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Sunday, October 04, 2015

Cushion time

We know how good our Shri Sachin is, when it comes to facing the best of bowlers. They don't bowl to 'oblige' him...! And he manages to do 'what-he-likes' with that ball (that's what makes the best bowlers say, 'We bowl, also-hoping to impress him, not just to get him out, as-soon-as-possible)....

Sachin manages to 'find' a cushion time, the few micro-milli-seconds, after the ball has left the hands of that fast+spin-bowler, and it reaches the three menacing sticks, loving to get blown away, with its micro-audio sensors amplifying the hit too-loudly! (I am not qualified enough to give details of how and what he does, to find that 'cushion-time').

We ordinary people squander the 'cushion-time' available in abundance around us... Very rarely do we find a 'genuine-exigency'... So, instead, we try and convert every small thing, event, need, etc into an exigency, and then, impress people around, making a big-drama about-it/over-it :)

A young techie, who 'happened' to appreciate that 'cushion' time a little excessively, miss to take note of 'unspoken-communication' from his boss about 'reverse-concept of that 'cushion' time .. Not his fault... He was new to the work-atmosphere of that 'industry' though abundantly qualified for the job :)
He misunderstood the 'communication'...
His boss told him... “The dead line (not life-line!), for this project is 7 days from today” (Later, the boss explained to this youngster --- as an exception---that, he usually quotes the real intended/planned deadline after subtracting some 4 days!... He 'knows'... these techies never do things in-time!).
Why he explained, as an exception was.... what happened ..
The techie took the dead line literally... He assumed that the 'boss' was honest (meaning, the dead line did not include a hidden cushion time, reversed!)..
the techie, in all innocence, deployed what was 'his-quality'... He created a cushion time, by telling himself, “now for me... the dead line is 4 days!... I must make it fast!!!”
This techie spent 2 nights and three full days, pounding the keyboard with 'dual-monitor'...
Fourth(day's) morning... the boss said, “Looking at your unchanged T-shirt, I can guess that you didn't sleep at all for last two nights... now, please 'oblige' me , by telling me as to what-I-can-do, to ensure that you sleep for at least next 4 to 5 hours!” (I guess, this 'dialogue' doesn't need too much elaboration, about the true-emotions implied... I keep the name and details of this techie a little hidden, for two reasons... I hold great value for this kid, not many around of his cambric. Second, this kid might happen to read this, and would feel a little embarrassed, when 'thoroughly-exposed-thus' :) But, this was a true incident, and the techie has only improved upon his 'weakness' aggravating it, not renouncing it :).... )

Traditionally, (I guess from what I read about ancients)... the cushion period for a spiritual journey is at its brim, till the age of 7... It lasts, at a diminishing rate till 15 years of age... (some say it is 16)... And till 25 years of age, 'creating' a cushion period is possible, by compressing the 'irrelevant' other activities of life... after that the gross body doesn't oblige with the 'so-called' cushion period at all... And unfortunately, the mind becomes too-engaged to afford it's own 'subtle-body' to oblige us :)
(I find it relevant with a look-at my own life-experience... )
Yes, ... wherever we find 'exceptions' to this, we need to examine a little-more-closely, and we may stumble upon other 'relevant-facts' where the cushion-period was redundant, and the 'subject' needed only a 'spark', a push, a nudge, a-whatever... to get into the track called spirituality(the preparation is 'said' to have been done abundantly in some far-distant-past!)...

Now, what to do, if we happen to 'agree' that we kept ourselves busy with everything else except what is relevant to this very-human-form that we were endowed with? It is for 'teachers' to suggest... I ain't-no-teacher of any sort, ever!

Cushioningly yours,

psn(4th of October, 2015)

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