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Sunday, September 10, 2023

Retrospectively introspecting

 Retrospectively introspective

One of the few syndromes of old-age 😜

Brooding over the past.

Often, we ask ourselves " what if i were given a chance to take the clock back, re_do something in the past? Will I do it better?"

I too asked myself πŸ™

I was very clear.

If i were given that chance, to do it again, with the mind i had then….i wouldn't be able to do it any better 😫 ( i usually do my very best. )

Whereas, if i carry the mind i have now, i will surely do every bit of my past many times better 😜….

As simple as that.

This personal experience gives me the freedom to think over my past, and engage into debugging, whenever I have leisure time to sit and think by myself.

It is this "process" of indulging into introspection retrospectively, which allowed me to verbalise something like……

" core education concept is all about….


How to….

1)Learn ( the learning process peaks, thereafter πŸ™)

2) stabilize emotions ( intellect peaks 😜…great discoveries happened when mind was still)

3) deepening of perception ( the best possible evolvement for a human birth form)

4)use of sense of discrimination ( the ultimate tool for spirituality πŸ™)

And then i retrospected into far past…..gurukuls. 

The structure was pathetic 😭….just a hut in the desolate dense forest, with adverse survival means( vulnerability of wild animals injuring, is 24/7…. No sensible parent would send their kid to such a dangerous school πŸ˜œπŸ™)

Today's schools keep innovating gadgets and tools ( labs, library, digital technology…what not? )

Product that comes out both these schools, with diagonally opposite infrastructure?

7 to 16 age, gurukuls are churning out master brains, equal to some 40 PhDs, and importantly the learning curve improves exponentially to reach a Rishi level πŸ™ ( all the ancient rishis of Bharat, were mathematicians of highest order, specialising into every known branch of science)

Today's kids….one PhD in one sub_menu of one subject, that kid is past 25 age, and usually stagnates by 30, in all other areas, except his PhD subject 😜… he needs "how to tutorials, for using a new gadget".

There was a sophisticated process of retrospectively introspecting….

It was a functional aspect of a spiritual concept called samyama ( nearest word is "synthesis").... this synthesis can be applied to our past( karma). If, this process is done dexterously, the past karma can be dissolved through 'virtual reality ' 😜… ( this paragraph might cause slight indigestion πŸ™… but, let me state, for what ever I am worthy of, that i speak from experience πŸ™, and purpose is, to reassure of the possibility as yours too! For you tooπŸ‘

Retrospectively yours,

PSN (10 sept., 2023)

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