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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Chaste Problem

Catch them young… is the secret mission of a few of the ancient Masters in spirituality. The secrecy is not about withholding any vital information from the society at large. The very nature of its ‘explanation’ is opposed to the very designs and plans of “mother-nature” itself!

Not that there is any impediment or hurdle of any sort for people coming towards spirituality at a later age. In fact adults try to ‘cleverly’ keep it aside as a pastime for that old-age, when they are other-wise-abled! The added advantage of that rich source of vital energy is available, abundantly, when properly harnessed (not suppressed at all).

I did relish that exercise of confining my answer to the logical reach of even a western mind! And the bonus came from the asker (the very process of answering was an ample reward in itself, in my experience).

My hesitation thus got brushed aside when I thought of sharing it here with you.

Psn(21st July, 2010)
How can someone get sexual satisfaction if they've taken a vow of chastity?
Not for religious reasons. Just personal reasons.

My answer:
Quite difficult.

Because, we are dealing with nature's plans, trying to either go beyond it or try to by-pass it.

Nature has designed it to ensure propagation and preservation of the human species.
By-passing does not help much, and that is why this wonderful question.

And, that easier way of trying to by-pass is sought simply because that 'going-beyond' seems difficult.
When we try to bypass it, we are simply trying to suppress the biological urge that comes at the right age. We know suppressing any natural urge, cannot be successfully held for too long. Even that simple-looking sneeze, the itch, etc are so difficult to suppress. When the mind dwells too long on it, it yields in a very cunningly subtle way (we think more about it, just like, suppose a medicine is given with a precondition, 'not to think of a monkey while taking a dose, we already start wondering how many times we usually think of a monkey, then we resolve several times, not to think of a monkey, and then when we even look at the medicine, monkey comes to our mind! ).

Spiritual masters have been suggesting well evolved techniques in addition to conceptual clarity that they try to reinforce into a person who prepares to take a vow of chastity.

The physical biological urge is taken care of, with appropriate food habits, other spiritual-oriented processes involving certain exercises in certain postures, whereby, the energy gets diverted to a better place for better purpose.

It is the mind, that has to resolve the very need to seek a satisfaction. It is almost like, lots of money in our wallet/pocket/bank-account/etc is not a problem, but once that money gets into our head, our mind starts to act egoistic, funny, commercialized and what not. The same is true with this urge too. Even dogs confine to weather and season. But human beings over-indulge consciously. Even about eating and sleeping, we often exceed the required natural dosage!

A very good and sincere spiritual guide can do a lot to support, for handling this urge.

Please see, the self-control is more difficult for people who have had the experience (whether within the socially permitted/acceptable norms or outside it).

It is indeed a very genuine and important question. Ancient masters of east (India, especially) have been able to hand down techniques and wealth of knowledge, to show us the benefit of diverting this natural vital energy for spiritual evolvement. That 'explains' why the population 'exploded' so phenomenally during just the last few decades, though the civilization dates thousands of years earlier!

(By the way, in India, since ancient times, spirituality has been looked at as very personal, not religious! Hinduism is a way of life, and not a religion, and it addresses just the individuals, not groups, with lots of suggestive choices of path to reach 'self'-realisation )

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