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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Make Up

I did not imagine that somebody would ask about the right age for wearing a make-up!

(I thought, now-a-days, they start it on, from day-one, and then we never know.... like some of those poor destitute girls, who never know when they had lost their virginity! I could not get over the thought of it, when I heard a dialogue to that effect in some old Hindi movie, years ago!).

There is no age for almost any dis-ease to invade us these days. Children cannot afford 'ease' even during their childhood. A “dis” ease strikes them. We have juvenile diabetes, hole in the heart, and what not. All those ailments which were expected to 'come' after mid-50's are now available in junior-sizes too!

So why forsake that 'make-up'...? (With that stupendous advancement in technology, surgery etc, most film stars are able to re-model their children as viable-stars with 'good' looks, a photogenic face, etc. )

The question gave me an opportunity to look at how I would like to view it, if allowed that freedom. Having stayed/swayed away from those make-up gadgets for too long, I felt it is reasonably okay, to talk from my experience, of how it feels.

Psn(21st June, 2011)

What age do you think is the most appropriate to wear makeup these days?

I'm just very curious to see what most people think about this question. I see alot of people my age wearing makeup and i'm 12 years old. I think its developing an influence on me.. I'm starting to wear eyeshadow and eyeliner not too much eyeliner though. Eyeliner that actually looks realistic!! if you know what I mean by this!

Most of you guys are saying 13 years old. I'm turning 13 in July! :

If i did continue what I'm doing now, would i get even more acne then what's awaiting for me ahead.(Not saying that i do.. haha thank goodness)

My Answer:

See, the name itself is "makeup"...
It is a compensation for something already lost.... Like we say, "makeup" for the time lost in seeing a movie during school-examination study-period, by sitting late at night to study.
Those baby powders are strongly recommended by doctors, to avoid itches for the baby, between thigh, legs etc, ... Now-a-days, they pin up a huge bag ("good upto 5 kg" even), when they don't have time to change nappies like old days for the babies. (I don't know if it is my luck/ill-luck to have missed such make-up in my childhood. The cost of those powders were relatively prohibitive, and even the thought of trying them out did not occur to elders around!)...
Having seen villages at very close quarters, during childhood, I know for certain, that nothing can ever match the natural beauties, and the use of natural herbs etc during bath, to keep the skin so wonderfully clean, the pores so communicative with humidity of the atmosphere, that beauty seems almost an inevitable by product! (We spend almost the same time, at all most all the cages in a zoo, when no two animals are of same colour, same face-cut, size etc. They all look beautiful the way they are. Somewhere we seem to have created a needless competition amongst ourselves, and now we spend a large chunk of our hard-earned money, more than on our food, for 'make-up'. Not many would even like to read this, leave alone think of even accepting this 'idea'. In fact, any 'make-up' is an idea, a man-made-idea, and what I try to say is about accepting the way we are, the way nature made us!).
Thanks for the question! The question itself was not a "make-up", it is natural, because of what we see around us now.

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