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Monday, March 03, 2025

Being Good

 Being Good!

Who suffers more? Good ones or the bad ones?” Asked the teacher!

It was a yoga program.

Of course “good ones”( my mind prompted out of “real-life” experience 🙏😭

I chided my mind “okay, dammit😡… now don't repeat my stories related to this….. I paid for this class. Can't miss the next few sentences, getting drowned into your re-telecast of those tragic episodes! Just shut up and listen

I didn't miss the recipe. Teacher narrated a short story. A cobra took an advice of a saint too-seriouly 😜 ( be good unto others)

A kid accidentally threw a ball, and it hurt this snake “a little only” ( my mind “tries” to divert me with “yep! You too thought, little-help to colleagues and they got addicted to exploiting your goodness…remember? “ I had to stop my mind again “buddy, didn't I tell you to shut-up. I don't want to miss the-lesson in that story! I can't even throw you OUT…. YOU ARE MY-MIND😭… P-L-E-A-S-E  Shut up”

I didn't miss the “continuity”.

The kid was surprised. That ‘stupid’ snake didn’t hisssss!😳

Soon kids got the news( this cobra is an idiot. Doesn't react 😜)

They had fun, throwing pebbles, then stones at this ‘good’ snake!

Badly bruised…the cobra once again…went to that saint, complained.

The saint laughed,”fool….you didn't listen CAREFULLY, I told you “BE good, not LOOK-good.”... who told you not to hissssss? “ the snake got the teachings! 1)pay attention when taught 2)’good’ is relevant to ‘self, not for advertisements etc! 


My tragic sample-story ( of being “good” like that STUPID snake).

I don't want to be tooo-good, telling too many of my tragic-stories, lest you will be bored😜

A colleague used to ‘tease’ me “PSN…you are just-lucky, you appeared for bank job at north( nagpur). Here, you would have flopped😂. Competitors are better here!”( I was supposed to be “good”! I didn't react with “dammit, I topped the list there!😡… combined list of graduates, and non-graduates, and I was a non graduate! “ ……actually this guy used to ask me to explain circulars in english/hindi--bi-lingual)

One day, he requested “hey, psn….draft a 2-minute welcome speech. Make it good! Delegates from all over India “ 

I wrote.

He read it on Mike.

Next day, he asks me “psn,  what did you write? I just read it mechanically. Normally,  only a 2-second feeble claps for welcome speeches. But, yesterday they clapped for 5 minutes, that too STANDING😳”

I didn't know what to say😭

I tried “looking good”, by saying “oh! Did they applause? Maybe they call it ‘standing ovation’…. Sorry-yaar, I forgot what wrote, in those 10 sentences🙏… anyway,  nothing harmful isnt it?  Let's forget👍”

I don't think I can learn to “hissssss” during this-life-time😰😭

But I thank Gawd, I didn’t have to learn afresh “how to hissssss at my mind, by  asking it to shut-up😜”( meditations seemed a “bit” easier, sooner in me🙏🙏🙏)

Badly yours,

psn(3rd March, 2025)

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