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Monday, May 18, 2015

Transparency, a bitter pill for trust-deficiency

My guess is, 'Trust' can only be invoked, and not practised...

Transparency, can be practised, and the product (like butter/ghee out of churning curds), would be trust..

The nations like Pakistan and India, when they look at mutual relationship, do talk of that 'trust-deficiency' (the hesitation to act sternly against wrong doers, so called 'non-stage-actors' , etc stems out of lack, or inadequacy of transparency, ... for whatever reasons!)... Then what about the 'iron-curtain' wala nation :)

At our levels, perhaps.... mutual trust decides the quality of relationship...

Trust with and within self... significant, but only for those to whom spiritual pursuit does matter :)

Practice of transparency, might promote and help 'invoking' that trust....
(There is a 'catch'!... If that transparency is one-way-traffic... then trust is possible only from the 'wrong-side' :) towards the person offering that transparency !)

The 'how to'... about it, everybody else is smarter than me, so I would not dare to suggest it :)

I can only hope to try it , the crude way, ... so quixotic that I am!
( I wonder, if that 'emotional-transparency' is a little more tougher than the logical-materialistic-transparency!)

Transparently yours,

psn(18th May, 2015)


Baturam Nayak said...

In a climate ruled by forces working overtime to withhold Truth and abdicating all responsibility of liability, 'Trust', the highest virtue that binds together everything, becomes the greattest casualty.
And then, 'transparency' becomes the natural clamour of people to restore normalcy.
Rest is a natural outcome...For, life can't proceed further, without trust deficiency.

Thanks Sir, for glorifying trust-efficiency !
Pranam :)

Baturam Nayak said...

Sorry Sir, Please read it as:
"Rest is a natural outcome...For, life can't proceed further, with trust deficiency!"


On the other hand...
dear Sir, you incidentally have passed on to me a precious gift, "trust - efficiency"... While the inadvertent slip is easily understandable!
What better expression, can possibly highlight the theme , kept subtle-in-contrast.... :)