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Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Asker's Mind!

We do get questions, and we even try to answer...

We are not too sure, if we did 'reach' the asker's mind, each time, when we answered...

Sometimes, even a blind shot hits the target...

It was the comment, that exhilarated me!


I forgot what i was going to ask, can you tell me what it was?

My blind shot answer:

Perhaps it was....
"How to remember, what we have to ask ? "

The asker picked my answer,
but not without hitting me back!
He said, “damn the torpedos, full speed ahead?”



I did ask a few youngsters, 'what that comment had meant?'..
But, yet to find a 'bold' taker, who would try a guess, at that veiled comment!

Psn (20th February, 2014)

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