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Wednesday, December 09, 2009


Three in “one”.

This is a very common ‘present-day’ feature with teen-age-children. The parents try to attribute the irritable nature, tiredness, sleepy nature etc to the overload of books, syllabus, the crowd at the outside life, etc…. Pampering this irritable nature only goes to accentuate the problem (subtly giving the seal of ‘approval’ that it is quite ‘natural’ in the present day situation!).

In fact, I was rather sort of ‘waiting’ for this question, where I can link up this fairly common ‘phenomenon’ , though ‘technically’ these three cannot be linked together (anger, tiredness, sleepy tendencies).

Not that the adults are left out of this problem (perhaps, I may end up irritating them further, if I suggest that it is a bit ‘late’ for them to correct themselves at a ‘tangible’ speed!)

It would be more prudent to stick to brevity on subjects of anger, tiredness and sleepy-ness, for obvious reasons, so I simply wind up here, quoting the question and my answer hereunder.
Psn(9th December, 2009)

The question:
Why am i angry, tired, sleepy all the time?
i've been sleeping from 7 pm till 5 am (that's when I have to get up) and i'm still tired and sleepy. And i've been irritated at everything. For instance, someone could ask me a question and i'll just get randomly irritated. I don't understand why?

My answer:
Resistance, intolerance deep within can cause anger when we are unable to remove the obstacles that cause this resistance or intolerance.The rigidities caused at nervous level when we 'recognise' our helplessness increases within our body, and keeps growing subconsciously (in the background, in a subtle manner), causing stress, tension. Small doses of mild anger flares up when there is already stress/strain built up. As a contrast, please see, when we are over joyous, we gently say 'Oh! it is all right' when somebody in a crowded bus steps on our toe!Continuous rigidity and resultant strain/stress/tension drains the energy levels drastically, making a person tired too soon, and induces sleep tendencies, in its humble effort to restore the energy from its reserves (the food digests very slowly in a 'rigid' body!). Anger also contributes little bit of draining of energy, but the larger damage done by anger is pumping of blood enriched with lots of blood sugar. In turn this unused blood-sugar attempts to spend itself in vain. Invariably, it seeks an outlet. The process of seeking an outlet resembles the pressure in water breaking open at a weak point of the pipe-line. The weak point is what we 'inherited' as a weak organ, or what we neglected to become a weak organ... may be liver, kidney, heart, lungs, stomach, head(!) etc.....The reversal process may be a bit slower, but one has to do it by a conscious choice, & with concerted effort.
Best wishes.

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