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Sunday, July 05, 2015

Media vindicated uniquely!

I was quite new to this 'social-networking-modes'....

The smart-phone hastened my learning...

It took me almost a day, to discover as to why my palm and fingers feel a little rigid, and aching!

I got it all wrong... 'a hand held device' ... yes! But it does not cry, all-of-a-sudden, if placed on a table, stool etc, like that 'pampered baby' who cries when placed down from mom's lap! In my eagerness to learn too-quickly, I forgot that I was taxing my fingers and palm too much (service-tax!).. And the mind was kept engaged, to avoid spider-leg like touches on touch-screen!

Then came the thrill of 'connectivity'... The bulk of youngsters remain glued to 'whatsApp'... so the reach is through-whatsApp (decades ago it was through their stomach... 'uncles' offer toffees, chocolates, etc to gain entry into a kid's heart!)....

When we run out of 'own' messages , there is always the 'forwards'!... (We are reassuring ourselves, that it's okay to remain a little 'backward', as long as we keep 'forwarding' stupidities forwarded to us!)....

And the most comforting thing is, 'anybody sends to anybody'... so there is no 'blamegame' if any forward is a 'fake'/hoax! Nice idea!
Media cannot afford this 'game' for too long! And so the 'blog title'!

I wondered! How did the 'society' come up, so soon.... with such a concept, which gives that symptomatic relief, (though never a 'cure'), for psychosomatic problems like 'loneliness', left-out-ness, singled-out-ness, etc!!!

Oh! Not really a 'new concept'...
We are so good at 'distorting' even the most precious of concepts, adages, etc emanating from most powerful scriptures!

“Matru devo Bhava”... (that 'maatru' is replaced twice, with Pitru, and then aacharya... and repeated till third time)....

Without the help of any gadget, the recent few generations have very successfully crushed its essence like they do with huge monster devices to old vehicles!

I was no exception, when I tried out this 'fake' interpretation, very sincerely too! But whatever I do, it leaves a wide-gap, with my reach no where near even the 'start-line' of that success-race!

Then somebody gave a hint... Like that hero of “36th chamber of shaolin did to a laborer”, saying, “Use the other end of the sledge-hammer”... And it became 'too-clear'...

A kid would simply gape at the interpretation 'treat mom/dad/teacher like a God/demi-God'! (the term 'guru' is rarely used instead of 'aacharya'... Nice..! When stupidity intensifies, stupidity-within-stupidity eludes, and truth retains a camouflaged glimmer!).

I tried with:
What if a kid does not have/know a dad/mom?
What if a kid is never sent to a teacher (school or an informal source even)?

On the other hand, logic does support , with the 'inadvertent-retention' of the suffix “Bhava”... Even TV serials borrow “Aayushmaan Bhava”... (may it 'happen-thus', or Bhava... that you be-long-lifer)...

Now, a mom can be told “may it happen that you seem like a Goddess!”
a dad too... “May it happen that you feel like a 'God”
an aachaarya ... “May you be looked upon like a 'God'...!”
This was not-even-a dictum! Just a profound-wish! (Yep/yes... there was a culture, when somebody 'really-elder' makes a wish, it becomes like a 'dictum' to the other, and he/she strives for it... not like the Gourmet's wish 'May you give up LPG subsidy', and the gourmet itself doubles the salary+Perks of its own legislators!)...

Now, applying this 'guess'... it does look feasible... All the three are full-grown-adults... They 'know' the concept of 'God' far better than an LKG kid... They can 'try-it-out' with a kid... Being God-like... loving unconditionally, totally, sincerely, without any expectation, etc...!


psn(5th July, 2015)


Baturam Nayak said...

So 'used to' we are, living amidst distortions in every sphere of life, that we seem to have very sadly landed on a land of confusion.

When the very originality of the original is forsaken for the sake of promoting the fake for instant gratification, anything can happen! This has very badly made a dent into every value system, be it education, health care, spirituality or religion.

A fair degree of radical rethinking & one may say, 'metaphysical reconstruction' is required to make one awake to the basis of the basic of us, which has suffered so much corrosion & distortion.

Very sadly, gone are the days...when some one "really-elder" was making a wish, it instantly became for the others a dictum to be followed, with humble faith...where as now, breathing as we are in an air of distortions, anything pronounced even with restraint by an elderly, sounds like a 'diktat' to the distorting/distrusting generation.

This has to happen when the very process of growth is mistaken.
Yes Sir, it may of course sound quixotic, but it is for sure, the very sincere parents & teachers have to regress to the originality of the original...and 'try-it-out' like a kid, learning from him that basic lesson to love..."unconditionally, totally, sincerely, without any expectation...



"like a child"
you have touched the very core of it sir!
There was even a story... Devi appeared before a devotee, to impart knowledge. But the devotee said "please wait!"... Devi asked "now what?, why wait?"... And the devotee pleaded, "Madam, first turn me into a 'kid' , for then, I would not look at everything you say with suspicion! A kid has more of trust!!!"