Mosquito versus meditation
Mosquito suddenly became a teacher+yardstick for me,
During 1992.
By parameters "known" to me then
I had preconcluded
That I "relax" sufficiently well, ( especially with sufficient practice of that guided meditation where conscious 'tensing and relaxing' of each part of body is prescribed! Initially, we use voluntary muscles etc, to create tension & then let-go.... relaxation 'happens' involuntarily 😜)
The teacher said "Mosquito is an intelligent creature.
It won't waste its venom. It pokes the needle a "little" to check the stiffness of your skin. If soft, it gently pushes the needle further, draws a drop of blood, departs!
Only it's venom causes 'pain' to you. We have had 'butterfly-needles' for baby's injections? Mosquito has better ones🙏
So, if you are keen to avoid pain, just relax a little more. Compromise. 1 drop blood-donation isn't going to deplete you. Alternatively, sit inside a Mosquito net. Still worse, use those toxic cream, fumes etc"
Choice was mine.
1) learn to relax deep enough ( even the 7 layers of skin gets 😌 relaxed ---to atleast Mosquito-standards, if not better😭)
2) spend money and health on expensive defence-procurement.
I too was capable of stubbornity at-will 😜
I decided to learn that cursed thing called skin-level-relaxation to meet my co-habitants called Mosquitoes😡.
It took hell of a
Lot of time to learn. Humble beginning was extra painful. Sitting not-meditating, I notice an uninvited guest, Mosquito landing on my forearm
He is busy & focused . He pokes the needle. I get "alert" I too focus.
Dammit....pain is double? 🤔
( lesson : mere focusing increases my skin-tension!!! That lady nurse "knows" . A wise nurse says "look away". Atleast the incremental tensing due to focus is reduced. Cellular-level intelligence will "naturally resist". The distinction became quite-clear. A scientist looking at a phenomenon 'affects the effects' a little 😳)
Anyway, mind-over-matter wala-concept was needed to be deployed😭
My mind had to gather enough power to instruct my neuro-network, to tell the skin-cells "allow the enemy to get inside your fortress!" ( easy to write it here in a few lines. "Project" took time!😜😜
Now, the definition of "relaxing" is still undergoing refinement in me.
Perhaps, only in a GRAVE-situation, that is....I reach my body's final destination ( burial or cremation---let alive ones choose🙏) tension about "how deep to relax" will pause-to-tense 😜
Metabolic activity dropping dramatically, I was-to-discover, is a short-cut to relax via a by-pass-surgery of stressfull-physical efforts! Confused? ( that's the-mosquito in me😜... injecting kaanfusion/confusion👍
Pokingly yours,
psn (4 March, 2025)
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