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Sunday, March 02, 2025

Placebo effect

 Placebo effect

We know what that means 🙏

( a typical example is : my classmate at school….now an eminent surgeon,  used to tell me 4 decades ago “ some patients insist on having an non-existent ailment. I inject plain water, and tell them ‘very powerful injection’. And they get rid of their symptoms “.....  )

Enough research is going on on placebo effect. Mind, when positive, seems to discharge curative material abundantly enough in the body, hastening the “healing” process…

One instance where a training in placebo effect works, and I came across it was….  Coast guards are trained to chant “i must swim” and use it 15 minutes before hypothermiasets in them…..  It seems when hypothermia sets in while trying to rescue people drowned in near-zero degrees Celsius sea water( Coasts of U.K. etc).... icy water numbs the brain. Body can do only the last-few instructions of the brain, of 15 minutes ago. So, “I must swim” increases the chances of survival. An example of “placebo “ of mind.

But ancient Bharat innovated this placebo very scientifically, and structured it to “function” extremely well,  consciously ( not like a “numbed brain”😜)

Certain meditative practices deepens into extremely relaxed state of physiology,  while maitining razor-sharp alertness and awareness.  Once this is within ‘a reach’ the person can actualize his strong visualizations at very-very subtle levels too! Seemingly super-human tasks become possible.  Siddhi, is one popular branch of spirituality where this “sophisticated “ format of placebo-meditations are deployed to acquire such tough capabilities.  Synthesis with past karma ( prarabhda, inherited & acquired) helps karma get dissolved, using these deep meditative states!

Not quite a convincing blog this one🙏 ( especially the description of ancient sophistication-part of placebo! ).  Research, using ailments and ways to cure, basically differs from research using “health” and ways to enhance it to peak levels of performance 🙏.  Results/findings differ dimensionally🙏. Utilitarian aspects depend on “findings” as presented by that-mind🙏

Plainly yours,

psn(2nd march 2025)

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