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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Chemistry Matching

A view at ‘macro-level’ seems to suggest that marriages too have been ‘subjected’ to sophistication, along with our household gadgets, and perhaps nothing more, in ‘essence’.

Instead of horoscope matching, now it is more of ‘chemistry-matching’. But the problems are perhaps like these few….
the conclusions too have to be arrived at by those ‘chemicals’ themselves (out-sourcing seems too risky!).

present day ‘life-situation’ seems to demand ‘diverse’ capabilities. But the very same ‘seem’ to also accelerate our ‘divorce’ capabilities. The youth are baffled when they see the rate of divorces increasing at such a fast rate. While they feel comforted at the ‘more-liberalized’ atmosphere in favor of women’s freedom, to free-themselves from forced bonds, it does not sound too comforting to spend that precious youth just hunting for that ‘compatibility’.

the youth are wondering silently within, ‘how is it that these old couples managed to live together, despite such basic incompatibilities, for so long? Even after so many years of married life, they still keep quarreling on such basic issues!’

a few smart ones are trying to find out the hidden element by asking clandestine questions, trying to ‘winkle out’, or ‘prise out’ (extracting information with difficulty)! Why else would there be so many questions about ‘quantum entanglement’, related purely to physics, be asked linking a possibility of application to two human beings, two people trying to improve ‘communicative-compatibility’? Somewhere there is a lurking doubt, whether those old blokes did really had it right when they looked at ‘stars & planets’ to indicate the ‘chemical’ proton level quantum-entanglement??!! (I felt baffled at the extraneous matter juxtaposed along with questions from ‘not-likely-to-be-so-seriously-concerned ‘ people, giving ample evidence about their mind set from the very choice of wording the questions! … Yes, even army resolves this issue of tendency to ask ‘base-less’ questions, when they train ordinary soldiers, on the very first day of the training…. It is an interesting and humorous thing, so it would not ‘cost’ when narrated…. The ‘boss’ (instructor) asks fresh recruits to dig pits of exact specifications, and at the end of the day, painstakingly measure each pit (height, width and length) by each soldier, for accuracy. Then they ask them to fill these pits back with the same excavated soil! The instructor now asks them to line up and asks “Today’s training being over, any questions or doubts?” …. Invariably, he is rewarded with a few ‘logical’ wizards who raise their hands. He asks them to step aside, and the rest are asked to leave, to get ready for next class tomorrow. He does not even bother to ask these ‘stepped-aside’ brilliant, as to what their doubts are (yes, even we have guessed it…. It is the purpose of those pits, if they are to be filled up so soon after digging, and especially that accurate measuring!). He announces “Good! I appreciate that you are intelligent and have good questions to ask! Please dig a fresh pit tomorrow (much larger size, now!)”. War does not wait for all doubts of the soldiers to be clarified first and then fire the bullet! Life does not wait till all the doubts/differences of the spouses to be resolved and then continue ‘happily’ thereafter.

Most of the youth of the yester years were busy chasing those beautiful butterflies, joyously, not ‘thinking’ or searching for their botanical unpronounceable names. Today, they are forced to find out how to match the ‘chemistry’. In essence, the query is ‘how to love logically?’ (emotional love seems elusive, and often illogical!). They try out that ‘chat’ , ‘meet’ and other modes. But all they find is that these ‘complementary’ angles of views are looking away from each-other, though together they form a ‘straight-line’ (be it acute or obtuse!). It is one thing to fit in uneven sizes of jig-saw-puzzle to form a perfect picture (team work), at a work place, and another thing to converge at a common point with different views, looking in different angles at different sides. The angles themselves have to open up a different perspective to become aware of possibility of a point of convergence, but at sensory level, all they can view is they are ‘differently abled’ or even ‘indifferently-abled’ when placed side-by-side, to complement!

If my guess is right, the purpose of the question was not just about ‘what is love’. It is about ‘how to make it happen’ with this ‘scientific’ attitude (logical skill is all that they have perhaps sharpened, while that ‘scientific temper ‘ demands a lot more!). So, here is my feeble attempt to remain confined to logic.

Psn(18th July, 2010)
Hi there what is the true meaning of love actual pls explain scientific reason behind this?
My answer:
We can try a logical answer. Whether it 'sounds' scientific enough, is to be decided.Because, emotions do not follow 'logical-rules'. And we perhaps should agree, love is an emotion too...

Now, suppose we are on a strike, of 'fast-unto-death' and are sitting on a protest at a prominent place. A mosquito bites us. The skin would swell there a little, and our hand responds (quite innocently), to scratch it, to subside the feeling of itch at the swelling. At cellular level of intelligence, the cells at that spot (where the mosquito had bitten) feels that they want to 'live' ( not on strike like you!), and there fore do not even wait for your 'official' permission to fight back the insect poison(that is why the swelling). Example of love for life, for living. And, unconditional too. The cells do not know if they are going to survive the insect poison-attack.

(Cows and buffaloes yield more milk, when some music is played in the farm. Experiments have shown this in western countries. The chemistry of the animals respond 'lovingly' . Perhaps, those nursing mothers, and those who remember their experience would agree, when they were in cheerful and loving moods, feeding their child was easier and a joyous experience)...

The confusion: We use our right hand more than the left. Suppose a very similar injury occurs to our left hand little finger and also the right hand's index finger, which finger gets the better care and "pampering" from us? Obviously, and logically, that little finger of left hand is given ample bandage, care, and made to work less. The right hand index finger is made to slog, with less of medicinal paste, for lesser time, lesser bandage, etc. Do we love our index finger less? If somebody gives us a choice, which one to be chopped off (pointing a gun, and chopping is inevitable), then our natural choice would be left hand's little finger! Now if those two fingers had their own self awareness, in addition to cellular level intelligence, they might ask us ('their' God, their Boss, their incharge for well-being) 'why this partiality? We can neither explain that extra bandage to the little finger, nor explain the choice of allowing chopping the very same finger! This is how love confuses when it does not follow logic. Mothers usually face the difficulty when one child complains about her extra-love for another child!

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