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Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Global warming

I am not even competent to talk 'sensibly' about the factors causing global-warming (other than what I as a lay person happen to gather out of tons-of-Jargon that our scientists say, and then politicians 'pick' to publicize what suits them out of it...)...

There is a whole-world happening right within us!
In fact, the whole universe is happening right within us.... !

So why not think of a 'global-sized' warming within us ? I felt... :)

We face contradictions.. When actually, there are none! (everything is a process of cause and effect, in a perfect unison, as far as its 'phenomenon' is concerned)... We look at it as 'contradictions', when it happens contrary to our expectations, and therefore a 'conflict' within us , with an image we see on the outside too!

I noticed a 'warming' up effect, as we grow into adulthood...
The 'graph' of our 'show of happiness' slides downward... Kids are joyous for 'no-apparent-reason'.. while elders are brooding-type, again... for no-apparent reason!

In large cities, people come out for a 'morning' walk... That's when we can really-expect a little cheer in their faces (a good night's sleep, and body a little refreshed... enough to feel cheerful for a while at least!)... But in direct proportion to age, the long faces walk alongside them ... The face carries a 'worry' along with it.. The subtle smile is missing... If it is a 'routine' face that they meet, even the 'good-morning' is heavily coated with the same worry...

It is the accumulated heat of contradictions that we faced all along , thus-far.. which seems to hang around our mind... and occupies the next layer of attitude towards the 'outside' all the time.. The thin layer barely manages to give 'appropriate' responses to the outside...
Yes, when a situation on the outside gets a little intense, it does pierce this 'next' layer and finds the depth of our emotions 'invoked' accordingly... Be it a great joke, a sudden sad-event, a surprise, ... why even a 'wonder'... But after a while, the skin closes in... and we are back to that 'burdensome worry-layer'...

It is this 'layer' of worry, that causes a 'warming' like the one that affects our ecology, environment etc, adversely!...
When there is nothing else around to cause an immediate-anxiety or a joy... this layer even surfaces a little...

By itself, this layer of 'worries' seems quite harmless...
But 'effectively'... it is like a piece of ammunition just waiting for a muzzle to be loaded into, for a direction and then the trigger-effect to jettison-off!
In a subtle way,
when we try to become a little focused, we also become a little intense....
and when intense.. this layer seeks a 'resolve' by surfacing along the subject we tried to focus..
now the focus becomes blurred!
We find it so-convenient to blame everything for the blur, except our root-cause, which is that layer/crust of non-directional-worries...

To make it a little clear...
when the mind was
quite intense... yet very-relaxed...
the gravity-effect was grasped when the apple fell...
the loco-power was grasped, when the steam blew up the lid of the tea-kettle...
the principles of relative density got revealed when water in the bath tub got displaced by 'Eureka-scientist'

A striking contrast: An expert pickpocket is a good student of psychology too, when he can make out the 'worried face' on a salary-day, in the crowded bus/train, and know that this 'victim' is a sitting duck with his alertness subdued abnormally-enough... to miss sensing a 'touch' on his purse! (it is a 'eureka' too, but only for the thief!!)... The salary-cash in the pocket... brings to the surface a cloud-burst of worries hanging at the next-layer of the mind (budget allocation to each worry-some expense is a huge mismatch!... but a very wrong place to offer such 'vulnerability' of reduced-alertness).

That 'relaxed' mind is a bit elusive, even when we are physically at leisure...
We cannot lay a finger on a particular bit, causing that 'global-warming-like' effect on our mind, when the accumulation is so-voluminous, and we don't have a proper 'indexing' too, to retrieve each file-of-it!
Some of it turns into 'non-verbal' thought form even... when the text fades out like our thermal-paper print out slips that our ATM's cough out :)

warmly yours,

psn (6th October, 2015)

1 comment:


"कुछ लोग बिलकुल थोड़ा सा भी हंस नहीं पाते है
चाहे चुटकुला कितना भी बेहतरीन क्यों न हो "

Such people...
such people,
perhaps, help to substantiate my point about...

the next layer of mind (full of worries)... hanging all the time... preventing a clarity of even simple things being told