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Sunday, July 07, 2013

Dog-eat-dog Versus Spirituality!

It is difficult for a spiritual seeker to 'manage' in a dog-eat-dog world!

Objectivist philosophy comes at least half way! It allows healthy competition!

Spiritual path defies logic, even in this arena!

Somewhere, the healthy discussions on a spiritual forum tends to end up deploying that 'dog-eat-dog' concept, be-fooling even the most well-meaning-minds, inadvertently, unconsciously, egoistically, etc... etc...

I was wondering.. A dog symbolizes loyalty(!), Faithfulness(!), and such noble attributes... and then why this dog-eat-dog?

Does not matter... if it seems good that way.... let us not have a dog-fight over it... be it so!

How to now manage... this spiritual business and the survival within dog-eat-dog world?

Only brilliant people can give logically-convincing solutions!

I just got absorbed into spirituality so much that ..... when I see that competition is now inevitable, and it is only doggedness that is going to dominate, I wag my tail a little, wrap up the tail now and quietly leave! It is sheer 'grace' that I managed survival this far even! (Incidentally here, on spiritual path ... converse theorem works too well! I even came across a wonderful Teacher who said, to the class... “Those who are seeking comfort-oriented-blessings, please go elsewhere... the world is now full of such 'Gurus' who give guaranteed results for a small fee even! My blessings would be... 'Let everything that can ever happen to a human being, also happen to THIS disciple of mine!'... In spite of it, if you are alive, you have won! Richer by experience! If you are gone... then it is again won... no more problems, with material life!”

Even at material aspect of life.... only human beings can see... out of their sense of discretion, that it makes 'sense' to let sensible people live a bit more comfortably! That is how, Kings used to patronize artists, craftsmen, teachers and above all spiritually oriented people as teachers!!! It is the intrinsic value for something precious in a human being, which, when we recognize  persuades us to leave competition out of their way, paving way for only humility... and through humility, our own receptivity!

Receptively yours,
psn (7th July, 2013)

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