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Monday, November 01, 2010


I could not help getting attracted towards this question.
The debate about ‘efficacy’ of simply chanting certain words, has always been looked at as a stupidity, a blind belief, and even an effort towards ‘escapism’ towards the ‘life’ problems!

The debate is obviously going to be inconclusive. Added to this, there is that prefix of “Hindu” to these words or ‘chanting-of-mantras’. Do we not find when we are introduced to a group by a certain infamous person, we instantly ‘acquire’ the same colour of that introducer , at least to some extent? And then, we have an uphill task right from day-one, to repaint a picture in the view of those others, especially if they are going to decide our fate! Anyway, chanting it is a matter of personal choice. And nothing prevents us from looking at it objectively, even if for a purely academic point of view.

( I had my share of very rewarding experience about 2 decades ago, in a very impartial situation, stripped of all kinds of ‘religious’ colours! That is what prompted me to attempt an answer. And I do not seek any sort of patronizing beyond just a persuasion to stimulate some interest into spirituality. The rest is of course, purely a matter of personal choice).
Psn(1st November, 2010)
Does mantras solvethe problems in life and which one?
Sometimes one is going through problem or tensions because not able to take right decision in life. Does the chants of hindu mantras help to give peace to mind and help to take decision to proove correct in life. If somebody can help and suggest remedies.Which mantra to chant to become more focused

My answer:
Well, when you say "mantras" it would obviously mean, those words in Sanskrit language.

It so happens, that sanskrit is the only "discovered" language.

Somewhere in 1981, a great researcher has opined that it is the only language compatible to 5th generation computers (after testing about 1400 or so world languages). And the reason given was its unambiguity. Research is still on. But people started looking a bit 'objectively' towards this language, especially the scientific community. Others would also try to 'claim' something about their own religious sentiments, since it has that stamp of "Hindu" mantras. But, even Hindus are not really prevented from 'also' .. 'trying'... to look at it a bit more objectively too. It would only help to enhance the level of indepth knowledge about the great language, its potential, and traditional values. It is reasonable too, because, this so called 'religion' was once treated as a 'way of life'. Even the name was given by foreigners. The prescriptions are merely in the nature of suggestions. One unique aspect is that these suggestions are addressed to an individual, in contrast to other global religions which we find to be generally addressing to groups/societies/masses.

Now, these mantras are in a language that conform to theory of quantum mechanics. And so, the effect is scientifically a proven one. (For instance, making noise inside the tunnel/pathway of a huge dam across a river is prohibited, simply because the sound reverbrates, multiplies, and threatens to cause huge cracks in the walls of that dam).

So, we cannot 'guarantee' that these mantras would surely solve the problems in life. But it would also contribute with its own positive effect, due to repeated vibrations produced consciously. Other factors decide to the extent of their impact and contribution to the solving of the problem. (That is why, certain experienced and wise Masters try to suggest certain 'austerity', to be adhered to, while undertaking a regular chanting for a prescribed period. It is their subtle and 'mystic' way to ensure maximum results, by trying to minimise the deterrent side effects of those 'other-negative-factors'!)Hope this helps to come closer to the answer a bit rationally.
Best wishes.

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