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Friday, July 09, 2010

Black Magic

Now, this is a fascinating topic.

A bit scary too, for those who feel ‘uncertain’ about those ‘mystic’ looking phenomenon!

I was wondering, if it is possible to keep an open mind, without blindly believing or even disbelieving in existence or efficacy of such negative arts.

When I tripped upon such a question, where the asker seemed to give the ‘benefit-of-doubt’ towards a possibility of threat from so called ‘black-magic’ (may be even out of a sense of abundant caution, saying to oneself, ‘why take chances’), I thought it is worth while to use this topic, to at least persuade the minds to evolve towards a ‘scientific-temper’ (at least one aspect of a scientific temper, the readiness to say “let me see”). As goes the saying, “Absence of proof is not proof of absence”!

It may look ironical, but spirituality demands a more stringent, sharp, alert kind of ‘scientific-temper’ than those required for the handling of physical sciences which are confined to time and space.

So, I have confined the answer, as much as possible, to permissible levels of abstractions that logic can afford.

Psn (9th July, 2010)

How do black magic work? Is there any permanent solution to get rid of, I mean any puja, havan etc.?

My answer:
When this kind of question comes up, surely there is some belief that there is 'black-magic'.

We have to depend on this 'belief' for a while at least, to look at a possible answer. Solution, after understanding the answer may not be within the reach right now. That is why people choose that 'black-magic'. It is nothing but a hidden way of fighting. There are problems with 'open-fight'.

Now, for black-magic to work, some subtle 'force' is necessary. Either a person becomes capable of such force, or engages some expert. The problem with accepting the existence of such force is that it is too subtle, and beyond reach of sensory level of perception. The confusion about why and how 'some' people believe, while others don't, is because, it does not work on every body. Why we do not feel electric shock when we wear rubber shoes, or stand on wood is easily understandable. But when such 'black-magic' does not work on somebody, and that somebody refuses to believe in existence of black magic itself, the other person is confused. We do not know why it does not work on some people. The insulation from such force is also not 'visible' like that force itself.

Once we can try to keep open a possibility of "may-be" there is such a subtle force, which can be directed upon somebody to do some hurt or damage, then, we know we need equal and opposite kind of force to counter it. This opposite force is also likely to be subtle (logically). That is why we look at the options of Puja, Havan etc. The effectiveness of the opposite force to neutralize this 'black-force' depends upon efficiency of puja, havan etc, and choosing the correct 'force-generating-device' (the right kind of puja etc)...

There is another way out. A bit tougher way. We become unavailable to any kind of negative force! To explain this, we may need a simple example. A force can act only when there is resistance, and a base. For electric force, we need that resistance (an appliance), and the neutral/earthing (the base). A simple example, try punching a loose cotton ball, hanging it by a thread. The cotton looks weak. But its strength is that it neither offers resistance nor a base for that punch to land. Try holding one of the cluster beans or any flexible and long beans like item, with just two tips of fingers at an end, dangling in the air, and use the other hand to hold a knife and slash the tip of the loose end of the bean(not the middle). Many attempts and lots of efforts would be required to cut it. Only scars will happen initially. Those who are not affected by such negative force are fortunate to be 'naturally' insulated (may be quite unawares), and thus they tend to 'disbelieve' in such force.

But please see, thoughts too are quite physical like those tangible material objects, though very subtle. Ask any teenager girl... she can 'feel' the staring glance at her back, without needing to turn back and look at the source of the glance. It is much easier to 'focus' the thought power from small distances or using 'related' objects. With practice, the 'range' of this 'missile' increases, and the capability too evolves better like that 'guided' missile. So, till we are able to become unavailable to such forces, we have to turn to some 'counter-devices'. Only an expert can do it after knowing symptoms, details, diagnosis etc. We have heard that spiritual people are able to remain unharmed by such 'black-magic'... that is how we become unavailable.
Best wishes.

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