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Friday, February 05, 2010

Working woman

The style of the question, the choice of words is what persuaded me to attempt an answer.

Whether it is happening or not, whether it is practicable in present day situation or not, at least in India, for thousands of years woman has been placed at the highest pedestal and they richly deserved it too. Nature has designed a woman to be emotionally more capable, and perhaps, the ancient Masters, realizing their worth, had assigned them certain way of life (the traditions, rituals, customs etc). The women did perform well. They were the lamp/light/torch bearers of the family in particular, and society at large.
When this is not happening now at that level, for whatever reason, it looks reasonable that why not at least let them enjoy an ‘equal’ footing with her counterpart, by becoming capable to ‘earn’ money? To most people, a working woman seems a win-win situation. I was amazed to find a question which emitted a different kind of fragrance! The asker presupposes that it is only about disadvantages, and seeks to know how bad the situation would become.

Unless somebody seeks to delve deeper, I found it reasonable to just give a passing reference to deeper aspects, than elaborate on concepts that ought to be “a subject matter of solicitation”
The question

Disadvantages of working woman?
what are the disadvantages of a working woman for her family..

My answer:
More than a good answer, it requires a broad perspective to appreciate it.

The simple reason is, the question seeks an answer that can form a bridge between logic and emotion.

Please see, a woman works for income, whether she is going to be the sole bread-winner or to supplement the income of another person in the family, so that the standards of living can be better.

A woman who has to remain as a "home-maker" (whether by some compulsion or choice), has to shoulder the responsibility of nurturing emotional bonds within the family members (by sacrificing herself as a giant shock-absorber of all kinds of adverse situations the family has to face outside and even within the family, due to present day life-style, etc).
We are not trying to look at how far a woman is going to be successful. The question is how to "measure" the worth of both these, and strike a balance. The yardsticks for commercial contracts and emotional bonds are entirely different.

And that is why, the disadvantages need not be there at all, or it could be full of disadvantages only. Emotional bonds are entirely trust based. Commercial commitments are performance based. Each family member has to realise this in depth, if the family has to encourage a woman to work. In fact in an ideal situation, every human being, every citizen should work productively, so that nation prospers. May be we need not insist for 'payment' or compensation for what we work for. But in practical life we see, even families expect a 'milking-cow' (milch animal) as a prospective bride. That is why, it needs a large heart to appreciate the depth of the question.

The question deserves appreciation for its innocence (the question implies "how badly is my family going to miss my love and affection, when I stay away during the working hours")

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