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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Question quest

The quest usually is preceded by a question.
It is all the more interesting when the quest is about a question itself!
Quite reasonable, when we find questions pouring in from all over, when somebody starts looking at that itself as a big question, as to what was the ‘most’ in a particular class of question.

When somebody asked about a ‘greatest’ question, the answer looked very elusive, since the greatness of a question lasts only till we realize the stupidity about it (our own questions, I mean. It would be yet again a stupidity to adjudge someone else’s question as stupid, since it only would discourage the other that wonderful chance to rise above it, if we start ‘pronouncing’ it so. That is why it is insisted during a teacher’s training, not to discourage ‘any’ type of question!). But yes, we can ‘notch’ a question as most something (interesting, confusing, mystic, etc) so far, till another one crops up.

I had to give up becoming annoyed at myself when I found the number of times grew unmanageable, when my own mind could not hold on to some great idea for too long a time. Obviously, I am talking about those ‘kid’ days. During adult hood, we seldom find time for such niceties! I used to get easily persuaded to pursue any good quality when somebody around demonstrates a dexterity at it. At school every ‘guy’ seemed good at something. And I did find it worthwhile to chase that quality (no other way to find out what I am good at!). By the way, shaping us into ‘good-at-studies’ seemed to be the job of teachers, parents etc, since that was all they were focusing at when they interacted with us ‘meaningfully’ with some ‘quality-looking-time’! (Funny enough, some of us have ‘managed’ to retain this attitude even at the ‘refresher’ course provided by ‘staff-training colleges’ for the aged, at work places! For us, it was just a ‘paid-holiday’ and it was the ‘headache’ of the faculty to somehow make us dexterous at work!). Playing with marbles, running fast, talking in gibberish, walking over precarious narrow edges, shooting down that unreachable mango at the tallest branch with a good throw of the sharp edged stone, flying kites, etc., all these seemed sure signs of becoming something ‘special’! Most of these had to given up very soon, simply because ‘the grapes were sour’! Yes, even today, that pint sized nephew takes pleasure in teasing me with that whistle he produces so easily using just the two fingers, a folded tongue, and a gush of air out of his lungs!

So, when I looked at the whole lot of early age questions, I could ‘feel’ that one question which had kept tickling me for too long a time! I was tempted to share it here too.

Psn(14th July, 2010)

What's the greatest question that you've ever pondered?
My answer:
There was a question. It was not "greatest". But it was "most" intriguing question to me.
I used to wonder "Why is it that only the humans are unable to remain steadfast to any of their desires, goals, intentions, objectives, resolves, etc, for a sustainable length of time?"
Even as children at school, a story, a lesson, an example of a great person deeply motivates us. We resolve to be 'like' that person, at least try to be. But very soon, something else takes over. The World cup football evokes tremendous response among children who start playing with a ball in by-lanes, and narrow roads beside their houses. But soon something else takes over. Why even a kid gets disinterested very soon with the same toy. Scientists look at 'exploring outer space, other planets, even before having fully explored at least the accessible areas of just the surface of the earth!

(Now it seems quite clear to me, but the answer, obviously has to deal with human mind, the way of its functioning, and so presentation of it in brief acceptable form is not quite easy, apart from the 'mystic' intuitive 'element' that shrouds the 'phenomenon'!)

1 comment:

Deepakbellur said...

Please give me the answer! I ask for the answer because I can find a solution to my own unsteadiness!!