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Friday, December 20, 2024

Learning from rituals of irreligious-Hinduism

 Learning from rituals of irreligious-Hinduism

Highest possible learning for humans is related to spirit-within, and the process is spirituality.

The purpose is quite abstract, by its definition.  Yet, this is the-only-purpose which keeps chasing us. The goal is ultimate liberation. And striving 'towards' the goal is the purpose of learning spirituality.

Rituals form the tools of learning. They are quite comprehensive, and complete in itself. These rituals, fine-tuned over thousands of years, have managed to become quite inclusive enough, to accommodate all-possible kinds of human minds. It is the mind, that determines how we navigate through our lives. Right kind of mind steers us clear of all possible hurdles on our way. Hurdles created by the situation & also those by ourselves! 

Therefore, it is obvious that the rituals get customized over years to suit unique minds, whether these minds are able to remain individualistic, or whether they 'seek' perpetually,  some kind of polarization towards other like-minded humans.

Typically, the rituals classified into 2 major types, cater to polarized mindsets known as gruhasthas, and the other, to cater those minds which insist on retaining their individuality, the non-gruhasthas, popularly  known by several names like sadhaka/ascetic, sanyas/mendicants, brahmacharya/truth_seekers.....etc.

There are two ways of understanding the rituals, meant for everybody.

One, the "how & when" of adhering/complying to these rituals. 

Two, the "why" of these rituals.

Why-of-the rituals helps us to internalize the persuasion,  motivation and the inspiration to be able to hold-on to rituals fastidious. But the grasp of the "why" needed a high_quality of intellect, un-obstructed by the mind. External sources of learning the "why" are situation-dependant. Situation,  includes an intellectual called a Guru.

Whereas, the "how & when" of following a ritual, leans on experience,  for the grasp of "why".  Intensity of carrying out these rituals, are inversely proportional to the time required for that "experience " to dawn in the seeker of "why".  

As a very typical example, the path requiring utmost intensity happens to be the "bhakti/devotee" route. The other two paths are action oriented, and dissolution of past oriented, known as kriya & karma, which are easier options for lesser resolute minds.

The path of "why" necessitates an intellectually evolved being as a prerequisite.  Accordingly the popular name of this parth is called gyana/knowledge oriented.

Today's mind on an average, needs an admixture of all these for, in order to reduce the chances of getting swayed from the "goal" of ultimate liberation.

The modern mind hastens to insist on understanding the "why" of any ritual, before accepting to "follow" any ritual.  Logical tools of providing redundant comforts for a normal living, ( known as technological advancement----reaching as far as even-outsourcing of human-intelligence to an A.I. robot) has.....created a situation where, the seekers of "why" of the rituals deem it redundant to possess the intellectual skills needed to grasp the why! Logical minds refuse to adhere to following any ritual, using that "how & when" of it in exclusivity of knowing the "why" of rituals!

The root of all these "created-complications" & needless-confusions in we-humans. And this trust deficiency is increasing in both dimensions----qualitatively & quantitatively.  Logic has been incrementally failing to replace this deteriorating trust, due to its inherent limitations! Logic, cannot cross over its inherent limitations. Trust, as a quality is unavailable to logical-evaluation. And therefore,  whatever eludes an evaluation,  escapes the ability for trustworthiness.

Testily yours,

psn(20 dec 2024)

Post script humor

Forest king tells me " idiot.... why do you sweep the floor and brush your teeth daily? I don't do either👍"

Now, I seriously look at these 2 ( sweeping, brushing...) a bit seriously!  Hitherto ...I was doing it ritualistically.

When my grasp deepened a bit,

I do flossing also, when required, after brushing.

I do swiping also, when required,  after sweeping the floor ( of course Lion has a huge forest, as its home---sweeping is impractical)

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