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Sunday, January 12, 2014

The spy camera concept

The concept is simple... but what it does is enormous!

There was a news... the latest one, as I write this... Spy camera sales is up in Delhi!

Needs no elaboration when the dubious needs of nefarious ones got kneaded by the need-ridden aam aadmi.. We know... The story of 'Great Expectations”.. is being scripted yet again, right now!

If.... and ... When... life-seems-normal.... after it 'becomes normal'... due to this 'miracle' ,
I see ...
the scope for a new 'demand'.. for yet another spy camera....
not cost related...
but yes, more precious ... (only when the outside worries recede a bit, spiritual quest affords that relaxed-mode of intensity it demands, to move any forward!)...

the inner spy camera... 'turned and focused' only towards within..

located ... right within...

This one, the inner one... a bit complex.. at least till it becomes 'critical' in a scientific sense... (the nuclear power stations go 'critical' when it does not find itself being criticised)..

Initially, this inner camera just criticises, then justifies...
then... just suggests....
it evolves.. and evolves.. and further evolves...
It merely witnesses now!
(The commercial spy cameras become redundant to such a person!.. Perhaps! I Dunno, really!.. only a spiritual-guess!... The dimensional-location, of this inner spy-camera, it seems... they say... the elders.. that the change of this dimensional-location when it shifts, though the shift itself is only within us, the functionality undergoes a total transformation!... Ah! What a Cam! If it is so! )...

slyly yours,

psn( 12th January. 2014)

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