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Friday, May 29, 2015

Have an ear for...

“an ear for music”... mystified me, when I heard it for the first time... I raced my memory, to 'google' in my brain's hard-disk... to look-to-see, if there was any un-labelled image somewhere, with an extra-ear in a person.... or even an ear, “earmarked' for music-only, and being stone-deaf for everything else!!

Oh! It was a mere reference to 'receptivity' within, irrespective of whether the 'input-device' is working or not!!! (a word renowned musician was really deaf!)

So, it became too clear... receptivity is exclusive of recepticle, its attachments!

It was only at the 'next-stage' in the same track of looking-further that I discovered that 'ear for concepts' in me!!!

And it does look like, for spirituality to step in... the ear for concepts has to refine towards subtlety!
(as a side-effect, the ear-for-other concepts becomes a little effortless! Just 'look' and the concepts speak by themselves!)

At schools, the kids 'get' classified in yet another distinct way(no yardsticks in place , as yet), when only some of them manage to grow that 'ear for concepts'... The rest of them keep 'scoring' by boring/mugging/rigging/etc., till time catches up with them some/sum-time or other! :)

conceptually yours,

psn(29 May, 2015)

Thursday, May 28, 2015

To deserve

I found that... “The being-within, does 'deserve' to be dealt with 'being-true-to-oneself' always!” ...
Though I did practice this in crude and primitive ways, out of total ignorance, right from my kid days, it was only later on, that I discovered (I may be wrong, but it works for me!), the multi-dimensional aspects of this, in a bit 'programmed' way...). I would not go into details of something that I am not too sure of, as to whether it would work similarly for others, when it has worked for me... But I did feel like making a 'mention' to quell the doubts about 'why now, ... this?' .... kind of doubts in a reader.. ...

I had to look at the 'deserve' aspect, yet again when the temptation was too strong to yield to some temptation!
I could see, it was not about meriting something... not in the sense of eligibility, qualification-for-it, or even that capability.. It was about 'de-serve' (“ < Old French deservir, Latin dÄ“servÄ«re to serve zealously” )...

A chance 'encounter' with kid age friends, who also happened to be classmates for the entire schooling days, and that too after a gap of some 44+ years...

We did not feel quite contended with mere 'chat' on a virtual platform... The feel, when it was face-to-face, was the highest possibility we knew of(right now! We do not know anyone who is spiritually so-evolved, as to bypass such constraints!), that can give that joy of togetherness..

And so, a travel for a fellow who is located far away from the bulk of them, became a must! It is here, that the 'mismatches' started surfacing.. We call those mismatches as 'situational constraints'!
For instance, when the body of a very close person is suspected to be floating somewhere in the mid-ocean, post-disaster of an airplane, we just 'drop-everything' on hand (see... we do 'match'!.. the plane dropped down, and here we drop our tasks), and then rush to 'see' if that floating mass of half-decomposed body is/was that of our dear one! But not when we are invited for a social gathering! We have a whole-set of 'valid' excuses, which we 'religiously' practised, tested and it worked while at work place, having 'submitted-humbly', those excuses to our bosses, for not having done something duty-bound by us! (Yep! Salary is already 'bound'.. so the action is merely 'duty-bound' in an exclusive sense!)..

For me this 'travel' boiled down to choosing an expensive way.. a flight! What I had saved out of my 'humble' work-profile was merely like a check-dam, which can get emptied too soon, and not like those huge reservoirs of 'hydro-electric generation dams', the water stored being the meager savings.. Yes, the routine at home will get dislocated a little... the old-age home that it is now, will get reduced to a single inmate during the period-of-absence... a thing that weighs more-heavily, when age, by itself, tends to increase the gravity of everything, every situation, making it 'grave'!

I had to thus... turn towards the concept of 'deserving', deserved-ness... to see, if that criteria helps me to make a fair-judgement! (the decision is based on judgement!.. yet another irony!)

I looked back a little...
I had faced similar situation quite early too....
Many of the simple things did look like a 'huge luxury item' for me, in those kid days too! (when milk goes bad, we kids have a 'treat' with its 'spoils'... it is turned into a sweet dish at home, treated with liberal dose of sugar particles... Yes.. ration sugar comes in tiny-particles, and doesn't 'deserve' its conventional name!)...
At work place, I simply never opted to travel by the class that I was 'eligible' for... The lowest class suited me too well!.. I could afford to spend the journey with those who were more closer to “life”.. the upper-class-travelers were busy with 'swallowing' the comforts of the materials that contributed to the cost of that class!
I even asked my Manager, 'Sir, can I not travel by 3rd class? The cost on our organisation would be ridiculously low that way!”... But he said, “No... you are on an 'official-duty', though it is for a 'training-program'... and you also carry-along the 'image' of our institution! It is not good to tarnish it, by the vulnerability of somebody trying to guess that we are an impoverished organisation!” Fair enough, I thought.. .. I would go by the diktat now... I was deprived of my 'luxury' of being with 'more-live' co-travelers!

Somewhere, I was perhaps misled by 'need-based' perception, when it came to the 'need' to decide between choices! (That need-based approach kept me too busy, to even find time to 'serve' the latent desires, wants.. and other 'likes'!!).
And let me confess... I did not have those 'standard' prescribed patterns of 'visions' about 'humility'.. I never made any conscious effort at humility, or 'trying to me More-humble than before'... such conscious effort seemed like a stupidity for me... Humility, practised as a bare virtue, seemed too burdensome... I looked at the word 'humble' as some kind of attribute, that 'serves' to describe the trait of a person, when he deals with choices... than some kind of an attribute “deserved”!.. A person labelled as 'humble' seldom gets 'served'.. rather, he gets 'exploited' more often !
I try to make wild guesses, when I try to describe my way of looking at 'deserve'.. A captain of a sinking-ship does not 'deserve' to preserve/save his own life, till the last 'soul' remains to be rescued (that is the 'prescription')... where as, he 'deserves' to be the highest decision-making person, so that he 'serves'/saves the lives of travelers, sailors, and his staff... Almost like, we are constrained to allot a single-exclusive seat to that humble-driver, even when the whole bus is jam-packed, and in our own interest, and therefore he 'deserves' to be served by our act of 'giving up our free space' in his favour!

Do I deserve to pluck a flower, unless I am competent to further energise it, with energies of my own, or with the expertise of drawing energy from a 'consecrated' store-house that people call as a 'deity'.. that carved stone?... (Oh! I do not interfere with anyone else plucking a flower, except when it is out of my own back yard... so such quixotic-criterion about 'deserve' need not trouble a casual reader, please...).

Some how, that 'reverence' culture which is believed to have been the befriending trait of ancient Indians, (as distinguished from the 'freedom-culture' of the west), seems to have also looked at this 'deserving' aspect, and left it to 'individuals' to decide and 'deserve' its merits for oneself !(the whole of the bulk of scriptures are addressed to 'individuals' and seldom to a group or a society! Perhaps that 'explains' the persistent diversity in the 'applied' format of those scriptures!)...

Deserving-ly yours,

psn (28th May, 2015)

Monday, May 25, 2015

Experience of kid-age Afresh!

While most of us remember, recollect and perhaps struggle to re-live those childhood memories, school days....

I was in for a surprise!

I was jolted by a chance meeting of a kid, with whom I traveled from LKG to plus 2, at school!

He somehow managed to keep well-packed, those kid-age emotional-feel of each other ... And he opened that pack yet again, (and perhaps, just for me last evening!)...

I suddenly 'became' a kid, experientially! All my experience of life, after leaving the school, just stood a little away from me, and the mind felt like that kid, once more! The mind did not even think of looking at the dear kid-age-friend using references like his cultural background, family roots, traditional life-style etc... He felt just a kid, nothing more!

This experience, did allow my perception to review, what we did with ourselves during the kid age... (yes, my attempt is to look through a-child-like-mind... so, logic might be missing a little, when it is about pristine emotions!)
We just found yet another co-traveler in the other, ready to face those uncertainties, ahead of us, as ourselves! We are keen to observe the other, as he-is, not as we like him to be... (we have no idea even.... about 'how to design our-own-likings' !).. And so, each unique feature in the other seemed an amazing, awesome and attractive thing!
I could see myself into a busy-schedule of trying not-to-miss anything happening around me! And that teacher was struggling to divide her efforts between drawing our attention towards her on the one hand, and trying to make-us-learn those chants from text book, to be repeated like a parrot! Oh! The better parrot happened to get better scores, but when it came to rank, the numerals were too small, not a double-digit-inflation-like!

The 'session' by one teacher was over too soon, even before we started to get a feel-of-what she was like, and only to be replaced by yet another one, entirely distinct from the previous one! We struggled to match the teacher's 'requirements' of us, when no pattern really suited all of them alike! Yes, we found a flaw in the teacher... she struggled to find out where exactly she had left-it, when she used to have a brief chat with the teacher of nearby class... and there would always be one of us to 'prompt' her with the last-repeated-chant... these 'lessons' meant nothing more than an imposed chant, to be 'religiously' adhered to, including the tone, texture and accent which seemed to please that teacher more than the accurate-match with text material!
Somewhere, the teacher rushes to one of the rear benches, and shows the 'cane' a bit menacingly! We the front-benchers are more curious to know what it was about, which infuriated the teacher? And there was a conspicuous absence of 'action-replay' to enlighten us about the 'unpardonable' act of the rear-seated kid... It did not even occur to ask the kid who sat next to that kid... and that kid would invariably remain 'dumb' like when we ask 'what did you do?' (the look on his face, at times seem to offer a clue like, 'what did “I” do?... oh! Nothing... I was just 'fully-myself'.. just that the teacher found my being 'my-own-self' to be a nuisance to her!)...
And therefore, the one teacher who did 'use' the cane too often became an object of 'our common dislike' (we did not think of 'pooling-in' our common-liking, for other teachers who were more kind... The 'like' for a teacher felt like , our 'like-for-a-chocolate'... we experienced it by ourselves, in exclusivity!)....

Thus, I was looking into myself, through my own kid-mind, and enjoyed the experience of that innocence, which I did miss, at that age!
It almost feels like, we might be able to re-stitch the days together and weave the diary of our kid-days!

When I came out of that kid-mind, I could now see clearly, I am a bit obstinate about refusing to view a stranger in my life now, without pasting 'as many labels as possible' on his image-inside-me, .. and most of those labels are out of my memory of 'similar' looking people of the past, their background, culture, manners, religions, social status, financial status ... what not!
Oh! The mind goes through a huge exercise of wading through a very large data base, and in the meanwhile, I miss most of 'what that person is right now!'... The only consolation/solace being, he is no different about the 'mind-pattern'... It is almost like a 'virtual-meeting' despite being 'live, and face-to-face'! (Oh! .. Oops! Was that the reason why the 'virtual' meeting via these gadgets , manages to bring us closer to each other now? Dunno!)

child-like, yours,

psn(25th May-be, 2015)

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Mind's speedbreakers

Two incidents....

It seems, a mad elephant was 'instigated' to rush at Gautama Buddha, by his rivals...
It simply sat down calmly, when it neared the 'enlightened one'
Just a story, for us... May or may not have really 'happened'..!

Does the 'concept' really work?... That is something worth exploring... But, only if there is 'something' credible or seemingly-plausible to get started with!

We are trying to look at 'mind', when it is about our getting mad, and trying to bull-doze somebody...
Madness of mind need not be always a case which 'now fit to be referred to a psychiatrist'!
A judgemental mind, a hurried conclusion, abrupt copy paste from memory, a wrong label.... all these are 'indicative' of a state of mild and socially acceptable levels of mind's madness!
“Mad” is a very impolite term, I fully agree. But if we are trying to safeguard our own selves, from 'mind's accidents' , I guess, it is worth looking at it for-a-while, as some kind of madness!

Second incident is what happened to me!
“Didn't I give you a refill just yesterday morning?” barked the officer who decided to 'control' the stationery-items, as an attempt to initiate 'economy-drive' in our work place, to cut operating costs!
I just looked at him, with a 'blank' stare... (I allowed the reasonable time, ... maybe, he may like to 'reconsider' his outburst!)... But he saw it as my 'conceding' of grave-misconduct, an intentional-act of subverting his noble-mission at stationery-conservation-program! He increased the crescendo of reprimanding....
I moved away, much to the annoyance of my colleague-subordinates, who later on said “we felt that chilli's hot-burn at very wrong places too!... Watching his outburst, while your meek silence did annoy us additionally”...
I asked help of these 'friendly' subordinates to collect all those huge ledgers, where my ball-pen's refill had travelled since that 'yesterday-morning'... we placed page-marker flaps (at north India the colloquial term is 'kaapli'... kaapna=scissor/cut, in marathi, and the kaap-li makes it 'that which is cut'... they cut long strips of thin waste boards, which serves to reach the 'exact' location in a thick book).
They gaped at me, a bit questioningly, when the books piled up,.... a little 'cumbersome' in size... And I said, 'don't bother... don't pay attention to what ever he says... just place the pile on his table'... They 'got-it', ... what I was driving at!
I flipped the pages, counted the pages that I inked the previous evening (sitting late, while he had left-early!)... and ensured that I came close to his ears, chanted the numerals slowly, surely and with clarity (numerals are never an 'abusive' word... and I am merely 'producing' evidence to vindicate my 'stand' when an oral 'charge-sheet' is 'deemed' to have been issued against me!)...
The 'dramatised' effect of my actions did have a 'telling-effect', not only on the 'concerned-one' but to a large extent, on others around....
He had to quietly 'suffer' (suhaana-safar), the travel through the pages I had imposed on his eyes..
Then, I said, “Sir, I would like to learn, if you can manage to write something more with a similar refill!..Just once, so that I can do it for the rest of my life, not just service period... because, conservation of resources is a precious lesson!”
It was now his turn to return the 'blank stare' (except that , it also could not hide his helplessness for digging out a reply).
The Manager said to that officer, “please meet me after lunch, for a few minutes” (the staff around understood, what the manager was proposing to say).

Effectively, the officer 'had-to' devise his own speedbreaker, while dealing with us thereafter!Yes... I always respected the 'chair' that a person occupied, and just ensured that his weight on that chair did not feel heavy for 'our respect' towards it!

But, when it comes to a spiritual journey, the teacher (if we like to have such-a-one), does manage his own mystic tools, and later his support to refine the prescribed practices that he initiates us into, to even 'slow' down our minds (speed breakers are usually too bumpy for a rider of mind!)...
That is something really difficult to comprehend (how can it be done?)....
The spacecraft when in its space-orbit, its speed cannot be possibly arrested by a 'speed breaker' {the very concept of a 'speedbreaker' is relevant only in conjugation with concepts of gravity, resistance, friction, action-reaction, and several other earthly-phenomenon! Here, it is an annoying term... 'conjugation' , but I am fond of 'speed-breakers' you see :)..... }.

And it is therefore that... the 'conditions' to be set, prior to an attempt at meditation, becomes so crucial to the very success towards its purpose itself!

Speed-broker, yours,

psn(24th May, 2015)

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Spiritual Rennaisance!

Early signs of it....

I see it , though a mere guess-work of mine... when I keep listening to the speeches, talks of Mr.Modi, the present prime minister of our country, Bharat!

Yes, undoubtedly, his focus is on 'development'.... The policies, schemes, strategies, actions etc are also towards a 'material-focus', nothing to do with spirituality!

But, the 'unseen' vacancy... the space, the vacuum... the chair of a spiritual leader at 'national' level... seems to be 'bestowed'.... not 'occupied', taken up, or usurped.... when we look at the bulk of the 'present day youth' hovering around, and keenly following his speeches, imbibing 'values' that go into developing a strong character, and more than anything else 'a positive approach, hope, etc' where none seems to be 'visible' in the situation!
As if to vouch for this 'guess'... we get to see an unprecedented 'chant' of a chorus, “M-o-d-i, M-o-d-i....” where ever he goes!

In a field of sports, when somebody performs in an outstanding manner, along with a 'hero-worship' there comes a herd, yearning to also 'become' something similar... This psychological pattern has been well-recognised... (When there is a world-cup-like match some where at the other end of the globe, kids play street-cricket, in a crude and primitive way, at odd-hours too!)
Just that, we didn't hitherto-see ...... a politician-sportsman for a long time, who smashes sixers!

Now, when a Prime minister of China arranges for 'his-kids' at Universities to listen to a lecture from this inspiring persona... who is going to 'arrange' for our youth at Universities?... It is only during 'routine' events like some convocation etc... where the 'schedule' of a busy PM suits to accomodate a little time, and also he gets invited (being in town, quite-incidentally), that the talk-to-youth happens...
Yes, media as an advanced technological tool, does the work silently!

The snow-balling effect is seen ... rather a little sooner than I even expected!

He quotes precious qualities like 'Vishwaas', 'promises' , global-family-hood, etc.. a little more often! He addresses the 'citizens collectively' as 'God', and their dreams and desires as 'God's will'! Something that even atheists would find it too difficult to 'oppose' , though they may negate! (Even transgenders, not merely atheists, are included into 'citizens'...!!!) It is not everyday that we find a prime-leader who looks at the whole lot of citizens as his-God, and reveres them so, day-in and day-out!

Transparency promotes trust.... trust when invoked, nurtures reverence.... And, if historians happen to be correct about the worth of 'ancient Indian Culture, spiritual values, etc...'... We are a 'reverence-culture'!

I am not trying to promote somebody, or canvass for somebody... Just that, the very spiritual path that I 'trudged'... nudged me to pay a look at 'this-aspect' which did draw my attention! Because, I could clearly see the unwritten rule : Politics is the field to be 'used' to gather lots and lots of power, which also ensures a control over unlimited wealth , and perhaps therefore the 'adage' that 'Power corrupts!'... This Modi-Ji, seems to be re-writing this rule, defying even the adage, using the spiritual tools to insulate himself, (reportedly acquired by him during his early days) from its clutches!
I used to hardly take notice of any politician hither to! (Anyway, they are more known for blocking-'traffic', often!... In the computing world, 'traffic-rate' is the most sought after data to decide 'investments'!).
It does not matter, whether he delivers or even what he delivers, at some future date..
The choice of words, the contents, the theme, its values... was not really-expected from 'present-lot' of politicians!

Diplomatically yours,
psn(19th May, 2015)

Monday, May 18, 2015

Transparency, a bitter pill for trust-deficiency

My guess is, 'Trust' can only be invoked, and not practised...

Transparency, can be practised, and the product (like butter/ghee out of churning curds), would be trust..

The nations like Pakistan and India, when they look at mutual relationship, do talk of that 'trust-deficiency' (the hesitation to act sternly against wrong doers, so called 'non-stage-actors' , etc stems out of lack, or inadequacy of transparency, ... for whatever reasons!)... Then what about the 'iron-curtain' wala nation :)

At our levels, perhaps.... mutual trust decides the quality of relationship...

Trust with and within self... significant, but only for those to whom spiritual pursuit does matter :)

Practice of transparency, might promote and help 'invoking' that trust....
(There is a 'catch'!... If that transparency is one-way-traffic... then trust is possible only from the 'wrong-side' :) towards the person offering that transparency !)

The 'how to'... about it, everybody else is smarter than me, so I would not dare to suggest it :)

I can only hope to try it , the crude way, ... so quixotic that I am!
( I wonder, if that 'emotional-transparency' is a little more tougher than the logical-materialistic-transparency!)

Transparently yours,

psn(18th May, 2015)

Friday, May 15, 2015

Boring dream?

Even as a kid, we did experience, what it feels like, to be 'bored' for some 3 hours at a stretch!

Mass-boredom, was what all of us kids agreed upon when we could not let go as a waste, a movie for which we paid a 'premium'... The extra price was to go into 'Building Fund' of our school.....

Yes I too shared the 'sentiments' of my classmates when I felt it difficult to keep myself focused on the screen (I guess it was 'Baazi' or so... and even songs were badly choreographed)...

Soon after we came out of the movie, my mind.... a quixotic one, even then... churned out a Big-Doubt!!! ... .... ... “What if this movie runs yet again, in my dream?... Hey, ....then I can declare and even “claim” to have been the first idiot, to have witnessed a 'Boring dream'!!!
Some 'first' at least, to my credit, since I knew, I was good-for-nothing! Here the advantage was, the movie is already agreed upon, to be a 'boring-one'... So I don't have to prove yet again, that the dream was a 'boring-one'... all I needed to say was, the 'movie was fully screened in my dream too, with no censorShip-even!'

But it remained a 'dream'...

So I guess, having waited for so long, for a boring dream, it is time to 'spill the beans' to know if somebody around was more fortunate than me!
Yes, we have good, bad, scary, pleasant, sad... etc....and ofcourse “sweet” dreams..

Dreamily yours,

psn(15th May, 2015)

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Reverential Attentiveness

“Keep an eye on him always, he will be doing some simple job at the kitchen”, said the Zen Master to the inmates of his Spiritual hermitage, while introducing a new inmate who wasn't a fresher. On the other hand, this inmate was very close to 'making it' any time now!
I can imagine the plight of the other inmates, who have to maintain a heightened level of attentiveness, having no support from the situation outside, to fuel their reverence-potential towards an ear-marked candidate, because, this new one was not going to 'demonstrate' anything in a visible way!

I was yet again amused to view an interesting video clip, where the task of 'training' kids into attentiveness was outsourced to a structure and its ambiance rather than the designated teachers!

Toddlers can't even be reached....
This kindergarten-age was looked at as a crucial stage, hoping to retain the innate attentiveness, to a maximum possible level, and perhaps, hoping thereby to develop a sense of reverence, towards 'deserving' things/persons/whatever...

Yes, as a kid, I too faced the problem of according respect towards elders, 'just for the sake of it'! I could clearly see too often, that their grasp of the situation doesn't deserve the 'prescribed' levels of respect that is mandated.
It is here that I confronted two abstract concepts which looked like overlapping each other... Respect and reverence...

As adults we find it quite easy, to 'respect' a chair/position/title/etc... where as reverence is something quite personal, and doesn't warrant an exhibition always. When we only fear, we use gloves to handle an un-insulated wire, supposed to be carrying an electric current.. But it is that sensible-caution, which perhaps does invoke a subtle 'reverence' which might persuade us to look at the intrinsic worth of that wire, to see if it really deserves a 'gloved' handshake, and then extend our palm towards it!

When it comes to spiritual-related 'stuff' that comes down to us over generations (Our very genes might be 'stuffed' :) ..., or we might be thrust upon with stuff, which is situation-based, like the society where we are born, its traditions, rituals, scriptures, etc... ), the reverence part becomes the most difficult thing for us to invoke, and without it, the bare-respect part becomes too burdensome!

My admiration for the ancients of Indian spirituality comes out of a discovery of 'how they even managed to ensure' that some-reverence manages to creep in, (not just that they also-looked-at, the difficulty about reverence-without-experience!... One mild-electric shock, and the kid 'can' now remember to be cautious with that plug-socket/wire, etc...!) .... they managed to ensure that some reverence does creep in, even when the badly-mangled/deformed/diluted version of the rituals/traditions/culture reaches down the later generations!

I was a little fortunate... Quite a number of incidents did help me to 'distinguish' the places where respect was not mandated, and yet the reverence was richly deserved!
A real life example: At the very second day of my reporting for work (yes, the job where I retired), I happened to ask of a subordinate staff (the lowest level designation at the workplace), to fetch a book of entry, and its related papers... I was 'supposed' to utilize these services of that person, and he was supposed to comply with my request (yes, it was a polite request, not the 'usual-ordering' which was also 'quite-in-order' :) ...). He did comply, and very gracefully too... He looked aged, almost about to retire, but that did not matter, as long as the 'uniform' that he wore, spoke for him. But, to my utter surprise, the chief representative of the 'staff-union' met me later and insisted that I 'apologise' to him, for having told a 'work' to be done to that sub-staff! I was a 'kid', and did not waste time to argue or even-learn from 'heavy-weights' from 'union'... I simply blurted out those magical words which bought me the freedom-from-trouble, and everybody around nodded a look of approval, almost saying, 'good for you, that you learn so well, and so quickly!'...
I did not have to wait for too long... (but I did 'resolve' to wait sufficiently long enough to ask that person-himself, since he did not quite approve of such 'apology', but none would hear him!).. He, the sub-staff, took me aside, and said, 'Don't take it to heart, ... that forced-apology... I hereby make a 'return-apology' to you on their behalf... these people, they make a mountain out of a mole-hill... I just do my duty, to whatever extent I can”.
After some two days, another colleague, who was a bit amazed at my calm (not quite easy to gulp-down a forced-apology!), explained, “See, all the staff members have decided, that nobody shall ever “tell-him” what he needs to do... he already does a lot more than what can be expected normally from anybody in that job... and over the years, he earned a 'respect' thus!... you were new, and did not know about this 'background'... and the 'union' did not like to perpetuate a bad-precedent, so the leader was in a great hurry, to put-down any dis-respect to that man!”...
I found a clear indication, that I was to 'keep an eye' on that person doing a humble/menial job!

To this day even, I look at the 'act' of that union leader with a lot of 'reverence' (and quite-possibly, even he was oblivious of the spiritual-benefit of his own act...!!!). And I found 'this-reverence' to be a clue, which I use for my own 'camouflage and concealment'... yes, as a converse-theorem of it!... In army, when they teach 'camouflage and concealment' they first teach 'why things are visible to us'.. I learnt it quite well, when they linked it as 6 S(sisters), and 1 M(mother).. the 'M' stands for 'movement'... Figure out the 6 S's for yourselves!

Respectfully yours,

psn(14th May, 2015)

Thursday, May 07, 2015

Fuel Efficiency

Perhaps, never before in the history of mankind did the “bulk” of the people, become so much aware about the concept of 'fuel efficiency'....

What ever the reasons/compulsions-of-situation etc... (Let us not waste our fuel thinking/exploring 'that' right now..!)

While we are at it... when that 'concept' is floating at the surface of our lives....
May be it is useful to 'get-across' something through, into us, ... which otherwise doesn't make a dent-even at the surface! (In that movie, “Independence Day”, the earth-men-made missiles do not even dent the protective shield of alien's spacecraft... until some virus gets uploaded and affords a 1 minute window or so! Here, this 'window' of awareness-about-fuel-efficiency!)...

We have made a very good progress about "fuel efficiency".....
Not just the researchers, scientists, politicians, etc....

Common man, Aam/mango Aadmi has become a little aware!

LED.. Bulbs, monitor,
Average per liter vehicles....

What about human Fuel-efficiency?

Where do we " expend" most.... Our own mental energy?

Ancients started with "own" fuel efficiency! (Farak zaroor pendaa hai!)

Well, what I 'saw' ...
During spiritual programs (the names were simplistic, like art of living, effortless living, etc..)...
The teacher ensured that the 'fuel-efficiency' of about 99% of the participants goes up during the one-to-two weeks of that program....
The sharing/feedback, etc at the tail end of the program substantiates in their own words...

Then the drop out rate... it is almost close to the same percentage... 95%... The 5% manage to stay-on just for a few more years... Less than 1% remain en-grooved....!

One 'common' factor I found was, ...
those who 'happened' to stay-on, also 'happened' to find their own internal devices of that...
'fuel-efficiency' being improved a little!

For spirituality to make a dent... fuel efficiency is a must!

Efficiently yours,

psn(7th May, 2015)