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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Spiritual Rennaisance!

Early signs of it....

I see it , though a mere guess-work of mine... when I keep listening to the speeches, talks of Mr.Modi, the present prime minister of our country, Bharat!

Yes, undoubtedly, his focus is on 'development'.... The policies, schemes, strategies, actions etc are also towards a 'material-focus', nothing to do with spirituality!

But, the 'unseen' vacancy... the space, the vacuum... the chair of a spiritual leader at 'national' level... seems to be 'bestowed'.... not 'occupied', taken up, or usurped.... when we look at the bulk of the 'present day youth' hovering around, and keenly following his speeches, imbibing 'values' that go into developing a strong character, and more than anything else 'a positive approach, hope, etc' where none seems to be 'visible' in the situation!
As if to vouch for this 'guess'... we get to see an unprecedented 'chant' of a chorus, “M-o-d-i, M-o-d-i....” where ever he goes!

In a field of sports, when somebody performs in an outstanding manner, along with a 'hero-worship' there comes a herd, yearning to also 'become' something similar... This psychological pattern has been well-recognised... (When there is a world-cup-like match some where at the other end of the globe, kids play street-cricket, in a crude and primitive way, at odd-hours too!)
Just that, we didn't hitherto-see ...... a politician-sportsman for a long time, who smashes sixers!

Now, when a Prime minister of China arranges for 'his-kids' at Universities to listen to a lecture from this inspiring persona... who is going to 'arrange' for our youth at Universities?... It is only during 'routine' events like some convocation etc... where the 'schedule' of a busy PM suits to accomodate a little time, and also he gets invited (being in town, quite-incidentally), that the talk-to-youth happens...
Yes, media as an advanced technological tool, does the work silently!

The snow-balling effect is seen ... rather a little sooner than I even expected!

He quotes precious qualities like 'Vishwaas', 'promises' , global-family-hood, etc.. a little more often! He addresses the 'citizens collectively' as 'God', and their dreams and desires as 'God's will'! Something that even atheists would find it too difficult to 'oppose' , though they may negate! (Even transgenders, not merely atheists, are included into 'citizens'...!!!) It is not everyday that we find a prime-leader who looks at the whole lot of citizens as his-God, and reveres them so, day-in and day-out!

Transparency promotes trust.... trust when invoked, nurtures reverence.... And, if historians happen to be correct about the worth of 'ancient Indian Culture, spiritual values, etc...'... We are a 'reverence-culture'!

I am not trying to promote somebody, or canvass for somebody... Just that, the very spiritual path that I 'trudged'... nudged me to pay a look at 'this-aspect' which did draw my attention! Because, I could clearly see the unwritten rule : Politics is the field to be 'used' to gather lots and lots of power, which also ensures a control over unlimited wealth , and perhaps therefore the 'adage' that 'Power corrupts!'... This Modi-Ji, seems to be re-writing this rule, defying even the adage, using the spiritual tools to insulate himself, (reportedly acquired by him during his early days) from its clutches!
I used to hardly take notice of any politician hither to! (Anyway, they are more known for blocking-'traffic', often!... In the computing world, 'traffic-rate' is the most sought after data to decide 'investments'!).
It does not matter, whether he delivers or even what he delivers, at some future date..
The choice of words, the contents, the theme, its values... was not really-expected from 'present-lot' of politicians!

Diplomatically yours,
psn(19th May, 2015)


Wanderer said...

Wonderful explanation sir . A yogi politician.


Yes he managed a "day" to remember it by! ( I guess it is 21 June)


Yes he managed a "day" to remember it by! ( I guess it is 21 June)


"Dakshinayana is also considered a time when there is natural support for those pursuing spiritual practices."

Baturam Nayak said...

कुछ तो ज़रूर है !
Yes Sir, this man has that 'something', which a Nation was desperately looking for, having had already tested the rest of the lot, and of course getting disillusioned with them, over a prolonged period of time.

And he too had perfectly brainstormed in to the political reality of the day, making the adequate homework over it, purging & purifying himself to the utmost extent, in seclusion, under the rigorous (but for him, perhaps the very best) 'political condition', and then appealed to the maturity of the masses, at the opportune time, to pay him an attention.

And it's natural, time & nature was ripe enough for it & he got 'it' with a resounding clarity !

A big void of 'strong and genuine leadership' in our polity, that was clamouring to be filled up, found an expression in his authentic personhood, which was replete in the honest statements he effectively put through in his campaigns addressing the people not in partisan rhetorics but in an all encompassing address: "मेरे सवा सौ भारत वासियों "..and it worked like a miracle !

Incidentally, "Oh Bharata!" this address itself demands a response, with responsibility !
"Son of India", this address applies to the leader & the led equally alike & implicit in it is the call to reinforce the relationship with utmost responsibility.

It's quite apparent, Mr Modi has stretched, strained, finessed and sharpened himself, very much akin to "A Yogi", to that very end, and it spills from his languages both at physical & verbal level effectively communicating to the 'fresh minds', and hence the reverberations:"M-o-d-i...M-o-d-i...", wheresoever he goes & speaks.

And as you have captioned the title:"Spiritual Renaissance! Early signs of it...", that alone tells, how apparently visible are the signs of a change in the offing, but to a noticing-eye...

All I can hope & pray for...So be it...

Sorry Sir, for a long rejoinder, which I could not resist !


I feel blessed to read your response/rejoinder!
Aur kya zikr karoon!

Baturam Nayak said...

नमन :)

soumyasrajan said...

"Dakshinayana is also considered a time when there is natural support for those pursuing spiritual practices."

Interesting observation -I wonder why it should be true? Any idea?

Your article narayananji is so nicely written in a detached style describing exactly what may be needed in current times and modi brings hope that it can be done ("and perhaps therefore the 'adage' that 'Power corrupts!'... This Modi-Ji, seems to be re-writing this rule, defying even the adage, using the spiritual tools to insulate himself, (reportedly acquired by him during his early days) from its clutches!").

It seems one needs in society occasional spiritual spurts (something like bringing a shower of, what you some times called positive energy (I still prefer sanskrit right words -should it be called positive prana?) to decrease a negative energy (one reason I prefer sanskrit word is that they are exact and they describe some subtle aspect-not connected with sense perceptions etc. while say energy is a physical aspect so two are not really the same)
chakrvaat jammed in the society space. It seems even in this what seems to be predestined type of world -such jerks are needed. Such Jerks are perhaps part of pre-defined destination. They make people and society feel as if they have started smoothly floating rather than dragging. Modi seems to provide that float to have some smoothness.

Sudden rise of avatars perhaps provide a whole heavy rain shower -making one feel as if floating freely, very smoothly in an ocean, peacefully.

In one'sown spiritual walking also it seems suddenly such floats - occur. A permanent change towards more smoothness and a rhythm in movements seems to come in. May be some subtle presence -help from some unknown source comes in to provide that float.

Or may be it is just there but time had to elapse before one recognizes it. Modi was also after all here doing similar things and must be with similar spiritual tools. But only now time came to get it recognized.


"I wonder why it should be true? Any idea?"
Possibly the spin, the tilt etc of the earth gives some hint, idea, to be able to try a guess.
When on the giant wheel, the speed supports an upward thrust, as also 'hastens' an otherwise if reef all speed rate. The slight difference is within an experience!
Similarly, maybe, those who managed deeper/subtler perception, did experience the difference in the pull, due to earth's tilt, while the spin is steady, during circling around Sun!


"otherwise if reef all speed rate. "

Read as "otherwise a free fall's speed-rate"


"otherwise if reef all speed rate. "

Read as "otherwise a free fall's speed-rate"

soumyasrajan said...

"Similarly, maybe, those who managed deeper/subtler perception, did experience the difference in the pull, due to earth's tilt, while the spin is steady, during circling around Sun"

yes! we are continuously spinning at speed of more than 1000 miles per hour-but we not feel it at all as it is always there with us right from birth.
(a bit like brahman existence always with us and hence we do not feel it -"if we see peripherally" as we do usually )

there is also speed of earth around sun too..

and every moment 1000's of cosmic ray particles pass through our body -some of them come to earth with so much energy that they go through whole earth from one side to the other (much more than any energy human have ever produced on earth)
but they being so tiny - we do not feel them
(again similar are ideas in sukshma bhutas are so tiny and transparent that they do not make any impression on our sense perception..)

and in reality these sukshma aspects surely affect us
(just like cosmic particles sometimes change a 0 in computer chip to 1 and it may affect our calculations ...
in rockets launch these calculations are taken care of )
though sukshma aspects may affect much more here it self ..
one can feel for example our nose closing opening etc.