Imposing ideas
Advertisement world survives on imposing ideas on its victims.
And the ‘disclaimer’ in fine print survives on our laziness to read it.
I am not good at imposing ideas.
And……somehow, by some strange luck, it so happened that for all these 7 decades, I never succumbed to any imposition by others🤣 ( not even an instruction like “pray” ( at a temple) really impressed me. I used to join palms, and make-a-show, so that they( elders) focus on their-prayer, instead of wasting their precious visit on me🙏😰. I assumed-the, “ maybe it works for them”
Is it not a “desire” surmounted by a huge expectation, of that desire to get-fulfilled, which provides a vulnerability to become victimized to “ideas” that may not suit_us, work_for_us?
I told my son “brush your teeth the first thing, early morning”. He obeyed. It worked for_him_too. But I didn’t try to tell my toothless grandpa “hey! You don't brush ….then why are you IMPOSING that idea on me?”
Teachers find it hard, to impose on certain kids the idea “sit quietly while in the class!”( now, doctors found it a lucrative source to siphon money from loving parents, by selling the idea that “restlessness in certain kids is a disorder”... ADHD--ATTENTION-DEFICIT/HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER).
Unless, a kid sits calm and focused, how to thrust the lessons into its head? Can we call it imposing ideas….. that A,B,C,D….1,2,3,4? The kid is yet to learn politics of language_imposition, NEP, anti_hindi protest, etc😜
I see a speeding truck about to crush a deaf person, looking away. Do I appeal to him “sir, I dont want to impose my idea ‘you better step aside, to escape a fatal accident” and leave it to his choice to contemplate_deep, before succumbing to my_idea.. I just push him hard. He sustains minor abrasions on his forearms, falling suddenly! But he is alive🙏. I thank God, I saved him!
When do I end up, imposing my_ideas?
Should I wait till the other person realises that I have victimized him into accepting my ideas?
Can I not use my ‘brains’ to distinguish between what is common and can be conveyed versus what is not going to work for others, just because it did for me? ( a guru noticed his deciple, copypasting an idea “if my guru can drink liquors, I too can” and was buying a drink, and drank it. That guru stopped at a blacksmiths workshop, picked a cubicle of molten iron, gulped it. Then the Guru turned to look at disciple and that look conveyed “your turn now…. Copypaste this too dammit😡”... the disciple hung his head down)
Apart from being honest in sharing my experiences ( clearly distinguishing….what worked, and what did not…for me) I learnt that my ideas need to be workable for the others. A phrase, “Value-addition” seems a useful reminder, till I find a better phrase, a comprehensive one🙏.
Experience of having_shared ideas( experience based) also educates me on what seemingly suits others, but doesn't appeal_enough to invoke their passion to fuel an effort to try it.
Capitalists, socialists, communists, fundamentalists, extremists, radicals….and now paid tool-kits experts, are not/never going to subscribe to this idea of “do not impose ideas on others for personal ego-satisfaction”... Inadvertently, certain propagationists of certain religions use unfair means( within the loopholes of law😜) to impose their “beliefs” on forced-converts!
A color-blind, yet to get tested for it, might recognise different shades of “grey” and even convince me “look this is what you call as blue, in your language, isn't it?” And I agree👍 … indeed it is blue for me, I can see colours! ( and I don't know really, if the bandwidth of waves i call as “blue” is actually a “green” for the other fellow, but he calls my_blue as his_blue, though, the colour he sees is “green”. Labels of colors don't matter, as long as we are consistent in identifying it the same way, each time🙏).
How about trying to make the other, find an appeal to pursue his_spirit? 🤣 can't impose even a pursuit ( only thereafter, a “question” can arise about which_of the 4 paths, and tools of each one!🙏😰😰😰).
Insurance, is a subject-matter of solicitation ( so is spirituality. ) . Even law prohibits imposing “insurance “ policy🤣.
Habit-forming negatives shouldn't be made available even as visual temptations ( forget about imposing such temptations).
Did I impose this blog to be read? ( anyway, seldom do my blogs touch readers deep enough!🙏… quite harmless)
Harmlessly yours,
psn(1 March, 2025)
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