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Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Get the-hell out of my way!

 Get lost you..... *&^%$#@.....

Getting lost ( without losing myself) πŸ™πŸ˜°

Needs wisdom ( unlike our pre-loaded & embedded softwares like smartness, cunningness, cleverness, etc)

Wisdom takes time ( unless we are gifted with fearlessness at-birth. Birth-qualities are past_dependent---karma)

If, somebody isn't really keen about the nonperishable stuff inside him, I have no business to meddle with his timeπŸ™.... so, I lookout for unspoken words like "i am busy , not my priority right now, can be more-practical?... some other time please? (Etc)" to my communication ( I don't converse hollow, for the sake of socially-being acceptable)

Gestures speak louder, "get the hell out of my way".

I had-to-learn to quieten myself, without compromising on 1)my evolvement, 2)effectively communicating, like the unearthly-beings 3)becoming a demonstrable examples 4)remaining available those who are carrying a potential to evolve, though-unawares 😜 5)etc( long list).

Alone on a desert, a tool ( 2 mudras, and a kriya can help me survive without food, sleep or oxygen to breathe----but that wouldn't be necessary this timeπŸ™. Bharat mahan haiπŸ‘ it can still accommodate spiritual-freaks today, without coming in the way of others! Aghoris are HUGE evidence).

Blogs are quite impersonal. 

I needn't be totally quiet. And a few can reach blogs, even after I am dust.

Dynamic state of non-doing, helped my pursuit. It is a kind of meditation.  With practice, its practice gets dropped off! 😜. One turns meditative!

Not that I wasn't warned. I needed time to grow into that bare-mimum wisdom needed to grasp the advise in 110th verse of 2nd chapter by Manu, in his smriti wait for solicitation to blabberπŸ™.

Now, I am becoming better and better at "getting lost"( not being in the way of others.  I don't EXIST,  anymore,  in their experience πŸ™).

But I am able to maintain my physical health despite age-related disabilities ( I am labeled as "good at being a domestic servant ". A good handyman,  a good errandboy,  joker, sweeper, washerman/laundered, gardner, etc etc... I do better, at whatever I keep doing often! Even as a bank clerk, I was innovative for 3 decades. Mind works for me, not the other way, MOSTLY. I ain't infallible 😜).

Old age homes are living monuments for evidencing this "get the-hell out of my way" shrieks from younger people πŸ™. ( I merely tried to get-lost gracefully, sophisticated-way, and imperceptibly. 

Those among whom I obliged by getting out-of-their-way,  might read this accidentally, can try to find a way to pardon me, for something inexcusable I did unto themπŸ™.

Out of the way, yours,

psn (17th Dec 2024)

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