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Friday, January 15, 2010

True Dreams!

To most people, somebody who can ‘predict’ or foresee things is a ‘great’ being. This is similar like, giving too much credit to somebody who can tell exactly what program is going to be aired on the TV. The comparison sounds ridiculous. Yes. And so is the way we have been doing things. We are ‘proud’ of our technological advancements, shifting from wires to wireless, mechanical calculators to electronic, mechanical typewriters to electronic, those celluloid films to digital, virtual images etc. And we ended up with lots of unwanted garbage all around the place. We littered the whole planet literally. With all this, we have just been replicating our own capabilities right within, with all the materials around us. All we do is to take up the mineral resources, remodel them with all the possible complexities, and gloat over it with a glee.
Even this was predicted long ago.
The best possible manipulations are already incorporated into our own system. The human body. The gadgets are already there. Just that the user-manuals are not visible. The user manuals too were handed down by word of mouth, to avoid spilling garbage of paper work all over. The words were most scientifically advanced. Anyway, we will not be able to hold our patience any longer with more elaboration.
We know now that we have optic fibres. Some light is said to pass through these, which is converted to become data, which is yet again converted into ‘visible’ form of light on a monitor. What if our nervous system had such subtle capabilities, to carry such ‘data’ in much more subtle forms? We have already heard of ‘naadi’s. There were astrologers, who predicted using ‘naadi’ system. A whole system of medical science too, had evolved using the naadi science. These naadi’s are subtle pipelines within body, along the nervous system. Naadi’s are energy channels with some seven significant junctions where major channels cross over. We are familiar with the loving touch, care, the feel, etc. Our body ‘shudders’ to think of some of things that we do not like. We get goose pimples, hearing a few words of emotional contents. At times, some of us even ‘feel’ the presence of some people we know. Some of the ancient rituals and practices are ‘supposed’ to make available the ‘presence’ of some beings. There are suggestive examples to support the theory. Like these optic fibres which can carry different wavelengths of light simultaneously, our energy channels too can carry many more forms of energy. Right now we are aware of the gross, tangible functions of our nervous system. Psychiatry is just attempting to explore. The mind is the virtual system, with a virtual monitor, which can form images with those energies converted into data, and images formed. When we have the ‘remote’ control in our hands, we see only what we choose to see. Most of the times, we are busy with our favourite games on the TV screen, struggling to reach a higher score while the data of all those ‘live’ programs reach right up to the TV set, through the antenna, the set-top-box, waiting to be viewed. We do have a glimpse of that ‘gut-feeling’ intuition, etc at times, which came true also. Please see, those are our alert moments when the mind was not in the ‘judgemental’ mode for a few fractions of a second.
The health consciousness even today, does not adequately focus on the nervous system, not to speak of the energy channels. And we try to support the ‘clinical’ body with medicines, life support systems, when sick, ignorant of the life energy that really matters to decide the ‘life’. Doctors are able to declare only the ‘clinical death’, and are baffled when a person revives due to the abundant life energy that is able to manifest and resurface again. The doctors can feel the pulse but not the ‘naadi’ the life-energy channels. The eastern skills in combat capabilities focus on the nervous system rather than the muscular system. Such skills last longer with advancement of age. Wrestlers and boxers manage to retain the skills for a lesser period. Judo, karate and such skills last a bit longer. And they focus on mind-skills too, using meditative practices. The diet is much simple, and toning up of nervous system is given more importance. The Ayurvedic system of medicine too was basically about ‘life’. And ‘life’ is the quality of energies that we carry around, not the gross physical strength of the body-system that we develop. These herbs tone up the nerves, its receptivity in particular. Those frail looking physical frames of ancient Masters had tremendous energy capabilities. They hardly needed these modern gadgets to do the very same things we do now. Transportation, communication, etc was subtle. For a long time, we refused to believe because we ‘see’ and then accept. But science is steadily advancing in the very same direction. I am reminded of what I heard about the famous scientist Dr. Albert Einstein, when he seemed to make a ‘statement about his life’ towards the end of his days, wishing, “if” there was a rebirth, he would like to be a farmer the next time. He came closest to the evasive theory of ‘relativity’. Perhaps, he just summed up very briefly, sensing the futility of ‘explaining’ that he now chose to re-do the scientific discoveries from within and into ‘within’ itself, the next time.
There was a question, about dreams that came true, a bit more often, to be brushed aside as a ‘coincidence’. I merely tried to look at it.
Psn(15th January, 2010)

The queston:;_ylt=Av2qEH63OPyNSBpwaCCKLX.oZn1G;_ylv=3?qid=20100114164742AAArYzw
What does this mean, my dreams keep coming true?
For the last while I have had many times (approximately 10, maybe more) where I have a dream once(or twice) and it ends up coming true. Exactly. And I'm not sure why. Also, on a daily basis, I will think of something random, a phrase, anything. And something about it soon happens. A few examples, often I will randomly think of one certain episode on tv, and I will go to watch it and its that episode, at the bus stop for some reason randomly i came up what 'what if someone asked me for a quarter and i didnt even know them'? then minutes later on the bus someone was talking about how this random chick came up and asked her for a quarter. I know those could just be coincidences, but it happens to me basically every day. It may be nothing, but do you know what this means? Either the dreams or the second part I talked about?

My answer:
Though a bit rare, this is quite a possibility.A person is in the middle of a lake, with still water surface. A stone is dropped, it creates ripples. This person can see those ripples earlier than a person who stands at the edge of the lake. Now this person takes a mobile, calls the person at the edge of lake, says, 'watch out, in a couple of moments a ripple will reach you'.....The events around us are much more complex and affected by multiple factors, making such predictions near impossible. But the 'human' mind too, is no less complex. In most people this complex capability gets underutilised due to predominance of their own desires, expectations etc, which takes up the 'cache memory', and engages the 'processor' all the time. During sleep states, a relatively less engaged mind is left to itself to compute, and it can predict. Your wakeful states too speak of bus-stop, where the mind is almost blank, waiting for the bus, and thus can 'see' a few stray incidents by those complex predictions. Ancient Masters, have evolved techniques to consciously get to reach at this ability, and have managed a fair grasp too. But then, a few amongst them have realised the futility of such exercise, and managed to resist the temptation, to evolve further, to reach the ultimate possibility. When this capability comes by luck, it can as well go away the same way one day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now this post which I re-read today !! It seems to point how I'm getting my answers to questions I've earlier e-mailed separately. The whole thing happening rather unconsciously.
The important thing I have to do is to take my mind form such expectations of answers and make it blank once more! To give up the attachment of seeking answers.
If I try to keep a blank mind with this objective it becomes more difficult. Perhaps mantra incantations and breath awareness exercise will help here.
Deepak (Feb. 27 2010) 12:00 hrs