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Sunday, November 07, 2010

Emotional Confidence

In general, what we find is that logically oriented people exude more of ‘confidence’ situations. I say ‘situations’, because, ‘occasions’ doesn’t seem that much ‘all inclusive’.

Emotionally inclined ones do not ‘pose’ as if they are really ‘confident’ about themselves. It is the others, the onlookers, to whom a strong and emphatic manifestation of emotion seems to suggest that emotionally inclined are quite confident about themselves! (We even seem to know the properties of what we call as ‘chemically unstable substance’ where as the very nature of emotion are ‘unstable’ when we try to spy-look through the keyhole with logic-eyes….. emotions have never been opening its doors to logic!)

The whole of confusion is when neither we nor the onlookers are able to decide our orientation in a particular situation. A logical argument or discussion suddenly turns emotionally charged, and often goes out of control.

Some people who consciously focus on logical approach to philosophy for too long a time, feel having climbed on that ladder of confidence steadily and quite firmly too. This is quite normal amidst adults who are well qualified. And if their profession is teaching, the air of confidence becomes a bit more conscious. Further, if the study, practice and expertise is related more to logical aspects of philosophy, the confidence renders the emotions within to a sort of stoic state (the nearest expression, I find, to explain that ‘mixture of holding reins over emotion, tolerance of instability in others, etc). Psychiatrists often land into this sort of emotional ‘posture’ within! That is why their response seems ‘affected’ to other non-relevant onlookers.

Women are physiologically endowed with emotional orientation. But the increasing number of items to their multitasking job, forces them into that stoic-confidence level, to play well a pre-defined role in the civilized society. The heavy price for this deviation from their ‘natural’ orientation, is what women end up paying, in so many ways today! And we find that men ‘used’ to say .. ‘it is difficult to understand a woman’ . Now, it is more about ‘unpredictability’ rather than just the understanding.

Language adorns emotions, while it just connects logic. But the grammar seems to codify both logical use and the emotional expressions unsparingly. Please see, we are able to exempt only literary geniuses like Shakespeare and others, when they commit grammatically incorrect use of words, and invariably all such occasions are a clash between logic of grammar and inadequacy of expression to catch the grandeur of emotions!

I was rather amused, when a question insisted upon looking at ‘self’ as a grammatical structure! The suggestion was that there has to be “obviously’ some cohesiveness even about emotions within a person, just as there is a grammar for language which does express deep emotions! (We see a creeper entwine itself along the branches of a tree, not insisting on direct sunlight for its leaves, while these tree’s branches have formed a canopy at its extreme ends engulfing the entire sunlight! That is the grace of a woman who has been able to retain the beauty of ‘femininity’, not insisting on any ‘spotlight-focusing’ while adorning the logical male, with her everything, unconditionally, unassumingly, and in a total surrender!).
I felt a ‘stoic’ sense of reward, when the asker garlanded the answer with the remark, ‘reflecting my state of mind’… (Yes, emotions are quite confusing to a logical onlooker. Right from my early childhood, I have been fond of teasing the adults who pose to be accomplished-in logical analysis, with a simple question: “Why is it that a woman sums up with just a ‘sigh of relief’ when she could have bragged ‘victory’ or ‘success’ where the male partner failed to quieten a baby who was crying for too long, and she could effortlessly soften the baby soon?”).

Psn(7th November, 2010);_ylt=AkwkKuC0ANOhE74hX7OcTt6RHQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20101105040713AAQX3yf&show=7#profile-info-AA11199137
Have you ever lost your grammatical structure? If you so, when did you loose the grammatical structure?
At times, I feel that I have acquired insanity!

My answer:
We often underestimate our capability of emotions. It surpasses our logical 'estimates' in dimension and depth.That is why we are a bit shocked when experience takes us by surprise.

(That "acquired insanity" is a misnomer. It occurs thus, simply because logic is struggling for its own existence during such times! Has emotion ever been logical? If there is any doubt about it, please take a look at that irresistible charming face of that tiny baby, with that contagious smile, lavish laughter, and see if that kid is capable even of our style of adult-logic?)..(Another shocker is a spiritual experience that can also dawn by itself, and, that is why, it is wonderful to have the proximity of that experienced Master, who is an embodiment of compassion, to gently hold our hands and guide us through that 'insanity-like' experience!).
Best wishes

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