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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Shaping Life

Even the most well-shaped person is not entirely satisfied when looking at oneself into the mirror, and seeks to better the ‘image’ if possible!
Shaping ourselves intrinsically occurs as a desire only when the futility of trying to shape the appearance becomes clear! How soon, is quite another ‘matter’. Now a days, it envisages surmounting strong ‘foundations’ that we start with for a ‘face-uplift’!
It is therefore that I feel a strong invitation to work together, when someone asks a question about ‘shaping’ the being!
Even a small dent seems a great reward, to begin with at least, when it comes to ‘shaping’ the interiors! The subtle changes seldom get noticed on a day-to-day basis!
The complexity of the work involved offers the greatest challenge! Most people admit defeat too soon even about selves, so where is the question about teaming up with others for others! That is why it is important to catch them when they are young! Other wise, even I try to keep a ‘safe’ distance from the youngsters, right from my own youth! (It took some time for me to make out the comments ‘sdfjkl;’! Encryption at the Digital Fortress!)
Psn(19th December, 2009)
Does life shape us or do we shape life?
what does it mean to see something through someone else's eyes? how do life experiences shape who we are and why is it so important to consider someones else's point of view?

When we talk about 'shaping' our life, it is just about our attitude towards life. The events, incidents, the results, the gain, losses, failures or achievements etc have never been entirely under our control. We have some control only, along with many other external factors.

To get this clarity, let us take an instance. Suppose a person decides not to have any big ambitions, and attempts with a simple, contended peaceful life, for which he rigidly/strictly restricts his wants/desires/ambitions to just two simple meals a day. This is the most reasonable of the least things to expect from life. His attitude is now fixed. Two meals a day is all he wants, and as long as it happens, he is the best example of a very happy contended peaceful life! Suppose he does not get that meal on a particular day? His misery is much more than a millionaire who lost half a million! The two meals mean everything to him in life!

That is why, seeing through someone else's eyes helps to shift our attitude for a positive outlook.

This shifting our view involves almost 'becoming' the other someone else. We happen to include that person within us, even if to just try to look through his eyes! And then we expand ourselves, beyond our own body/mind. When we do that often, some where, somehow, our emotional bonds grow stronger, and we 'happen' to shape our life (through that expanded attitude!). Empathy creeps in, and fellow considerations pour out effortlessly. We become more loved by others. Our life gets shaped well too!

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