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Friday, June 21, 2013

The problem of being exploited!

This is a very commonly faced, everyday problem!
The solution is almost situation based. No prescriptions are universal!
For a “typical” example, some nation has chosen to say in its web site itself, to the visa applicants, something to this effect: 'Dear applicants, if we say no to you, please do not even bother to find out what was wrong with the documents you brought for the visa interview... Probably your supporting documents may be flawless! We even happen to say no, even without any apparent reason!' (Here the maxim, 'beggars can't be choosers' seems to apply. The other way of looking at it is, the vulnerability of being exploited with any liberal view while granting a visa is likely to be exploited ruthlessly, and hence the apprehension-based-attitude of 'summary-disposal'!!!

Under such a back-drop a question seems very pertinent, when the asker seeks a 'hint' of how to deal with exploitation! It is not just about preventing exploitation... The precaution renders a person unkind, over a period of time! And then the price is spiritual progress!!!

The question, I suppose is quite simple to understand....
It was:

Yo need atleast some attittude when dealing with people, otherwise they will exploit you?
Jesus says peace, Gandhi says love,Buddha says be patient untill you get the nibbana.But when you think about the practicality, i cant get it.I have been frank and nice to everyone i met and i have to say, sadly they took that for granted.So i have to ask you all of us need some attittude?we cant live without it?the feeling of self importance?


There is a subtle appeal in the question, when the reference is sought to quote spiritual giants like Jesus and Buddha.. (may be the name of Gandhi-ji was added to insulate the probable challenge, 'Did you see... can you prove... that the other two did exist? It was too long ago!!).. Anyway, we are looking at the concept, whether exploitation is going to be a problem if we 'keep' the honesty, outspokeness, frankness, compassion, kindness, peacefulness, love, helping nature etc., as our friend!

I know it is difficult to answer it.... There are bound to be practical difficulties, with situations from ground-realities being quoted pertinently, though it is possible to pary them with 'philosophical discussion purpose only' as the argument... But that doesn't help... I think I managed to keep the suggestion a bit 'open-ended' and directing the pointers only inwards, which is reasonable enough,... if spiritual growth it too big a price to pay, to insulate from being exploited!

My answer was:
Both, Jesus and Buddha (I suppose Buddha too said about Nibbana, Gandhiji's non-violence was political, not spiritual), had addressed people around them, but did not address global audience (even in those days, there were soldiers of the King/Kingdom, etc!
Today, we are far better insulated against such forced and barbaric exploitation... we have democracy, and freedom to choose, to deal with those whom we trust, products that we like to trust, doctors whom we like to trust, cab-drivers who seem trustworthy to us, etc... All we need is the intelligence to guess and judge bogus-advertisements, false pretenses etc... We can be far more peaceful, non-violent than those who lived in those times! ( I too have been exploited by people who dont know me, when I buy certain branded items with fake labels... but I keep learning... it does not deter me from pursuing a peaceful life!)

Explicitly-exploitedly yours,
psn (21st June, 2013)

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