Usually it is the deep pain sensation coupled with some oddity, that enables memories of childhood which belong an age.... that is not expected be remembered
It was more or less like that.
It was the second standard.. Adding up on the fingers of two palms was not a problem.. unfold in two installments (for a 3 +4), count the entire unfolded fingers from 1, 2,...3 and on..
But 'remove' is what the teacher said, when it was only about 'folding' three of the fingers, after having held vertically-up, ... all the fingers + thumb of the two available palms...
Anyway, I managed to correctly fold the 3 fingers... (it was 'how to do a "10 minus 3")...
Mean while, another 'teacher' (we were not taught, to mess with 'Miss' ... in those days... a "teacher" was for female and a "Saar" for that tougher one, the male)... another teacher stood at the door way, and my teacher went to have a chat.. I was holding both the palms with three fingers of one palm duly folded, and the rest 'waiting for something 'more' to be done about it...!'
Slowly the arm, the palm and the fingers started aching... I kept my eyes riveted on my two palms, watching the pain, and maintaining its position 'undisturbed'...
The teacher walked in with a 'show of great hurry' looked around, and then down at me (I was in the first bench).. and said, “Put your hands down!... go and come soon!”...
For a few seconds, I did not know what to do... (I was ... sort of blank)... But yes, I looked at the hands yet again, before I put it down.. (that "go and come soon" sounded too familiar, and it was a response to our show of that lone little finger towards that teacher, in emergencies)..
That was all that I carried as a 'visual picture' in my memory...
But I learnt the 'minus' and also the significance of what remains, after that minus-operation!
As a cashier, the work on certain days really causes anxiety of losing money...
When it is a Saturday, the crowd is the same, but working hours are half... (I always used to wonder, why the 'higher-up's' never look at this needless torture?... We would have handled it a bit more easily if were a full day)...
One such saturday brought a huge crowd... Some festival+ suffix-holiday+monthly pension drawing customers etc....
about double the crowd.. the size for a busy-full day...
The tempers rose, when customers couldn't wait for their turn...
Regular customers could easily find their patience, when they could see that I was doing a good job, as far as speed of paying out is concerned!
That concept of 'remaining' upheld fingers came in handy....
Usually cashiers count the currency notes twice, to make sure that excess does not go out (short fall is 'their' problem ... is the attitude!)...
I tried it a bit differently... Remainder-theorem (what ever it means in “true-mathematics”... Yes, when I could not distinguish between “applied maths” and the “non-applied-maths”(pure one), why not a 'true-maths', and make it as elusive as that 'eternal-truth'???)...
The packets of 100 pieces of currency notes... are pre counted-twice, the previous day, and 'duly' initialed ("initialed' means... a short and sweet- stroke of pen to-be-construed as "mini-signature"... (like the mini-samosa, which is void of the usual contents except for burnt-flakes of onions!)...
At the start of the day, fold the .... sequentially-every-twentieth note,... of these packets, and leave out the 5th bunch..
Now, if somebody is to be paid 2000 in hundreds, pluck out the first bunch of twenty along with the inward-folded note (inward-fold... indicates, that the the folded one is inclusive into the bunch it bows towards, when folded)... for a 1000, pluck ten, give away the rest.. thus, the customer who is “used” to mentally counting twice along with that varying-speed-wala-cashiers finds, the cash handed to him 'just-like-that'... (4000/- ?... 'Here it is'... two bunches, just unfolding the two notes...).. Now.... he counts it a bit too carefully, taking even his mind, off-from-me!...
His satisfaction is 'original' since his 'counting-of-notes' was 'precariously-singular'!... (He saw... I did not count even once!)
One customer started shouting... I heard very little of it, since the glass separated us, at the window, and the bulk of his 'decibels' had to be tolerated by co-customers... A few tried to tell him, “this guy is already fast at his work... there is a crowd... no point in venting out your anger at him.. ' etc... But, he was now like that baby which knows nothing else but to cry loudly and incessantly when the hunger and its wait for next feed crossed the limits-of-tolerance, and it refuses to listen to any noise made by the mom (all the dialogues are just a 'created-noise' for that baby!)...
He wouldn't stop.. And I just waited ...
This time , the “waiting” was not that ignorant like that 2nd standard kid waiting for teacher tell, 'what next?'...
I knew... there was nothing for me to respond... reaction will only infuriate him further (and the rule was, 'customer is always right'...!).
He had to cool.. and he did, and then gave a long stare, when the breath did not cooperate further, and he went away!
Another customer, synchronised his 'original' mouth piece into the round cut-glass-slit, and queried, “How could you keep so quiet sir?... If only he had continued for another 10 seconds, I might have slapped him!!!”...
Now, I had to respond... It was a non-banking-query... so I had to bank-upon a path-less path, to dish out something useful (he asked for 'trouble' with that 'how could you?'...!)...
I said, “Well, I only stood to gain... when you let out a secret + your weakness! Any time I am tempted to oblige an elderly senior citizen 'out of turn', and I see your face in the crowd on the other side, I will 'just-encash' your kindness, and pay it out to that elderly!”...
All he managed to reply was... “Sirrrrrr...." :) " .. anytime... for you, also anytimeS” (that was his English... I had to straighten it out before I count, like I do with “receipts”.... 'any-number-of-times” was his 'anytimeS'...
Undue credits has always been a problem for me!...
For some time, (during the days of volunteering), it is was residues incidental to spiritual practices (the entire credit belonged to the teachers!).. But now, I have a 'good' teacher... a magnanimous lady, ever-ready, to help (Maya Madam... I don't know if she can be a 'Miss', for she never misses, anything , ever!... So, I try never to mess up things, when it is about 'prakriti'!)
psn(20th January, 2014)
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