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Friday, May 15, 2015

Boring dream?

Even as a kid, we did experience, what it feels like, to be 'bored' for some 3 hours at a stretch!

Mass-boredom, was what all of us kids agreed upon when we could not let go as a waste, a movie for which we paid a 'premium'... The extra price was to go into 'Building Fund' of our school.....

Yes I too shared the 'sentiments' of my classmates when I felt it difficult to keep myself focused on the screen (I guess it was 'Baazi' or so... and even songs were badly choreographed)...

Soon after we came out of the movie, my mind.... a quixotic one, even then... churned out a Big-Doubt!!! ... .... ... “What if this movie runs yet again, in my dream?... Hey, ....then I can declare and even “claim” to have been the first idiot, to have witnessed a 'Boring dream'!!!
Some 'first' at least, to my credit, since I knew, I was good-for-nothing! Here the advantage was, the movie is already agreed upon, to be a 'boring-one'... So I don't have to prove yet again, that the dream was a 'boring-one'... all I needed to say was, the 'movie was fully screened in my dream too, with no censorShip-even!'

But it remained a 'dream'...

So I guess, having waited for so long, for a boring dream, it is time to 'spill the beans' to know if somebody around was more fortunate than me!
Yes, we have good, bad, scary, pleasant, sad... etc....and ofcourse “sweet” dreams..

Dreamily yours,

psn(15th May, 2015)


Wanderer said...

Never had a boring dream :) either scary or pleasant .

Baturam Nayak said...

As a student of Psychology, I had this interesting experience of going through a chapter on 'Dream'.
Don't know why since then whenever I come across the word 'Dream', I instinctively read it as 'read me' !

However, I have this enriching experience of coming across a quote which changed altogether my perception of 'Dream':

"I had a sweet dream.
I had bad dreams.
I could overcome my bad dreams,
Because of the sweet dream."

Thanks Sir.
Regards :)


Very nice to have a view from a professionally qualified person!
A boring-dream, its conspicuous-absence, is significant, for spiritual understanding of 'self'..!
Thanks &regards,
I deliberately omitted a suggestion, about 'why no Bore-Dream!'


Very nice to have a view from a professionally qualified person!
A boring-dream, its conspicuous-absence, is significant, for spiritual understanding of 'self'..!
Thanks &regards,
I deliberately omitted a suggestion, about 'why no Bore-Dream!'

Baturam Nayak said...

Ah ! That is the depth of it !!
Bore-dom, which as such does not exist in the life of a person, how can it ever encroach upon the dream of the person !
So nice of You Sir !
Clarity responds to clarity in the clarity of perception...


A matching 'rejoinder'...(Clarity responds to clarity in the clarity of perception...)...
Sets reader to hop on to yet another puzzle!
Enjoyed it sir,


"Bore-dom, which as such does not exist in the life of a person, how can it ever encroach upon the dream of the person !"

"भांडा फोड़ दिया"

I can say...

A little further is possible!
(Let that be a "figure it out for yourself" item for readers!

Baturam Nayak said...

Oh! Let me confess it first Sir!
As I was discussing with my son, who is on a study break from his job, over your response, he came out with this very observation:
"Boredom which as such does not exist in the life of a person, how can it ever encroach upon the dream of the person!"
And then it occurred to me with a flash, how ingeniously really smile the truly evolved from all the boredom & all the confusion !

And that little further of possibilities...
That keeps one & reminds too, to remain always open...


Very nice!
In keeping with a tradition, truly "Indian", the next generation a step ahead!
A very inspiring confession!