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Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Alive in isolation?

A wonderful question came up.

It was asked in all innocence, and admitting frankly that, it (the question) does sound weird...

I did not in the least expect a verdict in my favour.

But the comments of the asker, substantiating his choice in my favour clears the doubts.

All I wish, is that I bring it to your kind notice, with a hope that sometime or other, we would be reminded that we all did have this question, whether in a verbal or non verbal form, whether by these or similar words, or still more vaguely worded.

The possibility is to open up the 'short-cut' towards that big 'dream' of realisation, and actualise it, not merely virtualize it, by fantasizing, etc...

The question:;_ylt=AqoInthg6e89FLg.b3qRqk2QHQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20111002135700AAl0Kfs


Why I feel like I am the only alive person..?

I see myself alone and apart from this world. I cant express it but I think like I am the only alive person in the world and others not!! because they dont feel and think like I do.. I see myself being the only stand alone person. I think that others here are just imaginary creation of God and he wants to show the world to me.. I know It sonds weird. But Is ths real?

My answer:


But that is true.
Others being 'alive' is very relative, and valid only as long as we are alive. We experience everything ONLY within ourselves, not outside. Like, for a deaf person, sound is no more alive. For a blind person, light is not alive. In fact, a person who is deaf from birth has not "experience" of even deafness, leave alone sound. Only if he happens to hear a sound (by some miracle), he would recall the past experience of 'absence' of sound, and then know (by the experience of re-living the memory) that he WAS deaf. A fish does not 'experience' water, though it is always in it..... because it is always in it!!


The rest is a matter of choice.

(Of course, for those who are feeling it a frantic effort, may be it is worth trying to keep aside, for a while at least, a few of our “traditional lament-items”, thus effectively reducing the mind's activity, and making it a bit more available for 'experience', using the hints.

We cut-copy-paste certain items of lament.... like....

complain when prices shoot up, and call it depression/recession when prices go down.

Complain when sun shines too much, or when sun hides itself too much, when it rains too much, or when it just drizzles, ...

Complain when a person explains in too much details, or when a person is utterly brief, leaving us in confusion.

Complain when there is a crowd at a business place, and lament lack of business when no crowd is there...

and so on....

Please see, it is these “traditional” items of lamenting about which we hardly do anything, and nevertheless, it consumes lot of our vital 'life-energy'.... On the other hand, our 'personal' items(which happen to be more genuine or more relevant to us, we invariably end up re-solving one way or other, that is .... 'solving' it, or 'enduring' it quietly!!!)


psn(4th october, 2011)

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