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Saturday, November 20, 2010

THE problem WITH "Ideas"

This time, “the pleasure is mine” to suggest a brief talk, about a very deep question!

Quite unfortunately, I missed the video viewing, because the question itself amazed me, and pulled me into spilling out my ‘ideas’ about an answer! (The asker had done everything possible with those additional details, to persuade the answerers to take a look at the video first, but …. Somehow, I was a bit late!)

The asker had chosen to put it to vote, being ‘torn’ between two answers (I still wonder which of those are the ‘two’!)

Anyway, my answer does not seem to matter at all, now that I decided to suggest a more captivating talk on this video clipping. I am sure, you would enjoy it well!

(So, this time, I would not commit the stupidity of reproducing my answer ‘herein below’)
psn(20th November, 2010)
Is my desire to remember my true self just a concept of my mind?
Why do I feel like I have to dig deep to remember who I am if on the deepest level I never forgot?This video really resonates on a deeeeeeep level:…
if you don't have the patience to watch it all skip to around 7:00, but it is an awesome video so in my opinion it is all worth watching :)
Additional Details
lol...I am so confused though! :)
The video is:"Assimilated into The Collective Delusion & The Imagined Journey Out ~ Mooji" posted by Awakening Bridge
LOL I am absolutely torn between two answers. I am going to have to put this one to a vote.
Thank you all for your beautiful answers and willingness to share your point of view. Love and blessings!
Before I put this to a vote I must say that I am realizing the importance of being in the moment now. Because that IS where my true self resides. It currently is still hard for me, but I am going to keep on working on my meditation practice. Thank you.

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