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Wednesday, August 23, 2023




when it comes to human-relationships, we seek recognition from others, when our concern out to have been about deepening our own abilities to recognise things around us better.

A diamond doesn't even wait for any recognition of its worth.

A coconut tree, that sprung up on the desolate shores of a tiny island, when the sea waves pushed a ripe coconut to that place, simply yields nuts according to the available nutrients. It doesn't look for recognition of its potential to yield 300 good nuts per year, if properly manured etc.

Teenagers look for recognition of their inclination at something that tries to flourish ( some hidden/latent talent). Whereas the structure of our society binds them on to a railroad of a pattern, on 'like it or not basis', this is your routine now on.

Expectations of getting a recognition, has come to affect the attrition rate among talented techies. The beneficiaries of attrition are those who deserve only benching 🤣

My experience with being_recognised, was very useful in understanding the basics of 'human mind', and when it culminated to a situation where, "getting recognised" got inseparably enmeshed into a two way problem, i thought 'this is the peak of recognition_problem at its highest_intensity".....Let me describe this rare situation. A person sitting eyes closed for meditation, has no way to know whether his meditation is worth being recognised for its minimum_pass_marks..🤣… And, a person observing him, has no tangible tools to evaluate that meditation and then to_recognise that meditation for its due level of worth 🙏😰

I decided to learn, how_to_recognise a person at meditation, for his level of meditativeness. It took a decade to learn it. But recognition as an abstract quality decided to bless me uniquely 😜

Whatever i got recognised for, in me….. usually ended up as a means to exploit me, for others.

Example: my wife returning from a wedding of her neice, unpacked and spread out 5 packets of cookies( deep fried in oil, hand made items, with shelf life). It was a custom to offer one pack of 5 items to each invitee to a wedding, belonging to 'close people' list.  But 5 packets? I stared at my wife . She explained " oh! That's because, my cousin decided that you are not yet having any ailment or chronic problem like cholesterol, BP, sugar, hypertension etc despite old age…. all other invitees of our age declined this junk items citing medical_condition….so she dumped it in my bag, citing your ability to eat junk 😜" Huge recognition for my health 🙏🙏🙏🙏.

Workload at workplace for me was due to recognition of two disabilities in me. One, i don't refuse work or protest overload. Two, i stretch myself to 'limits' when adequate work is available, and thus kept growing at my abilities to absorb more load. Ultimately, a breaking point came, where i cheerfully decided to quit, and enjoyed premature retirement 👍. Logic and reasoning failed the set of bosses who forgot about reasonableness of exploiting somebody's amenability.

When do we recognise the real worth of being born as a human being???

When are we going to recognise the complex human frame we got, and the flexibility of our mind with its freedom to shape itself the way we choose? When do we recognise the truth that we can decide our future, despite the influence of our past on our present?

Oops! Recognition is getting subtler here….

Cognizantly yours,

PSN (23 aug 2023)

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