectrum of anti-biotics capsules😜... wrong diagnosis of a virus is taken care of👍👍🙏 ( let the patient suffer needless side-effects😭).

Gullibly yours,

psn(24 dec 2024)

Monday, December 23, 2024

How we attribute values


How we attribute values to some person, thing, place  or concepts, abstract  or not..... depends mostly on our own perception. Exceptions can be because of our trust in somebody else whose perception we trust.

I shall avoid adding my own theories to it, due to my lack of confidence in elaborating the subtleties involved in linking attributing_values with our perception.

Instead,  I shall quote an easy-to-grasp example, and leave the choice of perception about it to my readers 🙏

Example : we look at two similar images of a person .
Both the photographs are hanging on the wall, and belong to the same person and both are showing that person wearing a garland of flowers.
Only one difference 🙏
One photo is of the person himself wearing a garland.
In the other one, somebody has placed a garland on the photograph, and the person did not wear it while being photographed.

A small kid needs to be "told" about the difference between photograh of the person-wearing a garland, and the photograph of the person being garlanded 🙏
( we grown ups, know the difference,  due to convention).

Knowing a person, place, or thing, and knowing a concept, with in-depth perception, decides as to how much value we attribute to that .

Attributively yours,

psn(23 dec 2024)

Art appreciation

 I am incompetent to “speak” about “how to appreciate art.

Readers who are looking for that ( how to appreciate art) can save their time, by refusing to read any further 🙏

What has this ability to do with us? ( appreciating an art?). This is what I tried to look at!

I observed, when I looked at various peepals( desi slang for “people”).

I saw, I beheld, I observed, and then I perceived a few oddities.

1.Not everybody was alike, in appreciating a magnificent “view” of huge mountain range, suddenly in front of us, when we get down from a bus, halted briefly to cool its engine, at the top of a circuitous road climbing up.

2.Not all of them respond with equal measure of emotional expression to a musical concert ( especially those carnatic/ hindustani classical ones, where the vocalist keeps repeating the same line for too-long. A few become impatient within, enough to throw a facial-expression declaring “when is he going to stop this stupid-repetition, and get to the next line of the lyrics… 😡?”)

3)not all of my classmates managed to continue looking at a 4” tall carved statue at ajanta caves (1965 or so, my school days, as a kid. It was “ex-cursion” not just a-picNic trip! ). Only when that guide told us, “ 3 generations are said to have worked on this tiny statue. To reach its level of beauty” a few among them “tried” to turn back and decided to “invest” a couple of seconds-more!😜 to see “really? What's so great about it?” वाला look! 

4)despite being an outsider to a “gang(adda) of kids” elder by 3 years to me, I got “admitted” into them, only-when I remarked about the subtleties of a work of art ( hindi movies, and deeper diagnosis about the direction, dialogue delivery, camera angles, editing etc). Just 3 of them were very keen about the subtler aspects of art displayed in the “commercial” hit-movies. Those few were able to “appreciate” few talents in even-a-commercially FLOP-MOVIE like “Bhuvan Shome”  despite its national-awards! In fact “award movies” were not commercial-hits 😳😶😶😶 a glaringly exampull/example for me as “lessons to learn” in spirituality 😜😜😜

5)not all were similarly “moved” during a Yoga-class/program. The feedbacks were emotionally touching from a few only. The people who managed to pursue, needed a further fine-tuning in me, to “learn” about the “why? What inspired/motivated/persuaded them to intensify their practices? “ well, it was my journey of next 7 years of hyper-active volunteering to provide back-up-support to freshers, aggregating some 5000 people spread over 8 to 10 years. Obviously,  I did collect “gems” of learning, when my failure rate was 99.97% in motivating a “spiritual pursuit” sustainably🙏🙏🙏

My observation : art appreciation might need some-kind of emotional sensitivity in a human being! ( a computer does not “sense” an added device like a mouse, pen-drive, printer etc, attached to it. Here, the sensitivity is restricted to ONLY a logical compatibility in its binary programming 🙏. A.I. robots can “sense” logic well, not an emotion.  If a “canvas” looks like a random spray of different colour-paints, even humans who are logically-talented might say “spoiled with spray of colors. Where is the painting in it called “art”?”)

Art-appreciation courses ( even brief crash-courses, ) do not seem to take off, really…… despite several “start ups” sprouting in Bharat mahan,  during the last decade! Probably, emotional sensitivity needs to be nurtured, nourished and taught STRUCTURALLY in our modern educaShun/education imparting buildings 😰🙏

Shall I display my audacity here( in quoting  a example?)?  Bharat is known as a spiritual destination.  “Fine-arts”, ….  counting  64 of them as “lalit kalaa) are also unique to  Bharat 😜.

Connection?   A demonstrable example! Penny-counting and miserly merchant burst-into a legendary composer of devotional music, all of a sudden, when spirituality dawned into him, during a torrential downpour on a mountain top,  in the darkness of midnight ( so goes the story) fine arts peaked, when spirituality spewed its molten lava of a sleeping Volcano in him, suddenly….🤣… melting the logical-limitations of miserable-miserliness in him till first half of his lifetime. ( apologies for quoting such an example 😅 🙏… sage PURANDARA daasaa. His songs are a material for life-time worth research into one part of desi music. Or, just sing them as a bhajan and soak in its spiritual-contents … your choice😜)

Artistically challenged,  yours,

psm(23 dec 2024)

Friday, December 20, 2024

Learning from rituals of irreligious-Hinduism

 Learning from rituals of irreligious-Hinduism

Highest possible learning for humans is related to spirit-within, and the process is spirituality.

The purpose is quite abstract, by its definition.  Yet, this is the-only-purpose which keeps chasing us. The goal is ultimate liberation. And striving 'towards' the goal is the purpose of learning spirituality.

Rituals form the tools of learning. They are quite comprehensive, and complete in itself. These rituals, fine-tuned over thousands of years, have managed to become quite inclusive enough, to accommodate all-possible kinds of human minds. It is the mind, that determines how we navigate through our lives. Right kind of mind steers us clear of all possible hurdles on our way. Hurdles created by the situation & also those by ourselves! 

Therefore, it is obvious that the rituals get customized over years to suit unique minds, whether these minds are able to remain individualistic, or whether they 'seek' perpetually,  some kind of polarization towards other like-minded humans.

Typically, the rituals classified into 2 major types, cater to polarized mindsets known as gruhasthas, and the other, to cater those minds which insist on retaining their individuality, the non-gruhasthas, popularly  known by several names like sadhaka/ascetic, sanyas/mendicants, brahmacharya/truth_seekers.....etc.

There are two ways of understanding the rituals, meant for everybody.

One, the "how & when" of adhering/complying to these rituals. 

Two, the "why" of these rituals.

Why-of-the rituals helps us to internalize the persuasion,  motivation and the inspiration to be able to hold-on to rituals fastidious. But the grasp of the "why" needed a high_quality of intellect, un-obstructed by the mind. External sources of learning the "why" are situation-dependant. Situation,  includes an intellectual called a Guru.

Whereas, the "how & when" of following a ritual, leans on experience,  for the grasp of "why".  Intensity of carrying out these rituals, are inversely proportional to the time required for that "experience " to dawn in the seeker of "why".  

As a very typical example, the path requiring utmost intensity happens to be the "bhakti/devotee" route. The other two paths are action oriented, and dissolution of past oriented, known as kriya & karma, which are easier options for lesser resolute minds.

The path of "why" necessitates an intellectually evolved being as a prerequisite.  Accordingly the popular name of this parth is called gyana/knowledge oriented.

Today's mind on an average, needs an admixture of all these for, in order to reduce the chances of getting swayed from the "goal" of ultimate liberation.

The modern mind hastens to insist on understanding the "why" of any ritual, before accepting to "follow" any ritual.  Logical tools of providing redundant comforts for a normal living, ( known as technological advancement----reaching as far as even-outsourcing of human-intelligence to an A.I. robot) has.....created a situation where, the seekers of "why" of the rituals deem it redundant to possess the intellectual skills needed to grasp the why! Logical minds refuse to adhere to following any ritual, using that "how & when" of it in exclusivity of knowing the "why" of rituals!

The root of all these "created-complications" & needless-confusions in we-humans. And this trust deficiency is increasing in both dimensions----qualitatively & quantitatively.  Logic has been incrementally failing to replace this deteriorating trust, due to its inherent limitations! Logic, cannot cross over its inherent limitations. Trust, as a quality is unavailable to logical-evaluation. And therefore,  whatever eludes an evaluation,  escapes the ability for trustworthiness.

Testily yours,

psn(20 dec 2024)

Post script humor

Forest king tells me " idiot.... why do you sweep the floor and brush your teeth daily? I don't do either👍"

Now, I seriously look at these 2 ( sweeping, brushing...) a bit seriously!  Hitherto ...I was doing it ritualistically.

When my grasp deepened a bit,

I do flossing also, when required, after brushing.

I do swiping also, when required,  after sweeping the floor ( of course Lion has a huge forest, as its home---sweeping is impractical)

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Side benefits of Breath Awareness


Breath awareness by itself,

( initially) might seem like an interruption to our daily routine.

 Only till we are adept, at effortless breath-awareness.  Just as, a beginner "needs" his total-focus on road, steering wheel,    anxious-focus on right foot to alternate between brake & accelerator... etc.... once it becomes an instinctive muscle-memory,  that car-driver "finds" his ability to focus becoming "better" on any-conversation with any other passenger😜...  very few "manage" to notice this incremental focus between their-own driving moments and potato-couch moments🤣🤣🤣... mind "looks out" for an opporChutney to run far-away from where we are parking our-body,😰.

A teacher repeats often "hey! Where are you? Be here, in the class"... if she-too were CONSCIOUS of the _implications_ of what she is saying in 'be here' least she could have evolved over years.  Few kids use biting of their finger nails, rolling the edge of a paper, clothing, collar etc, just to 'be-here'.  If a movie is 'too-gripping', few-in-audience start biting-nails, fudging with clothing etc....just to arrest/rivet their minds focus into the movie😳...

Why not learn to do it "relaxed"???? ( spiritual bijness prospers inside, with breath awareness 🙏)!!!

Mere lip-chanting of mantras/slokas, etc didn't help a poojari in a temple,      despite his PROXIMITY with Godji🤣      isn't it?

Aware, yours,

psn(19 dec 2024)

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Get the-hell out of my way!

 Get lost you..... *&^%$#@.....

Getting lost ( without losing myself) 🙏😰

Needs wisdom ( unlike our pre-loaded & embedded softwares like smartness, cunningness, cleverness, etc)

Wisdom takes time ( unless we are gifted with fearlessness at-birth. Birth-qualities are past_dependent---karma)

If, somebody isn't really keen about the nonperishable stuff inside him, I have no business to meddle with his time🙏.... so, I lookout for unspoken words like "i am busy , not my priority right now, can be more-practical?... some other time please? (Etc)" to my communication ( I don't converse hollow, for the sake of socially-being acceptable)

Gestures speak louder, "get the hell out of my way".

I had-to-learn to quieten myself, without compromising on 1)my evolvement, 2)effectively communicating, like the unearthly-beings 3)becoming a demonstrable examples 4)remaining available those who are carrying a potential to evolve, though-unawares 😜 5)etc( long list).

Alone on a desert, a tool ( 2 mudras, and a kriya can help me survive without food, sleep or oxygen to breathe----but that wouldn't be necessary this time🙏. Bharat mahan hai👍 it can still accommodate spiritual-freaks today, without coming in the way of others! Aghoris are HUGE evidence).

Blogs are quite impersonal. 

I needn't be totally quiet. And a few can reach blogs, even after I am dust.

Dynamic state of non-doing, helped my pursuit. It is a kind of meditation.  With practice, its practice gets dropped off! 😜. One turns meditative!

Not that I wasn't warned. I needed time to grow into that bare-mimum wisdom needed to grasp the advise in 110th verse of 2nd chapter by Manu, in his smriti wait for solicitation to blabber🙏.

Now, I am becoming better and better at "getting lost"( not being in the way of others.  I don't EXIST,  anymore,  in their experience 🙏).

But I am able to maintain my physical health despite age-related disabilities ( I am labeled as "good at being a domestic servant ". A good handyman,  a good errandboy,  joker, sweeper, washerman/laundered, gardner, etc etc... I do better, at whatever I keep doing often! Even as a bank clerk, I was innovative for 3 decades. Mind works for me, not the other way, MOSTLY. I ain't infallible 😜).

Old age homes are living monuments for evidencing this "get the-hell out of my way" shrieks from younger people 🙏. ( I merely tried to get-lost gracefully, sophisticated-way, and imperceptibly. 

Those among whom I obliged by getting out-of-their-way,  might read this accidentally, can try to find a way to pardon me, for something inexcusable I did unto them🙏.

Out of the way, yours,

psn (17th Dec 2024)

Eating edible stuff raw, uncooked

 Somebody sent me an image of 5 different kinds of edible leaves 

and asked "can these be eaten raw?"( the idea was to maximize its nutrition value 🙂)

My reply



Eating anything "raw" depends on the EATER, not the leaves 😜

Humans, as eaters.....have a "choice"..... well to "tame" the stomach walls, which secretes different types of digestive juices! ( as an example, i happened to eat 36 small sized bananas, after a heavy hosted-lunch at office .... a lady grumbled a whole kula/bunch of banana going waste, and I retorted "just count....I can do something about that wastage". She counted. Her admiration was "jaw dropped " countenance,  not verbal.  I didn't feel any discomfort later🙏... dec 2000, it was......  VRS send off party.)

Pakwatha.... ripeness.... is the key word.

Is this edible ripe enough for me? To eat? ( animals have a uniform pattern. Goats omit "aadalodagam ila"...."ആട് thoda ഇല"..  humans, differ widely.  I can eat "raw" leaves, not all-those around me🙏)


Test it in "safe quantities"..... increment it very gradually! Let stomach "decide", not the doctor. 

Of course, "known to be poisonous " leaves, use the experience of elders/wise_ancients. Whereas, edible leaves, use own experimentation 🙏.

I suggest "minimal steaming"( a minimal compromise with its dilution-of-value.... again, Pakwatha is the "key"----- ripe enough for me)

Exhaustive reply should help to decide on all edibles, comprehensively 🙏

Edibly yours,

PSN ( 17 Dec 2024)

Post script:

As a negative exampull.....

Toor-dal ( pigeon pea) gets mashed in pressure cooker ( high pressure & higher temperature ), but doesn't ripen-enough to digest( pakwathaa,  पकना), and

therefore,  causes gas-trabal/trouble.

Wood stove is boringly-painfully-slow, and dal doesn't  break-down. We mash it forcibly, for taste, gravy, etc. But highly ripened, with maximum-possible retention of nutrients. No side-effects like "gas"😜 ( test it ONCE on lowest flame, small quantity,  open vessel cooking, then agree🙏)

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Teaching myself

 Not quite easy....😰

"After college, what?" Was the "topic" among my classmates, during the end of our degree course at college.

All of them dived into "good job"....etc.

Except me.

I was trapped into "who will teach me, hereafter?"

I ended up into how to do this  "teaching myself!" ( no more of outsourcing of teaching).

I had to look at what to learn, how to learn, and then how to teach-it to myself!  Self-learning didn't seem to suffice. The process of "teaching" seemed more comprehensive, when I saw that  teachers taught me and my learning was better.

And thus, started the "game" of asking-myself, those silly-questions.

The "question" replaced the teachers-way of giving homework, tests, grades and marks. 

I started deepening the questions .

Why do we omit grasp of concepts when we come across definitions of certain things, abstract or otherwise? 

Why does certain ailments like jaundice, varicose veins etc need a live-herbal medicines of Ayurveda, when allopathic medicines are unavailable at all? 

Why do people converse without any communication ( texting or chatting), when the basic purpose was supposed to be of some-kind-of value-addition during any verbal-interaction?

Spiritual arena was mostly "figure it out by yourself" basis, when the Guru seldom "taught" like at the school. He merely describes "how a spiritual practice is done?". Rest is a discovery process😭. We have to evolve,  in spirituality!  No spoon-feeding. No copypasting.  No exams, evaluation,  marks etc. 

Yours, teacher & taught,

PSN (15 Dec 2024)

Monday, December 09, 2024

My incompatibility

 Why I am  incompatible with most ones around me?

As a part of my self-inspection(a bit different from traditional "introspection ") as an ongoing process, I happened to look at the aspect of incompatibility of others, as a hurdle for inability to "maintain" their respective relationships( friends, aquaintants, relatives, whatever), with me. I am difficult to deal-with. I omit the exceptional few, who refuse to dump me😜. Those few shouldn't be discussed for sacred reasons.

I don't give in easily,( if I can help it😰)
1)emotional blackmail
2)irrational reasoning( a comprehensive term to include both, logic and emotions, based on human values)
3)my irrational "desires" temptations, and the sorts(a list)
4)situational compulsions, where the situation warrants only a stupid compliance of illogical social customs not based on dharma ( especially stupid-adherence to even-sound-rules, where the purpose of rules is not facing any hazard)
5) long list ( generally based on my experiences with adherence to cosmic laws, popularly known as SanatanaDharma. I thank evolved beings for this clandestine blessings they showered on me)

Why i am so adamant about not trying to compromise? I look at long term visions of my "being" rather than this temporary life span😜🙏

I trust in nature to nudge me when I fail ( obviously,  no human frame is ever infallible😭). Nature does verbalize, at times, through humans, and I attempt to evaluate the verbal forms using the available intellect, by politely requesting the mind "please listen positively, and then decide upon compliance 👍". Mind quietens, mostly!

I still am, yours,

psn(9 Dec 2024)

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Deduce, explore, invent & discover


Deduce, explore, invent & discover

I was fascinated by these 4 concepts right from my kid age !

I didn’t consciously club these together. It just got clustered in me by itself.

Probably, as I try to deduce it now, it could be because of the one-out-of possible many commonalities that these four have----namely, they engage the element of ‘wonder’ (a trait that most of us fail to preserve while growing into our adulthood.)

these ideas are mine. My mind cannot claim infallibility.

Whereas, I can claim the sanctity of my purpose. To share what I consider to be good.

I intend to start with a very brief real life example. These 4 are a bit distinct from each other.

I leave it to the readers to deduce the difference. I needed a discovery, to reach the deduction, traveling via exploration, and then I invented a crazy excuse to deliver what I deduced.


Deduce (first)

one of the persons close to me, reminded me of ‘something’ that can be done with a 2month-old baby, by way of an experiment. The aim of this experiment was to explore the possibility of waking up the potential in that nascent-life(the baby) to become receptive to discovering the basics of life..... embedded in that ‘new-fresh-lease of life’ :) For this, I had thought of a very simplistic experiment. In a way, I had to devise this process (though, the process is pretty ancient in its bare-form. Only the possibility had to be explored, using the discovery about it, and inventing a technique new to me too!)

this person could have deduced it by oneself !!!!

I try to look at the-how?

The baby knows very little about our-world. Everything will be a discovery for that kid. The tool to discover is at its best of sharpness, simply because the mind is quiet (what does a baby think? Possibly, nothing :) then? Well all it can-do all its waking hours is just-to-wonder :) isn’t it?)

the source of inputs for a baby is its 5 sense organs.

It doesnt even know how to use these 5 at-its-best. Too innocent (actually, ignorant).  Nature takes care of providing tools of discovery to every life-form, and therefore to the baby as well.

This person could-have deduced as to “what possibly could I have suggested as an experiment?” (I intent to request this person to go through this. Exactly why, I avoided any personal references, so that the other-reader’s mind is left-free to focus on the correctness of my ideas :))

Among the 5 senses of perception, I guess the subtlest is probably the sense of hearing.
The kid doesn’t pay too much attention to the sounds, as compared to the eyes, that ‘see’ (but yet-to look, behold, perceive, observe... etc)

So the person could-have deduced that I might be using something to promote the use of ‘sound’

Now, it so happens----this person had been exploring for quite-a-while, as to what the ‘vibes-of-sounds, (the primordial forms, which permeate even through the vast emptiness of space in the universe, using a prescribed tool of chanting a well-formulated, structured, and tested form of these three basic-sounds in the universe) The A, U, M ,.... popularly known as Om, or aum... in the hindu culture since 5k years :)

so, the experiment ought-to-be about,.......observing “how the baby responds” to these sound forms while receiving it through perceivable decibels of its ear lobes, ear etc. (as a preparation, it also so-happened that we were educating the kid while it was 5 months plus in the womb. Traditionally, a right time to start a kid’s education, as per the ancient culture of Bharat)

Eliminating all other possibilities, this person could have deduced it by-oneself and awaited for my confirmation, to discover in that person, that the mind was exploring in the right-direction :)) !!!

Reasoning to eliminate other possibilities?

4 other sensory levels are not likely to enhance the levels of perception in the kid. Touch, taste, vision, and smell are carrying the experience of ‘too much of familiarity’ enough to invoke a sense of priority, which dulls the element of wonderment and therefore the craze to explore.

Sound, when it invokes the ‘only-sense of perception whilst in the womb’ happens to urge a sense of ‘continuity’ of exploration, since the flight of knowledge is “from-known-to-unknown”.

doesn’t matter, if this person didn’t happen to deduce. There is still scope to deduce ‘why didn’t it OCCUR to me?”

deducingly yours,
(7th Nov, 2024)

Sunday, November 10, 2024

what can be a debatable thing?


What can be a "debatable" thing?

I learnt a precious lesson, about the "concept" around ..... "what CAN-BE  a debatable thing?"....

When, I too got "trapped" into a "debate, rather a fierce-arguement" about the famous "PF---PENSHUN"( option, compelled on employees of banks, to choose from. A paradox😜.. forced choice/option) choice. ( I stoutly refused to 'pay' ₹25/- for a printout from Trichy---somevwizard in software designed a program to project a future-amount of & pension, for a common basic pay. The union secy got annoyed at my refusal to pay. All others paid in that large branch, including scale-4 manager. I said"i never asked for it....nor do I need it. I am clear🙏...keep that waste paper with you," others unitedly scoffed at me, in 1995 or so...when 1st option came.

2 illiterate substaff defied union dictates and took my advice to take pension. I gave them a பேட்டி கடை கணக்கு ( simpleton's version like petty shop wala's arithmetic. I had to "device" a realistic example. They trusted me, more than they grasped my example. A decade later, they both showered praises....  all that was history)

Lesson was : I need to DEEPEN my perception about  what ought not to be debated  🙏

Topmost item i found was the 4 mahaVakyas----declaratory truths🙏

( this, pushed me onto an insurmountable task of delving into the subtlest of subtle truths🙏... because,  truths aren't debatable😜... 

The very-ardous nature of "delving into subtleties of 4 nahavakyas, turned into my best tool/means for self refinement🙏).

I am not trying to seek any concurrence in the foregoing words🙏.  Just a concluding remark from me, with all-possible sincerity in me🙏

Debatably yours,

psn(10 nov 2024)


To me,

These 4 mahavakya constitute the  true definition itself of "Hinduism"( everything else is its offspring😜....  cosmic truth---works everywhere in universe..... hence, "sanatana dharma"...  I could find "ways" to trace the roots of almost all kinds of ancient scriptures to these 4 vakyas🙏

An experiential-grasp of these 4....becomes a moksha😜... जीवन मुक्ति.... )

Sunday, November 03, 2024

One of the uses of meditation

 A few are allergic to trying a meditative practice ( numerous excuses arise----mind games. Mind turns cunning to devise excuses to repel any kind of meditation 😜)

We don't mind improving our logical & emotional skills ( it helps better-handling of life situations)

Any personal-skill, if subtle.... has its own vulnerabilities.  Susceptibility to extreme/stressful situations. 

Situation  can weaken its strength,  and the same logic/emotion might turn against us, instead of helping us to tide over a stormy situation 😜 ( like a grenade bursting in our hands itself, before we threw it on to the target).

We need a shield, a firewall, which can reduce the possibility of instability of our logic/emotion, due to a situational stress.

Meditation has a historical evidence for its efficacy, in providing a shield to retain the efficiency of our logical/emotional strength🙏

Inherent risks can also be reduced to a sustainable extent!

A practical example.

Suppose we are able to confirm, as to

which of the two faces vulnerability of situational threat ( logic or emotion)


Insurance premium "rating" gives us a motivation, from the way....the rates are decided for  raw-cotton in-transit.

Loose cotton in transit/in-godown  is charged a higher rate. Whereas, fully pressed bales are charged much-lesser😜 ( fully pressed bales means..... a machine compresses it and allows a metallic strip to be strapped around it about 4 times..... 2 straps around its 2 sides, length and breadth. Now, fire burns only the outermost surface of this tight-bundle. The inside is safe😅... oxygen-helps-combustion. No fire hazard in a oxy-starved area. 

Consciously calming the mind, helps logic and emotion to function behind a "firewall"....😜

MeditaShun is not to be shunned, hated, despised etc, if.....we want to safeguard our sensibility in using logic/emotion/both 🙏

Insurably yours,

psn(3rd Nov,  2024)

Saturday, November 02, 2024


 Teacheliness ( can be a crude translation to gurutwam)

It is a concept, not a depiction of functionality of a guru.

In Indian lore, concept-of-concepts were too well developed, and perhaps, formed the “base” of desi spirituality. (Example: wateriness is liberally used to denote the molecular bond between Iron particles of a piece of iron rod, etc. Jala_tatwam is watering. Its functionality stretches to deepening a human potential to become capable of absorbing basic 5 elements (pancha tatwam) to provide water  into one's own body, effortlessly( 😜 this capability may trigger envy in a space-traveler, like astronaut or cosmonaut! )

I liked to look at a real like example.

I had a professor in economics at my college. I used to ask him a few questions, which come closer to core values in a human being, which affects the economics of a society!  Quite a few times he said “let me ‘search’ for an answer and then tell you.” I felt deeply impressed by his mind's courage to say thus in a classroom.

Then one day, the princi told me “do you know….in our 20 years of working together as professors, it is the first time I am seeing Dr.MGB greeting/wishing somebody a “good morning”!😳

I was stunned! Just ½ a minute ago that economist had mumbled a ‘good morning’ at me, which I repeated gracefully too🙏

Then one day, he asked for “psn” ( me), in the class! I used to bunk often to drive my dad's  car out of station,  on his official tours. Professor said"let him come, and then this new chapter”( he didn't  want me to miss that lecture!😰🙏)

Then one day, my dad quipped :”who's this dr.mgb?” ( I felt worried! Dad never bothered about my college life, education, literacy, whatever. He merely gave me my fees for the ensuing terms, nothing more)

I answered “any complaints against me? 🥺…he's my eckonomix/ economics professor “

Dad “don't know why, he sent word through our prof.rao “tell his dad, to ask psn to do a PhD in economics “

I felt inquisitive to know about Dr.mgb now! What a man! Why did he alone bother to treat me as his “blue eyed child?”? 

Over the decades, I got insight about Dr.mgb, in installments.

He authored a globally acclaimed book “Hindu economis”( he was a staunch communist at heart😜).

He retired as a VC of the university ( Nagpur).


The subtle aspect… just struck me🙏

Gurutwam. Teacherliness.

This man had learnt economics at the feet of a staunch Hindu, dattopant thengdi.  Obviously, the “Hindu_ness” would have permeated a “little” into Dr Mgb…. inevitably!😰😭

This hindutwa/hinduness, might have caused a little teacherliness/gurutwam to seep-into Dr.mgb😰🙏😜

( i could decipher no other better-reason, for him to “identify” the “potential-in-me” when I was just 19 yrs old, and a stupid-average-student🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣...  I am confident about the prevalence of this-potential in me, only now, at 70+.... 😰 gurus look for potential, not what a student is, right now! )

I was myself hunting for this gurutwam( the ability to identify a potential candidate, to pass on what I learnt thus-far), so that I don't “miss” my victims for my spiritual bla-bla 😜🙏…  I did acquire a “few” tricks of the trade😜…. 

Blabbering_ly, yours….

psn(2 nov 2024)

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

My tryst with yog-asanas

 Yog asanas.


Final yr at nagpur.

Mind almost 'vacant'...🙂

I enrolled myself for 'asanas' class by a swami there aged 90+  ( he could do shiras-asanam on floor without support, standing erect on his head, steady🙂)

Lasted a month.

He sighted me in a couple of days, decided to fine-tune my postures( preferentially, compared to 99 others in that batch. We were100 learners)

The volunteers told me " you are the best & class apart". I felt humbled  🙏.

I felt lucky,  greatful etc.

I missed their exam after that month ( certificate, being govt recognized, meant a guaranteed job as a yoga teacher in govt school.  I was the topper too! The volunteers later said " you disappointed us, by missing the exam 😰". I had gone to Akola for temporary job in my bank, 3 months. I wasn't interested in any "certificate")

Till 1992 I thought "nothing more" to learn in these asanas. 

That founder of yoga-abhyasi-mandal , that swami is today in a samadhi at nagpur. A long queue to just bow once at his samadhi🤣... and I was taught by him personally, one-to-one, for 28 days,

When jaggi was reclining on stage, propping his head on one palm, enjoying music, and a volunteer demonstrating the same set of asanas.... I felt "teacher himself enjoying music? Not bothered to "watch" any of the 70 plus participants,  whether they need correction? ( but I was doing it flawlessly from first minute---1974 practice. )

3 day session ( compared to 30 days by Janardhan Swami 🙏  )

My-mind said " no comparison!"

The second day.....something strange happened in-me.

These postures suddenly started interacting with me, within me....waking up a strange+strong energy flow,  unmistakably 

Tears of gratitude 🙂

At once my mind conceded "no comparison"( same words, but in a 180° opposite direction 😜)

I understood what "yog" asanas mean? The teacher lying down was only resting his physical body and his 5 senses withdrawn. His "being" filled that huge hall, and was permeating into me 😳

I resolved " i have now....something very-very intense to work upon! These asanas are a huge benediction unto mankind!" ( never had to look back afterwards. My gratitude to janardhan swami multiplied many times, for "seeding" those postures in me in 1974🙏. It made jaggi's task simple! He just flooded his pranic energy into me😶... I understood the sequence, though 20 years apart. Masters coordinated thus

The sense of gratitude, transformed into a resolve

I will, when I become sure, help others towards this experience.  The  only payback possible

This resolve, instead of granting me any satisfaction, multiplied the indebtedness for me😰🙏😭... the experience of volunteering educated me about the process of imparting what I learnt, the subtlest of all sciences---spirituality.... 

This time, I understood "futile to attempt any effort to try a repayment of this huge indebtedness🙏"( just keep doing my best, and remember--i can never hope to repay😰🙏). 

Vacantly yours,

psn(30 oct., 2024)

Monday, October 28, 2024

I am an idiot


And this idiocy is a part of the original equipment in me ( karmic/causal body)

Why else would I misconstrue that sage Patanjali was addressing the first line of his monumental work ( yoga sutras) in a strange way,......was being to be addressed to me? 🤔

And now, yoga … he says ( अतः yoganushasanam). When you ‘saw' that nothing else has worked, now……the discipline of yoga! A teacher even emphasized this to me ( a guru who opened my eyes using strange non-invasive and subtle surgery. A bearded one, whom I knew as jaggi, in this birth! He even went to the extent of demonstrating to me, by me, for me…...about a possibility of the phenomenon  called rebirth 😜 . He did it quite-irrefutably.)

Thus the embedded nature in me that “this author was addressing only_you, you-idiot”( others were given a litmus test in the very-next verse/sentence, and therefore bulk of the reader adopted a need-not-read further, or read plus forget👍). Nature provided a teacher as well, for my lessons in yoga, and he taught me how to stay “within his range, irrespective of proximity”. Mobile towers need certain periphery to remain within its range of connectivity.

This “meant for me” concept took deep roots in me🙏😰

I started misconstruing that, the welfare of others around is my primary concern ( duty consciousness… opposed to “fight for my rights” wala attitude….😭). I have been paying a heavy price for this misfit-attitude. Only of_late, being battered mercilessly, i learnt to try-to-disengage myself in its manifest-form, from the lives of others 🙏

Now that I have explained about the unique and beyond-repair idiot-in-me,

look at a few souls who went unacknowledged …..

The evaluator of an answersheet who awarded a centum to an examined, was never known to have been a recipient of "thank you" from the centum/gold medal awardee😜…  the teacher gets thanked, the parents & well wishers get thanked. Ironically, a fellow getting lesser or fail scores seldom misses to curse that paper-evaluator🤣. Only brickbats for him, no bouquets 🙏😰.

Saturn too is looked at as a punishing_evaluator, despite his label as KARMAPHALAdaata/giver of fruits of past actions ( i am a “living evidence” that saturn gives blessings too🙏. And, Unconditionally too. I never had to propitiate shani-dev.  Mind you he is dev…god….not shaitaan/devil 😜. Gods are benevolent and not vengeful 🙏. Just that, he/saturn is assigned the unpleasant task of awarding NEGATIVE marks as well. If,  the failures with negative scores are in majority, is it fair to curse a “god”? Shani-Dev?

Oops! None of my concern….what you choose to call-him! 😞 sorry!

When a whole_perspective is based on a stupidity like “meant for me, addressed to me, for my sake alone, my duty unto others, others are my concern etc”…..the functionality of such an idiot(me) presents no difficulty to identify  me as an ‘original idiot’.  ( nature obliges by responding with a smile, when I look at earth, trees, air, water, sky and space etc……as “meant for me…my mom, from whose womb I came forth” etc!.  I can perhaps, find solace in the lap of this mom, not too late, either as ashes, or as decomposable organic garbage!)

Hope this helps, 

those around me( my victims, especially) 

to try to find a “way”

to pardon me for

My Unpardonable idiosyncrasies 👍

Idiotically yours,

psn(28 oct 2024)

Our inbuilt OBSERVATORY labs

Our inbuilt obsevatory labs

Parents miss to "notice" a kid's "growth".
If....physical growth is so difficult to "notice"( seeing the kid daily,  is the attributed reason), then what about the subtle progress of mind,  intellect, response-system, reflex mechanisms and numerous other subtleties?


Instead of dismissing it, what if we decide to sharpen our observation?
( we will sharpen our focus, attentiveness, attention span, quality of grasp, quieting our mind for better intake, etc...long list!)

This quality might come handy to improve our-own  faculties of sensing.
We might "notice" early signs of infirmity, dementia, unsteadiness, lack of body-mind coordination etc...setting into our aged parents,  and try reversing the process to possible extent.

Extended benefits? We won't         miss
1)Early signs of dis-loyalty creeping into the trusted people around us!( something that espionage agencies specialise into 😜)...

2)Early signs of a chair becoming weak in offering resistance to our weight😜, and we avoid a fall!

3) early signs of moon's extreme phases causing imbalance in weak minds( mental health homes specialise in this 😆)

4) etc.... long list.

Such observations,  if it happens effortlessly.... we end up living-in-the-moment!

Ah yes!
Kids are the motivators for honing our skills of observation.  Because, we love them Unconditionally ❤ 

Observingly yours,

psn(28 oct 2024)

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Random thoughts getting fulfilled


Those of our thoughts......

Which are in synchronicity with cosmic laws ( technical name for cosmic laws, has been for thousands of years, known as Sanatana Dharma.

Almost every one finds......
random thoughts of theirs, getting fulfilled ( appearing to be like a "miracle".... anything we do not understand,  seems like a miracle), though such thoughts are a bit rare. True spiritual seekers find the frequency of its occurrence to be a bit more than average!

The phenomenon is scientific. The 'snag' is.... its occurrence depends on stringent-conditions.

( i am able to notice an increasing rate of its occurrence in me😭.... I am therefore a little over overcautious about what-i-think. I call it side-effects of becoming meditative. Obviously,  I dont expect subscribers to this experience of mine🙏. It defies known-logic in psychiatry😜)

Randomly yours,

psn (24 October,  2024

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Stormy life events

 We go through stormy sessions in our life.

This hectic schedule, bulk of which is about the 'situation' that drives you, pushes you to the limits ( what our mind aptly describes it  as "just surviving the storm" 😂),....

has certain advantages as well, only if we "had-happened" to use our tools of awareness and alertness.

In fact these 2 tools get invoked during that "storm" ( crazy navigation for survival leaves us with no choice about using our alertness and awareness). 🤣

Then what is the point?

Where is our focus during a storm which has gripped us? Maneuvering 'somehow' isn't it? We 'feel choiceless about focus on  quality of our performance. Even an Olympic sprinter does a mad -run when chased by a tiger( he simply forgets about track-technique, breath-management, foot-work, optimizing elbow swinging....etc.  Ofcourse, he invariably does better than average common people, merely because of muscle memory, acquired over years of practice, in running for sports-racing. His focus is on survival from tiger,  not about creating a world record😜)

What if.....
We had already practiced adequately, to maintain a bit of self-awareness? This self-awareness, can co-exist parallel to our activities on the outside, whether hectic or normal-paced 🙏
Without that self-awareness, the "advantage" of any stormy-session  is out-of-reach!

Self awareness is a powerful defense against the vulnerability to emotional imbalance. We are equipped to be forewarned about likelihood of losing our emotional balance. 🙂
An emotionally balanced mind handles even-a-storm better than otherwise🙏.

And, during a drive through a storm.....the susceptibility to losing our emotional balance is highest ever!

Self awareness helps recalling of even-minor details of the experience during storm, when we are in a calm-after storm. Recalling of memory in a cohesive-sequence helps immensely for learning and value addition. Compare this with an imbalance of emotion, which snatches away our ability to even properly store the events in memory ? Recalling meaningfully is out of question. All we remember is how-mad-we-were 😰😜🤣🤣

Calmly yours,

psn (23 October 2024)

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

The no-time people

 The No-time people

Modernisation has churned out a lot of “no time” people 😂 ( until some 2 centuries ago, people seemed-to-have had time for anything & everything. Pace of life was snail's pace)

Just make sure that people have “no time” for something and then, it is easy to sell to them anything 😉 

What we call as “modern gadgets” are essentially time-saving things. Logically, of course. But factually, they eat away our time, and to understand this, ( only then, “any scope” to agree/disagree 😜) we don't have time ! That's  were the “modernity” nailed our coffin!


A sophisticated detonator might try to threaten earth “ i can destroy you….in-no-time”....and it really can👍… it is just technology!  But that gadget forgets that it is the very earth( which it ‘seeks to destroy’) that provided the raw materials of destruction !

Patanjali ( an ancient sage) has infinite time for those who don't have time for attending to the-most-vital aspect of their existence😜… 

And, it includes everybody ( atheists,  fanatics, jihadis, bhakts, mentally sick, and everybody 🙏)  Patanjali begins “ and now…….”( the implication of that strange-way of beginning a monumental and timeless work, dawns when nothing ‘else’ works for those who had “no time” since their numerous lifetimes….😜😂🙏🙏🙏

When a giant like Patanjali gives a timeless guarantee….. I can cheerfully walk out-of-the-way of those who have “no-time”  👍 ( He, for sure blesses me, when I managed to “realise” what he  meant 😜)

Un-Timely yours,

psn ( 1 oct, 2024)

Post script (30 oct 2024)


Something turns into a passion in us,

time, leisure and wherewithal required for its pursuit begin to creep into us 😜

Saturday, September 07, 2024



(This is a list.... I might be able to add, if oddities occur. So, this blog might warrant a revisit, if a reader solicits those additions)

Tantra based instead of mantra

Abode for brahmaRaakshas inside temple compound only in Kerala!

Tonsure is not a practice

Elder brother and a husband addressed alike with "Jeyshta"

Deepavali not a festival

Bali, though a demon like ravana kamsa etc, worshipped

Gates closed at night only after a call "any hungry stomach out there???"

Strict dress code for temples, rituals according to deity and not desire of devotees

Tuft of hair tied up to the side towards ear lobes, not towards rear of head.

Fireworks specific to temple festivals…

Benedictions sought, not blessings!

Obsequies, 16 days, instead of 13 for rest of India!

Vysya as an exclusive class is not conspicuous among known names of classes/groups! 

No exclusive Vishnu worshippers among Hindus in Kerala. Rest of India has few sects in Hindus, who avoid worshipping Shiva!

A priest in a temple is called "shaantiKaaran"( one who induces peace, shaanti), unlike in rest of Bharat, a poojaari . Was it due to taantrik styled consecration? 😜

A keralite in-me, yours

psn(7th Sept., 2024)

Silly questions

 I might keep adding my sillyness, through questions  here. So revisiting this blog is a subject-matter of solicitation ( not a compulsive-syndrome)

Silly questions

1)Why do we learn? ( How to learn? is a vital question ❓)

2)Why do humans need parenting?

3)why do we miss our sense of discrimination while inside our dream?( we are unable to ask that dead person we knew "hey! You were dead, then how did you appear now?". We also don't know, it is our dream, not real)

4) garbha gruha in a temple is ill_ventilated, and priest further spoils the ventilation burning camphor, incense & oil lamps, and keeps the door shut most of the time….. and yet, he looks fresh? Over years he has no ventilation probs 🙏

5)human death anniversary on moon phases of that month each year, whereas God's birthdays are on moon phases instead of Star birthday like us???

6)festivals related to god's birthdays are usually with junk food ( even as prasadam), whereas food on death anniversary is damn healthy and easily digestible even if we overeat 😜

7)I used to quiz....those who are unlikely to get angry suddenly " can you tell me why......Godji in his different avatar, dashaavataar, etc....give moksha to main villains, the raakshasaas, and leave the poor victims in a lurch??? . Does it not look odd? Not an injustice?" They stare 🫣 no answer😜)

8) who between two is more prone to get angry, a coward or a brave person?( A coward may be even strong, and a brave one weak )

9) Did you mention factually inside your dream to somebody " hey ...I had a dream last night"

Meaning.....was there a dream within a dream????

🙏 i ain't gonna embarass you asking for the "reasons" etc.  🙏 ( that needs a genuine qualification in psychiatry 😜....not just a paper degree. A yogi is enough to explain 🙏)

10) what does the emotion of vismaya/wonder do to us? We dropped it, like we get rid of our appendix, when it is unwell, merely because medical science doesn't know it's purpose 😜

11) are you able to switch off logic and still think, by choice, consciously? 

12) Do you agree with my baseless wild guess.....???

I guess that among all nations globally, even today, Bharat has the biggest ratio/percentage of people, for whom money is not everything. We hold on to values, that are very basic to life, though of  no commercial worth or value . are able to agree, then your own priorities about those values, over and above wealth? 😜

13)Whenever you meet any acquainted person, 

do you view him with your outdated & fixed opinion?( or with an open mind ready to update the opinion with present reality?😜)

I have this problem : when I meet Valmiki today, I have no way to recognise him as a transformed Rishi, and my perception is outdated by just 3 days, when he was "😫Ratnakar_Bandit". So I was curious about others😜🙏

14) can you describe a thought ( or a sentence), which is not a judgement of any kind? Not a conclusion of any kind?

15) do you know through 'experience' the difference between empty stomach and a hungry stomach. If yes, how do you know you are hungry, if your body is trying to tell you? ( we "feel" very thirsty, and therefore we know, we want water to drink, urgently…..hunger?)

16) I asked my spouse " can you make out if the soiled appearance is gone from a dark coloured saree? You prefer a dark coloured dress, because it hides the soiled_colour, and therefore makes washing easy+lazy 😜

( I won't reveal her answer…. because it deals with deeper_perception to say "yes!"...

17) is humility a cultivable quality, or….is it a mere consequence of 'something/s else? 😜🙏🙏… like, we can cultivate honesty, by speaking truth always, by not taking bribe etc… humility? Is it an exclusive quality like honesty, stealing, looting, donating etc? 

18) kids are taught to respect & revere elders.

Is it sensible to revere and respect mere age, instead of elderliness which is not dependent on age, but probably used to sync with age often in ancient times?

19) do you consciously, and by yourself, voluntarily try to look to see, if you are also a part of the problem, whenever you are confronted by a problem? ( why should I look into? is not my problem. I and pappu are often a problem for others😂( though for diagonally opposite reasons 🙏), and so seldom we find an occasion for this kind of problematic introspection.

20) which one is a choice, positivity or negativity? 😜

First sip, taste, snort of nervous stimulants( drugs, liquor, etc) was a conscious choice. Once addicted, there is no more any choice 😜

Can positivity ever become an addiction? Can negativity be a choice?

21) why are we unable to become very intense in whatever we do, during our waking hours?  All other life forms are quite intense in living. ( What might happen, if we ‘try’ being intense at very routine, mundane and boring jobs?

22) what will you choose between blessings and benediction if there is an offer of any one item from a very powerful giver? ( in my view , there cannot exist anything beyond these two ). 

23) how would you sight wisdom in otther person?   ( relevance.?.. my teacher asked an all_the_more_tough koschan…. “How would you recognise, if the fellow seated next to you in a crowded bus is an enlightened being?”...they don't brag about it)

24) “no response” says the doctor, when he checks a patient in deep coma. But, when we are okay, and interact with our life situations all our waking hours, how often do we respond, instead of reacting ??? ( now, do you feel a reaction to this silly koschan, or does a response surge ?)

25) can wonder/വിസ്മയം/विस्मय be cultivated as a habit/capability, independent of any other emotion ( exclusively)?

Kids used to “wonder” …. Or, is wonder also, a consequence like, innocence,  humility etc? ( darkness & cold are a consequence of absence_of_xyz science)

26) are you having the ability to notice the latent “qualities” in any person, who is largely available within your proximity?( simplified form: if, N.D.Modi had continued to be a chaiwala/teaServer near you for 10 yrs, would have “listed” out several qualities in him? ( so_called andhBhakht, can list good, whereas haters can list bad qualities, though neither of them ever met him in person 😜). My colleages"discovered"me afresh after I turned ex-colleague😜🙏

27) Exceptionally good at which one, othe two , emotions and logic, is going to help becoming good at the other one????

( simplified version....

Excellent emotions enable dexterity at flawless logic?


Exceptionally accurate logical prowess enables deepest emotional capabilities??)

28) Between logic(reasoning) and emotions, which one can we afford to forego in a situation, of worldly material life?

( even to answer this sensibly, we may need to keep aside for a moment, our  emotion and use logical reasoning ? Dunno 🙄)

29) you may be a slave or a master/boss of your logic and/or emotions… 

But, between  logic and emotions inside us, which is the boss or slave of the other? Or, are they merely interdependent?  Or are they complementary and/or supplementary to each other? 

30) why is it that mother nature chose bleeding ( blood) to cleanse a female after her puberty ( till 55)?  And, we haven't heard of such bleeding-for-cleansing in other life forms, why? ( a very deep understanding of this process might-offer a gift of release from psychosomatic disorders that a woman( working ones….err…actually, earning ones) face as stress, tenShun etc in the present day). If we never noticed this aspect hitherto, at least I am not to be blamed😜… menstruating females do-use sweat, urine, etc like any of us, to cleanse their inner physiology,  then why bleeding?  🙏😜😂😂😂( no 2 women bleeding alike, why?)

31) this koschan only for fun🙏 ( let those, who call themselves “scientific tempered”, fathom it)

Why did ancients ask very differently from today's scientists, a basic question? ( ancientquestion was “ why did it rain?”  Instead of today's “how can it rain?” ….  And ancients brought rains using chants and fire worship. Toady “param computer” isn't able to match the ability of ants to predict-a-rain… dr.Yashpal kapoor quotes his true experience when tribals showed him, ants predicting rains🙂🙏)

32) we heard of powerful ascetic, using their powers (acquired through rigorous penances) to pronounce curses on erring people! My question is, was there any instance of an ascetic begetting a curse, because he cursed somebody wrongfully?  Abuse of power, warrants a punishment too, isn't it?🤣😜😜😜😜 ( yes or no…..why?)

33)Why did ancients make a very-conspicuous absence of psychiatry( modern format of psychology, I mean) for “living” humans, when…..they evolved a WHOLE-SCIENCE to counsel the bodyless-minds, stuck in the “past”? BhootAatma refers to a soul stuck into the past. Several complex rituals are available, to evidence their-expertise i reaching+counseling them. 

34) why are we not able to use certain life-specific concepts without needing to consciously invoke them mentally, when it is needed urgently+crucially?  ( the “gravity” concept, for instance, is into our muscle memory. A good motorist pushes the brake-pedal instinctively, while sighting an obstacle, not needing a mind's-effort to tell himself, “hey! Apply brakes”) ROM-and RAM concept.  We use softwares specific to the file-formats, without “invoking” them. Why not certain concepts we learnt?

35) why aren't we able to use the tools to evaluate the analytical-skills of others?( HR  guys, engaged into recruitment will appreciate this “silly” question better 🙏)

( might be continued.... my silliness, being perpetual 😜)

just silly, yours,

psn(7th Sept., 2024)

1 oct 2024 ...( onwards)

36)when all our “modern” and scientifically-advanced gadgets are essentially time-saving-devices, why is it that we find ourselves in a “no time for anything “ situation, compared to our great-grandpas of 200 years ago? 

37) what might be the reason for primitive man to seek “spirituality”??? It was not a “necessity” … in fact, bulk of us have no-idea about our “spirit” ( life, aatma, soul, etc….except for a fanciful-imagination, without experience of actual-life, ticking within us !

38)my personal question ( I am practicing it, that's why mine) it worth visualizing something very positive despite knowing it to be impractical? I have-been always visualizing ‘what-ought-be done’, in a situation, though I know, none of the team people are going to accept it. My reasons are, to keep my positivity in planning/visualizing ALIVE-IN-ME. something that needs to  place other's priority greater than mine🙏😰. 

39)which of these 2 are more SUSCEPTIBLE to extreme situations in life? Logic or emotions? ( logic may be strong in us, or emotional balance, or both good or weak, but vulnerability to fail during an extreme situation is due to the ‘nature-itself’, of logic and emotions. These two have its own innate nature, common to humans! That nature decides as to how much security, each one deserves🤣, not how well it works for us. A large glass house is more susceptible to a stone thrown at it, than a tiny house of rocks!...  so, which is vulnerable one? Correct understanding might help us to protect it better🙏)
40) when does intellect function, in us? ( just to persuade involvement in the question, let us see, if this is really true?   It dawned conceptually, on whiskies in digital technology after decades of observation of computer's stupidity of GiGo-garbageIn-out…. And therefore the ‘attempt’ to make it intelligent,  A.I. … yet, machines are unable to mimic human intelligence.  At least for now!  But we have our intellect as an embedded-software 😜… part of original equipment. Original accessory 🙏… so, like to look at it? School syllabus sharpens mind, seldom our intellect😭) 
41) why do teachers have to STAND and teach while we-students SIT and listen, in our classrooms? Save furniture, let students stand & give just 1 chair for that knowledgeable teacher?( my kid-age question! I didn't ask till I knew the DEEPER reason😜)
42) do you keep learning at least 1 new thing daily? ( 2 problems, we face, I learning “new”.  I. Learning curve turns horizontal/flat, as we age. 2.repeated routine dulls our focus towards new). A silly-example, from me. When slurping(surrrr) hot tea, I hold the sipped tea to exhale air in mouth, and then gulp the 5 ml tea, thus…reducing the air entering my stomach with each sip of tea---a learning from even-routine.  It seems, godess of learning conceded “what I know is like a fistful of sand and yet-to-know is the sand on shores of all the oceans”. 
43) do you ‘allow’ your stomach to ‘feel’ hunger? ( stomach cannot-think, it can only feel!). Or, do you deny it, by refueling as-soon-as stomach feels empty? … ( sorry, ….stomach can even transmit data to our brains, if+when it experiences starvation, which is next level of hunger😜)
44) why are we unable to make breath-watching into a habit?
45)why is it that we do not get-to-see any creature ( ant, fly, mosquito, snake, birds, etc not under captivity, in free state) when it is about-to-die? ( we surround a dying fellow-human, about to die, sick or wounded, beyond scope to save, and watch that person dying helplessly). I don't know, if I may feel a little humiliation even, if I come to know the truth of 'this-why'!
46)Why don't we use art as a litmus test to assess an emotional responsiveness in a person? ( 😜 well, being “silly” in asking questions is also about adding irritants in a question, that can also be framed decently. 🙏) i am assuming that “art” and fine-arts, etc, need a bit of sensitivity of the emotion contents in a being! Even “stone” was said-to-have melted itself by the music of “Mian Tansen”. Maybe an overexaggeraShun/over-exaggeration. But still, an appealing one to our emoShun ain't it?😜. Any way, “emotions” have a lot to do with Spirit, hence,  with spirituality as well😭
47)if health is necessary to enjoy wealth,  when we have time to enjoy it, Obviously, wealth and time available is useless without health. My silly question is :  a)health means, both mental and physical health?  b)between mental and physical health which one is “basic”? More of one is important to enjoy the other?  c) between two people A & B…. Who is better fortunate? A is physically okay, but mentally ill, whereas B is mentally okay, but physically ill, so who is more fortunate between-the-two? d) are we more familiar with health measures related to physical or mental health? ( mental “health” homes …. bring patients only to “normal” level, not to a healthy-mind level 🤣…. if at all, it is not toooo-late for a patient🙏)
48)”do you TRUST yourself?” A very silly thing to ask ourselves 🙏. But, please see, we usually look at it as self-confidence, not trust. Our mind is comfortable, in dealing with ‘confidene’,  when it is about self!  Whereas, when it comes-to building a strong relationship,  trust is the fulcrum. Does our inner relationship between mind and our ‘being’( the life energy/spirit/soul/atma/whatever… has a trust factor? This is the question. When we say my-mind, are we not accepting a “me” other than my-mind?)
49)Why aren't we bothered about improving our NATURAL intelligence?  Already we are scared by seeing copypastes & forwards, threatening us saying that this AI( artificial intelligence,  robots, machines) will take-over from us, our independence,  freedom,  or whatever 😉.  Why not start again at basics like, “when does our intellect ( not our mind or organ brain) FUNCTION?”  Are you the type who says “i do only crisis-management. Let AI cause harm, only thereafter, I will wake up my intelligence”👍. Okay! Your freedom then🙏
50)why is it that….one hindu godess alone does not “sell” an insurance policy? 🤣…   ( all other deities display a gesture called ‘Abhaya-mudra’ which is show of palm, symbol of congress-party, to mean “why you fear, when I am here?” … a very scientific verse, tantra based, is my source for its authenticity🙏… verse 4, waves of beauty_____त्वमेका नैवासि प्रकटितवराभीत्यभिनया). How is this operational? Scientifically? No need for blind belief, once we know_how?  Hinduism is irreligious.  Anybody can try to find_out the answer😜👍
51)how do we know, if we are intelligent at a particular point of time? ( like "now, I am intelligent, to whatever possible extent🙏"). Functioning of intellect is not a "default" item, like our breath or heartbeat. It can work for anyone, anytime. But knowing its symptoms/diagnosis, might help us to switch_it_on, when there is darkness in our mind? 🙏. A very silly thing to ask. And most sacred/silliest, as the fifty-first one, an auspicious numeral 😜
52)how to ….improve our own sensitivity better than what we have right now? ( is it not the “sensitivity” at different levels, functioning very uniquely at each level, that helps us to evolve? What try_to_call as divine, a person, saint, God's agent or God-himself is about EMOTIONAL-Sensitivity in that “being” at its peak levels? The acts of kindness, love, or whatever is merely a response, isn't it? A dialogue in a hindi movie “namakharam” a wise elder advises the hero “only when you find the pain in others to be unbearable,  you become capable to help the poor. So don't  give up your responsibility as a labor-leader 🙏”. That wise elder sensed the sensitivity_level of that hero well👍 Good diagnosis 😜)
53)can you 'feel' the water we drink, beyond our throat? Indeed a stupid question🙏( not just-silly)

We require to drink a glass of water, when we feel a little thirsty. When gulping, Can we try....and accompany that thin stream of water going down? Most of us have almost zero experience about "what happens, once the water goes below, beyond the throat Doesn't matter. Body takes it to the right place/destination 👍 ( our accountability is only to avoid that "junction" where, another pipe leads into our lungs 🤣.... we cough with-pain ..... not smooth like exhaling air! Water without saliva causes a burning sensation🙏. But, for those who can manage to extend their curiosity, a little "cold" water can enhance the feel a little beyond. Maybe chest? ( with practice, we can even feel the water playing, fooling_around in our stomach 😜 Worth trying? 🤔🤔😰
54)does our mind ever add to our energies?( hyper-active mind, depletes our reserve-stock of energies too, whether such activity was gainful or needless-hypertension 😜.  Does it ever add? Physical activity, we know. ) we are good at taking bodily rest, when our energies are depleted.  Are we capable of requesting our mind “hey! Shut up for a while…. fuel tank is too low!”
55)Silly question now....😜

Is the transition from a stubborn logical mind to emotion tougher..... or, is an adamantly emotional mind to logic more tougher? ( I could have asked "easier?" instead of "tougher?" ....but then..... ain't i a tougher nut?😜👍🙏🙏🙏)

56)why is the battery/power of sage Durvasa not getting depleted/reduced/exhausted DESPITE unlimited number of curses he throws around?  ( famous for anger, curse and its effect). All other sages, rishis, ascetics have to start again with rigorous penances/tapas, to restore their expended tapobal/power_of_penances 😰).  Try asking it to those who lecture, or proclaim knowledge in ancient scriptures👍…  Yes, there is a very “scientific” reason🙏

57)can you listen without thinking anything parallel-to listening? ( even the most “sincere” listeners struggle to avoid ‘thoughts’ surfacing from memory, related to what they heard during the previous moment….  😜….  Probably why, listening & talking gibberish-meaningless words, got evolved into a meditaShun-itself😜🙏). I wont embarrassed your-mind, asking the NEXT-LEVEL  question : “can you READ without a parallel-track engaged in thoughts?”  Like to try listening with-inner-silence? It might work WONDERS with your grasping pawar/power🙏

58)🙏not a decent thing to ask those who are unfamiliar with epic stories of Ramayana/Mahabharatha, but there are “enough” people who “may” wonder “hey! Why did this NOT-OCCUR to me earlier?” 58A) why is it that Rama(main hero) never attempted to “distribute” advices? No sermons!  58 B) why is it that Rama ALWAYS needed ‘help’ from other God's, other people, even monkeys😜 to tackle his personal problems? His wife was abducted, not citizens🙏. Not a political war! Personal vendetta!  None of the other “avatars” ever needed external help, to deal with demonic villains of epics😂 58 C) Shiva himself certified that the “name” itself is equal to chanting entire sahastraNama(1000 names of vishnu) Such is the embedded software in the name “Rama”. My silly koschan is “before Rama, that is during or before tretaYuga, was there the name “Rama” given to any person? 🤔 58 D) i dont want to irritate the reader any further, though…. I can think of few more “quixotic “koschans” like this, from epics. But, is it that my sense_of_discrimination ended_up/got_infected with computer virus, and maybe therefore, that I ask such indiscriminately-discriminated questions? ( even from holy epics?😭🙏)
59) Ever wondered why.....fundamental duties are not enforceable at law? ( Rights are invoked all_the_time, in courts, and often by "bad" ones 😜)... what if we try to make it a cognizance_offence in failing to perform fundamental duties? 🤔 ( Oops! Most of us dunno what the hell our 'duties' are? We abandoned a 4000 year old desi tradition of teaching "duties" to our kids😜 Jai Hind 🙏
60) ever wonder? Why is it that only-God's existence gets questioned toooo-often?????   Why Devil's existence rarely gets questioned? Not even as-often-as we question a “ghost's” existence ?  (Meanwhile, a question i ask ONLY-TO-MYSELF, not others😭…  “who inside me, is prompting me to ask this question? Devil-himself, for advertisement?  Or the outsourced-agent of God, just to sudue a negative-publicity, which is affecting his bijness?”..... someday, I shall hopefully get independence from these 2 guys, and then observe from a safe-distance, who-has-dunn-it? 🙏😜)
61)computer era! 😜 Why is our-storage location (human-memory)behaving funny? Everything is in-put as video. But, storage is different? 1.Video memory(only extreme situations  of tragedy, comedy) only medium-relevant files… forget lessons after exam-basis) 3.text ( not worth remembering, unless external compulsions exist) Whereas, Smartphone is exact replica of video(GB), audio (MB), text (KB)...and recall is easy+accurate! Human memory is “supposed” to be more complex/sophisticated etc? 🤔